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Spider-verse ,, Current Lore ❜ ─ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 void reaper ─ ❛
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Lurking deep within the vast expanse of the multiverse and silently threatening every possible dimension, a dark and malevolent force stirs. Its name, whispered by heroes in fearful hushes, is the Void Reaper. It transcends the very boundaries of time and space, existing beyond the comprehension of mere civilian minds. Its origin and reason for existence remains veiled in mystery, still unknown to the best heroes the multiverse has to offer.

Some believe that the Void Reaper has existed since the very dawn of time itself, an eternal embodiment of human chaos and suffering. Regardless, it has remained dormant for eons, seemingly posing no immediate threat when the Spider Society first caught wind of its existence.

While staying dormant for an unknown amount of time, its powers seethed and grew slowly with each passing year, feeding off of mortal tragedy, fear and death. The Spider Society, protectors of the multiverse, has long observed the Void Reaper from a distance, unable to discern its true nature and unsure of just how soon the situation would grow dire. With no way of knowing if pandora's box would be opened within the next decade or the next thousand years, some members of the Spider Society to grew complacent of the ever-distant rumoured threat. Distant until now, that is.

All too quickly, a surge of new problems began to arise within the multiverse, from seemingly 'natural' disasters to a sudden multitude of new and horrific villains, more menacing than ever before. Dangerous glitches and distortions plague each realm, heralding the awakening of the Void Reaper at last. With every new incident, its strength amplifies, threatening the natural order of mankind.

The Void Reaper now preys upon the deepest fears and desires of the weak-minded, manipulating souls to join the dark side. In dreams, it tempts those who long for a different life, promising them immense power and rewards for wreaking havoc. Now the entire multiverse risks coming to an end if no one steps up, the Spider Society made up of elite Spider-heroes finds themselves with no choice but to transcend their own boundaries, reaching out to other universes and seeking more heroes who can aid in the battle against this rising malevolence. The heroes of countless universes must now rise together.

With a new Chief Commander, the Spider Society's call to arms has just echoed through every promising or troubled dimension. Will you stand with them and join the fight to save humanity, or will you give in to evil and do everything in your power to ensure their failure?

coded by archangel_
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