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Fandom SNK Modern!AU- Life 2/9

@iAmKira no one has specifically reserved characters, not everyone who signs up is guaranteed to stay in the RP (if their replies are utter shit and we all agree) but character choices aren't necessarily set in stone you can trade among yourselves and discuss
TheHarlequinnCat said:
@iAmKira no one has specifically reserved characters, not everyone who signs up is guaranteed to stay in the RP (if their replies are utter shit and we all agree) but character choices aren't necessarily set in stone you can trade among yourselves and discuss
Awesome, well in that case, may I be Armin please?
Dammit, that's gonna be thinking, I don't really have a specific character I'm good with, I suppose I could try Hanji.

How many characters are we allowed to have?
I am rather excited everyone seem's rather chill.

p.s. Love you avatar Kira that's hilarious
[QUOTE="Bullet Tooth Tony]May I be Jean? Or Reiner if Jean is already taken.

Go to the character sign-up and create the profile that is shown, I'm pretty sure Jean is available :)
Lol thanks @SmoothPsycho *starts shouting* vote for Shadow! Vote for Shadow! I'll give you a half eaten cupcake if you do!

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