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Soul Eater RP (Hexed and PlaguedWithInsanity)




@PlaguedWithInsanity ))

Theodora Wilhelm "Thea"


Appearance: Theodora is a tall, slender girl and has shoulder-length, messy strawberry blond hair. She has light green eyes and very small, but thick eyebrows the same color as her hair. Her body is almost entirely covered with piercings, and she has bandages wrapped on both of her hands. In total, she has at least 24 piercings covering her body, though only some of them are visibly confirmed. Theodora's wardrobe consists of a dark navy and white collared shirt with a long sleeved black undershirt, a green tie, and multiple badges on her chest pocket and tie. She also has various accessories with an Usagimodoki pattern imprinted on them, such as her belt and her hat. She wears dark navy pants with her Allmates connected in a chain to her waistband, hanging over onto the sides of her waist. Theodora's black and green beanie hat has a woolen underlayer, a rabbit pattern, and one larger smiley face pin.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height/Weight/Bust: 5'11/152lbs/32C

Eye Color: Lime green

Hair Color: Strawberry blonde

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Soul Description: A bright lime green orb with shaggy green hair connected, as well as a hat on the top similar to her own. Connected to her hat is a pair of small green wings. Another defining feature of her soul is all her facial piercings in a darker color. (I may draw this, I dunno.)

Weapon Partner: Kona Hanzawa

Weapon Partner Preference:"Anyone who won't try to tell me what to do and order me around."

Abilities: Grigori/Soul Perception (not like she ever cares about the power of her opponent anyways; she's too reckless to care. xD )

Because of her thin and tall shape, Theodora is a very lithe and fast runner. She also is quite experienced in a close-combat fight and doesn't fall victim to pain in a fight.

Personality: Theodora is very sharp-tongued, with whatever coming out of her mouth having the tendency to piss off others. She tends to be the rebel of what is the norm, and doesn't ever seem to listen to what others say. She is more independent than not, and hates to be told what to do or be bossed around. Because of this trait, she is rather indecisive the fact that she is a weapon; she likes the fact that she gets to boss others around and use them, but doesn't like to rely on a weapon because she can fight by herself. She is very quick to get physical, angered or not. She is seemingly obsessed with proving her skills in battle, hating to lose and always wanting rematches if such happens, like a kid raring to prove that she’s still the best. There are other sides of Theodora that contrast sharply with her calm demeanor which surprise and utterly confuse others the more time they spend with her. Some examples are her fun-loving and enthusiasm, both mainly spurred from fights or altercations. She is often appearing emotionless, although her many piercings can label her as intimidating or just plain mean, and she could certainly agree to those two adjectives. In addition to being an expert at picking fights, Theodora's skills in information gathering and hacking/analyzation are unmatched. Theodora's personality tends to revolve around her loneliness and independence, as well as her sharp, impatient, violent, and rebellious attitude. She doesn't take anything from anyone, and finds pleasure in hurting others or making others fear her. She is quite responsible and commanding at times, her past being the origination of these 'adult-like' behaviors. She also likes to fight, whether it be physical or verbal, and doesn't try to hard at censorship. She is also very reckless and quick to throw herself into a fight with no real rhyme or reason to do so, no matter how tough the opponent. And although Theodora hardly seems like an angel, she possesses a strong Grigori soul.

History: Theodora is from a wealthy family in Germany, living with her mother, father and younger brother. As a child, Theodora was impatient and unintentionally violent, though this was attributed to her lack of the sense of feeling. She has Congenital insensitivity to pain (or CIPA). Due to her affliction, she could never play with other kids because she didn't know what pain felt like to others, shrugging off any injuries she got, and being confused when other children reacted to their own injuries. When Theodora's parents found out how she was acting around others, she was seen as an embarrassment, which led her to being locked up and isolated from everyone else. However, she was given all the care she needed within the room that she was given by her parents. For years, she lived alone in her own little house, with a bedroom and a connected bathroom, daily meals, and a housekeeper were all provided, but no one ever aided her whenever she was sad and lonely. It was shown that in the beginning of her isolation, she would cry and get herself hurt due to her panic and fear. However, she eventually got used to being alone, and ended up with the thought that she wasn't the same as other people, and that whether she lived or died didn't matter since she was different.

Other: She has Congenital insensitivity to pain (or CIPA). Her obsession with piercings comes from her lack of pain as she had always been told, her goal being to test her lack of pain thresholds. She likes the color green and loves rabbits and sweets.


Kyo Tsuzumoto










Eye Colour:

Sky blue

Hair Colour:

Jet black



Soul description:

Kyo's soul is a dark blue colour, strange considering his eyes are a lighter colour, with short, messy hair like his own that leaves his eyes just visible. It takes on his normal bored and uninterested look.


Well, where shall we start with this boy? Hm... Kyo is often quite quiet, avoiding most people and keeping his head down as much as he possibly can. He's pushed a lot of people away in a very short amount of time, though starting off with the mindset 'no one will want me around anyway' didn't help his cause. Most will just avoid speaking to him and he avoids speaking to them too, after all he doesn't really know how to have an average conversation with someone, a lot of the time it's just speak when he's spoken to. If someone does put up with him for awhile then he'll latch onto them, wanting to stay around them as much as possible without making it too obvious that he has no one else to go to. Due to events in his past he's been left with rather low self esteem and the confidence of a baby mouse, this however does not mean that he will not react if provoked, in fact it is quite the opposite. When provoked Kyo will react in a violent way, lashing out or shouting at the top of his voice, there's only so much that he can take before he absolutely explodes. However he does let people get away with quite a lot, controlling him, telling him what to do, it takes awhile for it to build up to the point where he will actually fight back and usually by this point he's found a way to calm himself down and it doesn't bother him as much. Most people take him for stupid, and whilst this might be slightly true in the academic subjects, he knows his way around a fight, analysing his opponent and coming up with the best way to counter them. Of course he hasn't fought seriously without a meister in quite some time. For the people he cares about he will do a lot, no one gets away with threatening or hurting them in any way, it's probably the one thing that you can't get passed him with. He'll come at you with everything he has if you even lay a finger on anything he cares about.


Kyo's history is unknown to most since it's not something he just goes around sharing with everyone.

Weapon Description:

Kyo's weapon for his a long, light blue sword. The hilt of the sword has a brownish red base colour with three, thin rings of light blue around it, two closer to the bottom of the sword, and one around two thirds of the way up. It has a fan shaped blue base. At the begging on the blade there is an intricate design, looking sort of like a w with two wing-like spikes protruding from it, above that are two more spikes that stick even further out of the sword.



Although being a weapon that is wielded he is capable of fighting on his own, maybe not as well as a meister can but he definitely can put up a good fight against someone.​
(( @PlaguedWithInsanity ))

Monday. The worst day of the week for some, the best for others. It was a bright morning in Death City, the sun starting to rise over the tall buildings and high into the sky. The DWMA was bustling with activity, children of all ages moving to and fro, going here and there. So many children and teachers made their way up the steep steps and towards the large, strangely built building. Some stood outside and talked, waiting for their lessons to begin, others made their way inside to meet friends, teachers told off students for running and bumping into people, this morning there was even a small organised fight going on out at the back of the building. Of course all of this was just a regular day for the students of the DWMA, this was their life, and most loved it. Meisters and weapons a like attended this school, all here to learn and become better at what they do.

A loud noise rang throughout the building, the bell, all of the children that were just standing around seemed to turn at the noise and start making their way into the building, classes were about to start. A boy with jet black hair and sky blue eyes walked into the building, his head down, hands in pockets and eyes on the ground. Kyo Tsuzumoto. Unlike most the boy tended to stay away from everyone else in the school, there had been incidents between him and others in the past, and most just decided it was best to stay away from him now, he also thought that that was a good idea. The boy was making his way down the hallways and towards a classroom at the very back of the building. Another day, another set of classes...

Kyo turned to the right entering a classroom with rows of seats and a teacher's desk at the front, most of the other children were coming in now too, and it seemed that their teacher had been here quite awhile by the bored expression on her face, she looked as if she'd been waiting years, even though the bell had only just sounded. Miss Tabonashi, she was a respectable woman, but could be very strict when she needed to be. Joy tried not to look around the classroom, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, and instead went and grabbed a seat right at the back, hopefully where he'd be ignored and no one would bother him... He wanted that, but at the same time...

Soon all the children had filed in and sat down in their seats, chatting away. Miss Tabonashi waited until all of the children had stopped chatting before she spoke, "Welcome back," The woman pushed herself off of the desk and walked in front of the class, "I hope you all had a great weekend. Now, back to work correct?" She clasped her hands together, there were a few mummers at this but they quickly shut up when the teacher glanced around the classroom. "Okay, I'm sure you're all thrilled to be back, and since you have had the weekend you all she be refreshed and renewed. Right, well enough of my rambling, we've got a lesson to get on with."

Once Kyo had sat down he'd pretty much ignored the teacher, blocking her out and placing his head on the desk, looking over at a wall. Today he didn't really just wanted to stay unnoticed, though that never fully happened, someone would end up talking to him or calling him over or something...

"We have a guest today." Miss Tabonashi continued, "Since some of you decide that you don't want to listen to me, I thought maybe getting in another of our students would be a good idea. It's much more interesting than having me babble on, some of you may know her, others may not. Theodora Wilhelm will be joining us today to teach you some of the techniques you should be applying during combat, she should be here soon enough."
While Mondays were the bane of some students' existences, Theodora Wilhelm actually liked the first day of the week. She liked to learn and be in class. Her two star class was quite engaging, and really involved the students in the classroom. Knowledge is power, she thought while walking to school that day from her dorm. What would be the highlight and climax of her day was that she was chosen among a group of respectable and experienced two star student, where her job was to perform a demonstration to one of the lower one star classes. What was equally bothersome was this event, being that Theodora had to probably interact with others in the meantime of the demonstration, and she didn't quite want to cause any altercations in a foreign classroom when she was specifically chosen, even if it was a random selection of a batch of students. Her sharp mouth was what always got her in trouble, but she had still retained some sort of respectable air around her, one that was also equally intimidating, and there was no doubt that the students in the incoming class knew that as well, as did the rest of the school.

Theodora soon entered the school after a quick jogging up the stairs that led to the DWMA. At this point in her years was these stairs no long a problem, as she could clear them with ease, and, at this point, doing so without even breaking a sweat. Upon entering the academy doors had she soon gone to the reception counter, marking her present for her actual class as well as present for her demonstration. She was to give insight into fighting techniques to the lower ranked students, and she probably had to use a random Weapon in the class to do some upon the teacher's request. That was bothersome, however, as Theodora was partner-less at the moment, but she was in no way ready to go through with trying to Resonate with another weapon again. It was too soon, she told herself while she clenched her fists, as she began walking towards the designated classroom. Through the halls after the bell rang was rather serene, yet odd in the same sense. Light filtered through the flecked academy windows in the hall, letting rays of light through to brighten up the hallway and give it almost a false sense of a happy and bright, almost aspiring, atmosphere. Sure, that almost was usually correct, as the academy was rather uplifting, but what contained in the teachings was something far more morbid and hateful, such as the Kishins and their plans.

Yes, at this time was the school at a conflict with the more demonic world, where monsters big and small threatened the very being of society. It was completely unwavering to Theodora, as she was often undeterred by any thoughts of the like. She never let anything distract her, anything bother her, really. She was honestly but a hard shell of a person, rude and blunt to an almost bane sense. It was just her nature to be sharp and intimidating, and everyone knew that well. It was as easy as sending one cold glare into another to make them shiver or tremble, always being intimidated by her rowdiness as well. Anyways, had she soon walked up to the classroom that she was assigned to, a couple minutes after the teacher had given her bit to the class, mentioning about their visitor for the day. Theodora's tongue absentmindedly played with the backing of her spiked lip piercing, as her many piercings were also to add to that intimidation effect to others, and she hadn't minded it in the slightest.

She then stepped in through the doorway, as she crossed her arms behind her back in an almost respectable manner. She bowed slightly at the teacher, Miss Tabonashi, as she greeted the girl that would be demonstrating to her class. "Miss Wilhelm is an experienced two star student, and is a respectable one at that." the teacher said, as Theodora merely nodded at her in respect. "Thank you, Miss Tabonashi." She looked at the class with a rather neutral look, but even that was a bit intimidating on its own. Her arms remained crossed behind her back, her hands intertwined together. She could hear whispers from the students, some with fear and most with intimidation from the girl who could easily thrash them in a fight, no questions asked. She never had the feeling of pain to experience, thus making it possible for her to be capable of fighting without fear, and she could do so recklessly because she hadn't worry about the concept of pain and how it felt. So, Theodora merely stood at the center of the front of the classroom, awaiting further instruction as she glanced about the group of students with her normal, intimidating look. "I will be demonstrating today a couple useful fighting concepts."
The class had broken out into a chorus of whispers and mummurs at the mention of Theodora, after all she was known all around the school. The girl was known for a intimidating demeanour as well as the ability of feeling no pain, most of the children hadn't seen her in fights for themselves, but they'd heard about her and how she could fight for a long time since she felt no pain whatsoever. They all thought that this was amazing and most wished that they had the same sort of ability, yet no one could imagine what it was like, after all what is really classed as pain? What couldn't he feel? These were questions that the students asked each other and teachers often. It was an intriguing and different subject, just as Theodora was an intriguing and different girl, not many want to mess with her and the ones who do often regret it. They've all learned by now that Theodora is a powerful girl that could best most, if not all, of them on a fight.

Kyo was the one person to be hearing about this girl for the first time, he didn't really listen when others spoke about things that happened in the school, mostly because he didn't really care about it...it wasn't anything to do with him anyway. Now that this girl was going to be in the class though, he should probably pay attention to who she was... She might be cool after all. The girl enetered, a tall blonde girl with piercing and green eyes, she did look slightly intimidating. As she entered the classroom again broke into whispers and murmurs about the girl, Kyo decided to listen some of the children closest to him.


"Is that her?"

"Yeah...wow she looks just like everyone says."

"Scary isn't she? You know people say she can't feel pain..."


"Yeah, you think that's true?"

"Guess we'll find out."

Now there was something that peaked his interest, the girl couldn't feel pain? Like nothing at all? That was really strange...but what it true? He'd love to find out. A person who couldn't feel pain...you didn't find them often at all...

"Alright! Alright! Settle down everyone!" Miss Tabonashi raised her arms and soon he class was silent yet again, after Theodora had spoken she nodded and smiled, "Yes, she will be demonstrating fighting concepts. I'm assuming you will need a weapon yes? Well I'm sure someone in the class can help you...let me see..." She started to scan eager children, all wanting the chance to test their skills as weapons it seemed. Kyo wasn't even looking at the front, his head was down on the desk and he was staring at a wall now, again not really bothered by it all.

"Mr Tsuzumoto, since you seem so intent on ignoring me, and the rest of the world, why don't you come up here and help?" She stared at him, arms crossed, obviously not going to let him off on this one. It was most likely because he hadn't been paying attention but the fact that he never even spoke to anyone in this class or helped with demonstrations probably came into it as well. She looked to Theodora and then smiled, "He will be no problem, some of the children in here can be stubborn at times."

The boy had turned his head and sighed, he didn't want to stand in front of the class and have to do something, they'd all be looking at him... He couldn't face people like that, he didn't have the confidence. Already all of the children had turned to look at him, he could feel it... Kyo's eyes hit the floor and he stood up, slowly walking away from his seat and towards he front... He could feel everyone's head turning, eyes burning the back of his skull. Why did he have to do this? Every step he took he felt himself slouching more... The boy got to the front and stood there, eyes on the ground for a few seconds before working up the courage to look up, she did intimidate him slightly... After all he was very small compared to her, "Hi..." He mumbled in a quiet voice but trying to sound as confident as he possibly could. Though in the back of his brain he was still curious...she couldn't feel pain, right?
Theodora heard some of the whispers from the students, but she kept a relatively neutral gaze, scanning them all with almost predatory eyes. Most of them shut their mouths when their eyes were caught by her own, and that forced upon the slightest of smiles on her face, the edges of her lips curved up almost a bit more than a minuscule amount. She heard mentions of her not being able to feel pain, some just about how intimidating she was, her condescending green eyes looking about the class with a sharp look to them, almost like they could cut through a student if he/she were to speak up out of turn. She loved that about herself, the ability to silence and leave a classroom of students in shaking terror by a mere glare in their direction. Theodora smiled at the teacher, however, with an almost charm that was clearly unlike her and felt strained, as Miss Tabonashi ordered the class to settle down. She repeated what she had said about teaching some fighting concepts, also mentioning that the two star student would need a weapon of her own that could possibly help her.

"Yes, ma'am." she answered the question she had been faced with from the teacher. It was true that she had no Weapon partner, and that was due to a certain tragic accident of her own a mere couple months ago. Caught by overwhelming depression as well as a very conflicting inferiority complex, she would stay in her dorm room for weeks at a time, curled up in his sheets until his scent would soon fade away from the fabric. This was when the school thought to somehow revive her, bring her out to finally come out of said depression. No one except for Lord Death was knowledgeable about this fact of her, however, and she would possibly never condone such information to anyone else anyways, considering her and her nature of withholding her own personal information and standings. So, when the mentioning of choosing a partner for her from the class' students, Theodora was a little shocked, not that she physically showed it, of course. Just a mere absentmindedness of fiddling with one of her facial snakebite piercings that came to a sharp silver point off the outside of her lip. Miss Tabonashi soon scanned the room herself, with her more delighted demeanor, and chose not so randomly as she would have expected. Out from the crowd was a short dark-haired boy chosen, chosen from his lack of giving his uninvited attention to her. Miss Tabonashi looked back at her, and informed her that the selected patron—Mr Tsuzumoto—would not be of an issue to her. He better not be, or I might have to deal with him one way or another, she thought to herself as she clenched her fists.

The selected individual slowly rose from his seat, his eyes glued to the floor as he slowly and hesitantly made his way up to the front of the classroom. His composure was all but inviting, very negative and introverted. Theodora's slight smile fell to a slight frown instead. One of these guys? Really? she thought to herself, referring to his shyness and lack of social confidence, as Mr Tsuzumoto walked up beside her yet still kept his wavering gaze on the floor below them. Finally did he mutter a quiet hello to her, no, a very informal 'hi' to his higher ranked superior. She honestly had half the right of mind to slap him right there for his disrespect until he finally mustered up the courage to face her. He had to look up at her because of the rather large height difference between them, as she was a clear half foot or so taller than him. "Yes, hello." Theodora said back to him, almost correcting him with her own, proper greeting; her cold gaze unintentionally began piercing through his thin shell, as she could feel the fear that he possessed from her mere presence. After all, they were standing about a foot away from each other, facing with eye contact: his being rather wavering and lacking of confidence, while hers was dead on and going straight through him like knives.
It was obvious that Kyo was not confident about being up here, and right now the height difference was adding to all the pressure and anxiety he was feeling right now... Thinking about it he probably looked like a complete idiot, he was standing in front of a two star meister acting like it was the first time he'd ever talked to someone. He was still staring up at her, mainly because he couldn't make himself look away. Her cold, steely gaze was on him still and it intimidated him. Fear welled up inside of him and it took all of his courage not to divert his gaze from her, she really was as intimidating as everyone said...maybe even a bit more. The boy swallowed, making a slight gulping noise but trying to cover it up, he didn't want her to know that he was completely and utterly terrified of her. So, he had to do a demonstration with her...when he couldn't even face her without almost running away? How did she have the power to do this to him? Sure he wasn't all that confident but not many scared him this much. If looks could kill he'd have died three times over by now.

"Sorry..." He mumbled as if he'd realised what she'd tried to, correcting him, he shouldn't have been do informal. The boy finally broke his gaze and his eyes returned to the floor, though he could still feel her eyes staring daggers into the top of his head, burning through his skull. He leaned his right foot up onto the toe and just dragged his across the floor slightly, it was a distraction for himself, something to get his mind off of her...

"So, whenever you two are ready, please do start." Miss Tabonashi took a step back and nodded at the two before smiling, it seemed she wanted them to start now.

Kyo looked over to the teacher and then nodded before looking back up at Theodora, he was going to give his arm to her in order for him to change to his weapon form when an idea of sorts came into his head...

It seemed he was curious, it wasn't his nature to do this but he couldn't help it...he was so interested. He wanted to know if she really could feel pain, what if she couldn't? What was it like to be like that? He wanted to know if it was true, it had to be impossible. Even though he knew it was bad and usually he'd do nothing like it, but he felt like it was something he had to find out now. Oh he knew he'd regret this, he'd regret it so much, but it was a mixture of hate for the way she was looking at him and curiosity that was driving him to do this. It would most likely shock everyone since no one ever expected him to act out like he was about to...but right now who really cared? It'd only be a second or so. He held out his wrist as if wanting her to grab it, though quickly he'd retracted it again and took a step backwards. His eyes were on hers but within an instant his leg had gone flying towards her stomach, he wanted to kick her and find out if she really couldn't feel pain. This was stupid but it would give him the answer, his kicks weren't weak either.
Theodora waited on the boy in front of her, as she could feel his fear being so physically close to him as they were in the front of the classroom. She was having many thoughts about having to perform her demonstration in front of everyone with this kid, as it was clear he didn't even want to be up here in the slightest. If she could without being disrespectful to the teacher and her decisions, she would disregard him completely and demand another partner, One that wasn't so...weird and quiet. He tried his best to retain their eye contact, but Theodora just knew that that wouldn't stay as such for long. His eyes trembled as clearly to her as a frail leaf in an autumn breeze, his fear and discomfort with the situation highly evident. He soon apologized for his lack of formality with her, his eye contact with her finally breaking as his eyes were once again stuck to the floor in front of him. He was clearly uncomfortable, as he then rose his right foot back and dragged his toe of his shoe along the flooring, almost in a distraction to himself from her naturally cold and demeaning gaze.

Miss Tabonashi soon spoke up to them, taking a step back and informing the both of them that if they were ready then they could start. She retained a bright smile plastered on her face, yet it seemed rather genuine due to her uplifting nature. The boy in front of him looked over at the teacher, then back at Theodora, finally making eye contact yet again. Take your time, why don't you? she thought to herself as her gaze only burned hotter on him, some animosity clearly present. She had never had too much patience, even if her entire childhood had been being locked in a plain boxed room with no other interaction but her own that she could fabricate for entertainment. It was harsh, really, and it must have been the origination of her cold and distant personality to everyone, stemming from a time where she was taken away for being different and strange to the rest of the world, alienated by her parents for 'her own good as well as everyone else's'. She clenched her bandaged fists yet again, trying to bring herself back to the present rather than reminiscing on her own horror of a childhood that was nearly nothing to reminisce on.

While trying to break herself from her thoughts, suddenly had a knee been shoved into Theodora's stomach, knocking her back on her heels with surprising force in relation to the boy's size and stature. She hadn't reacted except for the fact of being pushed back about a couple centimeters on her heels, sliding back that distance on the slick floor. She hadn't been able to block because of being distracted by her own thoughts. No sounds of pain from having her ribs rammed into with a sharp knee, no grunting from having the air knocked from her lungs because of the blow, only her green gaze turning into something of pure fire. The entire class made up loud noises of shock and surprise, Miss Tabonashi also expressing such shock. "Kyo, what are you-!" Theodora then brought her left arm back, bending at the elbow, as her open hand then shot out straight for the side of the boy's throat, with complete intent to throw him down and pin him to the ground with some force. "What the hell's your problem!" Why the left hand you ask, something that he wouldn't have expected? Theodora, being left-handed, thought it was strange that the boy brought his arm out at her to her right hand, which most had assumed which was her dominant hand, which where this proves that she most certainly was not.
Kyo had heard the gasps and shocked sounds from the children in the room, they really hadn't expected such an outburst from the small boy. Being slightly shorter than most in the class he wasn't expect to pack quite the punch that he did, he was definitely a lot stronger than he looked. He'd had to be, if he'd been weak physically as well as mentally then he would have been completely screwed. All he wanted was to see if she felt pain or not, that's all he wanted, after that he'd be completely satisfied. He'd heard Miss Tabonashi speak to him as well, yes...he also wondered just what he was doing, but he'd done it now and he couldn't go back. This definitely wasn't the best of ideas and he realised that, it was just curiosity...he couldn't help himself, he hardly ever did things like this but finding out if someone could feel pain... That really was something he wanted to know about. He wanted to know how that was even possible, and he wanted to be like that himself...

She was fast, very fast. Kyo had gone to block the wrong hand, thinking shed strike with her right when really she struck out with her left. In seconds he had a hand to his throat, his head hit the floor with a thud, making stars swim in his vision. His head was pounding, he was coughing and blinking rapidly to clear his blurring vision. As his vision cleared again he looked up into Theodora's eyes, she looked angry, very angry... What did he do? His eyes widened and suddenly he was overcome with fear, an overwhelming fear. For a second Kyo's whole body tensed up, he couldn't move out of her grip right now, he was too afraid, then he physically started shaking, but stopped himself by clenching his fists and breathing in. He'd caused this, his curiosity had got the better of him and he'd done something very foolish and stupid, "I-I'm sorry..." He mumbled bringing one of his arms to shield his own face, "I just...wanted to know..."

So it was true...she really didn't feel pain, when he'd hit her with quite some force she hadn't made a single noise that indicated his was in any sort of pain, and she's bounced back from the attack too quickly. That was strange, she felt no pain at all then? Was it something she'd inherited? So the rumours were true then. What he'd done to find out was completely and utterly imbecilic, but he couldn't go back on it now so what did he do? By the look in her eyes he could tell that she was anything but happy with him, he knew what was going to happen, he'd stepped out of line correct? And he shouldn't have done so, he was regretting this just like he knew he would. The boy squeezed his eyes shut, keeping his arm shielding his face, and sighed shakily, "Just...get it over with, hit me already..." It seemed that she would hit him, everything about her told him that she'd happily do so. He might as well accept that fact and just get it over with, he didn't want to drag out the inevitable.
Kyo had tried to block against her, expecting her right hand to be the one to strike out at him. That, there, was one of Theodora's advantages in a fight. The unexpectedness of being a left-hand dominant while throwing the first punch. As expected, he had been easily thrown to the ground, pinned down by the two star Meister, with her hand at his throat and her knee in his spine pressing him to the ground. Sure, she really hadn't expected for him to lash out at him, but he had completely expected for her to do the same to him. He kept blinking, coughing once he was on the ground. He looked up at Theodora with intense fear in his eyes, as he soon began trembling, shaking viciously under her. She kept her killer expression, her cold and calculating eyes focused on him and only on him and his movements. Kyo tensed up under he, as he apologized for what he had done, bringing one of his arms up to protect his face. The entire class was chatting among itself, fear also stricken throughout the classroom of students. The relentless chatter was beyond annoying, but her focus was on this boy below her.

"You just wanted to know? Just wanted to know what!" she commanded loudly at him, expecting some sort of an answer from him, if at all possible. This guy, Kyo, had just firsthandedly experienced the absolute hotheadedness and quickness to act of the rumored "Pain Killer" Theodora Wilhelm. She was one to be feared, and right now was one of the prime examples of why nobody ever messed with her. She loomed over this pathetic one star student, who was visibly trembling under her own body as her sharp knee pressed into his spine, probably causing quite a bit of pain for him in the position. "You're a fucking coward, you know that!" she hissed with such hatred, such animosity against the boy under her as she kept her bandaged hands firm at his neck, also pressing down there on his throat. Miss Tabonashi stood by, only allowed to step in if it got really bad, that being Lord Death's orders pertaining presentations. Theodora kept her sharp and demeaning gaze on him, her green eyes almost like daggers into him.

She kept him onto the ground, as Kyo then closed his eyes tightly and kept his arms shielding his face. He began to shake more ferociously under her. What he had done was everything but good towards her, and he was going to pay dearly for his actions against her. With any other Meister would it have been fine, everything sorted out, but Theodora was different, always resorting to violence to solve issues, merely because she could without physical consequence. And she liked fighting, a lot. The adrenaline, the feeling of strength and empowerment, etcetera. All of it was just completely enticing to her. Her gaze or movements didn't even waver when Kyo completely succumbed to his fate, even telling her to hit him just to get it all over with. The edges of her lips curved upwards in just the slightest, as anyone could tell that she was happy enough to do just as ordered. Most of the class looked at him with disappointment to him losing at her, failing to even finish what he started.

So, Theodora obliged, pulling her right hand back as she was about to send a strong punch right at his cheek that faced her. She was right about to swing right at him when her hand was tightly clasped by two other hands behind her. It was Miss Tabonashi, and she held a deep frown on her usually-overly-kind pretty face. "Please, Miss Wilhelm." she said, holding the girl's hand back as she sighed. Theodora blinked, then pulled herself up onto her feet with a disapproving shake of her head at Kyo. "Pathetic..." she sneered as she turned away from him while he was still on the ground. She crossed her arms over her chest, disappointed that she couldn't finish what he started.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Kyo clenched his teeth and just kept his eyes closed tightly, the fear he felt was so intense, it was just her...her whole demeanour scared him. There was a knee in his spine causing the boy quite a bit of pain and even more when he attempted to move in any direction just the tiniest bit. Honestly now he was trying not to burst into tears, he was extremely afraid and since running to a corner, curling up and whimpering wasn't an option that was his only way of really getting rid of it. Though he held it together as much as he could, he was already going to be viewed badly for this, he didn't need to make it worse. He could hear everyone murmuring in the background and it really was not helping the situation, he just started thinking about what they could possibly be saying... None of it was in his favour...and that...that made him feel the worst of all, he didn't know why he'd done this...and he wished he hadn't... Why hadn't he listened to his head when it told him he would regret this? Because now...he did.

At her shouting he just stayed still, jumping a little now and again when she spoke. She wanted to know what her wanted to know about her but he couldn't even answer right now, he opened his mouth to speak but no words at all came out, and so he just shut it again. Coward... That hatred he heard in her voice, he'd only ever heard it in one other person's... Yes, he was a coward, he knew that, and it hurt sure, but he was used to it by now and so it hurt a lot less that it might have done maybe six months to a year ago. He clenched his jaw tighter and just focused on breathing, it'd give him a second to just calm himself down and gain some control. Now he was just thinking, why had he done this? Why had he made himself look like an absolute idiot in front of everyone? Trembling under this girl after something that he'd started, what kind of weapon was that? He was stupid and he was perfectly away of it. Just a stupid, idiotic, moronic coward.

Kyo opened an eye for just a second to see her hand draw back in a fist, so this was it, she was just going to punch him after all... Fine, he just wanted her to do it already... He was prepared for the impact of her fist hitting his face, eye closed again, but after a few seconds he realised that it wasn't going to happen. The boy opened his eyes and looked up, Miss Tabonashi...she'd stopped Theodora from punching him... He let out a shaky sigh and relaxed slightly, he was definitely relieved, but who knew if he was really off the hook yet. Kyo lay there for a few seconds, just looking up at the ceiling before sitting himself up. He was pathetic like she'd said, he could finish what he'd started, he didn't think about the consequences... He shouldn't have done any of this, he should have just declined Miss Tabonashi and stayed in his seat... That would have been a better option than coming out here and doing this...

The teacher sighed, "Okay," she started, "Kyo, Theodora, out there now please." She pointed to a door at the back of the classroom, it lead to the teachers small office, "I'll be in soon, just go take a seat." She couldn't have them both int eh classroom and they needed to speak about what just happened, needed to get it explained. Kyo just wanted to out and so was more than happy to do so, he stood up as quickly as he could, looking at the door and then just made for it. Turning the handle, opening it and walking inside. All the noise, all the whispering, all the thoughts of what he had just done rushed through his head. Why had he acted that way? What good could have come from that? Why couldn't he have just thought of a better way to deal with the situation.
Theodora could feel all the boy's fear from under her knee, and felt no resentment or regret for the position they were both in. She could tell that Kyo was afraid, his trembling so great that it was shaking the knee that was stabbing him, quite literally, in the back. Every time she spoke did he shake and jump form under her, and she truly did think that this boy was pathetic. After all, hadn't he began the fight? Why would he start something that he was in no position to ever finish? Maybe if he had a chance against her, even a small one, it would have made more sense, but he didn't have any way to ever pull a decent fight against her. Her eyes were sharp on him like a hawk on pinned prey, her fiery gaze probably burning straight through him. There was an incredible amount of animosity in Theodora's voice, and she wasn't going to let up from her intensity, except for when she was asked to stop by Miss Tabonashi, by the teacher stopping her from hurting Kyo any further. She nodded at her and soon stepped off of him, standing a couple feet away from the boy on the ground with her arms crossed tightly at her chest. She caught his eye once more with her virulent glare, whilst she was standing a couple feet behind the teacher helping him, and she didn't catch her hatred due to the positioning of them both. If only eyes could kill...

Kyo was incredibly idiotic in her opinion. What could have possibly compelled him to strike out at a girl like Theodora? Never would he have a chance at her, even if he had premeditated all of his strategies beforehand, which he obviously didn't and couldn't possibly had. He clearly had some balls, or at least some sort of extremely sudden confidence boost to ever think of striking out at her like he had. He clearly wasn't knowledgeable of the consequences of his actions. When Miss Tabonashi stopped her from punching the boy, he let out a shaky sigh of relief as his body soon relaxed slightly. Kyo lied there on the floor for a couple moments until deciding to finally sit up. Then had the teacher spoke after a long moment in silence. She ordered both Theodora and him outside and to the teacher's office. She told the class that she would be back momentarily. The Meister gave him a look of complete abhor and hate. This was none of her fault, so why was she being punished? Sure, she let the best of her succumb to her intense temper, but he still had no right to strike out at her like he had. The entire class was in its own quiet uproar, mumbling and whispering all about what had just happened before all of them. Theodora hated gossipers.

Kyo quickly stood up after ordered and made his way over to the door and walked into the designated room that they were told to go into. She watched him as he ran from her with fear, wanting to get to the other room rather quickly. She kept her arms crossed rather tightly at her chest, fed up with the entire scenario. She didn't want to have some sort of conference for something that wasn't even her fault to begin with. She thought to herself for a moment, seeing as that the boy clearly didn't even want to be in the same room with her until this was all sorted out. Theodora sighed, then sucked in a calming breath. Her heart was beating rather quickly from the sudden expulsion of energy towards Kyo, sending him slamming into the floor below at her rumored lightning speed of reflexes. She retained her deep frown, looking over at the door until she finally walked over to it and out of the room only to go into the next on across the hallway. She pulled down the silver horizontal handle and stepped inside the room where he was already sitting in. Her steps were slow, cold and calculated while going towards the room, until she finally arrived inside and slumped down into a seat across the small room from Kyo. Theodora faced him with a glare laced in poison, as she tapped her fingers against the top of the arm rest while keeping her sharp eyes on him.
There was much that Kyo regretted doing, but he'd have to pay for it all now... There's no way he'd be let off for this. The boy had opened the dark brown door and entered the rather small room, it had an oak wood floor and red walls. Two chairs were placed across from each other, a desk with another chair was placed in front of that. He looked at the two chairs and decided to sit down on the one on the left. Honestly the boy enjoyed the quiet of the room, it gave him a place just clear his head and decide what he was going to say. He sat there, alone, his elbows rest on the edge of his knees, hands cupped around his head and eyes to the floor. He actually could believe himself right now, Kyo was starting to realise who he'd just punched. He'd punched a two star meister, Theodora Wilhelm, someone who could probably end him within seconds... Someone who he had no chance against... And for what? Because he was curious whether or not she could feel pain? Couldn't he have just asked her? But he never asked anyone anything... Again he started to feel slightly afraid, would she try and get him back for this? Had he stepped out of line a little too much this time...

As the door behind him opened Kyo froze, his eyes stayed on the ground but out of the corner of them he could see someone going to sit down...and that didn't look like Miss Tabonashi's clothing. Theodora....already he could feel her glare burning a hole in his skull, she really hated him didn't she? He hadn't meant for her to get so mad...then again he hadn't really though about what he was doing, but she couldn't feel it. He just stayed quiet and refused to look up, keeping his eyes on one place on the wooden floor. For him to know that she was glaring he didn't need to look, he just knew...

Again the door opened and someone else stepped through, the cling of heels against wood... Miss Tabonashi. "Sorry to keep you both waiting." She said as she stepped around their chairs and went over to the one behind the desk. She sounded very calm, considering what had just happened, "I had to find someone to look after the class for a moment whilst I came in here to talk to you both." There woman sat down in her chair and sighed, "Okay, let's begin."

"I do apologise Theodora, I never expected this to happen, especially not with Kyo." Miss Tabonashi look over to the girl and then Kyo, a frown on her face, she didn't seem happy about this at all. "He's never done such a thing before, I've never once had to deal with an incident like this involving him. I'm not sure what's gotten into him but I am deeply sorry, I couldn't have predicted this." She shook her head, "Look up Kyo, I won't speak to you and have you ignore me."

The boy hesitated but raised his head to look at the teacher.

"What the hell has gotten into you? Since when did you think that just attacking someone in the middle of a presentation was alright? I can't believe how you've acted today, you really have been stupid. She could have really hurt you, you understand that right? Miss Wilhelm is much more experienced that you, what in the world made you think it was a clever idea?!"

"I'm...sorry..." Kyo mumbled, he hadn't meant for this to happen.

"You're so quiet, usually you sit at the back of my class without issue... But the second I call you up to help and you're attacking them, I do not understand you Kyo... All I know if that whatever you were thinking, that situation was only going one way for you. It's not me you need to apologise to, it's Theodora."

The boy lowered his head again and just gritted his teeth, she was right, he should have never done it. He had to apologise again to her? But...she already hated him... Turning his head he raised his eyes from the floor and just looked on at Theodora, "I'm sorry..."
Theodora looked around the room, glancing her eyes up slightly from her prey that sat across from her to observe her surroundings. The room looked just like it had about a year ago, when something similar to this same incident occurred with her last partner. He set her off, but they were both in this room from it being both their faults at the time. The only difference then was that she ended up with a black eye and a couple fractured knuckles, while he was sent to the ground with a broken lower rib as well as an abdomen full of bruises. She felt no regret then, but now the memories were surging back to her like an old record tape remastered in color. The room hadn't changed much at all, except for a new painting that hung itself on the back wall across from her. Kyo said nothing up until that point, as he merely kept his head hung low. Theodora clicked her tongue in a mixture of annoyance and disappointment at the boy, as she then muttered, "Pathetic." Her voice was still sharp, like a snake's virulent fangs.

Soon had the door's lock been turned, the knob pushed down as if someone was about to enter. Even thought she knew it would be the teacher, her look was calculated and quick, as if she was still on edge and being very observant to anything just in case she had to defend herself once again from some impending force against her. But, as expected, it was Miss Tabonashi, the loud clicking of her heels making that highly evident from sound alone once more. She apologized when she stepped in, stating that the wait was because of her needing to get a supervisor for her class. She walked in and sat in the chair in between Theodora and Kyo both, and sighed, then stating the beginning of their meeting. She first apologized to the two star Meister, explaining to her that this was not planned in the slightest. She stated that she never expected for her student to act out at her like this, and the younger girl glanced back at the boy, and then to the teacher again. Miss Tabonashi claimed that her student had never acted out like this before, as she again apologized to her.

"I apologize as well. I was merely acting out of self-defense." Theodora said to the teacher, that in which was a straight-up lie to her, but she was good at lying, and it was believable in her position in the matter. She didn't want to get in trouble here because the little brat across from her caused the entire physical confrontation. She nodded at Miss Tabonashi as the woman continued. Her short fuse definitely took over, making her 'act out of self-defense' turn into something more of venting towards him from her ability of being easy to anger. The teacher then began to talk to Kyo, telling him to look up at her and not ignore him while she was talking to him. There was definitely a pattern here, as he seemed to want to daydream rather than pay attention to his instructor. The boy rose his head as instructed, avoiding Theodora's gaze and looking straight at his teacher. Miss Tabonashi's next words surprised her a little, asking her 'what the hell had gotten into [him]', and asking him whether or not 'just attacking someone in the middle of a presentation was alright'. She stated that she couldn't believe Kyo's actions today, and that they were very stupid of him, and that the two star Meister could have really hurt him then. Damn right I could've, she thought to herself, sneering a little at him. He merely apologized quietly, but his teacher went on with her mini-lecture at him.

Miss Tabonashi continued, stating that he was usually quiet and that there was no issue with him, as he was usually just silent in the back of her classroom. She said she didn't understand him, and told him that the situation was only going to be one-sided for him, and that was against him and not for. She then told him that he should apologize to the person he provoked, rather than to herself. Theodora returned her gaze back onto Kyo as he soon lowered his head again. He turned it slightly, then raised his eyes from the floor and hesitantly onto her, then finally apologizing to the one whom he had done wrong upon. She furrowed her eyebrows, retaining her slight sneer at him. He did not deserve her forgiveness, not in the slightest. She shook her head at him and his apology. She kept her glare on him, tapping her fingertips once again onto the glass-lined arms of the chairs that they were sitting in. Her impatience pertaining the matter was beginning to show. She remained somewhat slumped in her chair, but was still able to be very intimating. Theodora bit her lip a little before finally opening her mouth to speak. "Then why'd you do it, then?" she asked, straightening herself up a little against the back of the chair. "What compelled you to suddenly strike out at me when you knew you had no clear chance to win?" she tried her hardest to restrain herself and not jump up from the chair and knock Kyo's teeth out, even though she still raised her voice at him a bit.
Miss Tabonashi was telling him off for something he didn't really think would have impacted anything, Kyo hadn't expected her to lash out as violently as that... She definitely had a short temper, he should keep that in mind...for next time. The boy knew that everything she was telling him was correct and that he shouldn't have done what he did, but he could only apologise for it. However he had gotten himself out of a presentation...but that didn't matter when the whole school would probably be talking about all of this by lunch, oh that was great, why not mention his name? Go ahead! Sure! Kyo really hated any kind of rumour being spread about himself, he hated people gossiping and judging others, but there was nothing he could do to stop it and he realised that. So, he was just going to accept that it was going to happen and ignore everyone like he usually did. No one would bother him if he stayed away, and Theodora could go around calling him pathetic to whoever she wanted. That word, was starting to slightly get on his nerves.

Theodora said she acted out of self defence? Kyo couldn't help but grunt at that, what a straight up lie, if someone younger and shorter than you kicked you when you can't even feel pain throwing them to the floor and almost hitting them across the face is definitely not self defence. Well, at least not any self defence that he'd ever witnessed. So she lied? Well, she probably didn't want to get into trouble for something that he caused and he could understand that, but he was starting to think that he wasn't the only one who had acted irrationally. She had acted quite over the top hadn't she? That was probably why no one messed with her, maybe it wasn't even a talent thing...just the thought of knowing that she'd try and beat you up the minute you did anything against her. He was sure that if anyone else was like her, then they also would be feared. So then...if she intimidated people because of that she may just need someone to beat her head in. Once upon a time Kyo knew someone who could have done that...but... It didn't matter, he shouldn't be thinking like that anyway, he was the one that started all of this and so he had to take responsibility for it right? As much as he didn't want to he knew that that was what he had to do.

When Theodora shook her head he just kept his own still, trying not to sigh or show that he thought she was making this more complicated than it needed to be. Kyo was still afraid of her, and he didn't want to make eye contact with her but right now it seemed he was forced to do so. She asked him why he did it, and what compelled him to suddenly lash out when he knew he had no chance. He wanted to know the answers to those questions too, he guessed it was curiosity and a little bit of annoyance for even being called up there, but he wouldn't tell her the last bit. It looked as if she wanted to just jump out of her chair and hit him until he passed out, he could also tell it in her slightly raised voice, which he didn't like. He wasn't a fan of when anyone raised their voice since it was very rare for him to do so himself. Thinking about what to say without making her angry was a difficult thing, who knew what she'd get enraged at. "I...was interested..." He mumbled, lowering his head once again, "They were... They said that you couldn't feel pain..." Compared to her's, his voice was very quiet, "So...I tested it..." Today really had been a strange day, he'd acted completely out of character, this wasn't like him at all... It wasn't expected from him, and that was probably what shocked people the most. All he'd wanted to know was whether she felt pain or not, and how she did so... It seemed he'd answered his first question but he still needed an answer to the second...did he ask her for it?
Theodora looked at the boy, waiting for an answer from him. She bit her lip slightly, keeping her fiery green eyes on him as if they were stuck firmly on his own. Kyo had gotten himself into this mess, and she had actually been looking forwards to giving her demonstration to the class, that in which he had so rudely interrupted by lashing out at her. He certainly had no right to do what he had done. She didn't care how Kyo felt when she raised her voice at him, as she clearly had absolutely zero empathy towards the boy. She just wanted an answer that would explain his actions. It better be a damn good explanation too, unless he wants his head bashed in, she thought to herself with, again, zero empathy for the boy. Sure, you could call Theodora heartless, but she honestly just couldn't care less. He didn't have her respect in the slightest for her to ever even think of caring.

When she lied about why she struck out at him, she had to suppress a smile when she easily got away with telling her bluff, because it was just so easy to come off with, as it was expected of herself to be a decent liar with her rowdy reputation among the school and its students. She wasn't going to get in trouble for something she wasn't even the cause for, not this time at least. Kyo had nothing to say yet, and she was getting a little impatient with him at that point. She glanced over at Miss Tabonashi, and then back at him with her still glare. He could get in trouble all he wanted for this, and she secretly hoped that he would. It was only expected for a one star student to have respect for a two star student, no matter how much personal feelings conflicted with that, and even if such respect and noticing was never returned. And with that, Theodora only believed in deserved respect. She wouldn't respect someone unless she got that same respect back in return. Sure, it could be called as selfish, but that was just her moral code pertaining things.

She could honestly feel Kyo's fear, and it was highly prevalent. It was amusing, really, at the fear that he had for her, and she merely returned her own animosity. She was definitely experienced at holding grudges, and his case wasn't at all an exception to this. She honestly wanted to know his reasoning behind his actions, even more so than Miss Tabonashi even did. When he finally looked at her, Theodora only faced him with her green glare while waiting for her answer. He finally began to speak, but was at a very low tone, that in which both the females were grateful for the room to be so small and quiet, retaining all the sound emitting inside it. The first thing he muttered was that he 'was interested'. She was eager to hear this, but he was so quiet. She had to suppress any urges to snap at him to just get to the point rather than state everything in nervous and choppy sentences, even though it was clear that Kyo was trying to not enrage her further, picking his words wisely with some thought. He stated that he had heard that she couldn't feel pain, and she merely nodded at him. Then he said that he wanted to test it, that being his reason. So that was what this was about, her congenial illness to pain and skin sensitivity.

Theodora's eyebrow twitched at his answer, as she soon furrowed them. "So you had to knee me in the abdomen?" she questioned, making a clear effort to lower her own voice. "You couldn't have just asked? Honestly." she said, a slight growl in her throat as she shook her head once more in disappointment. She glanced over at the teacher, her glare softening on her. She was remarkably silent, letting the students before her settle out their conflict. "If you just asked, none of us would be here, and I could have performed my demonstration that I had practiced tenfold just to teach your class." she said to Kyo, looking back over at him, keeping the sharpness of her growl in her voice. She was clearly still irritated at him, and could still become provoked with this. Theodora retained her fiery glare, her eyes as sharp as a knife.
Kyo envied Theodora, he envied her inability to feel pain. If there was one that he wanted it was that, wounds would never hurt, it'd be impossible to win a fight against him with making him bleed out or something because he wouldn't be hindered by pain. He believed that she really was lucky, of course he didn't know if she felt the same way but that's what he thought. She could do whatever she wanted without worrying about the consequences of getting hurt, because it wouldn't hurt. It was brilliant, he wanted to know more yet he didn't want to ask her. It would be rude to ask her right? Even if he was interested...but he wasn't going to go ahead and attack her again, that would be even worse. He knew now that she was not someone you wanted to get on the wrong side of.

Though she was right, he should have asked, it's just that around people he got very nervous... Even right now he felt uncomfortable, sitting in this room for something that he was never even expected to do... It was not expected from him, he never got in trouble because he never spoke up, he never talked to anyone and he never went in front of the class. That was why no teacher had ever done this to him before, not because he was some model student or something, he was far from it, just because he was...quiet, silent even. Asking her would have meant speaking to her and, even worse, in front of the entire class. He knew that the others knew who she was and he had had no idea of who this girl was, or her reputation. He'd look like an idiot, and no one would let go of it... So it had cause him to act irrationally, because he was afraid of speaking to her...because he didn't want her to hate him either, but he'd caused that anyway.

"I...it...um..." He hadn't needed to knee her in the abdomen, and Theodora was completely correct, if he'd just asked then this could have all been sorted easily and the presentation could have gone on as normal. He was stupid and he knew that, but now he couldn't find the words to tell her why he did it... It was a common problem of his, he did things and then he couldn't explain them because he couldn't find words to explain himself, mainly because of how nervous he was around other people. Kyo's hands gripped the arms of the chair, it seemed he was becoming a little annoyed with himself. "I..." He lowered his head, his hair casting a shadow over his eyes, the boy gritted his teeth and shook his head. "I'm sorry..."

Miss Tabonashi sighed, she leaned her head on one of her hands and just looked at Kyo. "Mmm...Sorry to intervene but Miss Wilhelm is right, if you'd just asked her then this could have been avoided... But you didn't. Kyo excuse me for saying this but you do seem to have...trouble using words don't you? You didn't use to be like this..." It seemed that she didn't want to say any more than that on the subject of it though. "Though I cannot just let it go unfortunately, I have to do something in order to make you understand that this is not appropriate behaviour." She didn't say anything in a harsh or angry tone, no, it was much more relaxed, her gaze soft. It looked like she didn't want to make Kyo any more uncomfortable than he already was, though at the same time the teacher didn't seem to be about to stop anything Theodora wanted to say.
Theodora did in fact see her inability to feel pain as an advantage, because she could honestly fight until she passed out from said 'pain' or blood loss. The only bad thing caused from it was her entire personality and just how rowdy she was. Caused entirely by picking fights because she simply didn't understand what everyone else felt made her the bane of her family, thus causing her to be locked away. When she was young, she wasn't like other girls, whereas she climbed trees and ordered boys around instead of play-dates and dress-up. And whenever she would scrape her knee or slip and bruise, she would show her parents, thinking that the purple color was cool, as well as the reddish liquid that secreted from her cuts. Theodora never understood the real definition of the word that was pain, which was also a hindrance on her part. She could be injured and not even know it, an example being when she had broken her leg at one point from falling from a tree that she was climbing. She couldn't feel the break, so she merely 'walked it off' and made the break just that much worse. Her ignorance wasn't her fault, of course.

And it wouldn't have been at all wrong for Kyo to have asked her, and, it was the adult thing to do either way. But, seeing as that he was clearly underage in relation to herself, it was a little self-explanatory. And he was shy, so he merely acted instead of doing what was both logical as well as ethical. But, Theodora didn't really understand his feelings, much less his than her own, that in which she didn't quite get either. Feelings, both physical and emotional, were relatively alienated from her, and were a little strange in her opinion. For example, what was the point in crying? One problem about this girl was that she was honestly full of herself at some points, therefore just knowing that she was right in the matter, as well as being rather self-centered and completely lacking of empathy for others. It wasn't her fault, not understanding others and how they act based on feelings and emotion.

Theodora perked up a little from her thoughts when the boy across from her spoke up finally. Kyo stuttered, until dropping his head to look at the floor again, his hair hanging over his eyes, casting a dark shadow, almost one of defeat towards the Meister. He shook his head and apologized yet again. She was getting tired of this. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and looked over at Miss Tabonashi. She sighed as well, then stating that Theodora was correct in the matter, and that everything following the classroom could have been avoided if he had just simply asked her about the issue that he was pondering about. After excusing herself had the teacher spoke up about Kyo not ever being able to use his words properly and having a difficulty in doing as such. She then spoke out on that his deed would not go unpunished, and Theodora suppressed a slight smile at the matter. Although he didn't hurt her or do any real damage in any way, she was satisfied, especially because she wasn't the one being punished. After all, it wasn't her fault for the entire issue to begin with.

Miss Tabonashi promised Kyo that she would punish him in a way that would teach him that this was in no way the proper behavior that he should be portraying for himself. What Theodora didn't understand was the teacher's overall composure on the matter. She was soft on him, with a light gaze and an equally soft voice on the boy. It was strange, really, on how other people would portray their messages to others. Why didn't she at least raise her voice a little at him, rather than retaining a soft tone? She didn't get it at all, which only told Theodora that she needed to further develop her poor social skills. She thought to herself about how she would now have to get to more studying, spending more time at the school's library in order to do so. She said nothing in response to Miss Tabonashi, even though she had been given a clear and available window in order to do so.
Kyo knew that he'd done something stupid, but he didn't know what punishment he'd get for it and that was something he didn't want... He didn't like getting told off, and so getting punished for something... He didn't mean it, he didn't mean to cause such an issue... Though he guessed he had to take it, since there was no going back on what he'd done now. What the boy did appreciate was her tone, she didn't raise her voice or get angry at him, yet she was still authoritive. He nodded, keeping his head down and eyes on the floor, it was fair, whatever she decided he would do. If he didn't Theodora would probably be very unhappy about it, thinking of her she was probably smirking internally right now... He wasn't fully to blame in this, why was she getting let off for almost punching him? That wasn't fair, self defender his arse, that wasn't self defence at all! She wouldn't have done it though if he hadn't kicked her first, he'd started it..but she'd finished it.

Miss Tabonashi sat there silently for a moment or two, just to see if either of the students would say anything. When neither did she leaned backwards slightly in her chair and looked up at them both, "Okay then." She started, "I suppose it's best that I told you now what you'll be doing isn't it Kyo?" For a second a small smile crossed her face, before she lowered her head and started to search through a draw. Lots of fumbling and scraping against wood could be heard as the teacher looked for something in the small compartment. It seemed that she could not find whatever it was in that draw and so went down to the next, searching through that also. After a few more seconds she stopped and looked back up at the children, smiling.

There was a thud as the drawer closed shut and the woman threw something at Theodora, "Here." She said as her hand landed back on the desk, a set of keys had been chucked to the girl. "He's all yours." She seemed to be smiling rather smugly at her.

Kyo heard this and looked up, slightly confused, what the heck did she mean by that? "Huh?" The boy looked at Miss Tabonashi, confusion plastered all over his face.

"Oh," She chuckled, "I guess I didn't explain it that well. You both may not like this but that's just how things are going to go." She looked towards Theodora, "You need a partner, I know you may say you don't, but you do. And he needs to make up for attacking you in the middle of a presentation. So, here, if you look at it this way it's a win for you." It seemed she knew that Theodora might object and so she stood up quickly, slamming her hands down on the table, "No objections, it might do you both some good anyway."

Kyo didn't say a word, instead he just looked up. Miss Tabonashi was making him work with Theodora? She really was full of surprises, he hadn't expected that one at all. Though he didn't know just how much Theodora would like this idea, there were no objections... So she wasn't going to let them get out of this easily. It seemed that Miss Tabonashi was ready to leave as well, just to make sure there really were no objections. Partnering with Theodora though...she was a little scary, and intimidating, and short tempered it seemed... Though their teacher wasn't stupid, she's obviously done this for a reason... It surprised him that Theodora didn't have a partner, a two star meister without a weapon? What could have happened...
Theodora honestly didn't understand the extent of her situation. She just thought that she would be let off, scot-free, because this all wasn't her problem. It was Kyo's, quite obviously, for thinking that things could just resort to violence to solve problems rather than to just ask and deal with things like a proper adult would. He clearly didn't understand this, and Miss Tabonashi clearly had a punishment in store for him for his actions against Theodora. Even though she herself had been the one to finish the fight, well, at least she wanted to further, she didn't start it to begin with. In a way could she have just been teaching him a lesson, the consequences for one's action in a way. He would have to learn, honestly, but why did she care anymore? All of this would be over with in a couple minutes anyways. The problem was resolved. Kyo would be punished and Theodora wouldn't. It was simple, really. But, Miss Tabonashi didn't seem satisfied, after all had she not even given out the boy's punishment. And why was she sitting there so quietly and silently? she thought to herself. It was interesting to the Meister girl, as she must have been planning something.

It was clear that she was waiting for something, possibly for either one of the students to speak up about it. To say something on the matter. She leaned against her chair while Theodora herself straightened up in her own chair. The teacher then looked up at them both as she began to speak. A small smile crossed the older woman's face as she said to Kyo about his punishment. She then searched through a drawer for a couple moments, moving things around while other things scraped against wood, fumbling and clicking. Miss Tabonashi then closed that drawer and began to search through another one, while both students looked over with intrigue. What was she doing? What was she looking for? After a couple seconds had she apparently found what she had been looking for, as she closed the next drawer and looked up at them both with a smile. What was this woman planning? Theodora thought as she tried to study Miss Tabonashi's expression. Sure, it probably didn't involve her, as this was all Kyo's problem anyways, and he was to be punished, not her. But, she looked at the teacher anyways, intrigued.

Soon had an object been tossed at her, and Theodora caught it without flinching in her left palm. It had been a set of keys, but why? Then did the teacher say that Kyo was 'all [hers]' and she blinked. "What? she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Miss Tabonashi gave her a smug smile, while the boy across from herself looked up at the teacher, seemingly confused as well. She looked over at the woman as she laughed and stated that she must have not had explained herself well. The Meister wanted to snap at her, saying something sarcastic in retort, but she bit her pierced lip to suppress that thought. Theodora retained her gaze, as the teacher then said that she needed a partner, and that much was true. That was clear enough, as she even needed an assistant for her demonstration earlier. She said that even if she would say she didn't, she is herself a partner. She also said that Kyo needed to make up for himself for how he saved during her presentation. So she was giving this pathetic little kid to her as a partner? No fucking way... Theodora thought, sneering slightly. Then did Miss Tabonashi soon stand up from her chair, then slamming her palms onto the table. She hadn't flinched, looking up at the woman as she told them both that there was no objections, almost knowing that the younger girl would speak up about the matter... And she was certainly going to.

Theodora looked over at her 'partner' as he looked up at the teacher himself. "I don't care. You can't just assign me someone as a partner for a mere punishment. She retained her sneer, as she clenched both her fists tightly, her words sharp and completely unwilling to follow through with this. She wasn't going to do this. Partnering with that coward? No way. He was just a lowly one star Weapon, while she was a high two star Meister! She would certainly be looked down at for being with this kid, partnering with him. She sent him a glare, a fiery green burning look. She knew she was intimidating, striking dear into all those who think that they could possibly take her on. She would rather die than partner with him, and that was final. But what were the keys for? "What are these keys for, may I ask? Theodora said, obvious anger in voice as she looked down at the pair of keys. She already had her own dorm room, so he would be moving in with her, not the other way around.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

This was not a good idea, why would Miss Tabonashi even suggest something of the such, Kyo wasn't happy with how things were going, there was no way that Theodora wouldn't object to this, maybe he should too... The boy sighed and kept his head down, not wanting to say anything to upset anyone and make them yell, so this was his punishment... Some punishment... He didn't want a partner and she didn't have a partner, he was just being assigned to her since she needed a weapon. After all how could you be a successful meister without a weapon for back you up? Again he found himself wondering how she became a two star meister without a weapon, maybe she'd had one once upon a time, but wherever they were now it wasn't here... That wasn't something he was going to ask her though, she'd probably kill him for it, and he was perfectly fine with keeping his life for now. If he was working with her he'd have to learn fast that he couldn't cross her again without consequence.

"Theodora." Miss Tabonashi started to speak again, "I don't care whether you hate this or not, you'll get used to it. You need a weapon, think of it as a temporary partnership if it makes you feel any better." The teacher was smiling at her, but it was a smile that said 'I got you too'. Although at first it seemed like she was only going to punish Kyo, she'd had plans for Theodora too, and these were them. Their punishment was teamwork, however she wouldn't have put them together if she thought that if would go horribly horribly south, no she'd had a plan. There was a method behind this madness, she would make them both realise that there was no more flying solo, being a meister and a weapon required teamwork, so they'd learn to work together. Anyway, the teacher believed that Theodora needed to get a partner again...after recent matters, and Kyo, well he'd spent too long without a meister. It was time that they bother learned the hard way that this could not go on for very long, this was the way it would be from now on for them, they'd work as a team.

Kyo couldn't help but look down yet again, she was glaring at him again, why did she hate him that much? Had he really done something that was unforgivable, her gaze scared him, she scared him as a person and working with someone who scared you... Would it be hard? He didn't know how this was going to go but in his mind it could only go one way, and that was downwards. He hadn't had a partner since...well, in awhile, and he didn't know if he wanted another one...but he didn't have a choice in the matter right now anyway, he'd just have to accept it. "You know, you haven't even seen the boy in his weapon form have you Theodora? How can you be sure that he's not going to be all that great?" Miss Tabonashi was talking again, this time on the subject of Kyo as a weapon, "Don't rule him out just like that, I can see it in your eyes, you've already decided that this will be awful. Give it a chance first, once upon a time people would have loved to have wielded Kyo as a weapon, wouldn't have they?" She looked to the boy but he looked away from her, "But that's just be...spouting my mouth again." She laughed at how much she was talking.

"Oh, the keys?" The teacher looked at the keys, "Well, I know you'll want to stay in your dorm room Theodora so don't think that you're moving, unless of course you really want to, but they're keys to a house. Not just any house, it's Kyo's old house, officially he's not allowed the keys to it anymore but...now that you're his meister you can keep them, I held onto them for awhile with him being a minor and all. Just don't lose them." She smiled.

Kyo's gaze seemed to shift from the teacher to the keys when she mentioned them, no way...all this time she'd had the keys to his house... If Theodora was his meister it meant he had a better chance of getting those keys and going back there, at least once... For the first time his eyes seemed to light up, he wanted those keys, and it was obvious just how badly... Of course Miss Tabonashi was staring at him now, "But they're not his to keep." She smiled at Theodora and made Kyo look down, the boy seemed disheartened by that. "So, Theodora, Kyo, is that all?" She asked, she looked about ready to leave, whenever they were at least.

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