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hardly. I'll stick to being the thief archetype. after all, Se7en is just an outsider, an independent contractor. wouldn't want to steal the limelight.
Don't be like that. You only RP once. If you want to be the main player, be the main player. RP with no regrets because we don't do this stuff again.

Not if you want to run into monster lol.

But yeah, I'm getting that there are stat checks that may or may not be advantageous as we RP. Looking forward to seeing what else you've got in store for us :closedeyessmile:

Can't deny that PROW as a stat has a greater influence on winning rolls than AGI, but I don't know if I'd call it broken. They each serve a different purpose. AGI is meant to enhance what is PROW. Therefore, given equal PROW, the one with the greater AGI will more likely win.

I've been meaning to ask this ever since we talked about battle mechanics, but since some of PwnStar skills are described to activate after winning a roll and after dmging an opponent is roll + wombo combo + encore! encore! (3-hit-combo) possible provided you win the roll AND have the PP to provide for the combo? Or is it just roll + wombo combo/encore!encore! (2-hit-combo) and stops there because each player only gets 1 attack per turn?

lol, yes. The true gambler will put their faith in RNGesus.
Haha. I am glad you find the RP interesting thus far. I wish I could move it faster but there's a boat ton of people for little old me :lennymeh: . And very astute of you my rival. AGI isn't the OG stat, but it's important nonetheless. It's hidden. You will feel it if you don't have enough of it. To your question it is the ROLL RESULT + WOMBO COMBO + ENCORE! ENCORE! PwnStars play no games. Once they have you in the grip, and you're not prepared they will beat you in a snap. :kissclosedeyes:

White Masquerade White Masquerade Is Valkyrie attacking one of the Harvesters? I didn't see a roll on her post, so I wanted to make sure.

Nice to see Ash finally have a strong father figure in his life.
No she wasn't- she was only powering up her steammmm

White Masquerade White Masquerade
(200 Kirito) Talk Shit: Get Hit
[PP Cost: 3]
This can only be used when an enemy attacks you first. Automatically dodge the blow and roll for the damage you do to them.

What counts as a dodge-able attack? Can buffs/debuffs be dodged? What about skills like Blood Runner?
Attack skills. The usual definition. Either a roll or a negative target. So yes PwnStars can be hard counters to Edge Lords that rely on Blood Runner. Which is exactly why + classes were introduced with radically different skills from the base class. You can put your cookies all in one basket or if you see a glaring weakness in your build, having the option to change up your play-style/have a backup becomes very helpful.
Well, it was meant to be said more politely, as a guiding gesture than a stern correction. Still, Sonata understands the importance of names and titles, and one would hardly appreciate bring called Antonelli Prince.

Still, important to remember, he's not some fancy super star for her, just a Codebreaker out saving people. That's a good thing in her book, but given that she's out here doing it too, it means that more or less he's not that largely different from herself. Well, likely a bit more bold and brave than she. But largely the same.

Yeah Chak! Keep Prince in line, AHAHAHAHAHA!
Ah, good thing I am playing the cdr game.

Depower ftw!
Yup! Honestly it's cool cause the RP can cater to beginners and advanced players. You can technically not go in-depth with the mechanics much and still enjoy playing but for those who do, you can win a lot of encounters/situations by taking it strategically.
I've always been a very straightforward player. In a fairly free form semi modern pathfinder game I mixed an owlbear with a tank to make an M1 Owlbrams tank.

I tend to just be head on and direct in most builds, but then make interesting characters.
Lmao. Good point.

TS:GH was one of those OP skills I considered for JinX's offense since I'm running her on a PP+CDR combo build and it serves as an excellent defense+offense with style bonus, but I feel like if I get I won't be using SlipStream as much if I do =P. That skill alone make PwnStars shine when going second, but their problem is when they will have to go first. It's only after trying to make one (in the npc section) that I can see how difficult it is. They are reliant on winning rolls to do dmg, but given how PP reliant their class is, and the fact that they have no bonuses for it, building PROW is difficult. Supplementing with items is the only way even keep up (kinda) with some of the other classes since they only have one skill that adds to their rolls and it's incomparable to the likes of, gigus canon, breaking the limits, or even a maxed out cyberman terms of stat boosts. At the very least, compared to the likes of B-Reaper (which I made just to see how high a Deviant Artist can go starting with a maxed out Strive) they are running a losing race lol. They need to live first before getting the chance to go second^^


Yeah Chak! Keep Prince in line, AHAHAHAHAHA!

Prince feels the hatred.

I don't see how :D

Attack skills. The usual definition. Either a roll or a negative target.

^I asked White whether debuffs can be dodged and this is her answer.

If someone targets Se7en with depowered (which can only be used if they go first), he can hit TS:GH and dodge it because it creates a negative effect, lol.

Tough to do that when there are already so many others standing on that pedestal

Everyone is the main character of their own story :closedeyessmile: It's like pointing to a show like Durarara!!! and asking who they think the main character is. Different people will say different things. It could be the most relateable character, the most likeable, the one with the most scenes, the one that does the most things, the one with the more interesting story, the one with the most growth, etc, but in the end, all players have a role of their own choosing in the grand stage that is the rp. Se7en is a more a main character in my mind compared to Vita for example because she only showed up once.

I've always been a very straightforward player. In a fairly free form semi modern pathfinder game I mixed an owlbear with a tank to make an M1 Owlbrams tank.

I tend to just be head on and direct in most builds, but then make interesting characters.

Interesting is good.

The Edge Lord gimmick is that they won't die so at least the party won't be wiped even if others do. Pity no one's made a defensive party support one yet. I might if I get bored enough just to see what it would look like lol.

The skills and the game mechanics are what interest me about this rp the most, though the story and player interactions are fun too^^. Since I played a trojan the first time in part 1, I got a solid look all the skills of the other classes.

I wish I could move it faster but there's a boat ton of people for little old me :lennymeh: .

Don't stress about it. After experiencing what it's like to be a GM I can tell you it's very easy to lose steam (or maybe that's just me =P). If there's too many players, you can ignore the npcs (mine at least). Just let me know and I'll move them along. Their main existence is just to provide interactions with players anyway. JinX will have fun randomly PMing players regardless.
If someone targets Se7en with depowered (which can only be used if they go first), he can hit TS:GH and dodge it because it creates a negative effect, lol.

Um, what stops someone from going second with Depowered?

A well-fed Edgelord will survive the first attack of a Pwn Star, then depower.
Um, what stops someone from going second with Depowered?

A well-fed Edgelord will survive the first attack of a Pwn Star, then depower.

Because attack skills can only be used when it's your turn...at least that's how I understood it =/

Edge Lord uses depowered, PwnStar uses TS:GH (round 1, lord goes first)
PwnStar rolls, Edge Lord MUST roll (or choose not to) (round 2, star goes first)
Edge Lord uses depowered, PwnStar uses TS:GH (round 3, lord goes first)

^This is what I was talking to white about when I asked her about battle mechanics and using skills as a reaction. Her response was you can't unless a skill specifies it.
Because attack skills can only be used when it's your turn...at least that's how I understood it =/

Edge Lord uses depowered, PwnStar uses TS:GH (round 1, lord goes first)
PwnStar rolls, Edge Lord MUST roll (or choose not to) (round 2, star goes first)
Edge Lord uses depowered, PwnStar uses TS:GH (round 3, lord goes first)

^This is what I was talking to white about when I asked her about battle mechanics and using skills as a reaction. Her response was you can't unless a skill specifies it.
That's even better!

Nothing is better than vit farming for za Edge Lord.

Thank you enemy Pwn Stars.
That's even better!

Nothing is better than vit farming for za Edge Lord.

Thank you enemy Pwn Stars.

lmao, yes, the one class that doesn't care if it dies <.<

But really, the PwnStar will run out of PP eventually (unless built in a way they won't) and an Edge Lord with high HP + HP recovery may well live if PROW isn't high enough. PwnStars can rake up pretty good dmg, but Edge Lords come back anyway because Stars don't have a way to deal with revival skill, so at worst (if the Edge Lord chooses not to attack), it's just them staring each other down =P
lmao, yes, the one class that doesn't care if it dies <.<

But really, the PwnStar will run out of PP eventually (unless built in a way they won't) and an Edge Lord with high HP + HP recovery may well live if PROW isn't high enough. PwnStars can rake up pretty good dmg, but Edge Lords come back anyway because Stars don't have a way to deal with revival skill, so at worst (if the Edge Lord chooses not to attack), it's just them staring each other down =P
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Azure Sky Azure Sky
Good discussion! I really enjoyed reading it. You are both right with all you've said. Azure you will receive major Edge Lord hate and Quirk, I'm glad you enjoy the skill system as much as I do.

White Masquerade White Masquerade how does Perfection stack up against TS:GH?
Does the Pwn Star dodge insta-death?
YES. What needs to happen for the insta-death to take effect? A roll whether it's won or lost. What does TS:GH do? Dodge the attack. So in essence, Perfection never gets competed.

Then again, if you can target someone with it, and it causes a negative effect, is it really a passive? :closedeyessmile:
YES. It's not a typical one, but nothing needs to be spent for it to be in effect.
Dragon Ball tactics.
Hahaha. How dare you? I would never stoop so low. In my dictionary, it's called a Charged Edge™. That's when there's an end to a situation (post, TV Show, chapter), but instead of at the completion of an action, it occurs in the middle of an Actionomy™. It gives a rest to the drama, but at the same time gives two-fold effect as it leads in to more of the scenario that may illicit even greater levels of Grandina™.
Lucem Lucem
RMA FULL CODING is in effect for Elijah as denoted by the yellow-ish text in the battle screen. If it's turned off, just be sure to make it clear. It's really a cool skill seeing it in action, haha. I get to live vicariously through everyone else's characters and root for them. It's really useful. Nice combo with Short Circuit =P
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Azure Sky Azure Sky
and Quirk, I'm glad you enjoy the skill system as much as I do.

It's not difficult to see how much you worked on it^^

Not much else to do besides wait for the story to unfold anyway and I do enjoy character creation/customization especially if there are skills to play with. The likelihood that they show up IC is slim unless you decide they're use-able or I do anyway. JinX came because Joker messaged her (though she's also Prince's npc) and Celeste will prompt character development for Prince if they interact (unless another player does so first). I mean, I have vague "plans" (the kind that will be set in motion only when opportunity arises), but I don't intend prioritize player-npc interaction over player-player interaction if it comes down to it~
It's not difficult to see how much you worked on it^^

Not much else to do besides wait for the story to unfold anyway and I do enjoy character creation/customization especially if there are skills to play with. The likelihood that they show up IC is slim unless you decide they're use-able or I do anyway. JinX came because Joker messaged her (though she's also Prince's npc) and Celeste will prompt character development for Prince if they interact (unless another player does so first). I mean, I have vague "plans" (the kind that will be set in motion only when opportunity arises), but I don't intend prioritize player-npc interaction over player-player interaction if it comes down to it~

And good good. Please do things to your heart's content. It will take time for me to get to some things, but I enjoy what you add in. Maybe Prince will find a lucky lady to form a duet with, heh-heh. *Crosses fingers*
Refaulted Refaulted
Excellent as usual. So thorough and intelligent. It's a testament to Stein as a Codebreaker. He as a character is subtle with my like for him. He doesn't stand out like others, but man is he interesting. Remember me saying this. If there was a group leader, he would be my pick for it. Though I don't know if there are other people who feel a different way. :lennymeh:

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