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Realistic or Modern Sins and Virtues: Daycare and the End of Days

cucumbers said:
literally like 90% of his relationships are like
"but how is this person in bed
;) "
I mean it's p fitting! Dallin's are all '...but I'm better' or 'p sure they like me'. Asmodel's are a lot of 'please slow down!'
I think I've finally updated Chastity's relationships for all the currently accepted characters.

And I'm fairly certain that all of her relationships are some variation of "Pls to not be hitting on me now how can I mother you"
Sorry I've been gone because of the holiday! Darius is accepted and I'll edit the main post soon to reflect that~
Actually got off my ass and finished setting up the links, etc., Imma try to actually get Zeredah up too, today, since I should have a bit of free time for once.
Emem said:
Is there any kind of a timeline for when this role play might start?
Are we just waiting for all the characters to be filled or did you have a day or month in mind @Renn Skye and @The Succubi Queen ?
I'm hoping to get them all filled, but if we can't I'll just say go for it, I think. I am waiting for Celebi to finish theirs and I have a friend whose making an account to apply for temperance so I wanna give them a chance before I fire it up :/

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