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Fantasy Slayers: Modern Maniacs

He can't stop laughing in his head. Hahaha. I cant tell already, she likes him, so does he, but they have no Idea and they are playing off stereotypes. He adjusts the headphone in his ear and scrolls through his songs looking for a really loud one. It was loud but He doubts anyone would have the audacity to tell him to turn it down.
Jane glanced at Luke and Amelia as she listened to All Time Low. She remained unnoticed. She scribbled in her notebook randomly. Why can't I shake him out of my thoughts? C'mon Jane...focus on something else. She thought to herself again.
(Yo this other chick needs to get in here lol)

Takao Grabs his pen and write his thoughts down. First of all, I don't like being so hidden behind this wall. This wall of sadness and such. I was a relationship..a good one. That girl in the middle is pretty but she won't like me ever..i doubt it. and that jock in the front of the room, I believe I heard him say luke is his name. Hes gonna be just like the rest, A jock who is a womanizer. That girl Amelia, A preppy perfectionist. She is a sucker for Luke's trap. Im indifferent about her. Good luck to them all. And that kid in the the same row as me. The nerdy looking kid, Hes like me, Alone. I feel for him, But im not a nerdy kind of guy, I dress dark, I dress in Band Tees and skinny jeans. Jackets and whatever else dark. I stay hidden to others because Ive been hurt. He stops writing and crumples up the paper and throws it across the room accidentally hitting Jane in the head then landing in the trash can. His face glows red and musters up the words. "I-I'm sorry..I was aiming for the can"
"It is nice to meet you Amelia, unless of course I have met you before?" He was still smiling, but the conversation was dull to him. This girl was already the same as the other ones, only caring about how dreamy he was, and he himself not changing that fact. "Well, if you suggest it, then sure.". He held his palm out, awaiting the cherry sanitize. While she was doing that Luke took the moment to study those that were glancing at him. A man in the back was glaring at him, obviously not a fan of those on the football team. And to his front was a tomboy, who had exchanged a few glances his way. Not to mention a nerd, who hadn't done much besides sit there.
"Go ahead, pick on the lone punk freshman, why don't ya?" Jane said, not knowing who whit her with the paper wad. She shook her head, realizing she said that kind of loud and those around her may have heard. She just sighed and listened to her music. She was a kind soul, but had a certain fire to her. She wasn't like other girls, this much was clear.
He takes a deep breath and stands kind of crouching a bit so no one really notices him and walks toward Jane. He looks at her and back at the ground. "T-that was be that hit you..i didn't mean to hit you in the head with that paper. It was an accident..i'm sorry." He glances at the paper and sees that it had hit the foot of Luke. D-dont pick it up and read it..p-please. He is still kneeling by Jane
"It's cool, accidents happen." Jane said, calming and forgiving. She barely heard him through the music she was listening to. She otherwise ignores the guy who's kneeling beside her.
He nods and is about to talk back to his desk when his foot catches the chair of hers and He falls over knocking into a desk. His face is beet red and he is enduring the laughs that follows. He wanted to lay there and just die at that point. His first day back and he already made a fool of himself. "Damnit.."
Luke watches the man fall, then views all of his jock friends laughing. This wasn't all to funny to himself, but he didn't know this man, and helping him might not be the best cause. But his charm won, he got out of his seat and limply raised his hand. "Would you like some help?", He said this, hoping he wouldn't take it wrong.
At the same time Luke got up, so did Jane. She heard him fall though her music. What a coincidence. She raised her hand to help the boy also at the same time Luke did. "Need some help?" She asked as Luke did. Again....weird coincidence.
He turns over and hesitates to grabs Lukes hand but does being pulled up to his feet. His head face down he pushes past them and walks out of the room with people still laughing at him. He runs to the lockers across the hall and slams his hand on them holding his chest breathing heavily. "Why me. Why does all of this happen to me, I had one chance not to embarrass myself on my first day back to school and even break my shell. But No. I was love struck and stupid." He sits down sliding his back against the lockers and has his head in his knees.
Jane regains her balance as she's pushed out of the way. "Real mature, assholes." Jane calls to the class. She then turns to Luke. "Should we help him?" She asks him, not even knowing him but working towards a common goal.
He smiled when the man took his hand, but quickly regained his composure when he exited. He looked onto Jane, looking her up and down, almost studying her. "No, he's a highschool student, not a child. He will be fine.". The class was taken back by her statement, but the jocks see amused by her outburst. He quickly gave a look to them, quieting them.
Jane began to say something else, arguing to help him...but she held her words back. She sat back down in her seat and turned away from the jocks, the room now quiet after her burst of noise. She sighed quietly and resumed listening to her music. She was different....definitely unique.
He almost has no courage to walk back into that room. He sits there hoping to wait for the teacher to enter so he can just walk behind her. His eyes turn a red hue and his head hurts once more. I-i see someone. those shoes..is that jane? what is she doing though. Its so blurry. Shes walking somewhere..but where. It abruptly ends and he shakes his head. He stands up and walks back into the room making his way to the back quickly. Passing by Luke he says very quickly, still walking. "Thank you.." He returns to his seat ignoring any remarks or laughs from the other students.
Luke put his hands in his pockets, rolling his shoulders back, almost posing for the class. After this he sits down, giving a nod as the man returns, acknowledging the grateful nature of his statement.
He rests his head on his desk and plugs his headphones back into place. He did not know how t recover from that situation. Turning the volume all the way up made him feel better. But..these visions..what do they mean..i will find out soon I hope.
"Is he hurt?" Amelia asked Luke as the class simmered down. She didn't really know the boy, and he seemed a bit... unsavory. Perhaps a little unstable. But it was not her place to judge others on their flaws - goodness knew she had a few of her own. As her eyes swept the back of the classroom, she observed the punk rocker that had also offered to help the boy up. She seemed nice, if not a bit insecure about herself. She seemed to cover up her self-perceived vulnerabilities with that... gritty exterior. But who was she? A freshman, she had claimed. Amelia wondered if she would have to work with either of these two characters during this class.
Jane looked back at the outcast as he sat back down, then she shot a glance at Luke and Amelia. She was just glancing around the now-quiet classroom. Slowly, students began to talk once more.
He had to disperse that tragic plight somehow. He wanted to just stand up and say who he was and what he even is. But he couldn't do that. Takao mellowed out and almost fell asleep. Something had hit him in the head. An eraser. He saw the jocks in the back of the room and rolled his eyes laying his head back down. "Thanks, I needed a new eraser anyway."
"No, just a little first day flusters. Even I get them every now and then." Luke replied to the flowery girl, glancing at her red lipstick. She was interesting enough, for she held intelligence, which beat half of the cheerleaders that came after him. Not to mention she seemed to hold her own and not just melt upon hearing his voice.
Jane's gritty exterior gave her a tough look, but her kind nature overpowered it. Her music was so loud in her earbuds it blasted so everyone close to her (your characters) could hear. She bopped her head to the beat of the music. Unconsciously singing along to it in a soft, mellow voice, pleasant to the ear.

(Night guys, I'll post tomorrow when I'm back on xD )
(Night :D )

Takao Begun to drift back to sleep as his music boomed loudly. That one seat he knocked into is still empty. A no show on the first day maybe? He gripped his jeans feeling a pain in his knee. I-I hurt myself..im just feeling it..it was the adrenaline, I was so upset when I ran out. Sigh all on the first day back.
(One last post for me and I'm gone, lol)

Jane glances again at Luke, noticing the crumpled paper Takao had tossed was still by Luke's foot. (The paper's contents can be seen on page 3 of this RP xD )
(Im waiting for someone to pick it up and read it damnit xD )

The pain grows stronger and he tries hard not to scream in pain. He doesn't want anyone to look at him again. What was he to do. The kid in the front was silent and stuffed in a book. Luke who is surprisingly nicer than I thought, and The perfectionist was eyeballing him. Sigh those people were the only ones who he really noticed. His vision from before came back to him..wait..they resemble the people in my vision..but the last one..that persons not here.

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