Silence Hollow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/imageedit_3_9478636264.jpg.1302257a3e640f6cbbb2178cc0afda53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/imageedit_3_9478636264.jpg.1302257a3e640f6cbbb2178cc0afda53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Look, so handsome. 
Hose-man is so sexy, amirite?




  • imageedit_3_9478636264.jpg
    143.9 KB · Views: 17
@Blood dog[/URL] you did sorry. Super bow!!

He's a man who's always angry.

He also has a mountain for a head.

The result of a ridiculous inside joke.
xD sounds cool, I wonder if he ever boulder's his anger, or is he in for a rocky road ahead. I have to sleep, but I hate to be left on a clif hanger. I am at the peak of my sleepiness. Because I'm making pebble puns.

Night! finished the Dc one too so tell me what you think?
@Sukiyaki @Gilmoregirl12

I'd like to ask that no one else posts an incomplete character sheet. I won't get the notifications for when you're done editing, so I won't know when to accept or not.
No, yours is fine. Aside from one required thing (that you must explore the rp tabs in order to find out) yours is alright.

It's just for everyone, because this rp was intended to be taken seriously, is all.
[QUOTE="The Almighty Cutie]@Gilmoregirl12
She's accepted!


Irish Ice Queen

Your character is also accepted. c: 
Only I noticed that her friend resurrected her, but that wouldn't really work for the rp. Each character died, as in just - dead. The creature that they turned into shows up in Silence Hollow and can't get back to Earth until the next Halloween. Past acquaintances are sort of rendered irrelevant.
[QUOTE="The Almighty Cutie]@Sukiyaki
Your character is also accepted. c: 
Only I noticed that her friend resurrected her, but that wouldn't really work for the rp. Each character died, as in just - dead. The creature that they turned into shows up in Silence Hollow and can't get back to Earth until the next Halloween. Past acquaintances are sort of rendered irrelevant.

Sure I'll cut it out np 
So we have

  1. the headless horseman
  2. A Vampire
  3. A Headed horseman
  4. A Clown
  5. A Frankenstein's monster
  6. A Necromancer
  7. A Ghost

I'm actually impressed we've got some diversity. :D this will be fun
I am wearing my horse mask for Halloween so I thought that'd be fun~


I love the looks people give me when I wear it.
@The Doorman

I actually think

that maybe another creature should be used.

Because a guy with that horsemask doesn't really induce creeped feelings, more like confused?

And that mask wasn't around when these characters died, was it? Really sorry if you don't like me saying, I just really want this rp to have more of a horror feel to it.
[QUOTE="The Doorman]I am wearing my horse mask for Halloween so I thought that'd be fun~

I love the looks people give me when I wear it.


I've seen some weird shit.....

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