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Souls Lost on Black Tides [WoD]

  • @Zayuz

    "I've got nothing to sha-...is your house really THAT big? You've gotta be joking." Kal crossed his arms and looked away from her in disbelief. Though, looking away from her didn't stop the gears that made up his new demonic brain from turning. "Fine, well...we did figure out some new information...but I'm not supposed to tell you anything. Even if you saved those girls, that has nothing to do with me." He was clearly trying to avoid meeting her gaze, and he stepped away from her slightly. He moved his hand along to door in a fluid motion. He was thinking he could at least shove it closed if he wanted some cover from her in case she had a hidden weapon. Little did he know that her weapon was her words. The sound that carried through the air taking on a more and more enticing tone as Saede weaved through him.



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Yuzuki was by and large unfazed, she was more than used to this sort of teasing from her... and she didn't really mind it. Being a huntress was a lonely thing, so feeling a bit of warmth, a small twinge of excitement wasn't that bad. She didn't often think of settling down, and indeed she wouldn't but... having a 'partner' like that wouldn't be so bad every now and then... it would have to be someone that would encourage her art... her performance. Currently, there were no beings insane enough to do that. If Angels were order, Yuzuki was chaos, and she wasn't sure if there was anyone that can sacrifice everything to share in her particular brand of madness.

She shrugged. "If he wants to make a deal to heal his leg that's fine, just don't demand his soul. demand something like... i don't know, working as a male stripper or something. That would be just as scarring for him so it would have value." She says, taking a sip of her drink and looking back. "I'm honestly surprised I came out of this in one piece. First angels, then werewolves.. ugh." She said, clearly annoyed. "Well, if they want a fight I'm willing to have a go at them." She said, clearly a bit annoyed, but also just a tad looser now... she could afford to be, this was home territory

She reaches into her bag, handing something to Lucy. "Seren's contract. Take care of it." She says, leaning back. "What do you think we should do now?"
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"Hmph, I think I'd rather see you dancing, up for a private show?" Lupus says with a wink, laying his left arm along the sofa above Yuzuki. Oliver had begun nudging his leg the second he came into contact with this lucy. 'So another demon? What did I expect going to a lucifuge hideout...' "Now now dear Yuzuki, I'd be a bit more careful around werewolves. My brethren are made to kill practically... Only weakness is silver..." Lupus said sadly remembering Attos dead body. "Poor boy...anyway, I was just in a bathroom for about an hour and half, writhing in pain as my bones and muscles twisted and snapped back together, but sadly the limp is still there as you have observed..." Lupus sighed ordering a shot of Blutwurz, maybe a bit of a surprise to the bartender, it was a drink Audric had gotten him to like when he visited Germany, he was 18.... He lets the shot sit on the table, digesting Lucy's words. "An offer to cleanse me of my crippled leg? I'm guessing through some weird ritual like Seren was doing?" Lupus said glancing at Lucy with a smile before leaning back in his seat, not showing an intent of whether he was going to drink or not. "I've dealt with nothing but werewolves for the last 3 years, so perhaps you'd like to enlighten me about your people, Miss Lucy?"
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@ValkyrieRose @Morgy

The girl smiled at lupus, "Not really a ritual, just a formal contract...it's nothing that complicated."

she poked at Yuzuki's chest "...Need to relax, have a few drinks, and forget all this happened. The werewolves aren't going to be your problem anymore. I recently found a client who can handle the werewolves for us...you're not the only one who's found a new partner~" she winked at Lupus again. Lucy sipped a bit of amber liquid out of a shot glass, it looked like brandy. This demon had no problem getting her Covers wasted as hell, since the drinks really didn't cloud her demonic mind at all. "The angels can go fuck themselves, and you're too precious for me to put at risk against those things." She snapped her fingers and two scantily clad girls in bunny outfits carried the painting off to the vault. "I'll put it right next to his other contract." she noted before seeing them off.
"Hey, get me drunk enough and I might." She winked at him, laughing

"To be more exact, what she's offering you is simple."
Yuzuki explained. "It would be a written contact- me and seren only did the art thing because that's how we see the world. You make the deal, sign the contract, and your leg is good as new. Hell you would have Lucifuge protection so that's always good." She said. "Besides you have me to make sure she isn't going to plan anything fishy, so this actually has the potential to be a major win for you."

She sat back. "You're right, I probably should kick back for a bit." She agrees, feeling a bit of warmth from the demon... so she was too worthy to be in conflict with angels? That made her a little happy to hear. "Well, I'll try taking it easy tonight. Might find someone to dance with."
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@NovaPheonix @ValkyrieRose

"Hmm I think I'd take the contract just to have a chance of sharing a dance with you Yuzu~" Lupus says in a flirtatious voice, lowering his arm till it draped around the huntresses shoulders.

He picked up his shot and downed it in one go, it tasted bitter but good, reminded him of when he first joined the Thules and now he was int eh headquarters of a different hunter organizaion talking about making a contract. 'Oh how times change...Or have i changed?'

"So this contract, how would it work?"
Lupus asked curiously looking at Lucy. "I doubt your going to fix me up just because I'm this lovely ladies friend, whats the catch?" Lupus asked with a smile, allowing himself to relax a bit. Yuzuki made it sound like a fantastic deal but everything had a price, and he wasn't about to go off and give up his soul or the like...

Meanwhile Oliver was curled around his feet, relaxing but still on guard in case anything bad were to happen.
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Saede stood in front of Kal, crossing her arms with the contact book in her hands. The cover was made of a black leather, somewhat worn. It felt soft in her hands as she waited. The girl was done looking around for random objects.. She only had so long, and when you're pressed for time you always take the most efficient route. This happened to be accessing the only wellspring of knowledge in the house that she knew she could gather a definitive response from. Kal.

Somehow, the 'angel' had managed to stay in his previous suit. A traditional janitor's uniform and.. Well, that was it really. It wasn't even very stylish. Maybe if he got on a suit-vest thing, and put it with some dress pants.. Yeah. He could look pretty good; but that was besides the point. The room around her was what one might expect from a college boy.. Disheveled blue bed covers, white drawers with a bunch of random items lying over-top of them.. Sports posters lying on the walls. The only other things of interest were the closet and the pile of clothes on the ground. ..Oh, and a red carpet. The girl resumes her investigation, leaving her skeptical pose in favor of finding more clues around the room. She would only get one shot at this after all. With the pendant in her pocket, the girl decides to take of picture of the inside of the wooden closet with the green candles inside.. The closet door was made of a while wood, though she had no idea why there were candles inside. She wasn't smart, but even she knew that one did not simply light candles inside a wooden closet.

Not without trouble, at least.

After taking her picture, she moves to the carpet and pushes it aside - Checking to see if anything was underneath it. ..If only Kal could just tell her what she needed.. It seemed that he knew more now anyways. ..She had this new angel magic stuff.. She had no idea how it worked, but she could do it. The demon felt it in her blood. "Yeah.. As far as houses go it's pretty big. A mansion even.. You know, if you hadn't run off you could have came to it yourself. ..But it sounds like you've got new friends now." There. She imbued the power into her words. There was no way to explain what she just did, only that she felt more relaxed, and slightly tired. Now for the part that mattered.. Gods, she was so smart. "..Speaking of you and your new friends, you are going to help the boy, right? Narcosis? If you know so much, you have to.. Just because you're no longer an angel doesn't mean you can't do good.. Hell, I've been trying to do good the whole time; it just.. Never works out for me." Saede smiles weakly, her blonde hair bouncing as she nudges the carpet aside. "..Even when I try to help Helen, she just seems to hate me.. I don't know what to do.." The girl doesn't even catch herself as she allows this detail to slip, continuing as she had before. ..Even though she didn't believe it, it was still clear that Saede had a long way to go in terms of learning angel magic.

  • @Morgy @ValkyrieRose

    "Well, since you are going to be working with Yuzu...I would just ask that the contract reinforce your ties with us." Yuzuki's shoulders were being fondled on both sides of her. Lucy on her left, and Lupus on her right. "I don't know you very well yet, so if I'm going to perform a miracle for you...I'd like to be sure that there won't be a chance that you're secretly working for someone else...so I want you to reorganize your priorities a bit." She snickered a bit, watching the wolf-negotiator's reaction carefully as she reached for a slip of paper. She had a pen and paper sitting on a nearby glass table for occasions such as these. "I would also demand that you pledge absolute loyalty to Yuzuki as your partner above any others, but considering you two are already friends...that shouldn't be a problem. I don't think you or Yuzu would mind having your souls bound...I promise it doesn't hurt~" She handed him a pen and waited for the couple to sign the document, indicating to Yuzuki that she would need to sign as well. The fact that they were both slowly getting drunk made this deal even easier to propose, but as a demon she was required to explain the terms to him before the contract could be completed. Yuzuki could see the girl laughing though, so she was clearly excited by the outcome of this deal. This was actually the first time Yuzuki had made a deal directly with Lucy, because before now she had only been making deals with Seren. She had crafted the deal to be beneficial for everyone in the room. Lucy got a loyal hunter on her side, Lupus would get her full support along with his legs back, and Yuzuki would get to keep her partner forever. Lucy watched Lupus' eyes, giggling with anticipation as she waited for him to sign his life away.

@ValkyrieRose @NovaPheonix

"Hmm...it does sound like a good deal, but I feel I'm getting the short end of the deal here..." Lupus says as he watched Yuzuki sign the paper without a second thought, she seemed so willing to just get on with it... "Let's put this in perspective, you're going to be giving me something I will regain back in a few weeks due to my regeneration." Lupus said gesturing to his leg. "I just regenerated a crippling bullet wound in an hour and a half, so I'm essentially giving you my loyalty for the rest of my life, for something I'm going to get in a few weeks regardless, and I'm patient man Miss Lucy." Lupus smiled as he looked at Lucy now. "So to balance out this deal a bit I was wondering if you could perhaps give me an ability my brethren have, to see into the twilight. It's something I believe will benefit us both here, I would the ability to see ghost, spirits, and perhaps even those pesky angels you hate so much... whaddya say? I think that's a bit more fair~" Lupus says with a wolfish grin. If he was going to take this deal he might as well make it more worth his while. He would be bound to Yuzuki forever, or till death do they part. It was kind of like a marriage except a twisted unholy version. Less love and more business. He cast a glance at Yuzuki, she was different from him but she also proved to help him when he needed it. He thought back, remembering how she had taken him to the hospital and had tried to protect him. She was definitely worthy his trust...
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Saede listened to his claims, this time with much steeper conviction. All she had to do was study his face to figure out that he knew nothing about Narcosis. Yet he was here.. Why? A few thoughts came to mind. He waited before her in her boring uniform.. All orderly and the like. Somehow she found her very being repulsed by it, like she wanted to - perhaps literally - throw a wrench into it. Or him. His body. Except the wrench was her Katana, and she didn't actually want to kill him. ..He just needed to stop.. Looking like he did.

The first thought was that he was seeking to kill her himself. It was extremely unlikely, and impossible anyways. He couldn't take her on if she was on her deathbed. Hmp.

The second thought was that he was trying to regain his favor with God, and in order to do that he had to hunt her. The thought was both realistic and very scary, though some things just didn't line up. He should at least have a weapon.. Unless they didn't want to risk giving him one? The more she thought about this, the more it terrified her.

The third possibility was that he had made new allies who also coincidentally wanted her dead. This could be an initiation of sorts.. Or a way to get revenge for making him fall from grace. She had nothing to say about that. That would be sick. ..But not in the cool way. Unless she managed to fight off a band of thugs on her own. That would be cool.

The last thought that came to mind was that Kal was all alone, and really didn't know what to do now that he was a demon. Perhaps he was lost, and really just wanted to be around someone who knew what they were doing. If this was the case then things might actually turn out well for her, but compared to all the other theories it seemed like a distant dream. Like guessing on a test, and having a one in five chance to get the answer. ..And this time, she couldn't cheat. Kal was impossible to read.

Still she studied him, thoughts flowing through her mind. A second passed. Two. Three. All she did was stare.

Finally, the demon closes her eyes, shaking her head.
"You can't say you're not going to fight me and then demand I surrender. Remember how I muted the sound of the alarm during the fight last time? Do you think it'll take me longer than that to kill you?" Her voice was a hushed command, cutting like a knife into the other demon and slowly rising in power as it slid down his body. She could almost feel the blood. "I'm not going to the window. If you want to talk to me, we either do it here as friends and you tell me what the hell is going on, or I go have some more snacks with the mother of the missing kid you so obviously don't know anything about. Send an angel or whoever you're with at me then and I might be impressed. ..I found a pentagram in this very room, in the boy's closet. ..And drag marks where he was killed, and other things.. Listen Kal, there could be demons at work here! We have to look at the bigger picture. We're on the same side, and yet you hunt me! What are you thinking!?" The more the girl talked, the louder her voice became, threatening to alert the mother but not quite there. What was initially a threat almost became a plea for help. They both wanted justice. Why wouldn't he wake up?

And then she realized.

Killing her
was justice.

She had ruined his life.

(..Or angel life, or whatever the hell it was called. It didn't matter to her anymore.)

Her knife suddenly felt a lot less sharp.

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  • @Morgy

    Lucy thought about it for a moment, visibly considering the deal that he proposed. She understood what he wanted, and caught unto his reasoning. "I can give you such a power. That seems fair..." The deal was in fact, more balanced in his favor now. He was right, the power could be useful to her in the long run. She wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea that he might one day see her true form, but it was a risk that was negligible at best. It meant nothing if he could see her true form or not, but the demons who controlled this city were truly powerful and thus have awe-inspiring forms. Was he ready to lay his mortal eyes on such a thing, and would it scar his mind? Only time would tell. She spoke her concerns out loud, "You realize that means that once you open your new eyes...there's a chance you might see what I really look like?" Her face gave a very visible pout as if to clarify she was slightly unhappy about this. "Are you prepared for that~?" She slid off the couch and moved over towards Lupus. She looked him directly in the eye, leaning down and glaring at him. There was an unspoken feeling of pressure in what she did, directly trying to make the negotiator more uncomfortable. She focused completely on him and nobody else. She watched his hand as she handed the pen over to him, "Go on..." she whispered in a tempting manner. "This deal won't cause any pain to you, so don't worry about it."

"Well if that's true, then that's jut one step closer to being better friends don't you think?" Lupus said with a cocky smile, not backing down as they stared into each others eyes. He takes the pen and gives it a twirl. Why was he doing this? Perhaps he was curious and wanted to know more about these beings? Maybe the sight was something he had craved for naturally, to see what his brothers saw. Or maybe he was just doing this for the hell of it. No one could tell from the way he simply smiled and spoke calmly, his eyes giving nothing away of his true intents or reasoning as the demon tried to unnerve him. "Now now its not very nice to try and scare a new friend is it?" Lupus puts the paper on the table and begins to slowly sign his name. "Prepared or not this should be interesting none the less. What can i say? You peaked my curiosity Miss Lucy~" Lupus said with a chuckle finishing his signature. 'Lupus Firebrand'

Lucy was a strange one, trying to sway him away from the deal and tempt him all in one go. These creatures were an enigma to Lupus and he felt driven to find out more, he now felt a bit of an urge to see what she truly looked like. He thought back to when he saw a werewolf transform for the first time, a certain boyish joy as he saw their form twist and change into something new, perhaps that's why he wanted this ability, to see if he would get the same feeling of excitement...
Saede's face held nothing but contempt for the other demon, finally silencing herself. She stared at Kal, waiting for him to crack; seemingly unable to believe he could stand against such logical reasoning. Even if he hated her, there had to be some desire to do the right thing. He was an angel after all. Angels do good things, or so she thought. Even if they hunted someone unjustly, it was with good intentions. That was her take on it.

The girl opted to ignore the comment about the supernatural. She didn't even know it existed at the time. That was not her fault in the least. ..But what he said next made her freeze in place; arms crossed, eyes glaring him, mouth half open in disbelief.. Kill the defenseless woman? He wouldn't dare! All her being urged her to extend her arm and strike him. This was the kind of evil she was compelled to destroy.. If she had only brought her weapon.. And for her to be reprogrammed? What the hell did that mean? She was a person - No longer some.. Machine.. They track her down, place her in a room, demand she goes with them to be killed, or they'll murder some lady..? Where is God's justice here? Was he truly for the sacrifice of an innocent if it meant he could recover one of a million angels in heaven? Why does he not focus their attention on helping those who starve on the streets.. Or cleansing the cities of gangsters? Diffusing wars? She could think of a million other things that would be more useful than tracking down a girl who wasn't their enemy to begin with. No, this was not justice.

It seems like she would just have to find her own.

..And saving this woman was a good place to start.

..But how? Kal exited the room, leaving her in her shocked position. She heard him go down the stairs, and the noise of a car pulling up. Backup had arrived, and Kal was on the way to claim his first victim. Time indeed moved quick around her as she patched together a plan. There was no way she could surrender. That was not an option. Fighting Kal would be fine - If she had a weapon.. And with backup she was screwed anyways. God wouldn't make the same mistake twice. It was time to be resourceful.

Saede grabbed the nearest liftable object that could break through a window.. The chair. A wooden one, with white paint. It would do. Taking it with two hands, she moved it over to the window; placing it down on the ground beneath it and opening the lock and peering through. Beneath her lay a bronze colored car. A normal one, at that. Within it there were two young parents and what looked like a kid. A boy. She hesitated, could she risk the death of someone in order to save herself? The life of Narcosis' mother? The decision did not come to her head right away, so she watched, and waited. For a few seconds she gazed down from the unlocked window - The window that would open from the gentlest push. Yet the people did nothing. They waited, like any other person would. ..They were likely waiting for her. And if she tried to escape, they would drive her over. The fallen angel would go through with her plan.

Taking the chair in her hands, she heard the footsteps of Kal on the ground floor. No. She clutched the contact book in her hands as she propped the chair on the windowsill, taking a breath of air before shoving it out and into still air. ..Aiming right for the windshield, where it would break through and make it's mark. She was both ashamed and exhilarated. Not a moment after, her feet were on the windowsill, taking a running start from the bed and leaping out the window..

After all, if she wasn't here Kal had no reason to kill the mother.

No reason aside from spiting her, but the thought never crossed her mind.

Saede wasn't yet used to the world of the supernatural.

-Session 3, Scene 1 End-

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Session 3, Scene 2: Invisible Shade

  • @Zayuz

    From nowhere, a figure appeared, she started to rush into the room as Saede was working on her plan. The female figure was wearing a light brown full-body suit similar to a ninja, with a mask covering her mouth and the top of her head. "I'm not letting you get away this time!" Saede couldn't recognize who it was, but at the moment it didn't matter who the assassin was. She slammed into saede with her arm, delivering a strike to her gut and forcing her away from the window. The schoolgirl wasn't forced to the ground, but the impact would push her sideways slightly, possibly forcing her to land on Narcosis' bed if she wasn't careful. "Surrender and you won't have to suffer." She stuck close to Saede, grabbing her arm to put a slight amount of pressure on her. The woman was probably going to throw her onto the bed if she wasn't able to break her grip. Scratch that...considering the way she talked Saede was probably going to be hitting the floor. The rug wasn't that hard, but the impact would still shock her.

    Meanwhile, Kal walked into the kitchen to retrieve the wrench that he would beat the woman to death with. Kal stared at it for a long time. Being a demon now, he was able to feel things like regret and guilt...but he couldn't let those emotions stand between him and God. Saede was key to whatever plan God had in mind, so he had to force her over to the light. He took the wrench and made his way behind the woman who now had one minute to live.

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Lupus's eyes danced in there sockets upon opening his new eyes to this new twisted world he had asked the privilege to see. Slowly but surely a big smile stretched itself upon the negotiator's face, his now bright white eyes scanning the room not wasting a single second. He looked at the creatures grasping at him but failing to physically touch him. 'Interesting little buggers aren't you?' Lupus thought to himself as he watched one reach for him only to see their hand fade through him, weird. Lupus decided to change his attention to the two beautiful women on either side of him. "No. nothing's wrong. In fact, i'm happy I get to see what you lovely ladies really look like, I don't believe i've ever seen such beauties in my life. You two would make the goddess Aphrodite jealous." Lupus said with a smile looking between the two and putting an arm around each of them. He wasn't lying when he complimented then, truly they looked gorgeous in his eyes even if they were demons. "I was wondering if perhaps you two could help shed some light on how you operate in the city now that i'm with you." Lupus said with a wink. He might as well make the best of this situation, besides talking with these gorgeous women would be a much better pastime than studying these new twisted surroundings...for now...


(( Beat earned for making new allies [1/5 Beats] ))
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Yuzuki had lowered herself to the parchment, signing it with a simple yet elegant "Yuzuki Leitha." She looked over to Lupus as he signed, knowing full well what was going to be in store for him. Lucy was a clever woman, the way she worded it had indicated that Lupus was going to sever any ties so he could focus on her... without actually saying that. Theres no way that Lupus would ever be a negotiator for the Forsaken... now, his priority was serving the Lucefuge... serving her. Well, earlier she had forced him to kneel and call her Mistress, if anything she was just confirming her status, and it was rather amusing to think of it like that.

She had planned on staying with Lupus to help him acclimate, maybe talk a bit more about demons or werewolves, but Lucy had pulled her to the side. She blinked in confusion, following her outside the room.
"What is it Lu? Something about the deal just made?" She asked.

As the girl was hit she exhaled sharply, recoiling back from the hit and almost tripping over the bed she was working with to make her jump through the window. She, allowing the 'ninja' to perform a follow-up strike. ..Which ended up just being a firm grip on her arm. From her fighting experience (That she must have acquired from being an angel, she had never really fought anything before today.) she knew that this was going to end up with her body against the floor. Something she should probably avoid. ..Yet as she struggled she quickly realized just how much stronger the ninja was compared to her.. Freeing herself through physical means wasn't quite an option. Damn.. She was so close too. The sneak attack had prevented her from getting to her goal. Her freedom. In the short time she thought about it, her mind was instantly confused. How the hell did she get there? She was alone in the room, and then she was just.. Hit. From nowhere. Could the girl turn invisible? From what she knew of the supernatural, it certainly wasn't that far off.

With a grunt, the girl tried to shake herself free for the second time, failing just as spectacularly as before. No. She wasn't getting out of this. Just as she was going to get slammed into the ground she stops struggling, allowing herself to be held in the Angel's hand.
"F-Fine..! Fine! You can reprogram me or whatever.. Just stop hurting me.." A tone of defeat would ring in her voice, with a mix of defensiveness. Like she still didn't want to lose her pride, but knew it was wounded. The schoolgirl stares at the ninja, frowning as the two of them calm down. "I was trying to help is all.." Beneath her brown concealment she thought she sensed a hint of a smile from the ninja, her grip loosening as Saede's hands move to where she was jabbed. ..Damn, that would leave a bruise. The ninja turned to lead her downstairs, with a now loose grip. After all, she had surrendered, right? With a happier tone than the battle-cry she had initiated with, the cloaked angel starts to make conversation. "Oh, well that was easier than I th- YOU BITCH!" Not halfway through her sentence did the defeated girl shake free, dashing back to the window and leaping through just as she intended to before.

Why bother modifying the original plan when nothing was wrong with it?

For several second she fell through the air, her heart rate spiking as the surface rushed towards her. ..Why had she chosen to dive through the window of all things? Midway through her fall, Saede remembered that she could fly. Too late for that now. She connected to the roof of the car with a metallic bang, breaking her heavy fall with a somersault that she couldn't quite place where she got the skills from. Marveling at her own ability for a moment, she continues; dropping down from the roof of the car with the shattered window and it's screaming passengers. From her brief glance at the wreck she saw that the man was trapped beneath it, while the other two were panicking or trying to help him out. Somehow she felt.. Good about it. Not the fact that they were hurt, but more the fact that order was destroyed. Chaos.. It was the perfect cover for her. The whole concept felt like visiting an old friend, one that you never knew you had. (A feeling she had actually had before, thanks to her amnesia,)

It was at that point that the fallen angel decided that she liked to create chaos.

Her feet barely grazed the pavement before the schoolgirl mounted her motorbike. She may not have looked like it, but when she needed to be Saede was a hell of a runner. Hastily, she starts the engine; ignoring her helmet and accelerating as fast as the yellow motorbike would allow her to, starting with a small wheelie and zooming out from there. No doubt the angel would be only an arm's reach behind her.

In the back of her mind, the same logic repeated.
If she wasn't around, then killing Narcosis' mother would not help with their mission, and Kal wouldn't do it.

She believed it.

She had to.

  • @Morgy

    The girls continued to giggle and snuggle against his arms. "Welll...there are a few demons in the city that sort of lead things around here. Lucy is one of them, and she has a friend down the street who helps her out too!" One of them made a pouty face, "And then there's Gil...he kinda bosses Lucy around, but we don't really listen to him. He wants to be in charge, but he's kinda a asshole." One of the girls held up three fingers, "I think that's it, right?" the other girl nodded. "We mostly just get people to come in here...soak in their sins along with the Spirits who cling to this place and make sure the angels don't find us."

    "That's why we opened a Casino...and the Dollhouse down the street, all in the Red Light District." the other girl curled her hand around Lupus' cheek.


    "No, it's not about that." Lucy sat her down in her office. "I just figured it would be time to tell you the truth, because Seren already made his move...and if I don't tell you...I'm sure he will. Seren had been trying to flirt with me for a while, and the reason why he wanted your father so badly..." She pulled a diamond ring from her drawer and slipped it onto her finger. "Is because we're married. I'm your mother. I lied about the whole, 'you're the daughter of Lucifer thing', but we tell that to everyone. Most of the people here are either demons or the child of a demon." Lucy looked into her eyes, "I hope that doesn't make you angry at me, I really tried to do the best I could for you." She crossed her hands, her left hand crossed over her right with her ring showing. "I just wasn't sure how you would take it. Some people around here nickname me Lucifer, but that's not even close to my real name." She took Yuzuki's hand into hers, looking like she was about to cry, "I know I'm not Lucifer...but I'm very proud of you...and I hope you can settle for being the daughter of one of the strongest demons in Black Bay instead."

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Yuzuki took a breath, sitting down in a nearby chair and staring at the floor, listening to her. "Holy hell, way to toss me a bombshell." She says, visually stunned. This whole time, Yuzuki was priding herself on being the daughter of Lucifer.... being the daughter of the devil had just made too much sense. She had liked angels since she was a girl for reasons explained earlier, but simply hadn't cared about other types or religions... so when it was revealed that she was Lucifer's daughter, she accepted it. She had embraced her lineage and set herself up for ruination. Her hands were stained with far more than blood.... with Seren leading her, the two had created masterpiece after masterpiece! How many beautiful murders had they performed? So many supernatural deaths made to look like a crime scene... meticulous, nothing out of place, n a pool of their own blood. Even larger scale operations with the Lucifuge... the masterpieces she had created, the pride in them.

"I....don't appreciate being lied too." She says. "It's like being told you're a princess and it turns out you're only a commoner." She says, thinking about it further. "I'm not really angry it's just a lot to process.... so the reason Seren contacted me originally was to get closer to you? I'm going to have a few choice words with him after this." She says. "But... I accept it. I always thought you were like a mother to me, i guess I know why." She says, feeling a bit different already. "Thanks for telling me... I feel like I needed a parent's approval, especially with what happened with...Seren." She said, about to say dad, but stopped herself.

"So... I'm half demon then." She says. "I get the feeling there's a major difference in knowing that." She says. "I feel slightly different..." She admits. "Why do I get the feeling my life just became rather complicated?"
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Robbert had looked at the woman when she made her joke. If he did breath he would take a sigh of relief when she said they would try to keep him safe from reapers. He saw and heard the train and could not say he had ever seen something like this, it was like a huge metal worm monster, they way it roared and flashed lights. He was led onto the thing like a child, and if not for the fact he was a little intimidated by it all he would feel insulted.

"So, where are we going and what exactly can you do for my dying soul?" The pirate asked noting that a few of his questions were pushed aside but left it alone for now. He was in no position to look a gift horse in the mouth if he was dying. If he was made to pay for their help later it would be better when he's alive and can do something about it, even if it's just another escape. Though this was the first group who seemed to know what's going on and he doubted they would be as sloppy as the people who were with that Orfeo fellow. He clenched his jaw a bit thinking about it, he would need to repay the man for his 'hospitality.' His ship needed a new figurehead, maybe he'd dress the man up in chains similar to the ones he was forced to wear and use the man as decoration for his ship. A few days getting face fulls of seawater might teach the man to not stab a guest while he's in a deep slumber and lock him up for interrogation. All he wanted was to talk to the man, maybe join the vampire since everyone assumed that he was one, it made for good cover and he was even on his best behavior while in the manor, despite waiting in the rain. Well the man reaped what he sowed and now some of his men are dead and he is freer than he had been almost his entire time coming back to life.
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Lupus nods his head slowly, breaking down the information he was given. 'So they create and run places that will naturally breed sin which they can then feed off of... Well it's a smart idea i'll give them that.' After asking a few more questions and such Lupus was content with the information he received. 'Well, I didn't expect it to be that easy, but I guess it pays to look good sometimes...' Lupus thought to himself as he got up. "Well ladies it's been fun chatting with you, but I have a date to see, i'll keep in touch." He finished with a wink before exiting the room, cane in hand and Oliver at his heels. The girls' numbers were also firmly placed into his pocket. He was now accustomed to his eyes ayes after speaking with the demons. He felt it was now best to go and meet up with Yuzuki. He was a bit upset that she had left him alone with 2 demons but it gave him a chance to get better understanding of how demons worked in this city. So now he waited patiently in the hallway for Yuzuki to finish her meeting with Lucy. 'Maybe she'd still be up to dance', he thought to himself with a smile eager to spend more time with the person he would be bound to for life.

((Friend and Contact gained, lilith and Akasha.))
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A turn of the brass handle of the girl's room set the room into his sights, pressing the length of the smooth wood aside while he entered slowly. Silence besides the fiasco downstairs fit the room - soft breaths emanating from the middle as he closed the door behind him. The girl was there before his very eyes, deep blue irises settling on the bed of the room while a hand arose to his jacket to pull his pistol free. A symphony played within his mind of thoughts, racing at the speed of light itself - so many questions left unanswered and so little time to answer them. With usage of his inner sight he noted what both of the two in bed seemed to be within themselves, the girl was natural albeit baring a magic artifact but the male with her seemed different in some way, hard to know for sure right off the bat however -- that would beg further investigation, time that he didn't have.

This had to be the girl, even as she slept there was something about her that just rung through him to label her as such, taking a seat beside one of the windows as he gave thought to what he was about to do. Was he really going to kill her? To end the life of another being? This wasn't like so many of his other cases, he had killed wraiths before, tracked werewolves and met vampires in his time as a detective. Never, not once did he have to kill an innocent human and this girl was as human as it came. Why did his landlord, that demon, want her dead like this?

With a silent sigh, Xanthus rose back to his feet and brandished his pistol, lining up the shot towards Naomi's head from a foot or two from the bed's side. A slow exhale and he brought his finger to rest over the clutch of the pistol's trigger - he had to do this, didn't he? There was no time to second-guess, it was now or never and with the backdrop of the windows behind him, he prepared himself.

(( 1 Mana used [6/10], 1 Arcane Beat earned [2/5], 1 Beat earned for Aspiration [3/5] ))
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@Trickster Queen

9:12 AM

- - Upstairs - -

Marcus looked over at the sitting area briefly, not seeing anyone, then ran into the bedroom. "JEAN!" Jean wasn't in the bed. In fact, it was still unmade from when he'd rolled out of bed earlier. Marcus ran into the bathroom, "JEAN!!" he searched the empty bathtub frantically, but didn't find a big red dragon anywhere... He walked out into the bedroom again, checking the closet now, holding up the radio to talk, his mind scrambling for ideas of where else to look, "This is Morpheus, I can't find Slayer anywhere. What's the situation down there?!"

- - Hallway - -

Jean trudged tiredly down the hallway towards the his quarters, tail flicking with annoyance as he walked through the darkened corridor, his feet thumping on the dark-red carpet. He would like to get back on the case, but he was so through with all of this... Everything that had happened in the past few days, everything that had gone south since he and Orfeo had gone to collect Naomi... The girl was in a heap of trouble, and everything awful that had been brewing just seemed to line up with her re-entrance into his life...

...He should check on her though... Orfeo was in one of those moods at the moment, and there was a chance there were still intruders in the building... She was right across the hall from his room: he'd placed her there himself, so that if she would scream, he would hear. He would at least make sure her window was closed and everything before he went into his quarters though...

He walked up to the door, reaching out to take the handle. ...But... She hadn't reacted too well when she'd seen him earlier... Perhaps he should avoid her seeing him again for the moment...

He hesitated at the door, opting for subtlety... He took the handle and opened it slightly, looking through the opening and seeing...

"Detective Xanthas...? What are you doing out of..." That's when he saw the gun. His entire body went tense. He let the door swing open, stepping into the room, his hulking form blocking the doorway and dominating everything in the room, his hand moving slowly to his axe as he growled a warning, speaking in a very clear and resolute tone as he stared the would-be assassin directly in the eyes, "Lower the gun and step away from ze girl, or I swear, you'll be in pieces before ze light has left her eyes..."
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  • @Xistund

    Tenebris held onto a railing as the doors closed behind her and Robbert. They were sealed off from the outside world now, and were about to leave it behind. The soft roar of the train echoed through the tunnel as it moved towards the destination. "We're going underground. There we have experts who will be able to repair you. They...helped me deal with my own problems. Speaking of..." She produced from the inside of her jacket a syringe that seemed to be filled with a thick red liquid. She tried to avoid looking towards Robbert while she took her medicine. She didn't enjoy taking it in front of other people, but at this point her cravings were so strong that she couldn't wait much longer. She jabbed the needle into her arm and groaned loudly while shuddering, almost growling as the liquid started to flow through her veins. Robbert could see small fangs start to jut out of her mouth as she screamed and gripped the metal pole that she held tight. She looked monstrous, writhing while standing up, and hardly human at all. A transformation from moments ago. The metal almost seemed to dent slightly under her superhuman grip. After a few seconds she took a few heavy breaths while her body convulsed slightly. She looked at Robbert while huffing, her red eye glowing deep red. The red light slowly faded after it flared up and she placed the emptied syringe into her clothing. She didn't speak, she mostly heaved for several more seconds, overcome by her high as she held onto the pole with as much as she could muster. If she didn't, her tense body looked like it would jump right at him. She had to hold herself back for now, and after what felt like several minutes she took a seat, her body seeming to calm as she looked toward Robbert with eyes that reflected her shame. "I'm sorry...that you had to see that." She looked downwards toward the floor as the train carried them both down the tunnel.



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@ValkyrieRose @NovaPheonix

Lupus was simply standing in the hall waiting for Yuzuki's conversation to finish up when Lucy opened up the door. "Why hello there~ oh..." Lupus said in greeting only to see Lucy's true form... He quickly pulled down his hat to cover his vision as he looked down to avoid looking at her true form for anymore than she wanted him to see... "My apologies, i was just waiting for Princess Yuzuki~" Lupus said cheerfully. "I had no intention of upsetting you Miss Lucy, please forgive me..." Lupus finished in a solemn tone. "I simply was simply waiting to see if Yuzuki was still up to dance." He said turning his gaze towards his partner, hoping she wouldn't think his new eyes were freaky. It seemed that the two were rather close, that wasn't a surprise, what was a surprise was Lucy's true form. It had a certain otherworldly look to it, a bit more so than Akasha's and Lilith's true forms... Nothing he couldn't handle, but it didn't seem she was too happy that he had seen....
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