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Fandom Soul Eater: Next - Gen

Zane perked an eyebrow at the new girl, surely something was a bit off. She got here horribly late, then goes through the questions like paper (no pun intended), and then sits back like nothing is wrong. He sighs and rubs his head, surely she must've guessed, but oh well, he'll take a look later.
Talon was pretty sure she'd answered her questions correctly. I mean, this WAS a simple lesson after all. Just because she came in late didn't mean she was a moron. It just meant that all snooze buttons were douche bags. But speaking of morons...

Where in the HELL is Dante?

Her tall and quiet weapon was nowhere to be seen in this class. And to think, SHE was the one getting razzed for being late. At least she SHOWED UP to class. A deadpan came over her face again and she brought a hand to her face and sighed. "Maybe the snooze murdered him."
Tamiko finished her questions and sighed quietly. She ran her hand through her silver hair and rubbed her head with two fingers. She had been having so many migraines lately, it was ridiculous. Well, she's have to talk to the nurse. Maybe, if she was lucky, the person would have some painkillers for her.

It really was silly. Usually she was able to take whatever injury was thrown at her and still keep doing whatever she was doing, but whenever it came to things like headaches, she would take medicine any time it was offered.

Dante opened his eyes slowly looking towards his ceiling as his right hand came to pick at his ear, he'd bring it into view before flicking the wax away. He looked over to his right side to see his destroyed alarm clock, as if a bladed mace came in contact with it. While sighing he'd kick his feet over the left side of his bed to look out the window bringing a hand up to scratch his head, while the other hand stretched out as he yawned sleepily. He was never early for things like this, he's had his fair share of DWMA already as far as he was concerned. With a huff he stood up off getting off his bed and moving to go put on clothes as he only wore black boxer briefs at the current moment. He threw on a pair of joggers, a red tank top and would look down to his toes wriggling them before putting on his red socks. Dante started on his way to brush his teeth after putting bread in the toaster, since you're already late why rush? He figured, with that he looked himself in the mirror crimson hair a mess and some gunk in his eye. He'd wipe his eye off then would turn to leave feeling he was ready for school, on his way out the door the toast popped and he snatched them out of the air eating the dry warm bread as he exited his apartment.

As he started walking towards the school he saw a few neighbors, the ones who would always give him a strange look as if he gave off an odd feeling to them. Which he probably did, not most people liked being around Dante for they feared what the silent boy was planning most of the time. He didn't blame them either, he didn't care for who was around when he'd decide to play one of his 'games'. Finally making it to the steps of the Academy he started his way upwards, the school was quiet now that everyone was in class aside from a few stragglers rushing up the steps and inside. 'Foolish'. Dante thought as they rushed to the class, they'll only be rushing the punishment they receive from the teacher in his opinion. It didn't take long for him to find his class home of the young teacher some would call The Blademaster, young, smart, and exceptionally skilled. With that Dante raised up a foot to kick the doors hand and at the same time force it open rather swiftly but held his strength back enough so it wouldn't slam. He'd look towards the teacher then the others students and would let out a sly "Tch" before making his way to his seat beside Talon crossing his arms as he sat next to her silent.
He simply sighed and facepalmed himself as another student walked in late. Its a bit embarrassing for him that since it was his first official day of teaching, and a lot of the students were already late. He was about to put it aside until he caught his ear in a conversation between the twins. Hearing the male with, "Psst. Blanco, Let's try to get us into a supervised fight, I want to show us off." Zane stood up and pointed at the male, seeing his name as Wei. "Now then, I don't allow fights in my classroom, nor do I tolerate it", he replied, speaking aloud to the one called Wei, "But if you are itching for a fight, perhaps you may challenge me. If you win, I'll not give you any assignments for 2 weeks and give you a bigger chance to pass my class with soaring colors. If I win, expect an 800 word essay instead of a simple homework page and not only that, but the essay will be worth 25% of your starting grade of the semester. What do you say, Hotshot?" Zane smirked as he looked at Wei in the eye, perhaps it be best if he taught this little rascal a lesson about showing off.

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Speak of the devil. The she-reaper pursed her lips toward her weapon as she watched him make his way up to the seat next to her. As he sat down, she leaned into him and looked him over closely. "Morning sleepy head," she greeted after a moment or so. Brotha had obviously just woken up. "Snooze button gotcha down?" She inquired with a smirk before falling back against her own chair. She held the knife out in front of his face and waved it around some. "I got this thrown at me for being late. Then again, I scaled the building to get in here."

She would've kept talking had teacher man not gotten up and interrupted her. This time he wasn't speaking to her, but to another classmate. Some people were just too damn eager, really. Already somebody wanted a supervised fight on the first day of school? THIS early? While she was normally all for fights but...again, too damn early.

She snickered to herself rolled her eyes. "Oi. We're doing book work by the way." @Phantom King

(( I am going to make my characters pretty over powered in this fight but only due to them being trained for years. Of course the other students later in the rp will be better then them due to their polar personalities))

Wei smirked. A fight with a teacher? This will totally get him up in the ranks and fast. Leblanc slammed her head into the desk, she she really keep this boy on a leash. They both stood up at the same time, but with different emotions. The girls said "not again" while the boy's was " hell yea!". If they lost, Leblanc would do the assignment and ace it, but if they won. Well, thats a whole different story. "We accept your challenge." They both said in unison.
Tamiko dropped her pen. There goes even the slightest chance for a peaceful day... Well, maybe a fight would discourage people from being eager to challenge others without working on their ability to connect and fight together. She looked at Zane, silver eyebrow quirked in silent confusion. Her honey-colored eyes searched his expression, only to find seriousness. Ah... Guess it can't be helped. She closed her notebook and stood.
Zane simply smirked as he looked over at Tamiko, the look of confusion on her face made him simply laugh a little. He shrugged at the twins and pulled off the top part of his robe, revealing his usual black long sleeve shirt and his samurai robe pants. He turned over at Tamiko, a sheathe on his back. He looked up at her, "Well Tamiko, it seems these two want a fight, you up to it today? Or should I use one of my own swords?" He smiles as he asks the question.

He made sure the sheathe was in her view so in case if she was ready, she would simply jump down as she transformed so the sheathe would catch her katana form.
"I think I'm up to it," Tamiko replied. "Can't be too relaxed on the first day, can I?" Her golden eyes sparkled with playfulness, an expression that was somewhat rare for the silver-haired maiden. She gave a small smile. I just hope it's over soon so I can get some aspirin... she thought.
He smiled at how ready she seemed to be. He kept the sheathe facing her whenever she would simply jump down as she transformed. He gave a small wave of his hand to notion he was ready to catch her whenever.
She smiled and transformed in a flash of silver, the shade transitioning for her hair, to composing the blade of a katana. The sword landed in the sheath perfectly, hilt ready to grab whenever her wielder was ready to fight.
He smiled as she landed in the sheathe perfectly with a satisfying thud. He gently patted Tamiko's hilt as he told her sternly, "Tamiko, do me a favor and dull your blade as much as possible. I don't want blood in my classroom." He smirked a little as he looked back up at Wei with his arms out, "Ready to go whenever you are, just know fighting me gets you nowhere near fame, to get fame, you gotta win."

"Wei." Leblanc held out her hand. She was going to wipe the smirk off the teacher's head. Dull the blade? Oh cute.

"Aye!" Wei's body turned into a pure white light, turning into a small orb, then created silhouettes around Leblanc. The light became unbearable and blinded every one in the room, then dulled down to reveal The Angel of Light. This was the name of Wei's weapon form.

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Tamiko mentally sighed. She's hoped that the migraine didn't carry over into her weapon form, as she had no brain, or nerve endings to transmit such signals, but nooo. Science and basic neurology had no practical applications at DWMA, she took it. Well, win or lose, she just wanted it to be done with. She made her blade dull, upon her partner's request, just waiting for the battle to begin, now that all of the formalities were out of the way.
He perked an eyebrow at the sudden transformation, sure it was a surprise they changed that quickly, but still, it seems they don't remember they're about to fight the Blademaster of the DWMA. He crouches down in the "crouching tiger" stance, holding his hand on the hilt of Tamiko's katana tightly. He smiled a little, holding the handle gave him a little nostalgic moment of the old times him and Tamiko worked together before he became a teacher. He simply laughed a little, but his smile disappeared into a look of seriousness as he returned his gaze to his now student turned opponents.

"Ready when you are."
Only canted his head slightly to look at Talon a bored expression that often lingered on his face was present. She was his polar opposite when it comes to being social, sometimes he wishes he could bash her head in but it wasn't a big deal. Dante watched her toss and catch the blade while scratching his nose for a moment before he heard the argument between twins and teacher. 'Idiots' The students were imbeciles and the teacher only came down upon their level for accepting the challenge a waste of class time in his own opinion. He'd go to close his eyes kicking his feet up on the desk leaning back against the higher desk behind him slowly starting to doze off.
(( Just so you guys know my characters arent twins...))

Leblanc swung around The Angel of Light, creating small winds circulating the room. Suddenly the girl jumped into the air and her mechanical wings shot down towards the teacher, before they reached him they darted in random directions to make sure he wouldnt know where they were going.
Tamiko would have rolled her eyes if she had them. It would seem they're into showmanship more than fighting. That tactic... At least they're good at what they're doing. This'll be more entertaining than our earlier opponents.
Zane stood his ground. The winds blew around him as he simply stood against the incoming force. He closed his eyes, feeling the concentration of force in the wind from one side to the other. He continued to stand still until he felt one lone force headed straight for him. He suddenly swung out Tamiko at the area where they most certainly were with most of his strength and speed, narrowly avoiding all of the wings in his way.

"Tricks and sparkles don't work on me kids, you gotta try to be better than that."
"You'll be wishing a Kishin caught you if you ever bump into me again."

The frantic tapping of feet against the tile floors of DWMA could be heard late into class, some students having gotten off to a bad start with a new student. The boys left unharmed, beside a few black eyes, and from the looks on their faces; they were happy to have just that. By the time the running had left the ears of Liam, he had already let a sigh escape his lips, the day already seeming too tiring to continue. While this was a good way to sum up his bored appeal to this school, today was important and he had to be present for at least some amount of time.

Walking away from the could-be crime scene, an easy prosecution in assault, Liam headed for his class. The teacher would most likely give him some sort of punishment, a warning or a full out lecture, either way it wouldn't bother the passive aggressive Liam. It was just another complication for which he would have to deal with, and usually that meant with a fist.
Settle down Liam, it was a couple kids. No need to get angry and scare off your partner this early.

Liam opened the door to his class, noting the fight happening in the middle of the room, but not bothering to stop him from making it to his seat. He sat down near a happy-go-lucky student, propping his feet up on the desk and taking his usual scowl that was known to intimidate most. Finally in a relaxed position, Liam took another moment to pop his bones before watching the fight.

@Thesquaidsy ))
"Hey, settle back chatter box," Talon said raising her hands up in a defensive manner. A tiny smirk fell on her lips. It was true, these two were polar opposites in a social sense. Even if she didn't have a soul that could match wavelengths with any weapon, she felt like there was a big chance they would have been compatible anyway. That obviously would have been to Dante's dismay; sometimes Talon felt like he was usually on the verge of breaking her face open. The thought if it just made her want to tease him more. He was bigger than her yes, but she couldn't care less. It only made it funnier. She watched him doze off and rolled her eyes just as the wind began to blow around the classroom. She suddenly became startled and looked toward the chatterbox who was so game to have an early morning battle. She shook her head in blatant unamusement. "Bruh, so much for book work," she muttered before yawning. @Phantom King
The comment just angered Leblanc. She landed onto the ground and slammed the blade part of the scythe into the ground. "Wei! Shift forms!"

"Aye~" Wei laughed a bit, this was his favorite form. The Angel of Light transformed into a orb once more and then blinded everyone. Silence fell in the classroom, and when the light vanished Leblanc wasnt where she was before.


Suddenly the girl rained from the ceiling and whipped her chains at the figure below her.
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Zane simply chuckled to himself as he flipped Tamiko around, catching some of the chains by the blade. He suddenly lurches the sword to the side quickly, yanking the girl with it as he leaped up, swinging the sword heavily.
Francis leaned towards Liam as he sat down and asked, his accent showing a bit more than usual, "What took you so long man? Class is pretty much over." He didn't want to come off as annoying, in all reality he was just glad that his partner even showed up.

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