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Fantasy Sorcerers of Algoren OOC

I'm intimidated by the fancy coded forms, so I'm taking extra time to do one myself. It'll be up fairly soon.
My frustrations got the better of me. It'll be normal for now. My computer science and coding skills are... subpar.
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Can I have a list/some examples of 'magical beings' you can create contracts with? Could you also add details to the lore on Arcane Contracts in terms of tiers?
Of course!
Generally speaking in the past I had people propose beasts that would make sense and I was pleasantly surprised. However if you want specifics, I'd say Fey, Dragons, Demons, Angels, Sea Creatures, Djinn, etc.

And just so you have it now instead of waiting for me to update it heres how the tiers system works in relation to the contract. The more accomplished you are in magic, the more magic the being can grant you access to. However, I am completely open to unique takes on the unity drive and overdrive aspects if you have something specific in mind when you chose a being.
It's not pretty, but there it is. I'm not the best at writing quicker backstories like his, hopefully it's all right.
Hanarei Hanarei
In your case I would classify your character as Human/Demonkin due to the fact that she is not a typical demonkin.
Hmmph! How dare you say such insulting things about my character classifying her as an other! So heartless! I'm surprised you didn't want me to label her as an Arcane Abomination with such cruelty you show!
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Since Arcane Externus can be achieved through study rather than heritage/supernatural occurences, would it be possible to learn it alongside another source of magic? Or perhaps have learnt some of it at some point, and then 'convert' to another source of magic later discovered?
Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Since Arcane Externus can be achieved through study rather than heritage/supernatural occurences, would it be possible to learn it alongside another source of magic? Or perhaps have learnt some of it at some point, and then 'convert' to another source of magic later discovered?
You are the first person to actually ask me that and Im happy! Short and sweet: Yes its possible, but I would need a really good reason to allow it.

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