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Fandom Single Player Holy Grail War


Lone Spirit, Slow Dancer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
So I already have one of these going, but I'm having so much fun I'd like to do more!
For this RP, I would be acting as a GM of sorts.

you would play as a Master (or master/servant pair) with a unique magic trait that manifests during the Grail War. This trait is the ability to send information into other timelines. If you are more familiar with Fate-lore, its similar but not identical to Zelretch's ability. If you aren't familiar with that, it's sort of like... what goes on in the Zero Escape games.

Basically, you'll go through a Grail War and you will get killed, but just before dying your character subconsciously sends information into the next timeline where you didn't die. This timeline's version of your character now suddenly has knowledge of the enemy, for example if they were killed with a noble phantasm they know details about it.

This way, you can go through a traditional VN-style story that includes bad ends, but ultimately come out on top!

I am not an elitist so you don't need to know all the in-depth craziness of the Type-Moon series. If this all sounds good to you, here is what you can expect from me as a GM:
  • Proper spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Patient and sympathetic to your IRL needs
  • Understanding, I don't need a novel every reply from you, even a single paragraph is fine
  • At minimum a post a week, but likely several during the week, cannot guarantee every day
  • Willing to work with you if things aren't working out
  • Accepting of any input or criticisms you may have
  • Hopefully a fun person to chat with!
Some other things to note:
I prefer to do 1x1 roleplays privately - that is, via PM. I can also play on Discord if you prefer.
This RP is planned to be completely platonic, but if you would like to pursue a Master/Servant romance, that's okay with me. PG-13 though!
What I have found works so far is that you and I (player and GM) can collaborate on creating an original servant, and both play said servant. That way, during action scenes you, the player, can take control of them, but during down time I would assume control so that your master character and their servant could have conversation. However, if you prefer to play both a master and servant, that's fine too! You can't just play a servant though, you will have to create a master!

Contact me!
If you like what you see, send me a PM or a message on Discord! My Discord is linked in my profile!
If you are curious about the setting but don't know anything about the "Fate/" series, you are still more than welcome!

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