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Slam Dunk

Nyssa listens to him and then grins "I knew you liked to paint" she nodded "Your cheeks told me that yesterday" she says with a chuckle "Hey! I like Avengers too" she adds "Robert Downey Jr. is just so perfect".
Kyle laughed, taking her hand again. "Yeah. You would be surprised what I paint though." He said, squeezing her hand lightly. He was actually kind of happy that he had gotten to take her on a date.
Nyssa smiles at him "I would love to see your paintings" she nodded "If you ever need an audience, I'm here" she grins as he held her hand. She looks into his eyes as she squeezes his hand back softly.
Kyle smiled at her, and odd warming sensation filling his hear, and he thought, that he might be experiencing true love for the first time. He smiled, not losing a grip on her hand. "I will keep that in mind." He said.
Nyssa smiles back at him, his warm smile lighting up not only his face but hers as well. The smile that she would melt for. She couldn't help but wish that their food never came because she didn't want to let go off his hand which was warm in hers.
Kyle smiled, never wanting to let go. But soon enough, the food arrived. With one last squeeze, he let go of her hand, taking up his burger instead. He decided that he was going to take her somewhere after the burgers, and maybe, just maybe, steal her first kiss.
Nyssa let out a groan as the food came, and suddenly hopes that he doesn't notice it as she takes her hand back slowly and looks at her burger and fries. Her appetite which had vanished seemed to come back to her, but she still would choose holding his hand over this any day, she thought as she took a bite of her burger "Holy..... This is so damn good" she says taking another bite.
Kyle smiled. "Glad you like it." He said, taking another bite. He then grabbed the ketchup and put some on his plate, placing his fries inside the red liquid and munching on them. "Nothing beats the burgers at this place."
Nyssa nods at his words "I agree. Without second thoughts" she says with a chuckle as she happily finishes her burger in quick bites. Then she takes her french fries and savor them one by one.
Kyle smiled, finishing up his burger. Since he had so quickly demolished his food, he stole her last fry, sticking it between his teeth and smiling at her.
Nyssa chuckles at his antics and acts like a kid "Haww! You stole my fries" she says putting on a sad face, trying to hide her smile as she did so. "It was the best one" she pouts .
Kyle smiled, still holding the fry. He took it out of his teeth. "If you want it so bad, come and get it." He teased her, placing it back between his teeth.
Nyssa smiling widely, gets up from her seat to lean on the table, she takes her face close to his and placing her lips on the other end of the fries, pulls it out of his grip and munches on them as she sits back down. Her face flushed, she then realizes what she had just done and bites her lips feeling shy.
Kyle flushed, not realizing that she actually would have done it. But afterwards he smiled. "Didn't know you where so adventurous." He said, taking her hand again.
Nyssa hid her face in the collars of her coat as she spoke, her words barely leaving her lips "Neither did I" and she takes his hand, holding it softly.
Kyle smiled, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. He paid the waitress for the food, smiling as he stood up, never letting go of her hand. "Shall we take a walk?" He asked.
Nyssa looks up as he pays "Hey! We could have split it" she says with a sigh and nods at his question "Yes please! But still, it wasn't fair that you paid"
Kyle smiled at her. "Don't worry about it." He said, pulling her up off the bench. Even if she had argued, there was no way he was letting her pay.
Nyssa sighs and is about to argue when he pulls her up, and she almost ends up falling right into his arms as he does that. She holds the table to get her balance and hits her head when he wasn't looking "I'm sorry" she mumbles softly and scowls at herself for being such a klutz.
Nyssa nods. "Just lost my balance" she says sheepishly as she holds on to his hand "Let's go" she says looking up at him with a sweet smile.
Kyle smiled back, leading her out of the restaurant and into the street. He walked towards the cool forest, still holding her hand.
Nyssa walks out, right next to him, feeling happy to have his presence around her. They were so close now, their shoulders brushed as they walked towards what she thought was the forest. The moment they were entering, she moved even closer to him, not realizing that she was doing it. Her hand in his was a comforting thing as they entered the forest which was pretty scary.
Kyle slowly moved his hand around her back, pulling her into his chest. He could tell she was scared by the darker forest, but he was not. In fact, it was almost a comforting silence to him. He smiled, tucking her in close, his cheeks growing a bit pink.
Nyssa felt his hand sliding around her back and being pulled in. She comforted herself in his arms as she held on to him, breathing into his skin. She didn't know if she was feeling shy about being held like this or glad that the forest didn't seem so scary anymore. All she knew was she was enjoying this.

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