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Fantasy Spellz

Izayoi goes to one of the unused beds, muffling an excited howl by putting his face into a pillow "yes!"
Pandora sighed, muttering to herself. She returned to her bed, sitting cross-legged and playing with the cubs. She giggled when one of them licked her fingers. "Wisteria, that tickles."She said, then turned her head to watch the others in the room, pulling her hands away and turning to face them. The cubs jumped from the bed running towards the boy and jumping up onto his bed. They began to lick and bite playfully at his ears. She didn`t bother to stop them, instead laying down and pulling out a book.

[QUOTE="Wolf Lady]"You kind of look like a pet"

just because i look like a pet does NOT mean i am one, ask raven she will tell you the same thing
Izayoi smiled, looking at each of the cubs and tickling behind their ears "hey little guys" he turns to Pandora "these little guys yours?"

"Yeah."She replied, shutting the book and sitting up. "Robin, come here."She said, and one of the two, the slightly darker, broke away, coming back to her. "That one`s Wisteria and this one is Robin. I`m Pandora, by the way."She said, introducing herself and the cubs.
"He's not but sometimes I treat him like one." She looked at Artimis hey at least you have a guy to talk to now" she said smiling at him.

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[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]just because i look like a pet does NOT mean i am one, ask raven she will tell you the same thing

wont you raven {OOPS MY BAD} 
That does not change anything Artimis says as he begins to frown
sigh "night guys" goes over to my bed and collapses into it falls asleep almost instantly (I have to go probably won't be on till tomorrow)
Izayoi walked up and offered his hand to shake "The names Izayoi, Izayoi Sakamaki... you can call me Izayoi~Sama though" he smiles again " Tell me Pandora, what are your opinions on perverts?"
Pandora shook his hand and smiled, but then frowned at his question. "They are weird, creepy and more than a little annoying. In my opinion, I dislike them."She said, pulling her hand away. She petted Robin as Wisteria returned to her.
After a while Elodie returns to her body. She jumps from her position on the bed, wheezing and hyperventilating, clutching at her heart. It always was weird returning to her body, as dead-to-alive was not a natural occurrence. She sat there gasping for a moment, before seeing the girl across the room from her. Still breathing heavily, she said "Hi. I'm Elodie. What's your name?"

Izayoi laughed "sorry to say Pandora, but you'll be living with one from now on." he says, his smile turning to a smirk, an unusual glimmer in his eyes as well.
Pandora blinked, the information sinking in. She cursed under her breath then turned, stepping off the bed, on the opposite side from where Izayoi was standing. She noted another girls words and walked over to her. "Nope. Your just hearing things. Or maybe you heard right. Who knows."she said, continuing on to the window sill where the cat was laying. She stops by it, then looks to the cat. "Hi."she said, knowing she wasn`t crazy, because she had heard the cat talk before. She kept an ear open, listening for other conversations inside the room.

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