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Realistic or Modern Silent Eyes Asylum.


swooping is bad
Journalists still missing in search of asylum

Three local journalists went in search of the recently abandoned Silent Eyes Asylum for unknown reasons. Reliable sources from the paper 'X' have stated that the journalists were in deteriorating states prior to their disappearance. Andrew Miller, head of paper 'X' has reported that the journalists were keen on finding the Asylum as they still believed it was running, their search history confirming this, with half written reports on a conspiracy theory that the Asylum was still up and running after being shut down.

Authorities have searched the Asylum grounds and surrounding area and found only a camera with several disturbing pictures, depicting the missing journalists in treatments found to be practiced at Silent Eyes Asylum. These disturbing pictures show no persons of interest. Although evidence of their presence at the grounds, authorities have found no other evidence suggesting that the journalists were there; The gates were still locked and secured and the barbed wire still intact. local authorities have said that the search for the missing journalists will continue until more evidence is found. For any information regarding their disappearance please contact the authorities on the number listed.

Three journalists go in search of an abandoned asylum which they still believe is operational (unaware that it is abandoned) believing they are investigating budget cuts and rumors of under trained staff. when they arrive they find the asylum fully operational and are offered to stay in staff board for their report, they agree and soon find them selves stuck in the horror that is Silent Eyes Asylum.
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