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Fantasy Small Mysteries (MxF) Redesigned


Senior Member
I've posted this thread recently, however, I feel that maybe a redesign, or rather, a re-telling of my plot, might just garner some more interested.


Magic exists in the world, although not everybody knows of it. There are small towns that aren't listed on any map. This plot takes a look at the town of Rosewood.
Rosewood is a small town in the Midwestern United States. It's like most small towns, except for the fact that most inhabitants have a magical background.

There are five "species" of magical beings that live in Rosewood.
Werewolves: All tales about werewolves have a kernel of truth. At any time they so choose, werewolves can turn into a half human, half wolf person. Once a month, during the full moon, werewolves turn into actual wolves for the night. And, once a year, on the anniversary of them having turned, they are forced into vicious wolf-like beasts, left with no control for three days. Silver is their weakness, as one might expect.
Vampires: Unlike werewolves, some of the most prominent tales about vampires are actually myth. Garlic does not affect vampires. In fact, some really love the taste of it. Holy water will not stop them either. Some vampires are actually devout believers. And the old daylight myth... There is some truth there. During the day, vampires are more like regular humans, weaker and more vulnerable to attack. At night, however, the only way to defeat a vampire is to plunge a wooden stake into their heart (one of the only tales that was right!).
Mermaids: Half human, half fish. These mermaids can easily travel on land, as long as they dry off first. When dry, their tail transforms into human legs, until they are once again submerged in water. Nothing too interesting about Mermaids, their weakness being extreme heat. They cannot be near fire, or any temperature above 100 degrees.
Witches: Witches have incredible magical power. They are the ones that keep these small towns safe. Many go into law enforcement, their magical connection giving them powerful deduction skills. In many ways, witches are like magical scientists. They have spells, magic, potions, etc. But it's all similar to science, and just as there are scientific laws, there are magical laws. Being blessed with such powerful magic, it seemed only fitting that the universe would have it's own rules to keep them in check.
Minis: Minis are a species most haven't heard of, not even in tall tales. Unless you are magic, or at the very least, a citizen of one of these magical, small towns, you would have no idea what a Mini is. For a brief breakdown, they are incredibly small, bug sized humans. Often looked down upon by the other magical beings, they still have a lot of magical power. In fact, they are the only ones that can rival witches with their magical abilities. While they cannot cast spells, they are nearly invincible, gold being their only weakness. Minis also possess telepathic abilities, allowing for easy communication between two consenting parties. Not only that, but if the relationship between the Mini and the other party is intimate enough, they can share vivid, realistic dreams, where the only limit is their imagination.

Alongside these five species, there are a few humans who live in Rosewood. They obviously know of magic, but to be safe, their magical knowledge is erased if they ever cross the border into the regular world. Once they return, all their knowledge will be restored, but, to keep the news of magic from being spread and exploited, they use this precaution.

Now, all of this set up, just to allow for a brief plot introduction. We can build on this, of course, but for an inkling of an idea

My guy and your girl are dating, and even living together. Inter-species relationships are somewhat common, although this one is fairly rare, since my guy is a Mini, while your girl is a Witch.
Your witch girl is a detective, while my guy is a chef. One day though, a mystery comes to your girls desk, something that needs to be solved quickly. And as it turns out, she'll need my guy's help, as he's the only one suited for the task.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If interested, you can post, like my post, or PM me. Thanks, Agent! ^-^
Hey, just read your post and I really like the idea so I would like to see where it could go. PM me if interested :)

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