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Fantasy Sinful Knights


Sophisticated Sea Dweller
If you have any questions about the setting, ask me in the OOC

  • Heathens, criminals, murderers, witches, freaks, outcasts, and psychopaths. These are just a few of the unsavory words many would use to describe the "Sancti Ordo Pecatores" or "Sinful knights" as they are known in the common tongue. While their actions are publicly denounced by the Church of Luminescence, no records of their exploits or identities, let alone punishments, exists in the holy archives. Taken from the gates of hell, the ranks of the Sinful Knights are made up of those the Church has deemed irredeemable, and they are given and ultimatum: preform your atrocities on our enemies, or suffer. Thus, these powerful knights travel the land of Arithell, wielding strength and bloodlust that strikes fear into the hearts of enemies and allies alike, and thanklessly protecting the innocent.

    This is a mid-fantasy RP that takes place in a dark ages-esqe medieval world. Characters should all have at least one quality that makes them easily portrayed as "villains" in the public eye. Its basically Suicide Squad meets Dark Souls and Berserk.

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