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Fantasy Spirit Exodus - First War

AzureSkye said:
@Knight Nate
Okay, we have everyone! I will be typing up the opening scene later on and such. Responses will go like this. Likely, the prompts will be directed towards everyone so, I will wait for everyone to respond before going on unless there is a plot reason why someone can't answer. Everyone will be given a week to respond. Remember, this is a detailed rp. No one-liners. I want at least five sentences in a post. That's one paragraph. Now, if you want to go above and beyond, putting your writing and rp prowess to the test then go ahead. Also, try to have decent grammar. That's all! Sign up is now closed. I will be posting my character soon. I hope you all think he's as amazing as I do ;)
I can't wait! Looking forward to seeing your character. This seems like a very interesting premise.
@Knight Nate

Alright! The RP will begin tomorrow as I'm really tired and need to sleep. I hope you guys are ready. Have a good day peeps
I live in PA, so Eastern standard time

@AzureSkye I just thought that there should be at least one non-mage, so I'm playing Bishop along with Noromir/Sarethiel
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Lorkhan said:
I live in PA, so Eastern standard time
@AzureSkye I just thought that there should be at least one non-mage, so I'm playing Bishop along with Noromir/Sarethiel
Hmm... Would you be put out if I asked you to choose just one? The prompts are gonna be very detailed and will require extensive responses. You think you can handle it?
My character probably wouldn't go to the festival, so should I just make him in the forest near the festival or what? (I don't want you to have to make a whole nother one of those things to descibe a dinky little camp)


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