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Fandom Shoto's Small Situation

Oh... Shoto!" Izuku said dropping his body to the floor and hopped up to his knees, "No. I was just getting my evening workout done."
Anything I can help you with?" He asked pulling a bottle of Gatorade out of a mini fridge in his room and offered one to Shoto
Izuku watched him do that a bit impressed with how much control Shoto still had over his quirk... He figured with a sudden switch in power levels it would take some time to get the hang of it... But nope, no adjustment time... Of course he had been a kid for about a week. So her may of had gotten use to it even without practicing.
"And there's the limitation that I was expecting." He thought to himself smiling a little bit at Shoto. Still had mastery of his quirk but now couldn't open up a gaterade bottle. "So. Thought about what you're going to do while you're like this?" He asked.
"Probably not." Izuku agreed with him, "So what are you going to do with this free time? Gonna relax, take up a hobby, you have plenty of time." He said, "I mean we could always use a baby sitter for Eri."

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