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Futuristic Simple Slumber


I think its because of the holidays. People always disappear around holidays.
sorry for being MIA. This sickness is keeping me strapped to the bed with little energy. I'm on and off on my phone and is hard for me to make worthy posts on my phone.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]sorry for being MIA. This sickness is keeping me strapped to the bed with little energy. I'm on and off on my phone and is hard for me to make worthy posts on my phone.

Oh geeze yikes man getting sick after the holiday? Yikes! Hope u get well! Dont worry about posting and what not!
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]sorry for being MIA. This sickness is keeping me strapped to the bed with little energy. I'm on and off on my phone and is hard for me to make worthy posts on my phone.

No worries Crit~ Just get better okay? We look forward to seeing your awesome posts when you do!

I am wondering where everyone else ran off to though...
Slowly getting better. Better enough to work on a post! 8U

I'll be working on my post here in a few minutes.

I wonder where everyone else went too... D;
I kind of want to know how this rp works, especially when the characters are making stuffs or doing things like teleporting. Does the gn have total control over it, or does the character can automatically do anything dream-related? Is there a system with this rp? (I know this rp is casual, but im heck want this cleared up)

Max sits bolt upright and looks around, breathing heavily. He is sweating profusely and has a stabbing headache. As he takes in his surroundings, he stands up and starts to look around for any signs of other people. He thinks he can hear conversation and he heads towards the feint conversation.
Hey everyone, I'm terribly sorry for my inactivity the past week. I've been bedridden with a really bad flu. I think I'm on the upside though, so I'll try and get a post up today. Thank you all for your patience!
Hello. Just wondering If I can slip into this RP or not? If I can I do have some questions
Well Id still like to get the thumbs up just in case you know? Haha. I just wanted to know what is the exact story here was.
Okay everyone! I am back and posting today. My flu is gone, I lured it away with delicious cookies, then locked the door behind it. From now on, I'll be posting daily until further notice. <3

@shadowz1995 You're definitely welcome to join! As for the story behind the roleplay, I intend to have more details come out later on, but the summary is:

Years after the fall of the hourglass, a device used to measure and interperet dreams on a real-time level that ended up being used by terrorists and advanced militaries around the world, hundreds of people have entered a dream world where they are now trapped. Having been told by strange rabbit-masked people that the only way to escape are through doors set up throughout the dreams, the dreamers scattered, splitting up into different dreams to find their way out.

Currently, only two dream areas have been discovered. The starting area, known as the Field of Dreams, is a valley of brightly covered flowers and trees, at the center or which sits a stage supporting three large doors. Each door leads to a different dream. The center door leads to where most of the RP members are located, a large industrial-style complex with a large brightly lit door at the end.

@TripTripleTimes This will be an answer to your question earlier about creating things in the dreams. I will not have a roll based or alternative system for combat etc, but there will be a system for creating/manipulating things which I will call "Dreamcrafting". Dreamcrafting is using your mind to create/manipulate objects and energy in the dream world.

There are a total of four things that can be created using dreamcrafting. They are:

Objects: Physical items that take up space and can be carried or otherwise moved. These include things like spoons, guns, and food.

Statics: Physical structures that can't be moved unless by a detructive force. Buildings, roadways, trees etc. are in this category.

Processes: Any energy or force without tangiblility or substance. Such things include electricity, fire, or gravity.

Abstracts: Anything that doesn't fall into the previous categories. Life, space, and timeflow are examples of abstracts.

There will be a simple time structure for how long it takes to craft something:

Size (Speed): Description

Miniature (Instant Speed): Ranges between the sizes of a bullet and a permanent marker.

Small (One Post): Ranges between the sizes of a permanent marker and a refrigerator

Medium (Two Posts): Ranges between the sizes of a refrigerator and a car.

Large (Four Posts): Ranges between the sizes of a car and a house.

Colossal (Eight Posts): Anything as large as or larger than a house.

Dreamscape (???): A full dream with a multitude of objects.

I am putting up my next post after this. Thanks for being patient everyone!

@UnwantedTruth @CRiTiCAL ERR0R @Eagleye415 @Zalarx @CyanidePie123 @macifer @The Lost Guardian

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