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Soul Eater Fandom (PlaguedWithInsanity & Kishune)

War watched as Thea did a back flip in the air and landed perfectly. ‘Of course that wouldn’t do much…’ he thought as he looked at her. After he provoked her he raised his arms in defense that as she yelled at him. She was getting more pissed off that back when they sparred. As she rushed him again he watched her every move again. ‘I’m going to show you that I’m not like your partner…I won’t go down easily nor will I allow anything happen to you that will make you feel alone!’ He thought as she twisted around him. His eyes were able to follow her but not his movements. He went to back hand her, but she struck his ribs just hard enough to lock his shoulder. He ‘Tch’ and decided to mule kick her. He was soon able to move that shoulder since she didn’t hit him hard enough to last long. “Dammit…guess I’ll have to resort to that…” He said to himself. ‘I’ll be at risk…but I need to go more than defend…’ He thought as his skin started to turn back to normal besides his right forearm and hand; the was true for his other arm and both legs. Just from his knees to his feet. He still hasn’t moved from where he was and was waiting for her.
Just as Theodora had elbowed her partner in the side with a decent amount of strength, War had soon kicked her, his foot catching the side of her knee as she stumbled a bit from the attack of him hitting her. War then spoke to himself as most of his skin turned back to its original color except for his right arm. Although if Theodora were normal regarding pain thresholds, she would be in incredible discomfort with how she was kicked, but she was not normal, if anything but. So, she still kept going, now behind him as she quickly sent a fist forward as his back again, while one of her legs swept around in a circle, attempting to catch him off guard to kick his feet out from under him, while her fist was aimed near the small of his spine.
Once War’s arms were and legs were covered, he looked over his shoulder at Thea with open and alert eyes. ‘I need to keep an eye on all her movements.’ He thought as he noticed her fist going for his back. With a quick movement, War caught her fist with his bandaged hand. His movements were a lot faster than before but he was still not his best. He didn’t notice the kick for his legs but it didn’t do much. With most his limbs still metal, he weight a considerable amount than normal, so a sweeping kick wouldn’t budge him much. War was able to slow her fist enough to keep it from causing much damage. ‘Trying to end the fight with a serious hospitalizing attack on my spine huh…’ He thought as he grabbed her wrist before she could withdraw it. He then took and flung her away from him. It took a lot of strength to move around with his iron skin up so throwing someone like Thea wasn’t too complicated. As she was still flying through the air, War ran after her with loud heavy thuds with every step. He may gained some speed with only his arms and legs turned to metal, but he couldn’t catch her before she landed. Once he got close enough he pulled back his right arm for a punch and was aiming for her gut.
Theodora was still much faster than her opponent, even if he had gained some speed by making less of his skin metallic. Before she could retract her fist from aiming for his spine had War grabbed her wrist to slow down the blow. He then pulled her forward and flung her away from him. In the air had she quickly regained herself, stabilizing herself whilst still in the air. She watched him as he began to run towards her, steps heavy and thudding. He drew his elbow back and aimed right for Theodora's lower abdomen. She had not expected his sudden speed boost to actually be effective, so War had shoved his fist right into her stomach, sending her backwards and forcing her into a tree a couple feet behind her.

A crack sounded from her spine hitting against the thick bark, but she fell onto her feet into somewhat of an Iron Man pose and stood up quickly. Theodora looked at him with a growl and rushed straight towards him with her fist drawn back. Planning on her fist to get blocked, she was going to use her elbow next as an effective fighting weapon.

((sorry this took me so long so respond to... I'm so, so sorry....))
After War threw the punch he watched as he made contact with her and sent her into the tree behind her. The sound from her hit caused some the students to cringe at the sound. War fexed his hands as they stated to tighten up. ‘No much longer…’ He thought as he then turned his attention back to Thea. It didn’t take her long to recover and charge again. With no hesitation he rushed forward to throwing his own punch as he was looking to end it quick.
((Remember, she doesn't feel pain ;P ))

Seeing that he was now running at her as well, mimicking her next move, Theodora smirked at her partner and had suddenly opened up her fist into an open palm, easily blocking and grabbing War's fist and throwing it aside as she then use the momentum to twirl around in front of him so that her elbow was aimed right at the side of his face by the momentum. She was also looking to end the fight quickly and efficiently by using her sharp elbows as a surely threatening and possibly crippling weapon if used correctly.
As War threw the punch he didn’t expect her to grab his fist. He thought they trade blows and thought he could at least get her to exhaust herself first. But what she did next really surprised him; her grabbing his fist and redirecting it as she twirled around in front of him. He could see her elbow aim for his face, but couldn’t do nothing about it as she was too close to block with his either hand and the other was thrown away from her. War just closed his eyes as the elbow hit him in the face knocking him back some and on the ground slat. The strike got his forehead as she elbowed him. Luckily enough War pulled up a last minute defense from having his skull bashed in. His whole forehead had the metallic shine to it but in the end it didn’t save him the match as he was basically knocked out from the blow alone. He groaned as he laid ther on the ground as the metallic shad of his skin faded turning to normal.
Theodora had honestly meant to aim for her partner's cheek, but he had moved, resulting in a blow to the forehead. She would have felt sympathetic, or at least guilty, if she knew what pain actually felt like, but she honestly felt nothing in response to War falling straight to the ground with a numerous of pained groans. She simply smirked slightly at him and moved aside as several classmates came to his aid after Marie had expressed concern for her fallen student. The teacher had simply looked up at Theodora with a frown.

"Miss Wilhelm..."
she said, eyebrows furrowed. Theodora had simply furrowed one in response, unsure as to why her teacher was suddenly so concerned. That was what she wanted, right? For her student to win in a fight? The Meister simply took a couple more paces back from the scene, shoving her hands into her pockets as she shook her head slightly to herself in disappointment of War. It was just too easy, just as she had thought it to be in the first place.
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As War laid there on the ground unmoving as he groaned. Students flocked to his side to check on him and see how bad he was, but saw no injuries on him besides on his forehead. War was knocked out from a powerful blow to his weak point in his metallic skin on his forehead. With that combines with Thea’s strength and the fact he didn’t have the rest of his skin hardened, caused for him to be like this now. “Uh…I think someone needs to take him to the nurses office?” One the students exclaimed.
Theodora stood on the sidelines of the scene, watching as everyone flocked to her partner's side. When one of the students mentioned that he should be taken to the nurse's office, Theodora only assumed that they meant her, War being her partner. She gave a slight scowl, but had soon walked over to him and hauled him up and over her shoulder. Due to them being nearly the same weight, give or take a few pounds, carrying him would not be very hard to, although her shoulder felt slightly weak with his weight. The only think Theodora could think of was maybe she had strained it? It did not hurt or anything, just a little weak. "Okay. Let's go then." She said as she carried him off to the nurse's office.

After a few minutes had she arrived at said office, and she lied him down on one of the tables and talked to one of the nurses, explaining to them what had happened when they had asked. "Class fight. Err, initiation," was all she said as she walked over to a chair beside War's bed and sat down, arms crossed.
Minutes passed before War woke in the nurse’s office. He looked around a bit then at Thea who was sitting next to the bed. He tried to recollect what had happened. He started to sit up, but forced back down as his head started to throb. “Ah…Now I remember…” He said as he laid there with a hand to his forehead. “I lost…Man I misinterpret your movements terribly…” He said as he sighed. He was disappointed with himself as he only had one true injury and that was a bruise on his forehead.
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Theodora tapped her shoes against the floor absentmindedly as she sat with her partner. It was awfully boring, but it was the right thing to do, to stay with one's partner when something happens to them. Her green eyes shifted over to War's figure as he moved a bit, turning his head and looking around. He had then attempted at sitting up, but must have been in a great deal of pain or something to have to lie back down just as suddenly as he had tried to sit up. Theodora listened to him speak, as he told her that he had misinterpreted her actions terribly in their fight. "Or maybe because I'm just above you in matters of skill." she said in a snarky manner, glancing over at War, her arms still crossed at her chest by habit.
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War heard Thea and sighed. “Fine you did beat me fair and square…” He said as he knew it was best to admit you been beaten and not hold a grudge. He didn’t want to be like the ones he constantly fought him cause of such a thing. But War knew it was good to know why you lost as well so you didn’t make the same mistake again. After a short while War was able to sit up as he only had a bruised forehead. The nurse came and put a bandage on it for him and he was able to leave. War looked at his left arm as it was still bandaged from the elbow down. War soon noticed something as he looked around. He was looking for his jacket and started to panic as he didn’t find it. “Uh Thea…Do you know where my jacket is at…?” He asked a bit nervously as he had his week allowance in it still.
Theodora remained seated as War had finally been able to fully sit up, the nurse soon coming back over to them to bandage War's forehead. She told them that he was well enough to leave already, and Theodora simply shrugged. After the nurse ad left them, War had asked whether or not she knew where his jacket was. She thought for a moment, but had soon replied. "I believe you took it off right before our fight." She looked at him as he appeared nervous and slightly panicked. Yes, she remembered. That was exactly what War had done. He probably had stuff in his pockets or something to be so worried about. "I can go get it if you would like." Theodora said to him, gazing over his bandaged arm.
War sighed as she said he took it off before the fight meaning she didn’t take it with her as she brought him here. “The jacket held my week’s allowance in it inner pocket…” He said. He could only hope that no one found it first and took the money. Hearing that Thea offered to get it for him, though War was surprised of her offer, he shook his head. “No I can get it I’m feeling fine, just a headache…literally.” He told her with a reassuring smile before he stood up. “Class should still be out there anyways right? I wasn’t out that long was I?” He asked her he looked at her.
Theodora nodded at him, understanding his predicament with his jacket. War refused her offer, however, and told her that he only had a headache. He then stood up from the bed and asked about how long he had out for. Theodora stood up from her chair as well as she looked up at the clock in the room. "Hmm.. About ten minutes, maybe?" She said to him after thinking for a moment about the time that had passed. "So are we going back to class then?" Theodora asked as she shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. She only assumed that to be the case, considering War was already up and conscious, and class was not over yet.
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War looked at Thea then at the clock. “Really that long? Man…” He said as he rubbed the back of his head hoping the class was still out in the garden’s training or whatever the lesson was today. Hearing Thea ask about going back to the class, War looked at her and nodded. “We’ll head out to the Garden see if they’re there…or at least see if my Jacket is still there.” He told her. “Shall we go then?” He asked as he have her take the lead. Right now War didn’t trust himself to do so as he might get them lost easier now than ever…if he ever took the lead anyways.
"It's really not." Theodora said to her partner when he remarked on the time that he was unconscious. She'd seen longer, and the time that War was out was actually on the lower portion of the gamut of people that she'd seen having recovered from lack of consciousness. Theodora nodded when War suggested they both go back to class, seeing that it was still not over for the day. "Alright then." Theodora said as she walked out of the nurse's office with her partner, him behind her as she led them both into the halls of the school.
War nodded to Thea as she took the lead back to their class. Soon enough they have arrived back out in the garden and the first thing War did was look around for his jacket. Once he found it he let out a sigh of relief as he went to pick it up. After he picked it up the first thing he did was check the pockets to find his money was still there. “Thank Death…” He said then dusted it off as he put back on his jacket. He then walked up to Marie-sensei. “So what was the lesson today?...Or was it an activity?” He asked her as he rubbed the bake of his bandaged head not remembering if she said why they came out. He figured Marie-sensei wouldn’t allow him to participate due to worry of his injuries….well injury. But he at least like to know why they were doing out here.
Theodora watched as her partner had picked up his jacket and showed relief when he put his hands into his pockets. War had then walked up to Marie-sensei and asked her something. She had given her student a slightly disappointed look, but Theodora showed no emotion in response to her look towards her.

Marie had, however, smiled in a caring manner at War. "Well, Mr. War, if you look around at your now fellow students, they are simply practicing fighting techniques with their partners." She said, glancing at some of the students in the field, gesturing out her hand towards them in a sweeping motion. They were all simply Meisters with their Weapon partners in hand, practicing techniques just as Marie had said to War. "Seeing as that you are bandaged as well as still injured, I believe you should sit out today's activities. Either way, you performed excellently. You definitely fit in with the skill level of my current students." Marie-sensei said to him with a smile. "I just wish Ms. Wilhelm would not be so rough. I deliberately ordered her not to fight so harsh with you, because I know her capabilities." She said, expressing concern for War. She then thought for a moment. "Just looking at some of the maneuvers she used, you could have been severely injured in what was supposed to be a small sparring. I do honestly wish you luck with her." Marie said to him, glancing over at Theodora from the corner of her eye.
War was a little surprised as he saw Marie-sensei’s face, and how it seemed to show disappointment. When she showed him a smile he was confused a bit. When she explained War looked around at the other students practicing with their partners in hand. He nodded as he some pretty good forms out there too. War looked back to Marie as she told him to sit out the activities since he was injured. He rubbed the back of his head as he nodded in agreement, though he didn’t. He only had a forehead injury as he being knocked out was a side effect of hitting a certain weak spot in his adamant skin with certain amount of force…plus not having the rest of it up as well making the kick back worse. But War dared not argue with Marie about this…also to not spread word of his skin’s weakness. Hearing her praise him though, made him look down to the ground and blushed a bit. He wasn’t use to it as he did show skill of a EAT student for the longest time, but was always questioned about why he wasn’t in it right after. He was a bit embarrassed by it. War then looked over at Thea as Marie talked about her. When Marie said she wished him luck he looked at her with an uncertain smile and laugh as he continued to rub the back of his head. “I might need more than luck…More like divine intervention…” He said in a whispered tone.

War then gave Marie-sensei a bow before he headed over to a tree to sit against to watch his now new class mates trained.
Marie smiled at her new student, laughing a little as well at War's comment that he had whispered to her. She really did wish him luck, that was sincerely genuine of her. After that had he soon bowed before her in respect, and she much appreciated that as he walked away from her and sat over by a tree, watching the other students.

Theodora, however, was not at all happy with the day as it progressed, not only did she not have a partner for the day because of his injury, but she would most likely have to stay after class or something to have a talk with Marie-sensei. And that was not pleasant. It was not her fault that she could not 'spar' like her teacher wanted her to. Not feeling pain meant not being much able to feel how much force she would expel in a fight. Either way, Theodora just shrugged, taking a seat on the cool grass in the field. Although, there was a plus side to her and War's sparring.

All of her class mates would be reminded of who she was, and they would only fear her more. She clenched her fists tightly in her jacket pockets. It was satisfying to know that people would refuse to mess with her, knowing that she could easily ruin them physically. And of course, being on a school campus meant that rumors would be spread, so that the entirety of the school would be reminded of who exactly Theodora Wilhelm was and what she was capable of.
War continued to watch the other student as he took mental notes for future reference. He often glanced over at Thea from time to time feeling bad that he was keeping her from today’s activity. Though he was feeling up to it, he didn’t want to go against Marie-sensei’s word as he done so once already, and kind of made her worries a reality. War also didn’t want to come off disrespectful, even though he looked like a thug and all.

War thought of what this fight may result in some day. He can already hear that his reputation of being a EAT Qualified Weapon dwindle as word got around. He didn’t care though; all it will do is have some try to prove themselves by challenging him to rematches and stuff, at least more than usual. Most be annoyed of it but War saw it as a way to get stronger she he could match up to Thea’s strength so he could prove himself to her as a challenge one day, but he didn’t know how long that will take…and besides, her being able to wield him was never proven to be a fluke or not yet.

As War sat under the tree lost in thought he started to absent mindedly started staring at Thea as thought about everything. Before he realized it class had ended having War pulled out of his thoughts and blush a bit as he realized he was staring at Thea.
Theodora did nearly the same thing as War, and that was watching the performances of her fellow students. She sighed, sitting with her legs stretched out before her, but with her right leg crossed over her left in some sort of lady-like manner. She had only assumed that her was not allowed to participate in today's activity because of his injury, and that proved to be rather annoying to her. She had not noticed her partner staring at her until class was finally over. Out of the corner of her bright green eyes had she spotted his own red ones stuck right on her. Theodora looked over at War with a glare, both eyebrows furrowed and bent. She had soon brought herself to her feet as Marie-sensei had announced them as dismissed just as the school bell had rung loudly, disturbing everyone from their carefully executed practices, some far more focused on what they were doing than others.

She walked over to her partner, the day's classes being over, and her glare only increased. "What the hell were you staring at me for, you creep?" Theodora asked him sharply, her eyes narrowed at him. She was clearly annoyed with War . She had hoped that today's outside class would be a stress relief for her, but it proved to only worsen her attitude from that morning when War had fallen unconscious and had left her unable to practice with some sort of weapon.
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When War sees Thea coming over to him War starts to tense up seeing her glare. When she asked why he was staring War put his hands up in defense and shook his head. “No it’s not like that…I was just lost in thought is all.” He managed to say before he got up from the tree. “Uh, any ways I got to get going…” He said to her and started to leave without another word. He like to get to the files before he couldn't for what ever reason. 'All I have left to read is her past partner's files...' He thought as he was leaving, a pair set of partners had failed a resonance and caused a shockwave sending the meister into a tree and the ax weapon arcing in the air and falling towards War, not even knowing what was flying at him.

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