Anime & Manga Soul Eater!!!!!!!

I kind of agree with MrEvilMexican . Out of all of the main characters I like Black Star the least.

(On the other hand, my favorite is Death The Kid.)
I used to hate Black Star, but then he became one of my favorites. Tsubaki is my fav overall. Also, Black Star gets much better in the manga. I know he can be annoying, but he's just misunderstood.

(*Secretly hates kid because I actually have OCD very similar to his. Watching him just makes me more aware of things that bother me.)
I think a lot of us can be annoyed by things like that sometimes. XD

Out of the main characters Kid is my favorite but my overall favorite is either Crona or Stein.
of the three, my fav is probably Soul Eater or Kidd.

My overall favourite is Shinigami (i know stop complaining.) I find him sorta funny :P his and Spirit's philosophical conversation about bloomers on a grown woman had me rolling in laughter
I liked the part when Kidd and entire spartoi got sucked into Book of Eibon.
Oh right *nods*

Which version did you guys prefer more, the anime or the manga? Or which one did you experience if you only watched/read one?
Which version did you guys prefer more, the anime or the manga? Or which one did you experience if you only watched/read one?

I like the manga more, mostly because more content. I like that there was actually an explanation for the sun/moon, and the chaos/order thing, the Great Old Ones, and so forth. Also because Soul became a Death Scythe.

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