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Fantasy Sound and Fury IC


"The Black Wolf of Byrne"

After a while, Percy decided to take a break. Have some water, treat hi, wound, the like. Elise joined him, the woman sitting across from him. She sighed, saying, "Percy, I...I have something to tell you." Percy looked up, patting down his cut as he flinched and said, "What is it? What's wrong?" Elise swallowed, saying, "Lately, I've been feeling...ill when I wake up. And...well, I haven't...bled this month. It usually happens a few days ago. I...I think I'm pregnant, love." Percy's jaw dropped, along with the day he was using. He stood up, saying, "You're... you're sure about this? This is..." He sat back down, Elise standing up to rub his shoulders, saying, "I know, love. I hope I am. I hope we have a son as handsome as you." Percy smiled, saying, "I hope we have a daughter as beautiful as you." She stuck hee tongue out at him, the two spending the rest of the day together.
Lilith continues walking room to room, sprinkling a touch of lavender into each room to please the spirits. She starts to softly sing as she walks, a love song older then her that her mother used to sing to Lily when she was still alive. It was a short song about lost love. Tears start to spill from her eyes as she sings, landing in graceful droplets down onto the floor. She gets through the song twice, then walks into the next room, seeing someone else. "S-sorry didn't mean to intrude," she whispers, looking away from whoever it was, not willing to acknowledge who is wittnessing one of her weaker moments.
Taliesin Mordred
Standard Bearer
We stood atop a hill, cast in the heavenly light of a morning sun, that great ball of fire sitting like a God, fat and complacent in the heavens, gaze ever watchful and judging. Its gentle kiss of light swept across the plating of our armor, grandiose rays cutting through mountainous clouds like great luminous blades, wreathing us all in a celestial glow, setting us ablaze with holy temperament, fiery and righteous.
The deafening sound of our sabatons against the hard packed earth thundered down the valley, like death’s choir we marched. We were avenging angles of Creation, and we looked the part, burning red and angry, aflame with the will of our god. We we’re on the move, approaching an army comparatively smaller than ours, and undertrained. We would crush them on this day, and they would know the face of Creation.
We stopped atop a hill, and our commanding officer rode his horse down the ranks of our formation. He was Havard the Grim, god amongst men. His armor was decorated with gold and platinum, ornamental skulls smiling and laughing and cackling as he barked at us.
“Today, men, we face down heathens! Heretics! Blasphemers who spit on the name of Creation. They stand in our way and oppose our guidance, and for that they pay. If ever you feel remorse or sympathy, remember that if Creation did not want these heathens to die today, he would not have placed them in front of you with that falchion in your hands. This is you fate. Stay on the lighted path, and bathe in the glory of paradise!”
We thundered down the hill.

All men are born condemned, so the wise say. All suckle the breast of Death.
All bow before that Shadow Monarch. That Lord in Shadow lifts a finger. A feather flutters to the earth. There is no reason in His song. The good go young. The wicked prosper. He is king of the Chaos Lands. His breath stills all souls.
These are my thoughts as I fall into my dark hole.
The shadows animate into nebulous forms and surround me.
I fall...

Shooting up from my prone position, I was immediately greeted by the hard undersurface of a table. Impact, a brief flash of pain slipped down my nerves, and a million other sensations settled in at once, gnawing at my bones and muscle. The raging headache of a hangover, the aching of battle, and the exhaustion of a pleasurable night, I had the whole nine fucking yards.
“What in the bloody, fucking Creation?”
As the daze began to wear off, I managed to take stock of my surroundings. I was still in the dining hall, underneath one of the grand tables, and accompanying me were two lovely individuals wrapped in my armor’s cloth garb. One of them – a young lad who was part of the castles cooking staff – seemed nervous. His soft blue eyes watched me intently while one of his hands absentmindedly brushed a lock of his sandy hair from his forehead.
“A-are you alright, sir? You were tossing and turning for a bit there. Kept murmuring something I couldn’t quite understand.” The young girl to my left – one of the castles maids – seemed flustered by my sudden outburst, and nodded in agreement with the young cook. Her pales skin had a slight blush, betraying her embarrassment. Her dark eyes would not meet mine.
I collected my thoughts for but a moment, and gave both of my companions a lopsided grin. “Ey, I’m alright, kiddo.” Carefully, I removed myself from the tangle of lithe, naked limbs. I lifted the table and pushed it off of the three of us, letting it topple violently to the ground, sending an array of dishware clattering to the ground. The girl yelped and then giggled as the cloth garb fell from around me, leaving me exposed. I stretched my limbs, allowing each and every ache to express its contempt within my body. As I did so, I shielded my eyes from a stray beam of light entering the now empty dining hall, wincing at the suns glow.
“Damn. Morning is wonderful, ain’t it? Only drawback is that it comes at such a bloody, inconvenient time of day.”

Seeing that the dining hall was empty, both the cook and maid scattered to find their loose garments and once again adorn them. I did not have the energy to search for my clothes, so I simply grabbed my armor’s cloth wrap and tied it tightly around my form, covering up a modest amount.
Both the maid and cook made mention of needing to go attend to their duties.
“Ay, don’t let me keep you from your work. If you need me, you know where to find me.” I found a half empty goblet of wine from last night, and drained the dredges.
The cook bowed and quickly departed. The maid lingered, planted a kiss on my cheek, before giggling on out the door. It wasn’t long before I was alone with my thoughts.
Gathering up every loose goblet and tankard I could find, I began immediately slinging back drinks.
I’m aware morning drinking is a terrible habit, but I’d rather let liver failure take me than be alone with my thoughts. You live through enough shit like I have, and it starts to feel like your head is screwed on backwards, like your brain don’t belong to you no more. You let your thoughts wander too much, and you ent no longer in the present, you’re being shot through the past, reliving every terrible thing you’ve ever done. So I drank. I drank, and I went back to starring tomorrow in the face. Better than looking backward. But tomorrow refused to shed its mask. So I drank some more.

After a certain period of self-loathing and pitying, I eventually found the will to gather my clothes, armor and weapons. With my equipment in hand, I shambled like a freshly awakened corpse back to my room. Kicking open the door, I threw my gear onto the bed and promptly fell onto the floor, rolling onto my back so I could stare at the ceiling.
Lazily, my head raised as the door to my room was thrown open. ‘A visitor?’
Immediately the woman, Lilith, averted her gaze and apologized. Slowly, I got to my feet, casting shadows over the woman, while still loosely wrapped in my armor’s cloth vestments.
“You ent intruding lass, I’s just... lazing about I suppose, avoiding my morning duties.” I grabbed the Legion’s standard from the pile of equipment on my bed, and leaned it up in the corner of the room, smoothing out the flag attached to the lance, hoping to make things look slightly more presentable. “So, what is it you’re doing knocking open my door this fine morning? You looking for someone?”
Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday
Kian Hannes | “Ghost of Rosewall” | New Castle, Breakfast

Kian stared, slightly bewildered, at Krys’s attempt to steal, if it could even be called that, Ruriko. He had not meant much by his suggestion or glance, merely that the woman had been the only one not doing much else and the castle was rather large. Either way, Ruriko appeared to be leaning more toward the other man’s suggestion, so it seemed that he would end up a one-man team. Well, he was used to that. Preferred that, even, back when he was an assassin. Except he wasn't out to kill someone right now, he was trying to go over an entire few acres worth of castle.

As Kian left the hall and headed back to the room with his things, all those stairs serving as a reminder of exactly how expansive the fortress was, he decided that scouting the castle was, perhaps, better left for another day. While he disliked the idea of living in a place he didn’t know at all, it looked like his efforts would gain more yield if he were to accompany one of his comrades in their own endeavors.

Not Krys and Ruriko, for while he had no argument with either, yet, he was bound to create one with Krys if he were to spend more time with him than was necessary. He tried his best to respect the man's strong faith but it was hard. He had seen that exact same, nearly obsessive devoutness in the crazed eyes of some of the worst of the men he had killed. He couldn't wrap his head around how people could love an abstract concept so strongly that they begun to hate real, living, innocent people. Too much attachment to anything was dangerous and, in Kian's eyes, Krys's blind love for his god fell under the category of "too much". It could be his own lacking in age and wisdom that prevented him from understanding, of course, but as it was, he did not want to risk straining ties with someone he had to trust his life to over a clash of beliefs.

So, Ramona it was, then. He had always found her interesting, an odd mixture of the delicate elegance of noble ladies and the hard, cold nature of a warrior. He wanted to know her story, how someone clearly from the high echelons of society had found herself in a place like the Brimstone Legion. He doubted it was anything like his own and that made it all the more fascinating. At the gate in fifteen minutes, was it?

Kian stripped himself of the old shirt and washed his face with water from a bucket that someone had so kindly placed in front of each soldier's room. The droplets were cool on his skin, a nice change in the stuffy, humid weather, and that distracted Kian from the fact that there was nothing more than the most basic of hygiene here. He did not live with the rest of his previous Legion. His job position was very far removed from the rest of them and he made more money painting his hands red in place of the nobility than any normal Knight would, so he found no reason to. He didn’t think the rest of the men were living in even worse conditions than this. He would have hated himself too, in their shoes, now that he thought about it.

As he dried himself with a towel, his gaze went to a sealed letter on the table that he had been prevented from reading when it was delivered when they had to storm the fortress last evening. It had the crest of the House of Julius, a small but stable noble family, the family into which his sister, Nina had married. A fond smile spread on his face at the thought of his baby sister, the one person left he can claim to love. He had felt a sense of dread upon seeing the messenger, the worst case was that his so-called father had died too fast and he had to go back, but received a pleasant surprise instead. He considered reading the letter now but Ramona’s 15 minutes hung in his mind. Kian chose to quickly dress instead, slipping on a clean shirt and armor, sorting out his mess of a head of hair and left to the gates of the castle.

Ramona and her men were not hard to spot, standing there in a tight squad like they were about to go to war. Kian headed to them, hood and mask down but otherwise in equally perfect, full uniform as they were. “I’ll be joining you, today, if you don’t mind,” he spike as he reached them, inclining his head to the group by means of greeting.

KaldorDraigo KaldorDraigo
"N-no sir, I'm just exploring the c-castle," Lily replies, refusing to meet his eyes and allow him to acknowledge the fact that her, a member of the toughst legion of knights in their time, was crying. "I'll leave you to your odds and ends," she turns around and the bottle of lavender oil slips from her hand, hitting the floor and shattering, immediately sending up a very strong smell of the calming lavender. "Dammit all to hell.." she mumbles before getting on her knees and trying to pick up the tiny shards of glass that happened to fly everywhere. "Tears fly from her face even quicker now, as that was one of her mothers old perfume bottles. She sticks a sharp piece of glass into herself accidently and curses even louder, her blood running down her hand and dripping onto the floor. She sits back and just closes her eyes, giving up on life for the moment.
Croaker Croaker
Taliesin Mordred
Standard Bearer

Still standing in the doorway, watching Lilith, I felt the corners of my mouth begin to rise into the hint of a smile.
“Uhm. I see...” For someone who was so skilled on the battlefield, both with blade and bandage, it was entertaining to see Lilith clumsily fumble as she was now. Still, I felt the barest hint of pity for her.
Letting out a sigh, I knelt down beside Lilith and scooped the rest of the glass shards into my hand. Gently, I then took hold of the wrist of her bleeding hand, and lifted it upward, wiping the blood off on my armor’s vestments. Satisfied for the moment with my handiwork, I placed the glass shards in Lilith’s other hand, patting it closed.
“Listen, uh, you look like you’re having a rough go of it. Why don’t come inside for a sit, ay?” I propped the door open a little wider in hopes of seeming more inviting. Inviting is not a word often used to describe me.
Moving father back into the room I unceremoniously pushed my armor off the bed, sending it clattering to the ground. Patting the bed, I gestured for Lilith to enter.
“Come take a seat. I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. No need goin’ down the halls lettin’ everyone see you weep. ‘Ere, I might have some gauze in here for your finger too.” I rummaged through my nightstand, and then placed a roll on the bed for Lilith, before taking a seat on the windowsill, and looking down at the hamlets in the distance.
Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday
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Lilith; Taliesin's bedroom
I smile gratefully at him and get up, depositing the shards on a table in a neat pile for retrieval later. (I plan to attempt to put it back together.) "Thank you Taliesin for your hospitality," I say quietly, taking a seat by him and starting to skillfully wrap my hand. My tears still continue to fall and I try to look at anything but him. "I'm sorry I intruded on your rest..." I whisper, taking a pin from my hair and fastening the wrap, my long hair free from the constricting braid.
The Ronin

Their travelling party was about fourteen strong, proud men and women, Brimstones all in all. Each of them presented an opportunity to hone her skills, to bring her closer to the purpose she sought after. Krys was the greatest of this, for reasons she couldn't entirely understand herself. She knew who he was, what he stood for, what he fought for. The historians of her clan spoke of demons in armor hiding behind their faith to commit unspeakable cruelty. Her time with the man, short as it was, spoke otherwise. Here was a man who truly believed what he preached, and not simply finding an excuse to rape, pillage and murder.

Was this her purpose now? To reconcile two sides of the same coin? To somehow erase decades of bloody history? If it were, then Ruriko was in a good place. Smiling, she took the hand and settled onto her steed.

"Where are we heading first?" Ruriko asked.

Becker Becker
Krys de Windsor S.jpg
Krys de Windsor
'Pious, Knight of Holy Creation'
YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro

The morning sun glowed through the fortress; making Krys shield his eyes with his spare hand as he assisted Ruriko to her saddle, giving her a short nod as he did so. He had mixed feelings about her, sure they were both from cultures that considered the other to be a bitter enemy. Both Krys and Ruriko have witnessed the atrocities commited by both sides but his short time alongside her made him realize that she wasn't one of those that would butcher entire villages over their faith. Something that the Order of Holy Creation could surely learn from. A quiet sense of significance would flow in his soul whenever Krys glanced upon Ruriko; a feeling that he felt unsure about as he couldn't quite figure out the Ronin's importance to him, or the other way round for that matter.

Giving his thanks to the soldier holding his horse's reigns; Krys struggled to mount it with his injured shoulder but eventually managed to saddle himself before taking in yet another healing breath in the cold winds surrounding them. He called out to the men to head out and gestured to Ruriko to come with him to the back of the convoy; figuring it would be the best place to keep a eye on things whilst having enough privacy to consult with her with some ideas that he had about the region. As the convoy set off, he could feel a sense of duty fill his hopes. He was glad the Captain let him get on with this trade deal as he was sure that some of the other Legion knights weren't as open to diplomatic solutions; he figured that they were more interested in loot and battle than forging good relations with their new levy.

"Our first village is one that we bypassed prior to sieging the fortess; it took time to convince the noble of the smarter route of not giving the stationed guards a 'burning village notification'." Krys made a sarcastic gesture with his hands before letting them rest upon the front of his saddle. As they began the journey down the dirt road leading from the fortress, he smiled to himself as a few pine-trees stood strong in the rocky landscape. Even in a world at war; life always found a way to flourish; though Krys figured that Holy Creation had a ironic way of giving him time to reflect on things. Looking back across at Ruriko; he smiled a little more brightly as he continued.

"From what I recall, it looked to be somewhat prosperous if a little dated, with these hills having great caverns of ores hidden away; I can only presume that their fortunes have a tedency to rely more on finding veins within the rocks than other incomes. Still, I don't know what to expect when we arrive; their loyalties are unknown to me." He paused as he grinned a little; "This is why I suggested that you came along, seeing the fighting skills of a Eastern Warrior should make them alot more susceptible to agreeing to our terms." Krys shifted his view from the Ronin as he glanced at a stream flowing alongside the road; the various shades of blue filled his eyes and he blinked a couple extra times as the sunlight reflected from the running water. Only Holy Creation could've made such a beautiful sight, if only that was what his fellow Creationists claimed of their god.

"Tell me, what are your thoughts of these lands? Do you miss your own?" He glanced over as he asked; unsure if he was digging too deeply into Ruriko's past.
Taliesin Mordred
Standard Bearer

A lopsided grin took hold of my face once again; my eyes peeling away from the towns bellow our new keep to examine Lilith. “Ay lass, no need to thank me or apologize. Just doin’ my civil duty for my fellow Legionnaire...”
Silence slowly filled the gap between us – for but a moment – and I felt my eyes once again drift over to the hamlets bellow, small shacks sitting defiantly on rock and hill. My thoughts didn’t hesitate to take me for a stroll.
“Heh. You see that little cluster of mining towns just down past the hill? I used to live in a place not much unlike that, a lifetime ago.
“I find I can laugh at peasants and townies chained all their lives to a tiny corner of the earth while I roam its face and see its wonders, but when I go down, there will be no child to carry my name, no family to mourn me save my comrades, no one to remember, no one to raise a marker over my cold bit of ground...”
Silence once more reigned victorious. I hate silence; it’s the thing I fear most. Only death and skullduggery are plotted in silence.
Lopsided grin returning, I focused once more on Lilith.
“You were singing a song earlier. You have a beautiful voice. Would you mind singing that song for me?”
Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday
Lilith smiles slightly, "It was a song my mother used to sing to me.. She was killed by noblemen when they tried to overtake our household.. I was only four. She was so brave. As soon as they bursted into our house, she handed me to a maid and told her to run with me. But enough of that... I'll sing the song for you," She starts to sing softly but gains volume as she sings, feeling more confident since Taliesin complemented her. Once she finishes, she feels quite better and smiles brightly at Taliesin, "Your a great person... Just from sitting here for five minutes I felt way better... Thank you so much.." She hugs him briefly but tightly, trying to show how thankful she is. "You could've thrown me out of your room.. That was really sweet of you," she hugs him again and moves to stand up, "I really don't want to waste anymore of your resting time, so I think I should leave you be!" Croaker Croaker
The Ronin

With the cheerful if not boisterous and often offensive banter she enjoyed with the 2nd Division, it was easy to forget that the Brimstone Legion carried infamy like a proud banner. While they ensured the safety of innocents as best as they could, she couldn't say the same for their adversaries. A couple of times she had been sent as a knife in the dark, to end conflict before it escalated to more bloodshed. Once she was tasked to make a demonstration. Granted, the official in question was more corrupt than boils and pus, yet his screams as she methodically cut him one hundred times in front of a cheering crowd would stay and haunt her in her dreams. It was for a good cause, she convinced herself of that. Did the noble thought that burning the village could serve the greater good?

Already she felt the cold tips of doubt encroach upon her convictions.

She waved such thoughts away, focusing instead on the landscape before them. Such beauty in nature. Such unity in design. Such... purpose in existence. Lush greens. Sparkling blues. Dotted yellows and reds and violets. Ruriko gave a happy sigh. Izanagi, creator of all, painted the landscape of the world with the brush of his spear, and it was magnificent. Ruriko closed her eyes and whispered a silent prayer to Izanagi above, in thanks and respect.

"They are beautiful, much like my homeland," Ruriko said, in answer to Krys' question. "The only difference is that you do not have sakura -- cherry blossoms. In spring, they grace the land with their beauty."

Ruriko paused, remembering that fateful night in spring, where petals fell bloody red upon the ground. "But I don't think I'll be seeing them again. Have you been to the Eastern lands, ser Krys?" she asked.

Becker Becker
Taliesin Mordred
Standard Bearer
Lilith’s powerful voice took me by surprise, but I did not fight the pleasantness of her song. In fact, I welcomed it like an old friend, and cherished its presence while it lasted. Notes so sweet and soft clung tightly to the waves of the woman's melody, lapping like a soft current over me. Closing my eyes, I let the composition’s intricacies flow through me and carry my mind somewhere distant, somewhere not frequently explored.
As I close my eyes and travel, I see old things, memories and dreams for me to dust off and fondle nostalgically. Worn edges of my person thought long lost, the side of me that is that long dead romantic. Music will always be an old romance of mine.
When the song finally began to wind down, I was slowly eased out of my trance, and my eyes reopened. A grinning Lilith greeted me, renewed color taking her face. She enthusiastically thanked me, giving me undeserving praise.
“I highly recommend you don't mistake me as a 'good person', lass, that's a deadly mi-“ I found myself objecting to Lilith’s compliments, but my protests were cut short by an unexpected hug.
Taken by surprise, I did not have the chance to reciprocate the woman’s embrace before she pulled away. I have a firm rule against intimacy with other legionnaires, one I need not explain, and when the second hug came in, I merely grinned and bared it, waving the woman off as she left my room.

Alone once again, I fell onto my bed and began to sleep away my morning hangover.
Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday
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Lilith;Hallway outside Taliesin's room: really happy
Lilith leaves his room feeling way better then she had for a while. She didn't understand how he had made her feel so better, like the depression she'd been trying to fight since her mom died was fineally gone. She made a mental note to visit him more often. If he induced this much happiness in her, why not try some more? 'Damn it sounds like I'm on one of those drugs...' Thats exactly how she felt right now though, high as heaven, and actually enjoying the feeling. She had a strong rule about obtaining relationships greater then aquaintances (?) though and she was tempted to break it. She needed at least one person on her side through all this. 'I have come to the decision that I will break one of my main rules. Nothing farther then friends though. Nothing! Not even a thought! Even if he's sweet, helpful, and very handsome-. No stop! Friends only!' She shakes her head, trying to clear away the attraction. 'I can't let mtself be hurt like she was for so many years...' Croaker Croaker

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