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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

[QUOTE="Spade Oleander]Isla smiled a little, "Well. We don't know how we work with each other yet. So, maybe we should try some target practice?" She suggested, then shrugged. "AS for that hit hurting, you might need to do your own training of your body. You need to be able to take worse blows than that." She said, then poked him lightly on his side. "Ready to go? We can probably find a place to practice in the school."

He sighs at her comment but he nodded, "let's just get this over with I'm already bored as it is..." He said to her.
Isla nodded, "Lead the way." She said. Isla didn't really like his bored comment. But she wasn't going to let it get to her. "I wonder if any classes are taking place right now. Since we both skipped..."
"Heh, that's weird of you to say, considering my normal pompous attitude," he said with a snort. "But to each their own I suppose, no matter how offbeat."
LeafKnight said:
"Heh, that's weird of you to say, considering my normal pompous attitude," he said with a snort. "But to each their own I suppose, no matter how offbeat."
Ruby smiled. "Well if you want to see off beat then look at how I am acting now compared to the first day."
"Good point," he conceded with a yawn. "That nap earlier was nice, but I'm still feeling pretty beat. I need some rest fast, or else I may explode into pixie dust or something."
LeafKnight said:
"Good point," he conceded with a yawn. "That nap earlier was nice, but I'm still feeling pretty beat. I need some rest fast, or else I may explode into pixie dust or something."
Ruby laughed and let go of him. "Alright." She said.
He walked to the door and opened it, giving her a wave and a "See you later" before shutting the door behind him and letting out his excitement. "Haha! I didn't mess it all up!" he said, walking with a spring in his step to his apartment.
LeafKnight said:
He walked to the door and opened it, giving her a wave and a "See you later" before shutting the door behind him and letting out his excitement. "Haha! I didn't mess it all up!" he said, walking with a spring in his step to his apartment.
Ruby heard his comment and smiled. "Silly boy." She mumbled, looking at there castle. She smiled and took the crane with her, putting it on her night stand before plopping down to take a nap.
He walked into his apartment and went to his room, calming himself down. "Well, I suppose things can only go up from here then," he said, flopping onto his bed and falling dead asleep.
LeafKnight said:
He walked into his apartment and went to his room, calming himself down. "Well, I suppose things can only go up from here then," he said, flopping onto his bed and falling dead asleep.
Ruby woke up on time the next morning.
She got to the witches house it was in a dark forest. Carly got of the car and went to the front door . Before she could do anything the door opened by itself and some called out "Come in." She walked in and looked around she saw the witch sitting in a chair. The witch looked at her and said "Well well well it it isn't my darling niece. Please sit down. Carly still not saying anything sat down. "Now let me guess you wen to your "mom" and she told you the whole truth about who you are correct?" She shook her head. "Ok then so then you came here to get me to wake him right?" She was starting to get annoyed but she said "Yes" "Alright good now you want me to wake him up then you have to me some favors." Carly looked at her afraid of what she might have to do witches could't be trusted which means maybe she can't be trusted either. She shook the thought out of her head and said "what do I have to do." Well first you most you have to swear to never go against your own kind which means you can kill a witch I mean come on you are one of us. Besides don't you think the way they treat us is cruel." Carly thought about it she was so confused she didn't know what to think. "Besides your mother always stood up for own kind why can't her daughter" Carly didn't say anything she sat there and thought for a min she hate to say it but she's right. "What else would I have to do?" Well you have to let me train and teach you about our history plus you need to work on your magic." Carly didn't want to but at the same time she did and plus how else would he wake up. "Alright you got your self a deal." Wait one more thing you have to break the spell your self but i'll teach you how ok." She stared at her aunt. "Guess I have no choice ok fine. I'll be back in the morning." She walked out do her car and drove away. She didn't want to admit it but something in side of her was excited and that's what scared her the most.
Her aunt taught her how to undo the curse. She went into his room. "I hope this works." She started chanting some words and performing the spell. After she was done she waited he didn't move. Kneeled down next to the bed and put her head down. "Please wake up."
Jinzo's eyes opened up slowly. "Huh. Where am I?" Jinzo shot up and had both of his hands ready to karate chop something. He looked around and saw he was in his room. He turned his head and noticed that Carly was kneeling right by his bed. "Hey, what's up?" Jinzo didn't remember anything that had happened. "Is something going on? Why are you kneeling by my bed?" Jinzo was very confused.
Jinzo was surprised and he said, "Woah, I just fell asleep. What's up with you?" Jinzo was very confused now. "Did something happen?" Jinzo didn't know what to do so he awkwardly hugged her back.
"Witch? What? Did we get her? Is she locked up? What? Who? When? Where?" Jinzo was obviously very confused. He his head immediately hurt. He started to remember what had happened. "Oh. WHAAAAAATTTTT??? How could I let a stupid witch best me like that?!?! We need to train!!!!! MORE AND MORE!" Jinzo started to chant "TRAIN!" over and over again.
Jinzo suddenly got sad at the last comment. "So she's still out there? Putting dashing young men to sleep? That's bogus." Jinzo put his head down and noticed that they were still hugging. He didn't mind it though. "So no train?"
She realized she was still hugging him. She sat up and her face went red. "And no not now you need to get your strength back you must be starving."
Jinzo's stomach growled right when Carly said "Starving". "Umm, ya. I am quite famished." When she let go of him he noticed that she blushed and he didn't know what to do about that. "Well I am going to make some lasagna. If you want some just come over and eat." Jinzo got up and went to the kitchen. Just walking there made him winded. He got all of the ingredients and started making it very slowly due to his condition. He put it in the oven and sat down on a chair. "Whew. That was a workout."
Jinzo used all of his strength to get to his bed and say, "Don't burn the lasagna." He flopped down onto his bed like a sack of potatoes. He passed out. It's a good thing he doesn't snore.

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