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Futuristic Simple Slumber

Thinking about it, maybe rusty was the darkwn pit. The pit could be the stomach that darkens as u go deepee into it. This is how bad i am with riddles. And now i sont think we can go into that exit with the flamethrower thing.

But ohhh things went south ahahha.
TripTripleTimes said:
Thinking about it, maybe rusty was the darkwn pit. The pit could be the stomach that darkens as u go deepee into it. This is how bad i am with riddles. And now i sont think we can go into that exit with the flamethrower thing.
But ohhh things went south ahahha.
I console myself with the knowlege that rusty death will save others after us.
TripTripleTimes said:
Haha it makes the rp intresting! Rain in the conflict! Who will ppl side with.
Imanb a bit busy sorry guys
I can definitly see this as a tense moment after. I wonder how this will all turn out.
TripTripleTimes said:
Haha it makes the rp intresting! Rain in the conflict! Who will ppl side with.
Imanb a bit busy sorry guys
Btw dont worry man. I'm not gonna post for a few turns. I acted a lot and anyway I'm trying to flank Tim so I cant do a lot more. That should give peoples enough time to do stuff.
Last edited by a moderator:
Buh, sorry. Got busy and then my laptop decided to not work.

Gonna be off and on busy today too.
Buh, sorry. Got busy and then my laptop decided to not work.
Gonna be off and on busy today too.

No worries, just post whenever you're ready =)
Yeeeeahhhh.... My brain kinda... needs a kickstart.

A progression post would be much appreciated.

I apologize.

I have failed you. OTL
Yeeeeahhhh.... My brain kinda... needs a kickstart.
A progression post would be much appreciated.

I apologize.

I have failed you. OTL

It's all good, going to work on my next post now. I think you guys will like this!

~cracks knuckles~

Let's get it started!
Well so got tired when i went to edit, so if things mind look/ read a bit strange? Busy for a while lol. Hopefully calmrer sunday!

Good night guys
Hey I'm really sorry but I wont be able to play for a few days. I kinda got pneumonia. So assume that my character had a psychotic break and is catatonic. It work with the character so I allow you guys to control him at a certain degree. Just please dont kill him.
Going to go ahead and shut this down, since everyone seems to have lost interest.

I may start a new thread for it at a later date, but for now, bye guys~

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