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Fantasy Sky pirates- Crew roster (CS)


"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"

Name- (you know your name right?)

Age- (to be a member of Captain Dean Mathias's old crew you must be at least 30 but more likely in late 30's to early 40's because his crew ran 15 years ago. The minimum age is 15 yrs.)

Race- (nothing too crazy, and all races must have fingers. Personal preference.)

Position- (your crew position)

Gender- (whatever)

Sexuality- (whatever again)

Personality- (also a paragraph)

Bio- (gimme a paragraph)

Weapons- (guns and cannons are available, swords, bows, and spears are far more common however.)

Skills- (Keep age in mind, no 16 year old can be a master swordsman, not to say they wouldnt be good, but if a dude has 30 years expirience he takes the cake.)

Abilities- (immortality is banned because its the Captains Curse, everything else is fair game so long as its balanced.)

Extra- (anything else?)

Sky Pirates- OCC

Sky pirates- world lore

Sky Pirates - ICRP
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Name- Dean Mathias (The Grave Lord)

Age- 128yrs

Race- Cursed Human

Position- Captain

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Personality- Deans personality is like a walking arsenal. He is very sharp, able to think quickly on his feet having many years to sharpen his mind. Yet he is also blunt not liking to spend to much timw dancing around a point instead he is very straight forward saying what he means and meaning what he says. He also happens to be quite volitile as of late, displaying an explosive temper, and a firey hatred which seems to fuel him.

Bio- Dean Mathias is a name which still resonates through the world today. Tales of the Grave Lord, an evil devil who cannot die, are still told to children to keep them in line. The few who acktually know him, spare the details that would keep even adults awake at night. To say he was a devil would be a bit too kind, he was an unholy monster. A vicious warrior of the seas who conquored nearly a fourth of the world. Kings paid him for protection, generals negotiated with him for passage through his water. Even the other Dreadlords treated him with respect, something they didnt even do for one another.

Needless to say the entire world was surprised when he gave it all up for love. Dean, the Devil of the seas, the lord of Graves, fell for a common woman from a town he had conquored. She was unlike the others, they feared him, while she defiantly stood up to him. They settled down, had two children, and even a dog. The town came to love him as well, few would dare cross a village that was home to a dreadlord, even if he was retired. Yet he grew too comfortable, let his guard down, and stopped covering his tracks. The world government didnt have to look hard to find him.

It was the one time that his title caused more harm than good. The navy ships that responded had heard tales of the entire graveyards of soldiers he had filled and decided against raiding the island to get him. Instead they eradicated it. Hammering the island with so many explosives that there was little left but a few rocks poking out of the sea. Hundreds died, the village, his family, but not him. His curse kept him alive. It was at this point that the devil woke up again. He spent the next year approaching his old allies and victims with the same message. "you know whats about to happen, you can either work with me...or against me." needless to say very few declined his offer.

Common cutlass- most pirates have them, a few even have special powers. However dean uses a standard cutlass, one thats seen nearly a century of battle.

Pain & Panic- twin 8 barreled revolver pistols. Each shot turns to another barrel which holds another bullet. He can fire one bullet at a time by sqeezing the small trigger, or fire all 8 barrels at once if he pulls the larger trigger behind it.

Shiv- Deans boot knife is razor sharp but otherwise pretty mundane. It is 8 inches long and often weilded in tandem with his cutlass.

Grave Bomb- A dynamite vest which Dean wears beneath his clothes. Between each stick of dynamite is a line of Bullets held in place, when detonated it turns him into a shrapnel bomb with a blast radius of 30ft and a shrapnel radius of 100ft.

Swordsman- while he may not be the best swprdsman in the world Dean easily makes it to the top 5. He has been fighting with them for a little over a century and has learned many tricks and perks.

Marksman- Dean is a very skilled shot, easily in the top ten of shooters in the world. He has pulled off feats such as shooting cannon balls out of the air and even hitting targets that move faster than bullets.

Hand to hand combat- unlike swordsmanship and marksmanship Dean is by no means a master fighter, not even in the top 100. However he does punch surprisingly hard, and can withstand insane ammounts of punishment.

Tactics- This is where Dean excells above almost everyone else. If another better strategist is oit there, they have yet to reveal themselves. He has broken armies with only a handful of warriors, and intends to do so again.

Psycological warfare- Dean is a master of psyching his opponents out in either combat, or simple conversation. He can read body launguage, your combat style, mannerisms, even the way you speak and learn surprising amounts of knowledge about his foes.

Deaths Curse- when dean was a young man of 22 years old he made a deal with the Death Herself. Save the life of His mother at the cost of his soul, that was the deal. Death obliged, and that day Dean died. Yet upon learning of the deal Deans mother took her own life thus the deal was broken. Yet deans soul had already moved on, and so when he returned it was without a soul. In her anger at the broken deal Death cursed Deans body to forever walk the earth. Since then he has been unable to die, or even sustain damage. He has a miraculous healing factor, no longer ages, and is immune to diesease. poisons, toxins, and venoms only effect him for a few seconds before his body burns through it. Due to the amounts of injuries he has received he has an inhuman pain tolerance, being able to stand and even fight with chunks of his body missing.

Extra- Despite all his anger and stern leadership, Dean is very loyal, treating each of his crew as if they were family. He is very greatful to each of them for their loyalty and would journey to hell for a single one of them.​
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"I wasn't made First mate for nothing."
-Viola Suzuki​

Name- Viola Suzuki

Age- 35

Race- Celestial Wolf (Read Bio and Extra for meaning)

Position- First mate

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Bisexual

Personality- Laid back, commanding if need to, has high standards about being a follower and who she prefers to follow so she mentions it every so often when offered a position or to her captain (she really doesn't like to see her captain getting his ass beat by someone weak or anyone in general. To her that's considered being weak) kind, wise person, in combat has quite sadistic.

Bio- Celestial Wolf Being is an overstatement but it's what she has been called through the years. Celestial usually meaning something holy or a god, Viola is far from it. In fact she's actually an alien called a "Star Maker". Her true form is just pure shadow energy with the ability to stretch her shadow energy and use it as a weapon. Unfortunately because this is her form, the shadow she creates is limited because it's apart of her. She fell from the skies at the age of seven with no recollection of her past or how she was created or born. To this day her life is a mystery even amongst her crew mates.

After her fall as a child, Viola was taken in by some sacred scholars (like monks) who believed and prayed at the skies. Viola was taught about the constellations, origins and the creature that lived beyond this world.

Somewhere amongst the age of 14, the temple and it's people were slaughtered and torn down by Viola without any recollection of doing such things. This caused a scar in her memories she will never forget.

Through the years, Viola has gained a rough life, struggled to get by searching for a meaning in life that is until she met Dean joining his crew. Filled with adventure and meaning find her path once more.

Weapons- double scythe wielder which can detach and become single chain scythes or sickles

Her scythes are usually attached to both sides of her hips like katana swords

Be warned she is very protective of her babies

Skills- Scythes- Quite the scythe wielder with exceptional skills making her a master. Viola has been able to do use one since her fall from grace as protection.

Alcohol- she's got a high tolerance for alcohol through the years of sailing the seas and traveling

Thief- excellent in pick pocket, and stealing certain items depending on size but she is up for the challenge (she usually does this to gain money or to pawn shop gained items)

Abilities- Being a celestial being means she can shift from human to wolf which is usually larger than a waterfall side cliff or building, having shadow powers which are limited depending on how much she uses them. Example: if she lifts a large ship for a a log while, this deplets her stamina causing her strain in her body

As a shadow being Viola is capable of swallowing items into something she calls the "endless pit"

Extra- Viola hides her tail under her uniform and has her wolf ears out almost all the time.
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Name- Eustace Hash

Age- 75

Race- Human

Position- Chef

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Straight

Personality- Eustace's old age has given him a lot of wisdom, if not for more of a negative attitude. He especially doesn't like the younger crowd and how sporadic they can be. However, he does like to give advice to people that are younger than him that aren't caught up in their ego's. Eustace has a kind, if not stubborn, heart and tries his best to keep in good relations with the rest of the crew.

Bio- Eustace was part of Dean's original crew since the beginning and, as a result, gained a ton of experience in both his culinary skills and fighting skills. While he was gaining skills and knowledge, his body started on the eventual decline into old age towards the end of his position. Now 15 years later, Dean Mathias approached him with a message: "you know what's about to happen, you can either work with me...or against me.". Eustace Hash agreed.

Weapons- He doesn't tend to carry a weapon on him at all the time, typically only when he goes outside. He owns a short sword he is well versed with and a flintlock pistol.

Skills- Cooking is his skill, his life, and his soul. He's known especially by word of mouth when he was in the old crew as the best chef in the world, though he doesn't think so. His food is very nutritious and gives a boost to every crew member who eats it.

Abilities- Eustace doesn't really have any supernatural abilities other than maybe his keen sense of time. He'll wake up on time, to the second to prepare a hearty breakfast for a long day. His friends in the crew once gave him the nickname "The human Clock". Ask him what time it is during the day and you'll get an answer for sure.

Extra- He'll say his eye was cut during an intense battle with a rival crew, but in reality, it was just a bad cooking accident during his early years.
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"I wasn't made First mate for nothing."
-Viola Suzuki​

Name- Viola Suzuki

Age- 35

Race- Celestial Wolf (Read Bio and Extra for meaning)

Position- First mate

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Bisexual

Personality- Laid back, commanding if need to, has high standards about being a follower and who she prefers to follow so she mentions it every so often when offered a position or to her captain (she really doesn't like to see her captain getting his ass beat by someone weak or anyone in general. To her that's considered being weak) kind, wise person, in combat has quite sadistic.

Bio- Celestial Wolf Being is an overstatement but it's what she has been called through the years. Celestial usually meaning something holy or a god, Viola is far from it. In fact she's actually an alien called a "Star Maker". Her true form is just pure shadow energy with the ability to stretch her shadow energy and use it as a weapon. Unfortunately because this is her form, the shadow she creates is limited because it's apart of her. She fell from the skies at the age of seven with no recollection of her past or how she was created or born. To this day her life is a mystery even amongst her crew mates.

After her fall as a child, Viola was taken in by some sacred scholars (like monks) who believed and prayed at the skies. Viola was taught about the constellations, origins and the creature that lived beyond this world.

Somewhere amongst the age of 14, the temple and it's people were slaughtered and torn down by Viola without any recollection of doing such things. This caused a scar in her memories she will never forget.

Through the years, Viola has gained a rough life, struggled to get by searching for a meaning in life that is until she met Dean joining his crew. Filled with adventure and meaning find her path once more.

Weapons- double scythe wielder which can detach and become single chain scythes or sickles

Her scythes are usually attached to both sides of her hips like katana swords

Be warned she is very protective of her babies

Skills- Scythes- Quite the scythe wielder with exceptional skills making her a master. Viola has been able to do use one since her fall from grace as protection.

Alcohol- she's got a high tolerance for alcohol through the years of sailing the seas and traveling

Thief- excellent in pick pocket, and stealing certain items depending on size but she is up for the challenge (she usually does this to gain money or to pawn shop gained items)

Abilities- Being a celestial being means she can shift from human to wolf which is usually larger than a waterfall side cliff or building, having shadow powers which are limited depending on how much she uses them. Example: if she lifts a large ship for a a log while, this deplets her stamina causing her strain in her body

As a shadow being Viola is capable of swallowing items into something she calls the "endless pit"

Extra- Viola hides her tail under her uniform and has her wolf ears out almost all the time.
Accepted, i like her. Nicely done. The first mate is quite scary :)


Name- Eustace Hash

Age- 75

Race- Human

Position- Chef

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Straight

Personality- Eustace's old age has given him a lot of wisdom, if not for more of a negative attitude. He especially doesn't like the younger crowd and how sporadic they can be. However, he does like to give advice to people that are younger than him that aren't caught up in their ego's. Eustace has a kind, if not stubborn, heart and tries his best to keep in good relations with the rest of the crew.

Bio- Eustace was part of Dean's original crew since the beginning and, as a result, gained a ton of experience in both his culinary skills and fighting skills. While he was gaining skills and knowledge, his body started on the eventual decline into old age towards the end of his position. Now 15 years later, Dean Mathias approached him with a message: "you know whats about to happen, you can either work with me...or against me.". Eustace Hash agreed.

Weapons- He doesn't tend to carry a weapon on him at all the time, typically only when he goes outside. He owns a short sword he is well versed with and a flintlock pistol.

Skills- Cooking is his skill, his life, and his soul. He's known specifically by word of mouth when he was in the old crew as the best chef in the world, though he doesn't think so. His food is very nutritious and gives a boost to every crew member who eats it.

Abilities- Eustace doesn't really have any supernatural abilities other than maybe his keen sense of time. He'll wake up on time, to the second to prepare a hearty breakfast for a long day. His friends in the crew once gave him the nickname "The human Clock". Ask him what time it is during the day and you'll get an answer for sure.

Extra- He'll say his eye was cut during an intense battle with a rival crew, but in reality, it was just a bad cooking accident during his early years.
I love this guy, i feel as if Dean would get along with him well, the two reminiscing about things that happened before most of the crew was alive, the two old coots of the crew :)
Stella Hopkins






"Dazzling, sparkling, glistening, glowing, shining, shimmering, splendid!"

Stella is a youthful girl of high spirits. Innocent and caring, friendly and loyal, clumsy and apologetic, she is one of those typical girls that are willing to do the best of their efforts only to fail in the most goofiest ways, but backed up by either their friends or their loves of their life (not implying that she has a crush on the captain).

However, she is not without a weakness. She isn't good at combat and prefers to support her allies with her medical knowledge, as well as staying herself away from trouble. But when her friends needed her the most, she would let her instincts take over and go help those in need. Another weakness she has is that she is a pacifist and has a fear of violence.

There was a tribe of star-eyed warriors that are renowned for their ability to pacify their enemies through their stare and strike. They may sound vicious, but they are a peace-loving tribe. As generations passed, with the decline of piracy, the tribe had decided to go into their separate ways, seeing as the world has no need for their seek of peace.

One of those tribal people is a young girl named Stella Hopkins, who has yet to master her inherent ability to pacify her enemies, but she does not believe in the notion of killing, preferring to help those in need rather to fight for her life. She became interested in the field of medicine when she was struck by a deadly disease, and her mother, who was a nurse, was able to treat her till recovery.

One day, her mother got struck by an incurable disease, and her father was supposed to go get a doctor, only to be killed by thieves. With nothing else to do, Stella decides to turn herself into the world of piracy, though the decline is almost at its peak. She went around ask the townsfolk about the pirates, and one of them said that one of the Dreadlords is seen within slums, recruiting people.

Stella is very determined to find a cure for her mother, and so after much preparation, she begins to seek out the Dreadlord, join his crew, and hopes that she could find something that can rid her mother from her disease.

Because she doesn't like the notion of killing people, and she needed something to defend herself while keeping that notion, she wields a gas-powered blunderbuss with a reversed bayonet. The gun itself only fires bursts of smoke that can stun enemies.

As a medic, she is skilled in the ways of treating her comrades' wounds. However, there are some things that she has yet to learn, and right now, she is currently studying. Her most proficient skill is to create medicines of various proportions, however, she needs a lot of ingredients to experiment to create the right one. She does have a book containing the information of the ingredients and how it is best used as a remedy.

As part of the star-eyed tribe, she possesses the ability to pacify her enemies within her stare. Because she is still young, she has yet to fully master that ability, but at certain moments, she would involuntarily activate it without even knowing.


  • Name: Kuroneko "Kuro" Blair

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Race: Bakeneko

    Position: Swordsman/Thief

    Bakeneko, as the name suggest, are easily identified by their feline features. Members of this race vary from full on talking bipedal cats to those who are almost completely human in appearance save for some feline 'extras'. Kuro falls into the latter category. Although he appears almost completely human at first glance, he is notably equipped with feline ears and a cat's tail. Like most of his race, he keeps his nails sharp to use them as a last resort weapon and as a utility tool.

    Kuro's personality could best be described as carefree. Frankly, he never seems to be particularly bothered by any obstacle put in his way, and rarely is he seen without some form of smile on his lips. Despite being very much a full grown adult, he can, at times, have the attention span of a toddler, bouncing from one thing to another as the mood strikes him.

    That, of course, gets him into a fair deal of trouble. A skilled thief with sticky paws, his attraction to shiny things has, on more than one occasion, gotten him in trouble when one of his victims realized they were being pilfered before he could safely make his escape. Despite many attempts by authorities to catch this both literal and metaphorical 'cat burglar', he remains at large due in no small part to his quick wit and general charm.

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5'6 in height
Name; Elijah Drexel

Age ; 53

Race; Anthro Crow

Position; archaeologist/fighter

Gender; Male

Sexuality; Heterosexual

Personality; Elijah is a very and polite and humble bird, who is also know to be gentleman like. Although he's very wise and rather gentle, he refuse to let anyone step on his talons. Elijah rather avoids violence, which makes people underestimate him,but don't be fooled. This bird can kick your ass if you . Anyway, shouldn't have to worry about since hes clam and collected. Do be warned tho, there are times where he will talk your head off

Bio; A bird that was founded by humans when he was arm baby, Elijah was adopted by a family of many riches a few days after he was born. He lived three older brothers who had always gave him a hard time and a younger sister who he cherished deeply. Growing up wasn't all that hard, his father was rather strict on him and his siblings , instead of going out in public to be school, they where taught at him. English , math, history, science and even combat training.

Around the age of seven, Elijah stumbled upon his father's Private studies. He became very interested in the notes and maps that was scattered about. Of course he was busted one day when he came back and his father scolded him for sneaking into his studies. Elijah begged his father to take him under his wings. At first he declined, telling him that it was a waste of his time, however he quickly changed his mind when Elijah mange to find a artifact that he mange to find that his father could not.

At the age of 16, Elijah had studied under his father in private. Learning about the hidden and "kept shut" history of the world, including the location some of the world's most valuable and dangrous treasure. He learn the potienal and value each of them held as well.

He finished his studies at the age of 19,leaving his family to start his adventure to find the world 's greatest treasures. A few year later , around three years after he set off, Elijah mange to run into Dean . He offered him adventure and there was no way he could refuse. Elijah has been with him since, becoming one the veteran members of his crew

Weapons; If you ever seen one piece, he has a cane like brook. A cane that can turn sharp like a sword at the end

Skill; Swordsmans ship and hand to hand combat

Abilities; None, beside flying of course

Extra; Nah, hope this is ok
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Name- Albert Fig

Age- 38

Race- Human

Position- Quartermaster

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Normal

Personality- An old soul, Fig has been a sell-sword, a mercenary, a butcher and a lamb at the same time through his life. With his age catching up to him, Mr Fig is more interested in hoarding enough wealth to comfortably retire, than seek fame as his younger self did, and that serves him more than well in his postion.

Bio- Cutting his teeth as a simple deck-hand and a pirate at the Dreadlords pirates, young Fig distinguished himself through being one of the few among the alcohol-soaked masses to remember to bring both his own, and his forgetful mates gunpowder, musket balls and extra bandages for both healing and looting. This rare ability (among anarchists) of forward thought earned him and his band of cutt-throats quick distinction among the dreadlords crew, and he enjoyed a steady rise among the chain of command among the originals.

With the retirement of the Captain, Fig sought out other employment options, and had spent a good decade as a more low-level taskmaster among the Navy, seeking out the comfortable life provided for its veterans. Along the way, Fig found, and founded a small family among the north-eastern edges of the world.

With the Gravelord reactivating, Mr Fig saw both the writing on the wall... and, the rather personal visit by the man himself as a reason to cast himself in with the pirate crew, if for nothing else than to hopefully guide their pillaging away from his own family.

Weapons- Heavy Arquebus, hand-gun and grenades of various types

Skills- A skilled long-gunner and pistolieer, knowledgeable supplier and logistican.

Abilities- 0

Extra- Has a crow he uses for sending messages back and forth with his family.
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I'm just gonna reuse this bc i felt like it was a waste of a character


Name: Esper Epiphyllum
Age: 24
Race: Fairy
Position: Navigator
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: Esper is not what one would expect of his race. He's 6' 8" and resembles a cream-colored werewolf with a dark brown underbelly. His eyes have clusters of small, jade-green compund eyes instead of normal irises and pupils. Also, a pair of small, feathery antennae sprout from the tips of his ears, but they look like fluff when not carefully observed.
When Esper turns his transformation off, he's 3cm tall, with antennae much larger in proportion to his body, and a pair of bright green wings resembling the Luna Moth.
Personality: Esper is very distant, usually paying more attention to the weather and various other aspects of nature than the rest of the crew. He rarely forms close bonds with others, and isn't one for merrymaking.
Bio: Esper was chosen at a young age as a candidate to become one of the guardians of nature. However, since the rise of the world government, who have shredded the environment for resources, the forces of nature have been reshuffled, and Esper was sent on the offensive to fight back.
Weapons: Esper prefers magic and hand-to-hand over weaponry, but has a general knowledge of most weapons and will pick one up if the odds aren't in his favor.
Skills: Esper is an expert at all things nature, such as weather, plants, and the stars. He uses this skill to track the ship's location.
Abilities: Esper has magic that allows him to shape-shift part or all of his body into any animal he's encountered. This power is stronger at night and when the moon is full, but at the cost of finesse.
Esper also has various spells associated with his race, but these take a major toll on him and he will only use them if necessary.
•Esper hides his identity to others by either claiming he's beastfolk, or shape-shifting to appear human.
•Iron causes Esper to form blisters and can dampen his magic in large amounts.
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Marcus is a tall, bespectacled, and handsome man with long, black hair that seems to be always braided reaching his ankles and with his sharp golden eyes.

Marcus Fellon


A werewolf or occasionally lycanthrope is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction. Can live to 2100 years or more. A werewolf in it's early 20's through its 30's is merely in its teen.

(I know I said I would try for the Quartermaster but at that time I hadn't realized it was already taken. I hope this works too, if not I'll gladly change it.)The Scholar is the researcher and general knowledge expert of the crew. He or she will often provide the crew with information on locations and things they come across. It also helps for the scholar to have knowledge of languages, should the crew encounter people who speak a different language.


Heterosexual; Biromantic

Marcus, despite his appearance, is the one to get bullied in almost all situations, he seems to get into trouble with people much bigger in size than him all the time. He gives off a cocky feel and at times his glares can be a little intimidating that it sets of many in an instant. Many misunderstand him almost all the time at times the things he says can come off as a threat. His situation is like this: Two different people can say the say thing but based on how they say it, it could mean something entirely different. His poker face never falters even in the deadliest of situations. People take him in as someone who sees himself higher than others and is hated by all who meet him...almost instantly.

Although Marcus is intelligent in many ways he tends to lack common sense. For one he doesn't know how to treat a lady, he will treat a woman the same way he would treat anyone else. His blunt attitude has caused him to get slapped in the face multiple times, without meaning to mean his comments/questions tend to be very rude. Most people would know not to ask these type of questions, his voice almost sounds robotic and his facial expression doesn't help the situation either. He has trouble sugar coating things not to mention lying, it's a talent he does not have. If he were to be caught by another pirate ship while trying to steal something he would tell them exactly what he was doing there.

Despite that, you won't believe that he's good at keeping secrets. Although he will tell you right out that he can't tell you because he promised to keep it a secret other than that no matter how much you try he won't spill.

Assuming his masculinity you would find it hard to guess that Marus is very emotional and it's very easy to make him cry. Although most wouldn't notice it if they haven't witnessed it already. He is very weak towards blood or violence and will easily faint if he witnesses either, he believes a person shouldn't be punished if there isn't a good reason for it. Marcus has a tendency to react in a frightened way towards loud noises/screaming mostly because Marcus hearing is enhanced and sounds much differently to others than the way he hears it.


Marcus like any other kid back then didn't know his parents and grew up in the slumps surrounded by very unusual people, to say the least. Finding a source of food wasn't that hard he did it without stealing or begging. Growing up Marcus started to encounter people that ruined his peaceful lifestyle, they didn't seem to like the way he looked at them or the way he talked and would constantly get beaten. Marcus thought it was a weird reason to be mad at someone thinking nothing of it. The job he had been working at didn't seem to want him anymore saying that he brought unwanted attention and that they have been losing costumers lately. Marcus not understanding the problem said he wouldn't cause any more trouble that day it seemed that he came off as rude to a bunch of pirates. The way he talked seemed to have ticked them off that's why it was a surprise when he joined the ship.




Sword Dancing
Is fluent in almost all languages
Making alcoholic drinks (yes that was the job he had)

Werewolf Abilities

Superhuman Speed; Superhuman Speed is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to move at a rate of acceleration and maximum speed in excess to that of normal optimal human capacity.

Superhuman Endurance; Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more enduring than their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural limits; making them immensely durable/work longer/survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an extended amount of time longer than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieve by any method of training.

Superhuman Strength; is a display of extreme strength by humans, beyond what is believed to be normal, usually occurring when people are in life and death situations.

Superhuman Senses; Characters possessing senses more acute than those of a normal human, such as vision, hearing, smell, etc.

Superhuman Agility; Superhuman Agility is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to have perfect balance, bodily coordination, and/or perfect equilibrium to a point far in excess to that of a normal human being in Earth's gravity.

Healing Factor; A healing factor is the ability of some characters in fiction to recover from bodily injuries or disease at a superhuman rate.

Wallcrawling; The user can climb walls and stay unto ceilings. The user does not deny gravity but has the ability to adhere to surfaces unaided. However in order to truly be "crawling" on the user must be able to maintain balance for long periods of time, compared to wall running where the energy is only temporary. Beings with superhuman strength or super strong and dense claws could simply dig their fingers or into a surface, then propelling upward and digging in again, generating the effect of wall crawling. In some cases, the user may simply be able to make use of any handholds they find, no matter how small, to wall crawl.

Night Vision; User has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.

-Has never shapeshifted into his werewolf form around people
-Marcus will act differently once a full moon happens and if he's outside and the light of the moon only grazes his skin he will change unwillingly
-Has no willpower when he's in his wolf form when a full moon is occurring
-Silver - A werewolf's main weakness is their vulnerability to silver or any substance containing silver, as they can be killed with a silver knife or bullet

Name- Steam

Age- 7

Race- Raccoon

Position- Mechanic/Inventor

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Hetrosexual

Personality- Steam is creative and mischievous. He loves to tinker with cogs and gears to create whimsical items. Once happy and easy going Steam is now more closed in to strangers and quick to slit a throat if agitated. The ladder is a tendency he picked up from the person he spent the last year with. Normally Steam is chipper and in a good mood. With the lost of his friends and family, Steam has become prone to sadness and depression if left alone for too long.

Bio- Steam was adopted by a young couple. The husband was a mechanic and wife an alchemist. In the first year of its residency The mischievous raccoon had gotten to the wife's potions and mistakenly created a concoction that heightened its intelligence. Though it did not grant him the ability to speak the human tongue.

In a short period of time Steam had become the towns mascot. He'd play with the children and take care of errands for the adults. Most of its time was spent in the husband's workshop. Tinkering with gears and cogs and crafting the most unusual things.

Over all he had a peaceful and happy life. A life of luxury by the standards of raccoons. However that all suddenly came to an end one day. The husband and Steam had just finished creating a small submersible vessel designed for catching crabs. Steam took it for a few test dives. He was having so much fun exploring the depths of the water. When he came back to the surface he couldn't recognize the town, his home. Everything was scorched black and glowing bright orange and red from the flames. After overcoming his shock the raccoon began to look for his friends, his family. Over and over again he only found scorched remains or maimed bodies. On the outskirts of town he found one person alive. The one man Steam instinctively disliked. The one man who smelled of blood and danger, but he was the last one alive and he was a part of Steam's den.

After Steam dug the man out of the Debris the raccoon followed the man around the world as he gathered other people to join him. Steam wanted to avenge his family as well. Maybe it would make this feeling that pang his chest go away.

Weapons- Pocket Knife

Skills- Given the materials he can build just about anything he wants to. Most times he's the only one who knows how to use it.

Abilities- Hyper Intelligence

Extra- He wears a broach with a magical gem that translates his chirps into the common tongue.​
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Scott Moore

Age: 29

Race: Human.

Position: Engineer (Inventor and or tinkerer, If that's what you would prefer to call it.)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi (most of the time he leans toward hetero.)

Personality: Scott was always a strange fellow, his personality tends to waver at times, he doesn’t have a split personality or anything he was just...odd. Most of the time he is in a decent mood, at times he can be reserved and laid back but at others, he can be an exact opposite. He is typically a night person, he despises the day. Scott is fairly kind person that is if you're on his good side. He has a nasty habit of holding grudges.

Bio: Ah yes, the story of Scott Moore, a rather peculiar tale indeed. Well, I guess I shall start from the beginning I suppose. Scott’s luck had been proven superior when he was born into a house of rather high class. At time’s Scott never believed it was luck that brought him into this family but merely misfortune. It was as if God himself had placed a curse on the young lad. He was the youngest of three brothers, he was the runt. The age gap between them was rather insignificant but none the less it was there. His father usually came home with a wicked view in eye and a belly full of liquor. His mother was a condescending whore that typically had other in-proper relationships behind his father's back. It was a very functioning family, to say the least. (Hence the sarcasm in my voice) So Scott tended to stay towards the back of the crowded, although there were times where he would seek attention and act up. For example, one day Scott became fed up with the acts of his older brothers. He soon devised a plan to get back at the bunch. He crafted a smoke bomb out of scavenged parts he found laying about here and there, let’s just say he met the unkind end of his father's belt. Anyways, most of Scott's time was primarily spent under his bed reading a variety of books covered by a diverse group of authors. He found it all so fascinating art, math, science and many other topics. He would often find himself drawing many sketches of gizmos and gadgets. As time went on his parents sent him to college (Mainly to get him out of their hair.) while the rest of his brothers joined the Navy. For many years he study for classes and read many books in his spare time but it soon became stale. It was quite clear that he possessed a lust for knowledge but what was the use of all this knowledge if he would not use it. He contemplated this thought for a many night and many days. This thought eventually lead him to the ship of none other than Dean Mathias. To this day he can hardly remember what lead him aboard this ship.

Weapons: A revolver (Of his own design) And a magnificent knife.

Skills: Scott is very quick-witted. He is quite skilled in tinkering and fashioning everything to his liking. He is also a great mechanic, In college, he majored in engineering. His plans were to join the navy and create many ships but it is quite clear that that never happened.
  • Creating things.
  • An ok shot.
  • Creative.
  • Relaxing when he is not suppose to.
  • Thinking outside the box. (Wayyyy Outside the box)
Abilities: Scott does not have any combat abilities but he is working on a recipe for black powder. This is not regular black powder, this black powder has a stronger kick.
  • Black Powder.
  • A remarkable mind.
Extra: As I'm posting this I realize how many mechanics there are, Woops. This should be finished by tomorrow.
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