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Fandom Soul Eater: Ammit OOC

Japanime Japanime We should come up with some sort of list or something of the people who are partnered and those who still need partners. That'll make it easier for people to find appropriate matches.
Hey, don't mean to intrude but I was wondering if this was still open. It seems like you've got a nice balance of players/characters going on and having too many RPers can complicate things, so I figured best to ask.
Ennuis Ennuis
Ah, okay, good to hear. Is that person a weapon or meister, though? I'm almost done making a weapon but am drawing blanks when it comes to meisters, though I could just swap the character's role if need be, it wouldn't be hard.
An earlier post mentioned that there a perfect balance of five meisters and weapons apiece, which is part of the reason I posted my first question. In any case, my character's role is still easy enough to swap around should anyone have a reserve character for either role, I'd just have to rephrase a few things. No fancy BBcode to dig through or anything, that stuff is well beyond me.

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