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Realistic or Modern Somebody I Used To Know | Main

Jace Carter | Couple #4
Interactions: MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Jace arrived at his designated room and decided he'd unpack a bit once he changed clothes. Having a clear space helped him mentally because if he focused on the things he could control it made it easier to accept the things he couldn't, and there was a growing number of things he couldn't control in this situation. To add to the list of uncontrollable things came Corryn walking into the room and stating what he had been hoping was just a joke, but deep down knew was real. This show really wasn't going to be pulling any punches on possible tension/conflict between couples here. They really wanted to smush them all together as much as possible. He tried to reason with himself that this was in fact good because it's better to room with a friend then a stranger right?

"I guess so." He replied smoothly trying to make sure his internal thoughts stayed just that, internal. "If it's any consolation I don't snore." He tried to joke to ease his mind and the tension that was brewing inside of it. He'd really hoped he would have at least once place of solace during this whole thing, but he supposed he'd have to find another place to be that. He scratched the back of his head a bit awkwardly as he continued to unpack his things, "Though all jokes aside, if you wanted to set any ground rules for this then I'm open and willing." He offered. He couldn't imagine what was going through her head right now, but he wanted to be clear that if there was anything he could do to ease whatever this was he was willing to do it. Separated form his work he was willing to do whatever it took to make things right in a sense. Which felt weird to admit because then you'd have to acknowledge anything is wrong with...hasn't always been a strong suit.

He pulled out a more comfortable looser short sleeves shirt to wear and took off the one he was wearing to discard it into the spot he would turn into a dirty clothes area...well until he found an appropriate bag to place there or hamper. He felt it be a little too personal to mix their clothing while here on wash days. She could have whatever was already set up in the room for her things. He plugged up his phone and laptop even though he was going to steer clear of work, he wanted things to be available in case of an emergency. He was organizing the room in an attempt to keep his mind busy on anything other then elephants in the room only glancing up at her every so often, or if she spoke. He didn't want to seem rude...just busy. which sadly maybe an all too familiar feeling. "Uh...any other plans happening this afternoon?" He'd kinda rushed out of the awkward scene downstairs first so he was curious if any of the others managed to set up any kind of...well anything.

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