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Fantasy Silence Among The Roses

Entering the forest to gain access to the festival grounds he took a deep breath of the clean air. The sharp scent of pine mixing with the dull, damp earth. Adrenaline ran through his veins, as he galloped along the wooded path. His eyes a bright golden, almost luminescent. He grinned wolfishly, his horse slowing a little from exhaustion at the pace they had been travelling. With that, Bennett slowed the pace to a trot and carried on along the path. He sniffed the air pausing. Another werewolf. Female by the scent.
The Wolves lunge at me. I dive to the side and launch a fireball at them. It explodes and knocks them back. I then backpedal and control a rock in the distance, slamming it at full speed into the back of one wolf. One down three to go. I charge forward, willing flames to crawl around my blade. I slash in an arc, killing another. I run forward, dodging the strikes of the last two. I find a vine above and control it to split and grab the wolves. They struggle violently against their constraints, but the vines are too strong. I move them in front of me and sheath my sword. I stomp on the ground, my power raising huge chunks of Earth. I shred the Earth into sharp pieces and launch them at the struggling wolves. They are impaled by the Earth and cease movement. I dust off my hands, "That was easy". I turn around summon my steed. Mounting him, we begin to gallop down the forest road.
Kate's reddish amber eyes spotted movement below. She stood up on the branch and looked down, narrowing her eyes. Another wolf... She unsheathed her katana slowly, not knowing if he was hostile. She paced stealthily towards the trunk of the tree, trying to keep hidden.

He froze, halting his steed. His sharp amber eyes surveying the area. "Wolf. Show yourself" he demanded, in a loud, authoritive voice. Unsheathing his sword in a arch. The woman could be a common bandit for all he knew. He remained mounted on his horse, if needing a quick getaway, or if he was outnumbered. @GoldenWolf
Kate grinned, jumping to a lower branch but still not fully on the ground. She said in almost a purr, "What are you doing here, wolf? Oh, don't tell me, your hanging around humans?" she said with a sneer.
"I take pride in my humanity. Whats left of it. Now, are you going to leave me be, or is this going to have to get messy?" He asked, with a steely look of a hardened soldier.
Kate coiled up, poising her katana. "Your humanity? Pfft, you should be proud of your gift. Instead you prance around like some kind of show-pony, walking amongst humans. I know wolves like you, you try and help their race. What is it you do? Go slave away and fight their battles for them?" She said with a slight snarl.
I ride along the road, excited about tomorrow's festival. I hear talking up a head and I round the corner quickly. Its Wolfe! He's pointing his sword at something in a tree. I dismount my steed, and call to him. "Wolfe!"

"Gift?! YOU CALL THIS...THIS MONSTROSITY A GIFT?! YOU CALL BEING A HEARTLESS SAVAGE A FUCKING GIFT?!" he shouted, with rage burning wild in his eyes, which had become golden orbs. "I may not be completely human, but i was one. I fight their battles, because i know what it's like. I FIGHT because i must." @GoldenWolf
I hear him yell, but I cannot make out the words. I continue to walk over slowly and draw my sword, just in case.
As I walk closer to the scene, I can see the person in the tree. Its the red-eyed wolf girl from two days ago! "Wolfe she's dangerous! She tried to murder Prince Marth a couple of days ago!" I yell.

He finally turned to look at the lad, then back toward the young woman. "A murdering lowlife too." He snarled, demounting the steed. His sword, clutched in his grasp with the ferocity of a knight. "You'd kill a child?" He asked growling threateningly. "A child, whom has barely lived life?" He hissed. @JVSbeast @GoldenWolf
Bennetts eyes glowed an unnatural luminescent gold, like molten metal. His snarls and growls were that of beast, not man.
I looked again at Wolfe then turned my glance back at the girl.

"You have the nerve to show up again to probably attempt to murder more people after what happened two days ago? That's insane. You might as well walk away now before Wolfe and I get even more angry." I say menacingly.

@XxLuluxX @GoldenWolf
I laugh. "Yes, this is a gift. And yes, I did try to kill a child. But the human race has polluted your mind, Wolfe." I grinned, my teeth starting to sharpen to points. "But I don't plan to go anywhere, so you can run off now, pet." I sneered the last word, directing it towards Wolfe.
"Come down here, and let's see if those witty comments save you" he snapped, his knuckles becoming white from the extreme pressure applied to the handle of his sword. "Wheres your honor woman?" He snarled, his own canines starting to lenthen from her threat. @GoldenWolf
What is she talking about? I wonder. I look at her menacing red eyes and all I see is evil. What the.... Both of their canines are extending. I back up and asses the situation. "Wolfe!" I yell. "What are you doing!"

@XxLuluxX @GoldenWolf
"Keep out of it boy" he warned, keeping his rageful glare focused on her. "Is the little puppy to afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" He asked, with a cruel, heartless smirk. Waves of anger rolling off him, as he faced his opponent. @JVSbeast @GoldenWolf
I glared, my inner wolf burning in my chest, itching to burst out and rip them both to shreds. I swallowed her back and retorted, "You can forget that, I have better things to do on the night of the festival. I don't plan to waste my time and energy on a dog like you."

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