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Fantasy Silver Creek Boarding School for the Supernatural (Open)


Straight Judgin'
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Silver Creek was a boarding school for the supernaturals to all try to fit in among one another. However recently the school board had decided to begin letting in humans. How will the supernatural students and the normal human students get along? Will there be any conflicts with the different races among the students regarding title?


Class A- most dangerous
Class B- Somewhat dangerous
Class C- harmless

Character sheet:
Age: (Looks)
Actual Age:
Class (A, B, C) -
Grade (9th-12th) -
Any other form appearance:
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Character sheet
Name: Lucia Rose
Age: (Looks) 17
Actual Age: 17
gender: female
Species: werewolf
Class (A, B, C) - B
Grade (9th-12th) - 11th
Appearance: Platinum blonde nearly pure white hair, piercing blue eyes, pale skin.
Any other form appearance: no
Personality: Always felt like the outcast throughout her life with her pack, mostly a very sweet girl unless you tick her off.
Likes: music, reading, cats, horses
Dislikes: rude people, vampires,
Hobbies: in her spare time she enjoys reading, training with her pack.
Talents: TBD
Abilities: none except for shape-shifting from human to wolf form.
Name: Evangeline Rosalie Villia
Age: (Looks) 17
Actual Age: 102
gender: female
Species: Vampire
Class (A, B, C) - A
Grade (9th-12th) - 11th
Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/...pbiGa_RCr-hLm7ZGuLyjerh6o1aeT7ISN0BIADzajkNog
Any other form appearance: When she becomes hungry or even sometimes angry, her eyes turn crimson and her fangs are more prominent.

Personality: Evangeline really is the queen bee around the school. But she isn't particularly cruel like her other vampire peers. She stays silent a lot of the time and doesn't talk unless someone starts a conversation with her. She will help the underdog, but she is so worried about what people think of her that she tends to do it in secret. There is a sense of superiority that she has over others, and that's why many people find her intimidating.
Likes: Eighteenth century literature, classical music, night
Dislikes: The sun, werewolves
Hobbies: She enjoys reading and playing piano. She is often seen in the music room.
Talents: Piano
Abilities: As a vampire she was gifted with the ability to read peoples thoughts. But only if they talk to her first.

*Will be creating males soon*
Character sheet:
Name: winter evans
Age: (Looks)12
Actual Age: 112
gender: female
Species:spider like human
Class (A, B, C) -A
Grade (9th-12th) - 9th
Appearance: dirty white hair, yellow eyes, ratty cloths (a street rat basically) no shoes, normally covered in spider be they in her hair or on her cloths
Any other form appearance: black hair same cloths, spider legs coming out of her back fangs that drip venom, mask that looks like spider eyes
Personality: calm, serious, quite, silent
Likes: drawing, high places, spiders, climbing up tall buildings
Dislikes: people who make fun of her for her appearance, fire, bright lights
Hobbies: playing with spiders, pranking people, drawing
Talents:pick pocketing, drawing, helping others,
Abilities: climbing up walls, making webs from her hands and fingertips, talking to spiders, seeing through a spiders eyes
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Apollo James Clarke
Nickname: AJ, Moon, Moonlight
Age: Teenager
Actual Age: 17
Gender: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Species: Werefox (Otherwise known as a Kistsune or Fox Spirit)
Class: A
Grade: 11th
(He has fox ears and nine tails) He's 5'4, weighs 108lbs, is thin with some muscle, has brown eyes and hair and is covered with small moles. He wears casual clothing and has multiple red hoodies that he's often seen wearing. It's like his signature along with some pendants, broken heart shaped one, a yin and some dog tags, he always wears. No one knows why he wears these but people assume it's to do with his family and they're right.
Any other form appearance: He has two forms, his half form (fangs, claws and orange eyes. He's still human but if he looses control and looses his humanity he has the chance to do what's best for the fox and start killing innocent people) and his full fox (he turns into an actual fox. This is very rare and not many foxes can do this)

- Arrogant, Irritability, Impatient, Jealousy, Rashness, Recklessness, Secrecy
Virtues - Assertiveness, Ambition, Creativity, Determination, Independence, Potential, Trustworthiness
Likes: Night Time, Music, Playing Guitar, Ice Cream, Honey, His Sister, Sleeping In, Drawing Cartoons.
Dislikes: Early Mornings, Annoying People, People in General, Wolves, Healthy Food, His Dad,
Hobbies: Playing Guitar and Drawing
Talents: Art and Music
Abilities: Kistune Physiology. He's like a werewolf only a fox. He's also incredibly smart. You can't outfox the fox. Fire Manipulation. All foxes have some sort of magical ability.
Mother - Belle Grayson (Werefox - Deceased - Was 34 - Killed by Hunter - Buried in a forest in Washington - )
Father - TJ Clarke (Human - Alive - 43 -Alcoholic - Lives in a small town in Washington - )
Sister - Jade Beverly Clarke (Werefox - Alive - 10 - Goes to a different Supernatural School and is in Supernatural Protective Custody - )
Theme Songs:
Northern Downpour - Panic!
Polarize - TØP
See You Again - Charlie Puth
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Apollo James Clarke
Age: Teenager
Actual Age: 17
Gender: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Species: Werefox (Otherwise known as a Kistsune or Fox Spirit)
Class: B
Grade: 11th
(He has fox ears and nine tails) He's 5'4, weighs 108lbs, is thin with some muscle, has brown eyes and hair and is covered with small moles.
Any other form appearance: He has two forms, his half form (fangs, claws and orange eyes. He's still human but if he looses control and looses his humanity he has the chance to do what's best for the fox and start killing innocent people) and his full fox (he turns into an actual fox. This is very rare and not many foxes can do this)

- Arrogant, Irritability, Impatient, Jealousy, Rashness, Recklessness, Secrecy
Virtues - Assertiveness, Ambition, Creativity, Determination, Independence, Potential, Trustworthiness
Likes: Night Time, Music, Playing Guitar, Ice Cream, Honey, His Sister, Sleeping In, Drawing Cartoons.
Dislikes: Early Mornings, Annoying People, People in General, Wolves, Healthy Food, His Dad,
Hobbies: Playing Guitar and Drawing
Talents: Art and Music
Abilities: Kistune Physiology. He's like a werewolf only a fox. He's also incredibly smart. You can't outfox a fox.
Mother - Belle Grayson (Werefox - Deceased - Was 34 - Killed by Hunter - Buried in a forest in Washington - )
Father - TJ Clarke (Human - Alive - 43 -Alcoholic - Lives in a small town in Washington - )
Sister - Jade Beverly Clarke (Werefox - Alive - 10 - Goes to a different Supernatural School and is in Supernatural Protective Custody - )
Name: Mavis Deville
Age: 16
Actual Age: Unknown, even by her
gender: Female
Species: Demon Lord
Class (A, B, C) - A
Grade (9th-12th) - 11th
Any other form appearance:
Mavis is five foot two, with an hourglass figure.
Personality: She's a demon lord, or lady, who was treated like a princess. So she's a bit bitchy, and arrogant, and can be a bit stuck up. She has anger issues, is rather violent, but she is a sweet girl. She's a somewhat big shot around the school, mainly cause pole know she can make them burning hell for the rest of eternity.
  • Rain
  • Nighttime
  • Animals
  • Music
  • Fire
  • Darkness
  • Really hot guys
  • Rude nicknames
  • Stuck up people
  • A bunch if other stuff
  • Singing
  • Drawing
  • Fighting
  • Scaring the shite outta people
  • See hobbies
Abilities: Demonic Fource Manipulation: The user of this power possesses and is able to use strong demonic power. This ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of demonic energies, but also allows them to overpower weaker demons as well as rival that of powerful demonic entities.
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Name: Oscar 'Ozzy' Deckland
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gaaaaaaaaay
Species: Muse (Of Music)
Class - C
Grade (9th-12th) - 11th (He skipped a grade)

Any other form appearance:

Personality: Ozzy is a happy-go-lucky day dreamer. He likes to make new friends, and is usually see as someone who doesn't know the definition of 'personal space'. He likes to make people happy, and usually goes about that by giving people hugs. But recently, he switched from another school to Silver Creek because of issues with his 'peers'. He puts on a metaphorical mask of his usual behavior, but is actually really sad most of the time.
  • It rough (*wink*)
  • Snuggles
  • Fresh fruit
  • Dancing when no one is looking
  • Soft things
  • Manatees
  • Spicy ramen
  • Snakes
  • Spiders
  • Being put on the spot
  • Cucumbers
  • Video games
  • Playing music
  • Singing
  • Reading manga
  • Watchin' anime
Talents: Ozzy can play any musical instrument.
Abilities: Ozzy can manipulate emotions through song or musical instrument.
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Bellz Bellz when is this RP gonna start? Do you need more people first? I can @ mention some people again.
Name: Oliver Thorn
Age: (Looks) Late teen/Early 20s

Actual Age: 189
gender: Male

Species: Satyr
Class (A, B, C) - A
Grade (9th-12th) - 11

Personality: Oliver's a nice kid, despite his abilities. He doesn't want to hurt anyone and tries to keep to himself, finding it easier that way. He likes to play games every now and then, but he has a short temper. This doesn't make it easy for him to do anything that may get him excited.
Likes: Games, Solitary, Nature, Animals
Dislikes: Killing, Hurting, Maiming
Hobbies: Manipulating nature to form beautiful works. Playing games.
Talents: He's good at lifting weights, he's a natural survivalist.
Abilities: Oliver can manipulate nature to work for himself, such as animals and plants. This also means he can speed up a plant's growth to make it fully grown in minutes.
I can make one human! I am going to make another thread for the IC! Thank you all for joining and I will post the link when it is made:D
Name: Amaya "JayCee" Aisushima
Age: (Looks) Late Teens/Early 20s
Actual Age: 3 Million Earth Years (give or take)
Gender: Female
Species: Itaritenian/Witch (Animancer)
Class - A
Grade (9th-12th) - 12th
Any other form appearance: N/A

Personality: Fairly carefree, doesn't really take things all too seriously, but doesn't take foolishness from anyone. She prefers to be alone with the "friends" she conjures up with her magic.
Likes: Swimming, climbing trees or other high places, sleeping, drawing, desserts, rain
Dislikes: Loud noises, spicy foods, cold weather, spiders, raisins
Hobbies: Drawing, Guitar, Piano Keyboard, Sculpting
Talents: Can sing, rather impressive contortionist
Abilities: Artistic Animation (bringing artwork to life), Literary Animation (bringing stories to life), Toy Animation (Bringing toys to life)
Name: Adonis Vladimir Valentine







Vlad is on the tall side, standing at 6', with black hair, pale skin, and grayish blue eyes.

Alternate Appearance:

Vlad is someone of more introverted tendencies; though he doesn't mind being around others, it can exhaust him sometimes. He is someone to take control of a situation if he can, or sees it fit. While he can be a little mischievous and wily at times he is generally someone who doesn't put much effort into such things. He can easily get hooked on projects and things that manage to amuse him and pique his interest.

  • Chocolate
  • tea and coffee
  • Music
  • Adrenaline
  • Obnoxious noisiness
  • cramped crowds
  • his first name
  • nagging
  • High-rise climbing (building/structure climbing)
  • Making things
  • collecting

  • Impeccable balance and body control (from climbing)
  • Knife throwing
  • Knack for robotics
  • TBD

  • Manipulation- Vlad has manipulation over ice, a power he got from his mother.
  • Dreams- Also because of his parents, Vlad has the ability to induce dreams on those already sleeping, invade dreams, or feed off of the resting host's emotions or energy caused by the dreams. His mixed blood limits him to these.

Vlad is pansexual


Gabriel Nakamura






Gabriel is 5'5" with black hair and dark brown eyes.

Gabriel's an ambivert with a hard to start, but vindictive, temper and a soft spot for animals. Not usually a take control person in a group unless the need arises. He can also be a little too curious, or even apathetic, for his own good sometimes.

  • Reading
  • Animals
  • tea
  • exercise

  • arrogance
  • Brashness
  • chocolate
  • allergies

  • Cat naps
  • origami
  • drawing (he is bad at it)

  • Swordplay, or the art of wielding a sword.
  • Lip reading/Feel vibrations. (from being deaf.)
  • Cultivated sense of anticipation


Gabriel is not sure of sexuality.
Gabriel lost all hearing in his right ear and most in the left after suffering from a traumatic brain injury when he was eight. He was given a hearing aid for his left ear soon after first entering a public school, but it was broken during a fight with another student. Since then he has been without one and had to learn how to read lips over time to help put together words with the little hearing he has left. Not many assume that he can't hear since he usually speaks well for someone legally deaf when he talks.

If it isn't okay that I make two characters I will remove one.
Edited: Added slight detail to Gabriel's appearance, added vibrations alongside lip reading.
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Character sheet:
Name: Eris Masha
Age: 17
Actual Age: 106
Orentation: Straight
Gender: Female
Species: Dragoness
Class (A, B, C) - B
Grade (9th-12th) - 10th

Any other form appearance:

Personality: Gentle, Stubborn, Strong-Willed, Open-Hearted, Sympathetic, Can be a push over at times, Will defend people close to her to the end.
Likes: Books, Cabins, Forests, Nature, Rain, Cold Weather, Green Tea, Big Sweaters, Cats
Dislikes: Hot Weather, Vegetables, Blood, Saliva, Insects, Exposing Skin
Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Hiking, Writing, Sleeping
Talents: Sleeping, Eating, Yarn Paintings
Abilities: Flight - Dragon Form / Ice Breath - Dragon Form
Name: Jack
Age: 17
actual age: 80
Orientation: Straight
Gender: Male
Species: Windigo
Class: A
Grade: 11
Appearance: He is about 8ft 7in but has a lanky build that has a surprising amount of strength behind it. He has long shaggy black hair, purple eyes with snake like pupils, and unnatural pale white skin. He has a mouth full of sharp wolf like teeth and instead of nails he has black claws about 1 inch long. He wears a Black t, jeans and boots.
Any other form/appearance: He turns in what resembles a starving werewolf (the half wolf/man monster kind) with no hair and deer antlers. When hes like this he can't control himself and kills/eats everything in sight. A smell of decay and corruption clogs up the air around him.
Personality: Strong willed, stubborn, hot headed, loyal, honest, protective.
Likes: lot of Food, Music, nature, water, dark, swimming, and fluffy animals.
Dislikes: Liars, cowards, light, Pigeons.
Hobbies: Hiking, swimming, climbing, eating, and cooking.
Talents: Cooking, hunting, eating.
Abilities: Going feral (see other appearance), Supernatural strength, supernatural speed, enhanced senses, Really durable, regeneration, enhanced reflex, and matter ingestion (can eat anything)
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