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Realistic or Modern Sounds OOC

Just as a heads up, I‘m not going to reply today. My class and I did a cake sale to collect money to donate to the Ukraine and I‘ve been selling pastries from 8:45am to 6pm nonstop. So yeah. I. Am. Dead.
that's great! and it was great that you class decided to do that!
Haha. Yeah. I‘m glad they joined and liked my idea. Speaking of class, it‘s literally the best one I ever had. Like with this again, everyone was like: „yeah sure, let‘s go“. And we usually cheat together (and obviously don’t rat each other out) and we‘ve also skipped class everyone of us (was really fun Ngl) yeah stuff like that. It’s really nice though to know that you can actually always count on anyone with anything pretty much
yeah I am too. the most adorable customer today was a ukranien woman, who bought a piece of cake from us and she said, she was so happy we did this for her country and that she was almost about to cry. To see the happiness in her face was just soo cool
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse are there any posting restrictions? such as post in a certain order, or having to wait certain amount of replies from other parties before one can reply to an interaction pointed at their character?
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse quick question, do the dorms have like a open lounge area that the students staying in can use? like my old uni dorm the first floor opened into a foyer, into a like a living room with a side kitchen before going out into the main dorms for the students to stay in.
im a little lost honestly on how to jump in ngl...
if i may suggest, you can jump in saying how your character reacted to the death at the time. or your character can maybe seek out donny, the school's detective of sorts if he wants to help.
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse quick question, do the dorms have like a open lounge area that the students staying in can use? like my old uni dorm the first floor opened into a foyer, into a like a living room with a side kitchen before going out into the main dorms for the students to stay in.
Yes. They have a open lounge area. It has tables and a small kitchen area and the lounges are what you need to walk through before going to the actual bedrooms.

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