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Realistic or Modern somethingSTRANGE. [OOC]

sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

[ . . . T H E M E x S O N G . . . ] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xx


Nestled deep within the winding mountainous Oregon roads is the small town of Pasecoda. Over the span of twenty years or so, there has been a steady flow of outsiders coming to reside in the town. There has always been something strange about the small town that's constantly shrouded in a chilly fog, but only recently with the arrival of an unfortunate spunky soul has the town began to experience even stranger occurrences.

The OOC is open for everyone to post.

Special thanks to

@mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y and @Sunbather for helping out. Feel free to talk to them if @CRiTiCAL ERR0R isn't immediately active.

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@lostviolence sure thing!

@Felix it's going to be a bit different from what you were in. I'm making it more goal/objective oriented and I do have an established plot. So characters will be attempting to uncover the plot. It's very heavy in working and fully communicating with other players. If you are still up for it you can apply when I get the cs up. I am going to be a tad finicky with characters this time around.
Rules are up. I haven't finished the Objectives & Guidelines yet, but that'll be next on my list after I do some coding in Setting/Location page.
The rest of Overview Intro post is done as well as Objectives and Guidelines.
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Locations are done. Just need to edit Pasecoda setting post above it.
@CRiTiCAL ERR0R Do you mind if I reuse the Ravenscar Manor and writer occupation? He will have a completely different personality and backstory though. I'm still not sure whether or not I want to give him the opportunity to become supernatural, so that's open for discussion...
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Thanks for the tag, Sun! I'm going to have to take a look around later today because this looks exquisite!

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