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Fantasy Slayers: Modern Maniacs

'So far so good.' Conner couldn't help but think as he was promptly ignored by just about everyone. I say just about, because there was this one kid shooting spit balls and being an overall jerk. The worst part was he was sitting right behind Conner. Conner would have done something, but this was real life, not a game or a book. So he was forced to deal with it.
Jane glanced at the wadded up paper by Luke's foot, she turned attention to her iPod once again. (Again, the contents of said paper are on page 3 xD ) She sighed softly, still thinking she should've helped Takao more, but she shrugged it off. Her glance shot back at Amelia and Luke, then back to her iPod. First day's going swell so far. She thought sarcastically.
Terra appeared suddenly at the doorway, a sketchpad clutched to her chest. "Crap, I'm late," she muttered to herself before hurrying to take an empty seat at the back of the room. She looked up at the clock and then to the other students interacting with each other in the room. They seemed to not notice her..well except one person. It doesn't matter. It's only one person - I mean, it's not like he's going to come over... she thought hopefully to herself, unconsciously sporting a small frown. The Asian girl opened her treasured art book, scanning over the contents with a larger frown. Those lines are too thick, and the focus of the drawing is not on the face where it should be, she mentally criticized. To others, it was a fantastic drawing of a peacock with outstretched feathers, but to her, it was a disaster. She tore off the page nimbly and tapped it with her finger. Finally making her choice to what she would do, Terra stood up and headed for the trash can. She didn't make it very far - a wad of paper hit her splat on the forehead, causing her to drop her drawing.
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(Fine i'll read it DX)

Luke noticed Jane eyeballing his foot, and under more observation, the paper near it. He picked it up and unraveled it slowly, studying the contents. With every person described he glanced around the room, giving a smile to the ones he made eye contact with. When the boy wrote about Jane, he gave a slight chuckle, but regained his smile moving on. Amelia was apparently falling for his trap, another chuckle, but a little more defensive at he was the same as the jocks. He gave a cold look towards Takuo before throwing the paper back to him, then lightened to a smile for he realized this guy probably didn't need anymore crap from a 'Jock like himself'.
Terra looked around the room for the potential bully that threw the paper, her eyes landing on one of the popular guys in school. She turned away and hurriedly picked up her drawing before anyone else could see her disaster. Her eyes were glued to the floor - she was unwilling to make eye contact. After all, ignoring is the way to go. Boy, she was wrong.
Staring at the Asian that walked in he felt a paper hit him. He caught it and realized. M-my note..Luke read it. Now he thinks im a jerk..i wrote this before the help he gave me..damnit.. "Why me..honestly" He notices that the girl dropped her drawing as well. He thinks of what Luke and Jane did for him, Takao decides to help. Unfortunately she had picked it up before he could help. Maybe if he made a bigger fool of himself..he cause take the distraction away from her. He stands up and has had enough. "Ya know what, the lot of you are really mature and piss me off. Yes most of you are seniors but must you pick on the freshman and sophomores? The kid chucking spit balls back there. Mature much? What are you like 20. Pass high school already. And the people, excuse me the audience, who always have to laugh at someone when something happens, grow up. Ive seen 5 other people in here who havent made a mockery of me or each other." He points to the five. "So if theres no questions then maybe we can be matures about this and stop.
Terra stood by silently, never knowing that her drawing was now for everyone to see. She just stared at the boy who ranted about the maturity of the others. To be honest, she agreed slightly to the boy's rant, as she was constantly the attention of amusement seekers in the highschool. There was a problem, however. All eyes were on the boy pointing at five students, and she was standing next to him. She hated the feeling of being watched, all the eyes resting on her, forcing her to do something that required speaking in front of a five or more member audience.
Conner thought his thank yous but kept quiet. His harrasser though, wasn't going to have any of it. Getting out of his seat, well rolling out really, the man eyed the kid up. The big fatty was one of the lineman on the football team, a star in wrestling, and participated in most of the sports that had the potential for causing others misery. "What did you say freak." the fatty growled out.
He heard a voice behind him and turned slowly. "Freak..haha, Thats what they called me in the insane asylum. A freak, A hellbent human filled with rage after the death of his parents. Sure i've been shy all of my lofe but ive had enough. You want to call me a freak, worthless, whatever you wanna call me. I don't care anymore. Do what you please with me."
Terra gave a small, reluctant squeak, something that helped her calm down. It was fairly quiet, but those around her could definitely hear. She tried to move away from the scene, only to find that all her paths were blocked. And so, she stayed too close to the spotlight for comfort, her hands shaking slightly.
Amelia crossed her legs and arms. This was certainly awkward. Apparently she was right about the Asian boy being unstable. She tried to make herself compact and smaller, hoping she could just disappear. What was this boy's problem? And where was the teacher? Shouldn't class have started already? Why was nobody diffusing the situation?

The day was no longer as bright and cheery as she had originally thought. She felt the tension in the room rising and could not help but think, This is what it feels like to be in a pressure cooker.
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He thinks to himself as he is standing up there and is suddenly frozen, He can't move at all. Takao had broke his shell, but only for a second. I mentioned the Insane Asylum..how could I. He held his head in shame and wanted to move back to his seat but couldn't. Takao looked at the five students. Luke, Amelia, Jane, Connor, Terra...Luke, Amelia, Jane, Connor, Terra. His vision came back to him and the faces were un blurred. It was the six of them, in one room. What were they even doing though.
Terra blinked at the mention of the insane asylum. For some reason, she felt sympathy for the boy, and not hate or disgust as most people would put it. His eyes seemed to be distant and faraway, which was weird. There was a small trace of pain in his eyes, and the Asian girl could see him, inside an asylum, screaming for mercy.
He started to waive it all off and walked past the big lineman heading back to his seat. Great, everyone knew he was a freak now, A worthless, good for nothing waste of space. He plugged his headphones in and ignored the world. But that vision..what did it mean..why were they all there together?
"Ah Bill sit down, he's just joshing us." Luke was almost frowning at the outburst. It was totally unprofessional and something to expect of a lower grade. The line backer took the bait and began laughing, along with the rest of the jocks and most kids in the class. Chatter began of how sweet he was from the group of girls still talking about him. Luke began chuckling and gave a smile towards Takuo, hoping it all diffused the awkward situation.
Takao saw the laughing. He figured he was right, he was one of them. Then the looks he gave, He seemed sincere. Maybe Luke wasn't a bad guy. Just trying to keep to his clique thats all.
Terra sighed, before noticing her exposed peacock. She cursed mentally before resuming her task of disposing the failure. Making sure to crumple the high quality paper, she tossed it in the container, and it gave a satisfied little thump.
Bill spoke up again. "I guess you're, right...just joshing us. Asians don't have the strength to say anything like that and mean it anyway," he said, sounding totally racist. Jane heard the rude comment through her music. She was the only freshman in class, but she was brave. She stood up and faced Bill. "Hey fatass, say one more thing about him and I'll shank your sorry ass." She says, pulling out a pocket knife, looking like it was from the military, a gift form her dad. She sat back down once Bill looked afraid. Moments later, a man walked into the room. Finally, the teacher was here, running 5 minutes late for class. "Good morning, class." He said, easing all tension and letting class start finally.
Noticing what she had done Takao Half smilied. She doesn't think I'm weird..wow. "finally the teacher.." He stares at the front of the class and takes his headphones out. What is this class, he still doesn't know.
"Good morning," Amelia replied to the teacher with a smile, glad that the commotion was ending. She uncrossed herself and picked up a pen, ready to begin taking organized, studious notes. This was the first class of the day and Amelia had no idea what they would be doing. Hopefully it wasn't going to be a day wasted on icebreakers and meet-and-greets. How she disliked when a perfectly good day was wasted when the class would undoubtedly learn each others' names and faces over the course of the semester.
"Welcome to a new year at Hilltown High. My name is Mr. Grey, I'll be your writing teacher for the year." He says, writing his name on the board. He stood dressed in an old-timey suit, yet retained a work-casual feel to him. he was in his mid 50's, but looked a lot older. Jane payed attention to Mr. Grey as he stood in front of the class. (I can't really think of a better name for the class besides Writing...suggestions? And I promise, Slayers' true plot is starting soon xp)
"Guten morgen." Conner said, saying good morning in German. Now that Bill was under control and under surveillance, Conner could have a nice class period.

(Thanks for taking Control of Bill and giving him a name. I was out in the real world for a bit but now I'm back.)
Takao smiles as he hears Connor talk. He remembers when he could barely talk in class so it was nice to see someone piercing at the shell that holds them tight. His knee begins to hurt again. He grabs it and holds on tight trying to ease the pain. Uttering out a "Good morning" followed by a quiet shriek of pain. Takao moved his bag aside and opened his notebook. It was the first day and its time to begin.
Terra didn't bother to say anything, but she took out her textbook and notebook. She watched the teacher introduce himself, noting how he acted. In her mind, she saw a younger him chasing a small little girl and a dog. He seemed like a good person, but then again you can't judge a book by its cover. She sighed softly before resuming to listen to his conversation.
My. Grey went on about how this class would work. He finally assigned some work. He was splitting the class into groups for a simple social experiment for day one. "And let's have...." He suddenly gets a vision of his own. God...it's them. Finally! He thinks. "Let's have Jane, Luke, Takao, Conner, Amelia and Terra split into group 5." He says, making them the fifth group, gesturing for the six students to sit in a group in the middle of the room. Jane started to turn her desk into part for the circle they'd all have to make.

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