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Fantasy Silence in the Woods


Kuro got up, lifting the healed tree on top of him like it was no more than a twig and tossed it aside, leaving leaving marks where he held the tree. The White Wolf Queen and the man had already left, much to his disappointment. The buzz-saw-like weapon on his left arm began spinning rapidly as he activated it through an unknown mechanism, and proceeded to cut the tree to bits, as well as some others trees nearby which he fell with his genius creation out of pure spite. Her recalled a moment (a bit of his bio) when his group of followers were still alive. Shame that none of them could ever outlive a Ghostmane like him and died from age, while others died from battle. How easy it would've been to take care of people like these if his followers were still alive. There was, however, one who could live as long, if not longer, than one of his kind and had survived throughout all three thousand years since they parted. (Gonna make a new character soon, one with connections to Kuro. @sitanomoto)
(Didn't know what to do.)Drizzt walked through the darkness. His lavender eyes seeing better then the surface elves. His blades and daggers hung at his belt with his supplies. Night time was his time. The time for the black elf. His race was a merciless and killing, living without light in the earth. Close to the layers of demons who they work with side by side, k. Drizzt had walked out of his heritage and into the light, where he made his home in the freezing place called Icewind Dale and so far from his friends and home he was indeed. He had gone through many things such as wizards, golems, barbarians, trolls, and even someone who he would of turned into if he didn't go to the surface world.
| Marth |

I cried in my cell alone in the dark. when will the lady see me? "i wish i waz dead..." i said. i never ment to crack but my bad side was impatient so he took over and fought. the lady must be furious with me for hurting her personal guards and wreaking one of her castle rooms.

| Alex |

i rubbed my head sitting by the castle door. "why do the main doors have to be so hard!" i fell on my back rubbing my head. "i got a killer headache now UGH!"
The lady was making her way down to the dungeon and smiled when she saw Marth. "Hello, Marth." She whispered, walking over to him and putting a hand on his head. "That was quite a mess you made up there."

The small water dragon that had followed Marth back from the woods was on her shoulder. It chirped and spread its little wings in delight when it saw the small boy.

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"yew nawt mad...?" i questioned. i was in chain like a adult prisoner. i moved and opened a scab. blood trickled on the stream of already dried blood. "i wish i had a mommy and daddy..." i whispered to myself though the cell echoed it a bit louder so it sounded normal. "do as yew need. make me a swave, whip me punch or kick me i dun care..." i looked at her as if i expected her to do all of that and more.
The lady put her hand on Marth's wound and healed him. "No, I'm not mad," she said. "And I won't hurt you. I don't believe in slavery, either. All of the people and creatures who serve me do so of their own free will." She looked at Isaac and winked. She unlocked the manacles and set Marth gently on the floor. The lady sat right next to him and let the water dragon crawl from her shoulder to Marth's lap. The small creature purred and rubbed its head on Marth's stomach.

As the lady turned to Isaac, she raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"Ah, yes of course,...Should I leave?" He asked, he really didn't want to in case something went wrong, he had nothing against the poor kid, he was just worried that the other thing in him would do something to the lady. What made him worse was that he couldn't tell her. He looked a anxious.

@sitanomoto @GoldenCharizard4
Flare is flying circles over the forest in her dragon form to keep out anything that poses a thread, though she knew she had to land and return to her elf form soon she wanted to see if she could push her limits.
"You may stay, Isaac," the lady said, "if you do not think I am capable of handling him myself." She turned to Marth and the small water dragon.
Guenhwyvar stood beside Drizzt, her master. Her black coat covered thick muscles that moved gracefully as she paced, but her deep yellow eyes were honed on her master's soul. His inner turmoil could not be hidden from her connection or how those emotions found their way into his actions. His pace was filled with confusion, anger, pain, and doubt, every footfall somehow radiated those emotions. Guenhwyar had been summoned to track her master's prey, but the trail went cold here. Right outside the surface elves' castel. Her master's prey had lead him here to the very people who prosecuted him for his birth. His pain was thick as the years behind him, but the moon and stars lifted his sprirts as they reminded him of his home. But, again, even they could not erase thousands of years of pain and suffering.
Flare lands and changes to her elf form and she sighs "Finally" she says and walks towards the lady wondering if she was busy, she jumps in a tree and she sits down listening to the birds and the wind rustling the leaves.
"I-i do not think that ma'am , I know you're well able, I-im just doing my job" he scratched the back of his head nervously, he was not meaning to insult her.

Etheria was walking down the woods when she caught the stench of blood and death nearby, but was distracted from looking for where it was coming from when a dragon landed and changed it's form into an elf. Since she may have smelled it too and approached her, making light, almost silent footsteps as she walked up to the elf. @Flame Demon

Felniir unintentionally left a long trail of icy tracks as he walked through the forest in a large cloak that covered him completely, hiding the fact that he was an ancient ice manipulator by a bit, though the icy tracks made it quite obvious. He came across an opening in the forests where he saw and pile of dead bodies and, to his surprise, his old friend Kuro who he had not seen for over three thousand years and spoke up. "Still the same I see. No one would do this but you, Kuro." He says to him.
"i wonder who my mommy really is..." i sighed petting the dragon. "yew not scared of this lady?" i flipped into dragon form and went back elf. "your one of the few..." i went to a corner and hugged my knees. "oh mommy... daddy. who are you and where are yew?" i sniffled and punched the wall over and over, bruiseing my little fists and yelled in rage before i got on my knees and cried.
Flare sees Etheria and she sighs "Thought I heard someone walking, what is it?" she asks, she wondered who the female was "Who are you?" she asks.

The lady laughed. "Relax, I'm only teasing," she said to Isaac gently. She took Marth's hands in her own and healed them. "Would you like to stay with me?" She asked. "I could help you find your parents, if you wish."

The small dragon chirped and then flew over and licked Isaac's face.
i gazed at her my eyes brimming with tears. (Marth's cute tactic...GO!) "i would!" i buried my face in her chest crying happily. i had found a true freind.
The White Wolf Queen swiftly walked down the stairs and walked up to Marceline. She hugged her gently and asked, "Child is something wrong?" Suddenly she heard a bang and looked outside. There crashed into her front door was the man from earlier. "Oh my. Sir are you alright?", she asked. She kneeled by him and touched his head. He suddenly felt a warm feeling and the pain disappeared.

Elvira looked out her window in the throne room and frowned. She crossed her arms and bit her lip. Sadly The White Wolf Queen had noticed her. She sighed and turned. A man walked in with blazing blue eyes. He stood there saying nothing. Elvira walked up to him and placed her hand on his chest. "Puppet, something is bothering me. I need you to go to the woods and show a sign for her highness.", Elvira said with a wicked smile. The man nodded and walked off. Elvira turned back to her window and smiled. She knew that he could finish this job, no matter what.
"im fine... just went to fast outta the trees." i stood up and walked in. "nice place you got mistress." i sat by marceline. "you seem shaken hun... whats wrong?"

(DISHES BY HAND UGH! will resp when i get back!)

(baaaaack. continue rp!)

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