• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Small + Quick Cravings [Closed]



- Introduction -

Hi, I'm Jas and I'm currently searching for roleplay partners. Wow that was a sucky start excuse me I'm bad at introducing myself XDD So let's restart that. I'm Jas and I've been roleplaying for about 4 years now I believe if my memory isn't failing. However, before those four years as a child I used to roleplay with my friends all the time. Basically now I've been hooked and I haven't been able to let go of this addiction ever since I came across a site called "wattpad". Hey we all have to start somewhere.


- Information About How I Roleplay - 

  • I roleplay only in third person, I'm sorry but writing in first person is not appealing nor my strong point. 
  • I roleplay anywhere from one paragraph up to five per character. 
  • I'm for doubling. 
  • I would usually only do canon x canon HOWEVER If you do canon x canon with me, I'll play canon for your oc. (So like a double thing) 
  • I play mxm,mxf,and fxf. 
  • I like to chat out of character to get to know you. c: 
  • Also lastly, I like coming up with ideas together. 
  • I do like Au's but I'm also up for canon. 
  • I'm up for pm or thread. (: 
  • When I roleplay canon characters I try as hard as possible to make the character as much as they were like canon. 

Roleplay Pairings

Italics = Preferred Character (however I will bend) 




Dan x Phil 

Shane x Lisa

Shane x Joey


Harry Potter


Harry x Draco 

Remus x Sirius {would double with James x Lily} 


Adventure Time 


Marceline x Princess Bubblegum 

Marceline x Fionna 


Gravity Falls


*will play all platonic* 

Dipper x Bill 

Dipper x Mabel 


Black Butler


Ciel x Alois

Ciel x Doll 


Life is Strange


Max x Chloe 

Nathan x Warren




Makoto x Haru

Sousuke x Rin 

Rei x Nagisa

Rin x Nitori 




*will play Ticci Toby for canon x canon or canon x oc* 


Spirited Away 


Haku x Chihiro 




Joker x Batman 

Harley x Ivy 

that would be one amazing double xD


Soul Eater


Soul x Kid 

Soul x Maka

Crona x Kid

Maka x Crona

Spirit  x Stein



Thanks for checking this out! (: Good luck on your further searches if you can't find something here!




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I am the worst with doubling ew

What are your opinions on crossover ships? 

-holds Hermione-

Also CP brings me back to those good old days where I drew BEN a lot...

I would LOVE to try either Hermione or an oc with Ticci Toby (Or Hermione with Nagisa LOL rip i dont watch Free but that ship sounds cute wtf)
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Hey, sorry about the bad timing everyone, haha. This was an old thread and I'm currently not looking for any new roleplays! (: Sorry about the confusion, good luck for everyone on their future hunts! 

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