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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

((Ideally I would but he's supposed to be with lady Byrd right now ;- ;) )
"Its alright kid I believe you." He replied sighing a little, "please Rose, go get some rest."

The young girl pouted at him "okay..." and with that she left.

"i can break out if i wish..." i smiled wickedly before contorting my face painfully "nu nu nu!" i said i stopped, panting. "he's wight i can though..." i said. if he did not belive me i would show him.
i lay outside by the fountain in the main court of the palace admiring the clouds.

i hear the lady's voice boom, i sit up slowly

"this is going to be fun" i say in a sarcastic tone under my breath

i walk slowly towards the palace entrance
White Oak was in the land of the White Wolf Queen and looked at her from a far. He laid down watching her in awe as he rested his head in his hands smiling. He started playing with some of the weeds as he watched her...she was so powerful and careing. White Oak turned into his large white deer form and trotted towards her looking as regal as he could. He held his head high and cocked his head as he watched what she was doing. @Andrea Logan
The White Wolf Queen noticed the magnificent white deer and smiled lightly. She walked over and rubbed its snout gently. "I'm sorry if that little incident disturbed you. But don't worry, it won't be a problem any more.", she said softly. She scratched behind his ear and said to Marceline, "Child. When ever you are ready we can go. But since you are in such a delicate state, take all the time you need."
the fire spread and ate the forest. i roared and headed back stepping into the clearing i went elf. "sorry i took so long to get here... what happened... and why do i smell fire?" i ran over and hugged marceline. "your safe thank god..."
White Oak nudged into her hand and knelt down before her. He brought his head to the ground before once again standing up. Once he saw some elvish child running towards him he smashed his front hooves into the ground and raising up on his hind legs at him. He huffed from his nose ready to charge at him.
The White Wolf Queen slowly lowered her hand into the deer's mane and said quietly, "It is alright. No need to worry. I am positive he won't hurt you." Suddenly she felt something. She looked down and said, "I am sorry to you all..." She turned to the man with the red mask and said, "Except you." She then turned to the rest of the group and continued, "I have to be going now. I have something to attend to." The Queen kissed the deer's forehead and waved to Marceline. She went to the edge of the forest and when she knew she was well out of sight, transformed to the wolf form. As she ran to her castle her wolves followed.
After the ensuing chaos, Marceline was shocked at what she saw. Did her husband really just turn into a Dragon!? She didn't marry a Monster, did she? Because he was so sweet when they first met. Was he even a Fairy? This is so weird...Even if he wasn't a Fairy she still loved him dearly. She wished she could have said more to the White Wolf Queen, but she was afraid. Or was it because she was in shock after seeing her Husband transform into a Dragon? Oh well, no time to think. Instead, she just took flight and headed for the Home of the Wolf Queen.
"h-hey!" i jumped in the trees and yelled up "your going to strain your wings!" she seemed troubled again... "what's wrong love?" i kept following her.
The White Wolf Queen ran into her throne room and stopped. She transformed and stood up. So much to do but not enough time. The Queen sat down at her desk in the library and whistled. A second late dozens of white feathered harpies were bringing books of all kind to her desk. The Queen stacked each book into different piles and turned to one stack. She picked up the first book and began to read.
Indeed she was troubled. She didn't really respond to her husband because she wanted to go sort out her feelings. Eventually, she managed to lose him. After flying for some time, she landed at the front door of the Wolf Queen's Castle. After landing, she was left with considerable aching pain within her wings. Flying and Pregnancy did not make a good combo, but she didn't care, she still did it! As she held onto her stomach, she figured she'd go pay the Wolf Queen a Visit.
The Queen was just finishing a 5,489 paged book till a harpy came to her and whispered something. The Queen nodded and clapped. The harpies started to clean every thing up while The Queen followed her dogs out.

A blue Gorgon went up to the main door and opened it. She gave a sharp toothed smile and asked, "Hello? Oh my The Queen told me you were coming. Please come on in, The Queen will be with you soon."
"I see..." The Fairy Princess walked into the Castle, the doors shutting behind her. She sat down in a chair, her wings and back aching considerably. Marceline felt more relaxed when she sat down, because she has been standing for quite some time. Not that her baby appreciated that. She gently caressed her ever-growing belly, smiling down at it.
i kept hopping from tree to tree. thank god i have a nose! "marceline!" i put a final burst of speed and flew out of the trees so fast i smashed into the white wolf queen's front castle door!

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