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Shifty business at the end of the world


New Member
RP with @Elwin , private.


Name: Bryce

Age: 23

Species: Shapeshifter (vulpes vulpes subspecies)

Personality: Bryce is one of those infuriatingly charming people where you can't quite figure whether you want to throttle him or kiss him. He has a quick wit and is shifty by nature. Bryce is, first and foremost, a survival and has never learned to put other people first. Too young to remember a world where humans were in charge, he enjoys playing tricks on humans and stealing food from the small pockets of survivors. Some of them are awfully good with shotguns, though, so thank goodness for shifter healing.




Man, humans had no sense of humour. Touchy, so very touchy. It was just a chicken, for crying out loud, no need to get out the shot gun and perform some sort of grievous assault on the patch of ground he had just been standing on. Seriously, rude much? For a species that had been demoted down the food chain something awful, and yet they still seemed to think that they were in charge for some strange reason.

He'd heard some of them talking about trying to take on the dragon that had turned a skyscraper in a nearby city into her nest. Even he wasn't daft enough to go poke around a dragon's nest and he had the advantage of being a fellow supernatural critter.

Oh well, that wasn't his problem, now was it?

Nope, no sirree. He had a nice spot next to a cosy little fire, that chicken roasting over it and once he had his stomach filled, there was a perfectly suitable burrow for him to snuggle up in for a good night's rest after turned back into his foxy self.

He turned the plucked chicken over his campfire. Looking good, he noted, but it could be a little bit crispier. His digestive system was a little more sensitive in this shape than it was as a fox, but eating was tastier like this.
Name: Eden

Age: 21

Species: Vampire (with somewhat feral/zombie tendencies)

Personality: Eden could be described as utterly bat-shit insane. That is indeed the case, along with her constant need to jump on any creature that passes her way and rip out their insides. Don't get her wrong, she isn't totally evil, more-so a confused being with a complete lack of morals yet still manages to screw her rotting head on occasionally to make a slightly rational decision. She often switches from manipulative pseudo-intelligent to hysterical and this is often beyond her control.




Eden could thank her undead state for her wonderful sense of smell. Although, as part of her conflicting emotions, the constant fumes of blood and flesh didn't do too well on her newly placed rule of not killing innocent people. Just one wouldn't hurt would it? Well it would hurt them. The red-headed creature cackled at her own thought before scurrying down a building wreckage, avoiding jagged objects and other piles of waste rubble.

A woman, not older than eighteen if that, sat top of a large shard of rotting wood. She weeped rather noisily but that was no issue for the feral monster that boiled inside of Eden's mind. Biting her lip so hard that blood ran down her chin, Eden crawled other with silent stealth before resting her head on the shoulder of the woman. She yelped, as expected and swiftly turned to face a pair of twinkling red eyes. Instant warning signals.

"Hey! hey, hey hey. Don't crawl away, missus' I just wanted to know what you was' crying on about." Eden uttered in a shifty voice. She placed a finger on the woman's tanned skin slightly pressing her sharp nail so it pierced a little. The woman appeared absolutely terrified as she attempted to choke out an answer. "Okay..okay. Never mind. You know what, I can tell you know about my other motives and what not so I'm not even going to bother lying to you." With that, Eden suddenly jumped on the body of the woman and sank her teeth into her neck pretty much ripping it out.
Bryce heard the yelp. Nope. Nope. He had a chicken. He was not going to get involved in this. He had a nice, roasted chicken with the skin just perfectly crispy and- Was that the scent of blood? No, it was even worse: it was the scent of heart's blood. That meant that there was a predator nearby. Sure, technically he was a predator too, but he didn't hunt humans. He just stole their food and other things. There was a difference, not to mention that experience had taught him that whatever ate humans wouldn't hesitate to sink their teeth into a solitary fox shifter.

Quickly extinguishing his fire, Bryce took a moment to hide his price in the hope that he'd be able to return to it later. He'd have to scarf it down as a fox, sadly, since the five second rule didn't apply to fixes.

He crouched down, forcing the change. Shifting was never painless. He could feel everything while his bones, muscles, everything changed. Red fur exploded over his body, his skull structure changed. If his species hadn't adapted to cope with the extraordinary pain, he supposed the very first shift ever would have either killed him or driven him insane. As it was, it left him slightly breathless for a moment, before shooting off in the direction of the bloody scent. Best to know what kind of predator was lurking around.

If it was a gorgon, he was so out of there.

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