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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

Mac nodded with a soft smile. "Maybe there's more to this than just random chance. Maybe we're meant to do... or be something important. But either way, you're my meister... the most important thing in my book. Never loose faith in yourself okay?"
"Ok, but only if you promise the same. I know its childish but you've put up with my antics this far. I just feels like i've known you for a lifetime." Bailey hopped off the last stair and opened the door for him.
Mac looked into Bailey's eyes and smiled, "Same here Bay. I promise I'll believe in myself. We'll do this together."

Squeezing her hand a little, Mac pointed to the place they were headed, "We're almost there."

(I have to go to work now. Be back later.)
He wakes up about an hour later, yawning and taking a look around before gazing up at Ruby's sleeping face. 'I must have fallen asleep again...' he says, blushing slightly as he realized that he was sleeping in her lap. 'I mean, I-I guess I couldn't have picked a better place to rest than here, though.'
"Hey," he responds, unsure as to what he should do next. "How long were we even out...? I don't think it's been that long since we fell asleep."
(No worries ^-^) Bailey grasped his hand a little righter and walked the trail to the park. She didn't mind the silence and to her it wasn't awkward in any way. "The serenity is beautiful in its own way."
Abigail sighed and and ran after Vick. Once by his side, she changed into her weapon form. "Alright my miester, how do you wanna do this?". Despite being tired, she was primed and ready.

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When Bailey grasped Mac's hand a little harder, it sent a feeling of warmth through his body. He didn't really understand it, but he liked it. 'She's a really quiet girl,' he observed. Not that it bothered him. In fact, he rather enjoyed the quiet company. Yet he still worried that she was burying something away.

As they reached the park, he unrolled the mats and sat on his. With his attire, he probably looked more like a hobo than anything else. which up until today, was actually true. "So... as much as I hate to admit it Bay. You're going to need to teach me some of it. Only because I'm a bit rusty of course."
"Of course." Bailey replied. "Well lets start off with this. I choose yoga because by meditating and monitoring my breathing I retain a sound mind, and by working with my strength and flexibility I retain a sound body. Yoga is all about flow. About how one move just liquifies into the next, containing balance." She did some trunk twists.
"Well, we practice a little differently... but a lot of the fundamentals are the same. One imagery I was always taught to form my movements after was water. You say the same thing. Is it just me, or is this starting to get a little creepy?"
"I wouldn't necessarily say 'creepy'." Bailey grabbed her toes. "A lot of traditions and teachings probably branched off from yours. My clan is a lot less known than yours so-" She looked up. "But the similarities are astounding."
He begrudgingly stood up, stretching out for a moment before nodding. "Alright, alright, geez..." he said, taking a big yawn. "I guess we can go home, then. We're more apt to end up getting lost than finding anything."
Mac nodded solemnly. "Yeah, maybe you're right. But then that probably means your clan wasn't as evil as mine was, so that's a good thing. But, then again... I didn't know of your clan either, so I can't say I know what they do."

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He quickly followed suit, walking behind her and looking up to the sky. 'I can't believe I fell asleep in her lap,' he thought to himself. 'She probably hated that, but I'm glad she was able to put up with it.'
(Sorry stuff....)

Bailey nodded in agreement. "Here wait a second." She walked over to him until they were parallel. "Mirror what I do. Put your hands up." She smiled at him holding her hands up, palms out.
He walks up next to her and sighs, still feeling a bit out of it from the previous nap. "Well I'm feeling refreshed," he said, trying to break the somewhat awkward silence. "It's surprisingly nice out today. When I heard the name 'Death City', I expected a bit more gloom and doom."

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