Silence Hollow

[QUOTE="The Doorman]What doth thou mean by declaring my post 'funny' due to our role playing as the Joker's children?

Well because you hate clowns xD  

its 2 am here and I am still awake, I also now can't look under my bed.
Oh, I see now, never seen Joker as much of a clown though, I've always just seen him as the Joker!

His own category~

My chara(s?) is going to be a horse mask wearer!
Blood dog]don't worry I'll go when your sleeping if you are interested [URL=" said:[/URL]
See that doesn't make me feel better. =.=
*Bites the balloon lion's head off* No..... now get out!! *looks under bed* And who is tap dancing!!! People are trying to sleep here!! 
I made my character a joke character.... I hope that's alright =.=
*glares at him* You, I will kill first......... 

[QUOTE="Blood dog]it look good to me

Thanks I was worried with all the real people and fables stuff

Look at this guy

What the actual fuck

Dat horse face

El hombre es muy MUY feo, lolol.

No, no...

El es muy guapo.

I'm in second year Spanish.



Sukiyaki said:
*glares at him* You, I will kill first......... 

Thanks I was worried with all the real people and fables stuff
Dude, mine is a horseman.

Gah! I mean horse.....

Yup it's time for sleep...*sigh* Alright guys either get out from under my bed or play the quiet game *yawns* But first finish DC

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