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Soul Eater Fandom (PlaguedWithInsanity & Kishune)

"Sure. Riiight." Theodora remarked sarcastically to her partner as he tried to refute his actions towards her, at what she believed was just lies at that point. She honestly found him to be looking at her quite a bit at times, so she finally thought to confront him about it, only to be told otherwise. If he had really been lost in thought, why had he been staring right at her? She rolled her eyes as War had told her that he had to go. Theodora would have asked where, but he was already leaving. She sneered at him, watching as he began to walk away with her hands on her hips.

She, however, was the more observant one of the pair, it seemed, as a flying axe was flinging towards him at a reasonably fast speed. War was just so accident prone, was he not? *Scheiße! She cursed in her head with widened eyes. Without saying anything, however, other than her irritated thoughts, Theodora began in a sprint towards War. She then sprung into the air, effectively clearing over War's height with a flip, and grabbed the axe just in time as it was spinning in the air. She landed on her feet, nicely sticking the landing, and looked over at War with a slight frown that was obviously covering up some serious emotions about the potential loss of another partner. Theodora's eyebrows were bent slightly, but with more concern than irritation, as she gripped the axe's handle tightly in her hand.

The axe had soon transformed back into human form, to reveal a girl younger and shorter than both War and Theodora, also carrying a concerned expression that was far more apologetic as she had proceeded to apologize and quickly run off, embarrassed, to her partner to check if he was okay. Theodora rose an arm to place her hand on her face, her fingers lingering by her forehead in the intensity that was the situation that War was faced with. "Watch out next time, okay!" she growled at him, soon removing her hands from her face to look at him with her cold green eyes. Unlike most situations where Theodora had yelled at her partner, this one was clearly different. Her reactions showed almost as if she really did care about him, despite how egoistical and sarcastic she normally came off to him. This time, there was more concern evident, despite how much she tried to hide it.

((*="shit" in German))
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As War walked away from Thea he was too deep in thought about the files and what they may contain, to realize what was going on around him and the danger heading his way…literally. At the last moment heard a swooshing sound behind him and started to look back at what it was. Before he could really look back he suddenly noticed it stop and something landing before him. War looked to see a sight he thought he wouldn’t; Thea holding an axe weapon. He was a little shocked by this cause all that was going through his mind about the situation.

War didn’t even look at the weapon as she transformed back and apologize before she ran off. War could make out that Thea other partner was a axe weapon due to the custom character from the game the other day. As Thea face palmed herself basically War couldn’t help but feel like she seemed disgraced with something, and the way she told him to watch out without a shout or yell, only to yell stabilized it more in War’s head as he thought he has failed her enough as a weapon and that he was nothing more than a disgrace now, her cold eyes proved it more.

Uh…Yeah…I-I’m sorry…” War said to her as he looked away a bit. “I’ll get going…” He said and started to walk off again, with a sad look as he did. War didn’t know what exactly happen, but what he thought was happening was that Thea must have tried to test him by attacking with a weapon and he failed to have her give up on him to the point where she seems to start treating him like he’s not worth it. And the concern she showed was to her having such an unreliable weapon, was how War preserved it. And to throw salt in the wound he saw the weapon she used was an axe similar her previous partner, like he never match up to him not even in appearance.
Theodora frowned at her partner as he apologized to her. Did he not see the potentially fatal situation that he was almost sent into? Just as War had told her once more that he had to leave, she simply let him. "Okay, bye." She said to him, her lips pressed into a flat line. After he had left, she looked back at the partner pair in her class that had almost murdered her partner, and gave them an absolute death glare that made the both of them shriek. Being in her class and having been in so for a couple years with Theodora made them be aware of just what she was capable of. She had half a mind to confront them both for being so careless. But due to the scene that morning in the hallways, she decided against it after much debate.


After a sigh, Theodora began to walk back to the school. Quickly making her way up the stairs, she made her way though the DWMA's halls as if she had walked the maze hundreds of times, and entered the gym and the weights room. She made somewhat of a promise/routine to go in there and workout at least two or so times a day, and had not necessarily broken such a promise in her years at the academy. Theodora was just serious about her training, and serious about getting better. She should have made War fall unconscious far sooner than she had. She must have been going soft, and she cursed at herself for that.

She soon fixed up the room to be just how she liked it: a heavy punching bag held up by a thick metal chain in the middle of the small room. And she had soon began more aggressive physical training. Theodora had found herself to be far stronger than what she actually looked, which was a tall and lanky teen girl with far too many piercings. Physically speaking, she did not look like she had any strength or muscle whatsoever. But in a fight, everything would be exactly the opposite.

An innumerable amount of punches later, her fist struck roughly against the thick bag and the leathery material scraped the top layer of her hand, splitting her knuckles. Theodora had not noticed, of course, as a bit of blood dribbled down her fingers. With her condition, she had no idea that she had even been injured, and just carried on with her workout. Coincidentally had she been finished with the punching bag and removed it from the chain it was hooked to from the ceiling. Theodora carried the bag into the pile of the metal cage a couple more sat in, and placed it down with the others, oblivious to the searing pain that would be caused from her now-split knuckles on her left hand.

Many of the students of the school had already gone home when Theodora left the gymnasium, very few remaining with their partners. She took a nice walk to her dorm that she shared with War, as she pulled out her keys once entering the dorm buildings and unlocked their dorm room. She walked inside and flopped onto her bed, laying on her back with her right arm behind her head, blood dripping out on her stomach as her left arm lied on her abdomen absentmindedly, bent at the elbow.
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As War headed back in the school, he heard her reply and was confused by the words she chose to say, but shook his head. ‘No I shouldn’t think too much into it…Or should I…?’ War thought as he continued through the school. He was still trying to figure out what all just happen just now and was still leaning on that she tested him…and he failed. Once he got to his locker he went to open it and leaned against it as he looked at the files sitting in the locker. He looked at them sadly as kept bouncing around in his head about what was going on. He was even debating if he should even continue reading the files now. He reached out for them and paused for a moment then snatched the files out and shut the locker. “What could I have…?” He said as he looked at the files in his hand then shook his head. He sighed as he continued to the library.

Once he was there he noticed there were some students there doing some studied, along with the librarian. He sighed to himself and walked in and headed to the next floor of the library to look for a table to sit at alone. Once he found one away from prying eyes, War placed the folders on the table and sighed as he looked at them. He sat back in the chair staring at the folder of Thea’s former partner. ‘Does it even matter to read them now…?’ He thought as he looked at them. He clenched his fist at the thought of the look on Thea’s face from earlier. ‘She straight up came at me from behind to attack me with a weapon classmate, and when I didn’t notice it sooner…She jumped over me. That has to be what happened…’ He thought “She was just flat down disappointed…” He said with a sad sigh. He continued to look at the folders a few moments before he finally opened them and read through them. ‘I doubt I have a chance…But I could learn something from this…’ He thought as he read through it.

War read through the profile fro. ‘Austin Leon Armstrong, Weapon…So that’s his name? I’m not sure but I think I heard the name Leon before…’ He thought as he looked at the pictured under the name. Leon seemed to be a thin guy with blond hair with purple eyes, and a lip piercing. Age said he was 17 and height and weight were both more than him. ‘So he was taller and weighed more…That slim guy? More than me…?’ He thought then shook his head. “Getting off topic…” He said out loud and continued to read. ‘Partner, Theodora Wilhelm, Weapon form Battle axe…Rather large one too…’ He thought. “He had soul force huh?“ He said then read the personality section. ‘Lax individual…prefer not to go straight into confrontation? Sound like the opposite of Thea. Sharp-mouth, sounds more like Thea though…along with quick to grudge..’ He thought with a sigh and continued reading. ‘Not quick to pick a fight, but easily angered when provoked…’ That bit sounded a bit like War here till it went to likes settling things verbally rather than physically…That wasn’t exactly like War due to taking more physical routes in most cases. War just sighed reading this. “Is reading this really going to help me with her and my last blunder? If anything it’s just going to make me feel bad for reminding her of him…” He said sadly. He read the cause of death finding out he died protecting her. He sighed a bit at that and moved on to the note section and something caught his eye. “It was rumored that Austin and his partner…were romantically involved….” He read and clenched his fist. He figured that was the case, but for some reason he just wanted to push it out his head.

After reading that, War closed the files and left the library. He returned them to Auntie. War then took a stroll around the school with his hands in his pockets as his mind thought about what he last read. He soon found himself at the balcony overlooking the front of the school that looked out the Death city. He sighed as he then turned his back to it and leaned against the ledge. He remembered how he looked out to the courtyard from here looking over the new students to see if any could be potential partners. He also came here to think about things from time to time. War remained here till it was getting late and the sun started to set and most the students have already left. Noticing the time War decided to leave as well. As he walked through the town He remembered the money he owed the clinic. He went to pay that off. He took the bandage off his head and threw it away before he walked in to not worry anyone for looking like he was turning into a mummy.

After he paid the clinic War had plenty of money left after. He looked around and found Death Way was still open. He debated on buying a sub for dinner tonight, and his stomach made the choice for him as it growled. He sighed and decided to get a sub to go. Soon War came out with a pair of subs in a bag by his side. He sighed and headed to the dorm he and Thea shared. When he arrived at the room, he stayed outside in front of the door for a bit before he finally walked in. Seeing Thea in her bed he let out a soft sigh and headed in the kitchen and put the sandwiches in the fridge. He then walked around and headed to the bathroom without a word. He did notice her split knuckles as he past though. As he was in the bathroom He started to unwrap the bandages around his arm and noticed the bruising had decreased but wasn’t gone yet. ‘The ointment seems to be working.’ He thought then applied some more and wrapped back up his arm. Once he did he looked to the door thinking about Thea’s knuckles and how much they were bleeding. He sighed and grabbed some more bandages and disinfectant spray before he walked out of the bathroom. He then went to the side of her bed and pulled the table to sit on it. “Hey let me see your hand…” He said as he sat down and started to unwrap the bandages.

((SOOOOO Sorry fore the huge delay!))

Theodora found herself to be rather tired as the minutes went by. She was plenty tired and fatigued from her intense workout, simply staring up at the ceiling. It took quite a bit of effort to not fall asleep right there, but she told herself to wait until War would come back to their dorm. Something made her feel that way, and she was not sure why. Maybe it was for her to ensure that he was alright after what had almost happened to him? Or so that she could make sure that he would lock up after coming into the dorm? Theodora was not quite sure herself, but she was fading fast, soon being unable to keep her eyes from closing.

Soon had the door of their dorm opened and closed, thus shocking Theodora into awaking. She knew it was War, and she felt slightly relieved that he was finally home. Her green eyes were still drowsy, as her partner retreated off to the bathroom in the dorm. She fought away her tiredness, only to have War pull up a table by her bed to sit on it. It felt like a couple moments to what was really a few minutes in her sleepiness. "What is it?" Theodora mumbled drowsily as War had asked for her hand. What did he want with her hand?

She blinked and sat up slowly on her bed, only to look down to see blood staining through her shirt from her hand that lied on her stomach while she was lying down on her back. "What the hell." Theodora said in annoyance as she looked at her painfully split knuckles, albeit more irritated at the fact that she stained her shirt in dark crimson. War began to unwrap the usually bandages that she kept on her hand. She had soon awoken more, only to then tear her hand away from his grasp, blood dripping all down her fingers. Looking at the split knuckles, she simply shrugged.

Eh. Big deal." Theodora said as she looked over at the table that War was sitting on to see disinfectant and a roll of bandages beside him. Not having the energy to get up—due to her incredible fatigue—and do anything about her wound, she just motioned her hand back towards War; she then found herself just letting him do whatever with the wound despite her previous action of yanking her hand away from him originally when he had tried to help her.

"Ugh, my shirt." Theodora groaned, as if her split hand did not mean anything at all, as if it were the least of her concern. "I guess I have to get up." She said with an eye roll as she pinched the wet fabric with her non-injured hand and lifted it a couple inches, soon letting it go to stick back to her skin underneath. "After you finish with my hand, I guess." She said as she rubbed her eyes with her other hand that was not injured.
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War noticed how drowsy Thea was and could only figure she went to the gym to train. He didn’t respond to her question as he unwrap her hand of the bandages she had on her hands already and had torn through. She seemed to just have noticed now as she seemed to speak out in annoyance, but it seemed more directed that she bloodied up her shirt. When she tugged her hand from him he just looked at her as she looked at her split knuckles and shrugged. When she said it was no big deal War grumbled to himself. “It is a big deal, Thea…” He told her as he took her hand back and finished unwrapping it. “It’s an untreated injury, at the very least an unclean one too.” He said then thought about her inability to sense pain. He then started to rub her knuckles with his thumbs to see if they made her react. Usually someone would hiss or at least flinched of they did this, but Thea didn’t seem bothered. “You really can’t feel pain can you…” He whispered as he looked at her knuckles. He then sighed then cleaned off the blood before he grabbed the disinfectant and sprayed that on her knuckles, no reaction to that either. He then started to wrap up her hand with some new bandages and sighed. He noticed her other hand wasn’t injured at least.

Hearing her complain about her shirt War shook his head. “You should be more careful Thea…You can get sick with open injuries like this.” He told her as he stood up and pushed the table back where it was. “As for the shirt…You should go and get it washed before you let the stains set in.” He told her as he went and sat on the couch. As he sat back in it he looked to the ceiling and sighed. “Thea…do you know how you did that?” He asked her
When her partner told her that her injury was a "big deal", Theodora simply replied with another shrug. "I've had far worse." she told him as he removed all of her hand bandages to reveal her thickly calloused knuckles, most likely from many years of dirty, bloody fighting that resulted in such tough skin. Theodora looked at War oddly as he had rubbed her injured knuckles with the ends of his thumbs, but did not say anything to it when he sprayed the disinfectant on her injury. Why did he keep looking up at her face though? Was he possibly looking for some sort of reaction? She was not sure.

"For example, when I was six or seven, I believe, I was climbing this one tree at school during recess. I remember getting really close to the top of it, which was about a ten feet off the ground or so, until the branch under me began to crack. I fell, and I heard a crunch underneath me. Turns out I broke my fibula, and I had no idea. It didn't hurt or anything. But when I came back to my class, everyone started freaking out because it was bent strangely, and I got yelled at or something I guess and I was immediately taken to the nurse's." Theodora explained to him with a soft smile as he re-wrapped her hand with gauze and bandages after addressing her injury. "I had surgery on it the next morning, and I had to stay at home for a couple weeks. It was horrible." she said, speaking as if the story was not really as tragic as it would have been if she were anyone else. When he had asked whether or not she could really feel pain or not, she furrowed a brow, as if it were a strange question. "Nein." Theodora replied simply, in her native tongue by instinct.

War then pushed the table back into its original position after he had finished. He told her to wash her shirt before the stains would set in as he walked over to the couch and sat in it. When he had asked whether or not she knew how to, she thought for a moment before responding. "Don't you just run it under water?" Theodora asked him with a bent eyebrow as she stood up from her bed and to her feet. Getting as much blood as she had right then on her clothes was not a very common occurrence to her. She pinched the fabric again and pulled it away so that it would not stick to her skin, that in which she found to be a bit uncomfortable.
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War looked at the knuckles she unwrapped and showed him as they were covered in calluses. He sighed and shook his head. “It doesn’t matter if you had worse or not. You had an injury and you didn’t treat it. You should know to at least check yourself for injuries now and then so you can get them treated. Just because you can’t feel them doesn’t mean there’s nothing there to worry about…” He said in a stern lecture like way as he watched her wrap up her hand again.

War listened to the story about her past of her breaking her fibula after falling from a tree. He looked at her a bit conserved hearing it. “Lord Death, that’s terrible…” He said as he thought about it. ‘If she broke her leg, and was able to walk after and not feel a thing…It’s almost saddening…’ War thought as he looked at her. ‘Without sensations such as sadness and pain, other sensations like happiness and pleasure don’t seem so fulfilling without them.’ These are the thoughts that are running through War’s head now as he thinks about his partner’s condition. Most people normally wouldn’t think about this without being in a situation like that, but War did as he seemed to feel somewhat sorry for Thea in a way. War was brought out of his thoughts as Thea answered in her native tongue to the questioned his whispered. He just shook his head about it and ignored how she seemed to treat it like a strange question.

When Thea answered his question with a question about water her looked at her confused. He then realized she meant the stains. He sighed and shook his head again. “No I’m not talking about the stains; I was talking about how you got the injuries. DO you know how you got them?” He asked as he watched her get up from her bed.
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Theodora looked back at her partner as he told her that she was not talking about the stains. Being as tired as she was, she only assumed that she had not heard him correctly. War then told her that he was talking about her injury. She thought for a moment, coming up with the conclusion that they came after her workout session. "I guess it was during while I was using the punching bags? The one I used I believe was a bit leathery and rough." Theodora told him as she walked over to her dresser and pulled out some night clothes.

While standing by her dresser, she began to remove her facial piercings. She never wore them to bed in fear of them possibly being ripped from her face while sleeping; that would only turn out as a bloody mess, because she moved around quite a bit in her sleep. She then fled off to the bathroom to change and clean her shirt. Theodora returned from the bathroom a couple minutes later, with her shirt left in the bathroom in water, wearing pajamas. She then walked back over to her bed after putting her other clothes—that had not been all bloody—into a laundry basket. She made her way over to her bed and flopped down onto it, clearly fatigued. "Night." She said to War, then falling asleep a mere couple minutes later.

(( Ahhhh short post Dx ))
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War listened to Thea as she suggested it may have been the punching bag that she used today that did that to her knuckles. He sighed hearing that as he watched her head over to the dresser and pull out clothes after taking out her piercings. After she went to the bathroom, and came out just minutes later he figured she just was changing to go to sleep since she did seem tired when he came in. She then just flopped down on her bed said night and pretty much fell asleep. He sighed and looked at the fridge. “Guess the sandwich I got her for dinner will have to be another meal then.” He said to himself. He got it as an apology for all he did today…read her file…disappointed her in their fight…failed her test as a weapon that be worthy of her…and for reading her partner’s file. ‘Now that I think about it that wouldn’t be anything significant to apologize with…’ He thought with a sigh.

War then got up to head to the bathroom relieve himself and saw her shirt just sitting in water. He saw the strain still there on the shirt and sighed. He then drained the water and grabbed her shirt as he turned on the water and started to scrub the blood out of it. Once he walked out after a flush, the shirt was hanging over in the shower rack to dry and the blood stain gone.

War then got the sandwich he bought for himself from Death way, and ate part of it for dinner before he just went to just change into a pair of shorts and a tank top he got from his boxes of stuff. He soon laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling as he thought about what to do to make all this up to Thea properly. As he did he soon dozed off to sleep late in the night.
Theodora was a very active sleeper, and moving in her sleep was something she did very often. That night she had dreamt about herself in an almost alternate universe, where everything was of inverted color. She was wearing a dress, which was a bit odd, because she was never one for formal wear. It was a nice garment of a black color, with frilled ends; the kind that would spin if she were to twirl. Theodora felt very strange in something like what she was wearing, but oddly nice. Stupid dream-state, she thought as she then looked ahead of her to see a blonde male who's hair was brushed and slightly gelled back, even though his hair was not the shortest of lengths. He was also dressed rather nicely.

She blinked at him, once or twice, before recognizing who he was. Her face then lit up like most no one had ever seen of her before, as she then broke out in a sprint towards him.

But, the floor felt like water, engulfing her feet and slowing her movements. She felt like she could not move, no matter how hard she tried, somewhat like trying to ride a bike whose chain is off the sprocket; you won't go anywhere no matter how hard you pedal. Even so, it also felt like jelly, soon eating up her feet and crawling up her calves the more she moved. Theodora tried to pull her legs out of the gooey mush, but only sank further like quicksand. "Hey!" she shouted to the blonde man, who simply looked at her with a genuine smile. And was that a bouquet of roses that she saw in his arms?

"Austin!" she finally called out. "Austin, help!" But he still stood there, giving her his usual cute-boy's grin. Theodora only seemed to sink further and further into the watery goo of a floor, it beginning to seep into her clothes. It was certainly not comfortable. And why would he not help her? Theodora tried to fight it, continuing to yell out her previous partner's name, but he just stood there, as if trapped and frozen in time, while she continued to sink further and further in. Before she knew it, the floor was up to her thighs, and then her abdomen, then her chest, and finally up to her collarbone. "Austin, please!" Was this what dying felt like? There was still no pain, no real suffering, just heartache.

"Austin! Austin!" she called out once more, as something similar to panic began to fill her, beginning right at her chest and spreading out like tree roots. At her chin now, and quickly rising. Then, an image flashed before Theodora . It was a sword, one that was increasingly familiar. But, being in a dream, she could not quite put her finger on it.

"Austin!" And she was back in her room again, awakened and sitting up in her bed, anxiety and dread forcing her stomach to churn. She had not realized it, but she had yelled her previous partner's name out loud. What she had also not known was that her now, current partner was of the same first name, and there was no doubt that he did not hear her. Theodora wiped her forehead, having worked up a cold sweat in her dream. What the hell kind of dream was that?
With movement from Thea as they slept War started to dream because of it. Images of the files showed before him the words he read jumped out at him. Before long he was walking through the school halls with faceless students avoiding to look at him as he walked by. Whispers could be heard too as he passed. “Look who it is.” “The pathetic replacement…” “The one that was never qualified to be EAT class, and only used his partner to become as such.” “I heard the only reason she took him in was cause he begged her to since she was the only one without a partner.” “Didn’t he know she just lost a partner?” "Guess he jumped at the first chance he got to make her his partner.” The voices spoke as he passed them by. ‘No…That’s not true!’ He thought as he grabbed his head and closed his eyes.

Before he knew it they were at the training grounds from class. He opened his eyes and looked around at the woods around him. He then heard something whirl through the air at him from behind. He instantly ducked only to see a battle ax stuck in the tree in front of him. He looked at it shocked as he recognized it from Thea’s former partner’s weapon picture. He then looked behind him to see Thea standing there. “Tch, you dodged…why did you!?” She yelled at him as she then walked to get the axe. “You didn’t before…” She said as she pulled it out. “Thea what are you doing!?” He asked as looked at her wide eyed. “Isn’t it obvious…I’m getting rid of a nuisance. Unlike before I’m not going to negate my attack at the last minute.” She said with a smirk at him. She meant it too it seemed. “You were nothing to me from the beginning…just a bad reminder of the difference between you and my other partner was. He was better than you in every way…” She said as she walked closer with the axe resting on her shoulder. War had fallen on his butt looking at her in shock as she approached. “But now I have found a ordinary weapon that suits me just finely. And isn’t a constant disgrace or disappointment…” She said as she stood in front of him holding the axe preparing to swing. “So long you disgrace for a war!” She said then swung the axe at him as he closed his eyes shut tight preparing for the worst.

Austin!” War heard his name being yelled and opened his eyes to find himself on the couch facing the back of it. He was in a cold sweat as he breathed a bit heavily. It was late at night and dark in the room as War woke up. He slowly and hesitantly looked back at Thea’s bed a bit scared to find what has happened, worrying the dream was just going to continue. He looked at his partner as he could make out that she was sitting up at least in her bed. “Y-Yeah Thea…?” He quietly called out to her trying to sound like he was half asleep though he pretty much was. “You called…you alright?” He asked her as he looked over his shoulder at her. He was more worried about his partner right now than the dream he just had.
Theodora blinked and ran a couple fingers through her shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair, effectively moving it away from being stuck to her perspired skin, thick strands sticking to her cheeks and forehead in a similar style to how wrangled roots of a tree would appear. The sweat that she had wiped off of her forehead by her hand had dampened her bandages on her hand that War had wrapped for her split knuckles, but she had also noticed that the bandages needed be changed, due to the blood that had began red spots on the topmost bandage layer. Theodora, still in her shocked daze, blinked a couple times before responding to War. But what he had said had made no sense at all to her. The only thing that she could think of was possibly saying her previous partner's name whilst waking up in said shock. "What? I said Austin...not War." she said, eyes sneering slightly, eyebrows also bent in some sort of confusion.

"But yeah, I'm...fine." she said, rubbing her face again. What kind of dream was that? So many things were unexplained, and Theodora was beyond confused. The inverted colors, the formal wear, Austin; it was just all so confusing, and Theodora hated not having answers. And why did War say what he did? She looked at him through the darkness—despite not being able to see anything—and sighed. She then pulled the blankets of her bed off of her because—even if she was in a cold sweat—she was oddly hot, and it was beyond uncomfortable.
War soon rolled over and sat up to face her. He clenched his fist as he heard her say she basically forgot about his actual name. It was a day or so ago, but still. He wasn’t surprised though as she more and likely wanted to forget him. He sighed and looked away. “Yeah…you’re right…I Must have been mistaken.” He told her as she seemed to look at him. He couldn’t get what he was dreaming about out of his head. The image of her with an axe like weapon in her hand was like earlier today. It just made his fear more of a reality to him as he thought about it.

As War looked away from her, he caught the scent of blood in the room and looked around. His eyes landed on the darken outline of Thea as he remembered her wound he patched up. He sighed softly and got up from the couch and steadily made his way to the bathroom to make sure he didn’t trip himself on the way as he still wasn’t familiar with the place. He headed in the bathroom and turned on the light, nearly blinding him at first then grabbed some bandages as his eyes adjusted. He then went back to the side of Thea’s bed and pulled the table again to sit on. “Let me see your hand again. I can tell you are still bleeding.” He told her as he prepared the bandages to replace the others. ‘I can at least do this for her before she abandons me…’ He thought sadly as he waited for her hand.

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