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Fantasy Spaghetti Western


Vogue Druid

Photo credit:

Zloidberg (Deviantart)​

Interest check: Spaghetti Western Upon my arrival at the site, I figured I would try a new idea that doesn't seem too common around here. Despite my newbie appearance, I'm very experienced at roleplay!

I was wondering if any of you lovely roleplayers would be interested in a 'Wild West' roleplay, commonly referred to as Spaghetti Western! This is your typical American west (New Mexico, Arizona, etc.) with guns and natives and those banjos everyone is sick of hearing!

However, you may be wondering why I put this in the 'Fantasy' genre? This is because I'd love to add my own little spin into this roleplay and perhaps add some Gothic (the genre, not the style!) or magical elements into the roleplay!

If anyone is interested, won't you join me?
Interest Check cont. Awesome! If anyone has any ideas to throw into it, that would be very helpful!
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Interest check cont. Awesome! I'll start organizing it right now! Throw me some ideas and perhaps we'll incorporate them into the roleplay.. Anyone have an idea for a plot?
acopicat said:
Interest check cont. Awesome! I'll start organizing it right now! Throw me some ideas and perhaps we'll incorporate them into the roleplay.. Anyone have an idea for a plot?
Maybe a cowboy group type deal that rolls through towns and basically just helps incompetent sheriffs clean up their little towns?
MittyMittens said:
You wanted an element of fantasy. They could be a group of supernatural bounty hunters for hire.
Perhaps they could also be trying to keep supernatural occultism a secret from the populace while hunting down targets.
Sounds cool. Many spaguetti westerns were adapted from samurai films, so that's where I'd be looking if I was to blend the genre with something else.
Whats the level of "fantasy" this is going to be? Like is magic a thing how common it is dragon etc
Yes, I'm very much enjoying the supernatural aspect! I'll add that into it for sure.

As for true to history, well, I don't plan to add much emphasis on adding dates and times. The lifestyle will generally be the same, but that's why I decided fantasy for this roleplay.

I also think I'll add different groups that a player can choose from; The outlaws, the commoners, the natives, and perhaps a league of supernatural bounty hunters.

As for plot- how does a mystery roleplay sound for you guys??
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The roleplay is officially in the works! Anyone still interested in joining is more than welcome! Ideas are also welcome and appreciated.
With four different groups I think players would be spread too thin, or maybe it all happens in the same small town?
aranafco said:
With four different groups I think players would be spread too thin, or maybe it all happens in the same small town?
Yes, it's all based in a county. I will post descriptions(pics included) of the areas within the county! Does that sound better..?

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