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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

"Right I won't." She went into the kitchen. The lasagna was done. Well it was slightly burnt. She brought him a piece. "Here you are sorry I slightly burned it. Never really cooked before so....yah."
He woke up just long enough to eat the lasagna, enjoy it, and fall asleep. "Thanks Carlz. It wasn't burnt enough to not like it." He said trying to crack a last minute joke. He didn't notice it but he gave her a nickname. He fell asleep before he could notice it.
She took his plate and washed. "Guess he'll be fine for now." She went into her room and looked around. She picked up her guitar. "I'll work on my song a little bit. " she sat on her bed and started playing and singing a little trying to write lyrics.
Jinzo woke up feeling better than before. How long was I out for? It had only been an hour. His head still hurt but he would get out of that very soon. He heard singing and guitar playing. Dang she is good. He decided to listen for a little bit and then he started to clap and walk into her room. "You are pretty good Carlz. PLAY ME SOMETHING!!!!! Oooh oooh oohhhhhhhhh! Play something super cool!!!!!!" Jinzo was very excited. He also wanted to train, but that could wait.
When he came in clapping and cheering her face went red. "Well I hope I am good considering how long i've been playing." He was really excited which made her feel pretty good. "Well I don't know i've been playing for a straight hour so i'm gonna take a break. Anyway your looking better you want anything?" She said as she took off her guitar.
"Train?" Jinzo said cocking his head to the right. He was so ready that he was about to burst with excitement. "If you want to just chill I'm fine with that." Jinzo really wanted to train. He had a very excited face. He was also willing to chill with Carly if she wanted to.
"You can not train today you have to rest and trust me I really want to train to but I think you need to get your strength back." SHe looked around her room and said "How I make sandwiches and we play some video games that is if you think you can't beat me." she said with a confident smile.
"I don't have any video games..." Jinzo said with a sad face. "But sandwiches are very nice! We could make some delicious sammiches! Did you try my lasagna? I think my cooking is pretty good. Maybe as good as your guitar playing." Jinzo brightened up when he said "sandwiches". He really does like making food.
"You are way to peppy........But I have video games we can play see?" she opened her bag and showed him. "Plus I need a new victim to beat." She said with a evil grin and gleam in her eye.
"Ooooooooooooooooooh. Videoooo gamesssssss. Fancy. I've never played a video game so you probably are going to beat me." Jinzo said smiling and scratching the back of his neck. He was slightly frightened of her now. "Let's go! Show me how to video game and I'ma beat you!" Jinzo was getting peppy again.
They sat down in front of the the TV. "Alright have you ever played Soul Calibur?"

(for real though I love this game :D )
"Oh ya! I like souls. And the word... Calibur? What? Alright! Whatever it looks fun!" Jinzo stared at it for a second. He was very interested in it.

((OMG I love it too!!!!! :D ))
"Wait, fight you? I'm scared now." Jinzo got a little terrified of her seeing her grin of death. He got ready to fight her, cracking all of his knuckles then his neck it sounded like a bunch of firecrackers going off.
"Alright choose your character and lets get this beat down started" She turned and looked at him with another evil grin.
Jinzo picked the coolest looking character, Yoshimitsu. He has practiced with him the entire time Carly have him. "This guy is so cool! I am sooo gonna win!" Jinzo was very ready and starting to get peppy again.
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Carly choose tira to fight with. "hehe we'll see about that." She had that evil look again.

(sorry i took so long >.<_)
CelticHero37 said:
With that comment, Mac blushed a bright red and looked away. "I'm not one of those guys who constantly needs girls trailing after them you know!" He said defensively. 'Although it wouldn't hurt to have someone pay attention to me... but I don't have to worry about that now.' Looking back to his partner, he said quietly, "Anyways, having a bunch of girls around would just bring out my Star instincts more. One is all I need." The last part slipped out rather involuntarily and Mac gave a surprised look as if he hadn't meant to say it out loud.
(I'm going out to dinner, I'll be back in about an hour.)
Bailey stopped walking and turned to look up at Mac in the eye. Her eyes were amused and her lips pulled at a smile. She took one of his hands in hers. ''This one girl here will always be there for you, but dont doubt who you are and what you are capable of doing because of what she thinks.''
cuddlefishkisses said:
Bailey stopped walking and turned to look up at Mac in the eye. Her eyes were amused and her lips pulled at a smile. She took one of his hands in hers. ''This one girl here will always be there for you, but dont doubt who you are and what you are capable of doing because of what she thinks.''
Did you want to continue that here?

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