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Fantasy Show Me The Magic [Mx F search]


Fierce Kitten
My name is Kitty and I have been role playing for about 14 years now. I enjoy fantasy and romance roleplays that include long winding tales full of adventure and character development. I love plot twists and collaborating with my partners so please feel free to bring your ideas to the table and throw whatever you would like my way. I will not ask a certain length from you. All I ask is that you give me quality posts that I can work with for my posts. I love to write and tend to write lengthy posts, so if you don’t like to read then I will not be a good partner for you.

What I’m About
  • Freeform, slice of life, dark, and fantasy roleplays
  • MxF pairings
  • I only play females
  • Detailed, long-term roleplays
  • Playing multiple characters is definitely a plus
  • I only play OCs when it comes to fandoms
  • If you want to do a fandom, ask me. I know a lot more than what I have listed but I have only listed the fandoms that I have made OCs for.


In all her life Nikki had only been to her great Uncle Rex’s house once. She was very close with her uncle and it hit her hard when he died. After his death she learned that he left his massive estate to her, making most of her family mad. Upon moving into the house she starts to realize that her Uncle was a lot more strange and secretive than she had ever thought. His house is filled with so many rooms and she hasn’t been in any of them. While taking a look around while she is unpacking, she opens a door to find that a whole different house was on the other side and a young man was staring at her baffled. Apparently he knew Rex and knew that the house had doors that were like portals, opening up to different places and even different times. Uncle Rex had been something known as a time lord and had now passed it down to her. Knowing nothing about any of this, she invites the young man to stay with her and help her figure all this out.
In a world where witches, demons, faeries and the like are not only real but commonly accepted everyone tries to work together to succeed. Karma Denisson is just a normal human that works for the S.D.A, or Supernatural Defense Agency. She is a detective that gets called in to work cases where they believe a supernatural creature was involved. Karma is very good at her job and has a lot of colleges that trust her. One day on what seemed to be a routine call she stumbles into a case that is way bigger than it seems. Important people start to die and she has no choice but to seek help from a fellow investigator that happens to be supernatural himself.
Her family isn’t wealthy, but that’s never been a problem for her before. Though she couldn’t have everything she wanted, she had her family and that’s all she needed. That is until her little sister is diagnosed with leukemia. They don’t have the money to pay for her treatments and watching her wither away to nothing is too much for the older sister to take. She sucks up her pride and becomes a mail order bride for someone from a different country. The man she is looking for is wealthy and her only condition is that he pays for her sister to get treated after they get married.
That day changed her life forever. Her parents had always fought for as long as she could remember. They were always yelling at each other over everything they could find. The trash wasn’t taken out. Her dad never helped clean the house. Her mom didn’t discipline the children well enough. Little things would set them off and the yelling would start. She would take her two younger siblings into her room and they would snuggle under the covers of her bed making up stories to pass the time and block out the noise. This was normal, except the one day it wasn’t. That day, everything changed.

Her parents were fighting just like they always did, swearing that they were going to divorce each other. Since she was up in her room, she couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, but she knew when it had changed. There was a loud crash that shook the whole house, trembling it to its core. The sound startled her and she ran downstairs to see her mother using broken shards of glass to try and slice away at her arm. She was yelling about how she couldn’t do it anymore, she was miserable. Tears were running down her face, And her eyes were wide and wild. Her father was stopping her, yelling at her for being crazy and how could she do that to the kids. That was when they stopped because they saw her there.

If two people who were in love could do this, she never ever wanted to be that way. From that day forward she made a vow:

I will never fall in love.

She declared this with such fire and heat that Aphrodite herself heard it and she took that as a challenge.

Fast forward ten years and now she is a young adult living on her own. Aphrodite has given it all that she has got and is quite exhausted, Over the last 4 years she has thrown 12 men at this woman hoping they were the right match and just when it looked like she was starting to fall for them, they would die. Someone was putting a wrench in her plan and she wanted to know who it was. Aphrodite asked her brother Ares to keep an eye on the woman while she conjured another man to test her with. She wants to see who the person messing with her is.

Ares agrees and goes down, curious as to what all the fuss is about over a mortal woman anyway. For a while he watches her from afar and discovers that she is nothing but ordinary, until one day they actually meet face to face. Though he is hiding himself as a regular mortal, he is the one that she winds up falling for.
The Kingdom of Theya is in a little bit of trouble. They are the only kingdom that has a woman as the sole ruler. You see, Queen Celia has no king at her side, but she is wise and she is fair. Most of her subjects are pretty content with their life, but a lot of inhabitants of the castle are in an uproar. How dare they let a woman rule their sacred kingdom which has been in the hands of a man for centuries. Celia’s advisor happens to be the most angry at this turn of events because he thought he was next in line for the throne. Wanting the throne all for himself, he has the Queen kidnapped and taken to a remote place. He sends Celia’s most trusted guard and knight to go rescue her as a front to the people of Theya. With the two most important people in the castle out of the way, he begins to bring his plans into motion. Meanwhile Celia’s knight fights his hardest to find her and even harder to bring her back to her kingdom so that she can take her rightful place back as queen.
Somewhere in a different dimension there is an Earth that is unlike ours. This Earth is dominated by open spaces and unforgiving wilderness. The wildlife here looks nothing like that on ours. There are no sky scrapers and electricity here because the sentient beings that inhabit this Earth are nekos. They are a feral race of Nekos that live in tribes and haven’t advanced much. Through some random act of chance a man from our Earth is sent to this one. Lost and confused he begins to wander until he is found by one of the Nekos. He is taken as a prisoner to the tribe as they have no idea what he is. He starts to teach them things and slowly the tribe comes around to him.
Lilly is a selkie, a type of mermaid that can live on land and wears a seal skin coat. In these days, she has managed to disguise herself as a beautiful woman with a fur coat that she wears on every occasion. She has made a living off of her looks and when she is having dinner at a fancy restaurant a man brushes past their table and her coat falls off the back of her chair. Not thinking much of it, he picks it up and replaces it with a smile. When a man touches the coat of a selfie, they are then bound to that man and when he gave it back to her that finished the marriage proposal. The next morning she shows up on his doorstep, ready to be the wife that he made her.

OC x Raihan
OC x Gladdion
OC x Guzma
OC x Dean
OC x Castiel
OC x Erik
OC x Zuko
OC X Sokka

Gwendolyn A’run’soon - high elf who wants to be Drow.
Woodsong - wood elf that is way too in touch with nature.
Vi Violeta - blind high elf mage
Talia Bloodmoon - drow necromancer that travels with a reanimated pet.
Janius Stormcloud - small mage that also uses a sword.
Magic - was once human before she fused with a golem many many years ago and is now a very powerful mage.
Cearrah Thero - human cursed with immortality provided she consumes human men.
Stella Thorn and Trixie DeLaqroixe - a pair of bounty hunters that forged a blood pact when they were younger. Each specializes in different magics and they are always together.
Mentalia - an experienced illusionist that loves playing pranks and bringing up a person’s worst nightmare.
Gwenivere Vonchelson - cruel vampire that enjoys her predatory nature a bit too much.
Jolie Bradshaw - succubus that has found a way to feed herself without stealing a man’s soul. Also, likes to pretend to be human.
Meryu Windwalker - air/water dragon hybrid that is able to shapeshift her form thanks to an enchanted amulet. She has a profound curiosity and love of humans.
Nixry Ballestra - celestial dragon / Valkyrie mix that makes her both forbidden and powerful.
Reya Bloodstone - hellfire dragon that hoards worshippers instead of gold.
Stella McKnight - shapeshifter that believes she is a mermaid.
Naida Aquaious - shapeshifting elemental feline
Soratami Foxfire - Shapeshifting fire elemental. Also has a son.
Kamtri Caladwen - elf/kitsune hybrid. Mercenary by trade and princess by blood.
Heracka Caladwen - elf/kitsune hybrid. Prophet and princess by blood and is also extremely sheltered.
Heyy. I'd love to rp with you, but I can't decide which plot I like more: "For The Love of War "OR "Protection Is An Honor" OR "Proposal"!

Do you have a preference/is there one you want to try more?? DM me! <3

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