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Fantasy Silence Among The Roses

He gave a harsh, cold laugh. "Do i sense a coward?" He taunted mockingly. His fierce yellow eyes narrowed at her. "Or are you just talking big, for such a small, insufferable girl?" His own wolf, tearing at the boundaries of his mind. Threatening to break his restraint. @GoldenWolf
Dog? What? Whatever, I can think about that later. Wolfe retorts with his own comment about how she is a coward. "I agree, you are a coward you puppy dog. Go back to your owner and sit in their lap like a insufficient pet." I yell at her.

@GoldenWolf @XxLuluxX
"Bite me." Kate rolled her eyes. "I'm no coward. I've done more and seen more places you probably have in your lifetime. What are you, like, 50?" I chuckled. "So call me coward one more time dog, and we can get at each other's throats." Kate knew that her wolf was dying to bite out his throat.

"And you, child." Kate sneered. "I'm no pet. I answer to no one and go where I please."
"Bad age estimate, mutt" he replied, baring his teeth ever so slightly. "Bad observation of character too, i wouldn't expect any less from a 'coward'." He sneered, snapping his teeth tauntingly. "Come down from the tree puppy dog, and let me tear your throat out" he snarled. His inner alpha taking over the situation. @GoldenWolf
"I'm no child. I'm 21 years old. What are you, 16? I'm older than you. You insignificant child." I snarl at her.
He seemed to back off a little "If i see you up to anything at the festival, you can be sure I'll be the one to drive a sword through your heart" he threatened with a venomous undertone. He let his canines retract, and eyes die down to their honey colour. He looked towards the boy "Leave the wench be" @JVSbeast
XxLuluxX said:
((She said my guy looked 50 xD @JVSbeast))
((Lol xD urs is 25 I looked at all our character sheets))

I look at Wolfe, letting the lightning die out in my hands. "I'm just enraged at her for her atrocious actions two days ago. Attempting to murder someone is not cool, especially the prince."

Kate glared at the both of them. "You don't know shit about me, so if you could turn around and go back where you came from, that would be great, before things turn messy." I leapt back into a higher branch.

((Shut up lol I don't look at character sheets (> :D )(> :P )
Mounted his steed, sheathing his weapon and took hold of the reigns. "I mean it woman" he snapped, and looked toward the boy once more. "Get up on your mount, we should leave. The festival still awaits" @GoldenWolf @JVSbeast
Kate vanished into the higher branches of the trees, leaping from tree to tree deeper into the forest. She slowed and climbed down, sitting at the bottom of a large oak tree. Leaning with her back against the bark, she yawned softly. What stupid people... She thought.
Bennett led onwards, a permanent scowl etched into his brow. He seemed in edge, one hand never staying away from his sheathed sword for long. "We should be there in no time flat at this pace" he commented aloud @JVSbeast
"For sure." I respond. I look around at the surrounding woods flying past us and I am calmed by their presence. "So Wolfe, you have some explaining to do. What happened there? Why did she call you a dog?"

He glanced at the lad with a slight shrug "The short of it, is i am indeed an lycanthope. A werewolf in... more common terms." He nodded, turning back towards the path.
"Cool. I've always envied that amazing ability. I had a friend at the College who was one." I responded. "That girl is just crazy and uncontrollable. I saw her wolf form two nights ago when she was fighting Prince Marth."

He shot a harsh, burning glare. "Do not envy the ability. One day it tears us all apart. One day, it'll consume whats left of our humanity. Be glad you are not stuck with such curse lad. Some accept it, some can't deal with it and commit suicide, or go insane. Some worship it, see it as a 'gift'. But the harsh, unforgiving truth is, that the wolf inside wants more, always wanting, always craving, always tearing away." He replied, his frown darkening even further across his brow. @JVSbeast
"Sorry." I say, taken aback by his sudden harshness. "You are very good at controlling it. Yesterday at the Inn I had no idea. The girl though just looked like she had strange abilities when I saw her two days ago. She carries herself like a beast."

"Hmph. I had a good mentor." He replied, keeping his back to the boy. "You'll know a werewolf by the eyes. Strong emotion turns them a brighter colour of sorts."
"I noticed that today during our long argument with the girl. Your eyes turned a shade of liquid gold." I stated. "Like the girl's fur while in wolf form. About half of her fur is the color of liquid gold."

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