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Fantasy Silver Fish

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist

Everyone has telepathy to others of the same abilities



-mild life control, plants are easiest, animals are difficult, humans are really difficult

-water manipulation, ice possible later

-fire creation and manipulation, electricity possible later

- air movement


-teleportation and movement through solid objects

- full telepathy

-creation of illusions

-"luck" you can't create attacks but you can determine to some degree if another's attacks will hit at what percent or predict your own good or bad fortune





Appearance (anime please if it's cool with you):

Power:(pick two from the list. Repeats are A okay but please take in consideration other bios so you aren't stifling the creativity of another's character. )

Normal skills, hobbies:


Personality (give some + and -):

Bio (opt but pref):

Name: Adrian Warren

Age: 41, looks 25 (I will explain later)

Height: 6'5


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.5feedaf9556a62ac717eb41be462d06a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.5feedaf9556a62ac717eb41be462d06a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: full Telekineses, fire creation Electricity Level

Normal Skills, hobbies: he was once a gatherer of information for the HSGP homosapien genome protection, the number one group out to capture these newly powerful humans. Before he quit, he gathered plenty of skills in recording information and tracking people down. He is also very strong and athletic.

Fears: all the voices will drive him mad. The company he once belonged to will kill him. He will lose his daughter the way he lost his wife, and lose every youth he finds to help.

Personality: he is like a cat. In some ways, he is easily ticked and hates to show he cares. He will give you tough love, but always have your back. He will never let anything too bad happen to you. He internalizes pain and avoids "talking about it".

Bio: Adrian was a prodigy in his field of spying and tracking. He worked for HSGP until he was about 24. He had a wife and an infant daughter. He found the fish then, and gained his abilities. The very same people who he worked for figured it out when he quit his job. In panic that he was playing the company from the start, they attempted to assassinate him. Instead his wife died. He realized later that he could never live a normal life and gave up his child for adoption for her own safety. He then went to live in a warehouse, the underground segment a headquarters where he would try to track down others like him and give them help.



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Name: Zoe Tirinth

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 168 cm



Power: Illusion, Teleportation

Normal skills, hobbies:

Zoe does not really have real hobbies being raised as a lethal and agile assassin. Instead she had delved into the secrets of poison brewing and she is adept at making different disguises for herself. Learning the importance of discipline she had mastered various techniques which would allow her to sneak past almost anything undetected, blending in the shadows or just simply vanish from unwanted eyes.

Her silver tongue often allowed her to pry information from others with ease and to gain intel from almost anyone.


Being raised by those who wanted to train her as a killing machine Zoe had learnt how to spit in the face of certain death and she is not so easily broken. However, having no family or friends has left its mark on her and she is incredibly careful who she could trust. She had been betrayed in her past once - and that had very serious consequences. Usually being strong willed and cold she fears that someone would eventually find his way to her heart only to betray her. To that end she keeps her heart safe from everyone - even if it means that she must stop them with violence from discovering who she truly is.

Personality :

Merciless and efficient Zoe is one of the best assassins out there. This however does not mean that she lacks sympathy and loyalty: she vows to defend her allies until the bitter end, no matter the cost. Making friends however is not something she is really good at: working with others is important and she recognizes this but as a lone wolf Zoe is more than happy to carry out orders alone if it is required. The fierce fighter would never forsake her honor on the battlefield.

Bio :

It is said that those who were born under the guidance of the Blood Moon are destined for greatness and that they will be the ones who will bring great changes to the world. The Tirinth family was overjoyed when they saw the little baby cry in the crimson moonlight - until they have realized that it was a girl instead of a boy. Disgusted the father decided to leave the crying Zoe outside in the cold night to either freeze to death or to starve. The snow was falling and it seemed the little girl's destiny was written before she had the chance to change it.

But that not would be the fate of Zoe.

The senior assassin Uknar Taan, the leader of the organization named the Crimson Tempest has found the crying infant in the snow and picked up the child. Immediately the little baby stopped and looked at the elderly figure - who then smiled and brought her back into his stronghold. Ordering his best men around he made sure that the little Zoe would get the best training she could and when she would be old enough she would be the heir of Uknar.

As the years passed it became obvious that Zoe was more talented than even her father could have predicted. While other teenager girls were worried about their hairstyle and were discussing how difficult it was to find a good looking boy Zoe has learnt how to brew lethal and non-lethal poisons, have mastered the arts of stealth and learnt how to use swords, daggers and kunais alike. Uknar taught the girl himself and loved his foster child from the bottom of his heart. He gave her the name " Sanguine " for it was her red ribbon in her hair which her enemies saw before they drew their dying breath. The girl grew up to be a perfect killer and the day she surpassed even her father he forget her a legendary sword which she would always use as a weapon.

Life however did not turn out to be as easy and as blissful for the young girl as she had hoped. One day there was an uproar among the clan members and they started to slaughter one another as much as Zoe tried to stay out of the fights she found it impossible to avoid confrontation - but her opinion was changed when she saw one of the traitors throwing the severed head of Uknar at her feet.

Utter silence followed as even the rebels were mortified by the audacious act. Zoe did not move. But then a scream echoed in the halls. The one who dared to decapitate her foster father screamed as the sword pierced his heart and saw that ominous red ribbon before his head flew off. The traitors immediately tried to flee but there was no escaping of Zoe's ire. Using the teachings of her beloved father she made sure that none who dared to oppose them would leave the building alive. The last faithful members of the Crimson Tempest then helped the girl to bury her father and were horrified when the girl announced that she was leaving.

Having no home or family she decided to wander and be a mercenary. But once again life intervened. Finding the fish has given her powers she had never dreamed of but this came at a price. Now people were more unwilling to recruit her due to she being " different " but fortunately very few were foolish enough to challenge her. Now the forsaken assassin walks a lonely path, trying to find her place in the world.
Name: Irene Mayes

Age: 19

Gender: female

Height: 5'8


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.6e326e81f90f1d4cf8c9462479671e99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.6e326e81f90f1d4cf8c9462479671e99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Terrakinesis, moving through solid objects

Hobbies: Irene, though having a normal childhood and going to school, has strong skills in acrobatics. She was on the gymnastics, swim, soccer, and track team. It was never a social thing. She just enjoys it. She was also a top student, her odd personality never allowing her to make many friends.

Fears: she has a fear of people touching her. She also has an aversion to trusting others, and

A fear of getting caught and experimented on, without dying. The idea of strangers prodding her made her terrified.

Personality: Irene is very energetic and comedic. She messes with people who are serious and loves goofing around to relieve tension. She also likes to act like she is less capable than she is to protect herself. She has people issues, which lead to her lack of connection with anyone at school.

Bio: Irene was raised with an adoptive uncle. Not even a father because he was the kind of man who felt so sick about lying he couldn't say he was that related. The man was a doctor who trained for marathons and volunteered at the homeless shelters. He was the type to fall asleep on a couch because he did so much he couldn't make it to his room. Irene would join in helping him, training with him, and placing a blanket over him. She knew at a young age they weren't related.

He ended up with terminal brain cancer. She stayed by him all the same until he passed away when she was ten. She would go back to a group foster home. It was then when she realized how rich the man she lived with was. She was given everything. All his money, his home, everything. He had no other family.

While living in the group home, she was attacked by a group of people she has never meant before, beating and threatening her to gain the money she couldn't yet touch. She was scared into transferring to live in a new state, and donating away the inheritance.

When she turned 19, she saw the fish. She is out of the home and away from any protection, back on the run

Accepted Dawn!!



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