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Realistic or Modern Shifters...Divided

William climbed down, and looked rather disappointed at Kaden's decision, but didn't fuss much about it. Instead he hoped that the dragon would take a couple of the shifters with it, if it didn't get killed too quickly. Maybe he could assist the dragon from the shadows? No, Kaden wouldn't like that...

"You're letting them get all the fun? Man, if only the dragon was a shifter. You would be like: "Let's kill it!" But no~ You're just gonna let them get it," William sulked, as he sat back down on the ground with his arms folded.
"Many shifters will probably flock to it. That's a lot of witnesses. Not to mention this could be very...informative." Kaden replied in an annoyed tone
"Informative? To see them fight? There's no information if we can't FEEL them fight, see their fighting styles in person. You know, THAT is one of the best thing being in our little fun club," William answered, noticing Kaden was getting a bit annoyed, but ignored his tone as William usually annoyed people anyway.

"Plus, without some serious good shifters on their team, the dragon may take them down. We can't help at all?" William asked, as Kaden was the only one knowing that William was a half-breed.
Kaden rolled his eyes. "Go have 'fun' if you must, but don't interfere too much. It is informative to see how the Shifters will respond to this threat...and much more, but I don't feel like explaining myself."
William looked at Kaden, as his response was rather interesting, but this club was suppose to be secret and the rest of the shifters knowing his face, or anything about him was probably not a wise choice. William had even held the part about him being a shifter secret at school, if it got too extreme, he would go in. After all, he had one of few weapons who could pierce through dragon's scales,"
Tatum finally uncurled herself and walked over to the window. Looking past the tall buildings, she saw one giant of a dragon. A shiver of fear ran down her spine as she watched it tear down building after building. Tatum gritted her teeth as she knew that people had to be in those buildings. Thinking back to her parents, she clinched her hands into tight fists. Even though it happened so very long ago, the feelings were still very raw, and situations like this made them rise to the top. Tatum looked at the dragon with a deadly gleam in her eye and a second later, she was running out the class and heading towards the scaly beast.

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Pbtenchi was torn in half, whether to go fight the dragon and possibly become a target, or to run for his life, after a difficult 2 minutes, he transformed into his crow form and took flight
Kanara watched Tatum run out then soon followed suit turning into her owl form and flying towards the scaly beast.

The teacher watched his students leave with wide eyes but didn't make any moves to stop them.
About midway, Tatum shifted to her snow leopard form and quickly bounded closer to the beast. She looked up as she noticed that another shifter was above her in an owl form. She was somewhat relived now that she wouldn't be going after the thing alone. Giving the dragon her full attention again, Tatum narrowed her eyes as she got closer, now only a mere six feet away from it. She looked up at the creature, and calculated how exactly to go about this. Admittedly, Tatum didn't really have a game plan. She kind of rushed out thinking about endangered lives more than anything. Sizing him up, Tatum just rushed him. A surprise attack might give some thing of an advantage. Clenching her teeth, Tatum did just that and went after him.

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Kanara swiped down distracting the head

The dragon roared, swatting at the attackers
right before making contact with the dragon, he changed to his gargoyle form in an attempt to break its neck 
(g2g for a bit over 20 minutes, sorry)
While the others had him distracted above, Tatum decided to attack his legs and torso. Trying to bite through the scales with her sharp teeth long with using her claws a well, she was hoping that together, they would bring the beast down. Of course that could take awhile but she wasn't one to give up that easily.

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When Talik got to the dragon, he found other shifters. He shifted into his wolf form and watched the situation carefully before quickly flew to a wing and started to slash it with his claws. After a while of trying, he managed to get some sized holes on the wing.
Seeing all the other shifters move in Lillin decided this would be a good chance to introduce herself and try to make a few allies, after settling on a method of attack she swooped down towards one of the dragons eyes, shifting into a komodo dragon at the last second barreling into it with the force of a vulture at full speed.

Sharrum was in his full combat gear, standing upon the roof of an apartment.

He had received a call just fifteen minutes before from an agent of the Peace Keepers force. Apparently, a dragon had descended upon the city and was feriociously attacking.

The Keepers wanted Sharrum to assess the threat and, if he could, although this was probably not possible, take out the threat. Sharrum knew what his role was. He was to figure out how tough the threat was and report the Keepers. This was so that Shifter casualties could be minimized. Additionally, if Sharrum saw any Antishifters he could identify, he had free range to atttempt to eliminate them, but his priorities were to be set upon the dragon first.

Upon hearing this, Sharrum had immediately gone to his armory and picked up a sniper rifle and five grenades. Sharrum was to simply analyze the threat, not attempt to take it on, so this was all he needed. If the dragon was not fazed by the bullets of the rifle, then Sharrum would report back immediately by stating that the threat was of above average strength. If, as Sharrum expected, the dragon was hit by the bullet and reacted to it by moving towards Sharrum, Sharrum would throw one or two of the grenades. If the dragon did not take too much damage from this, Sharrum would report a high level threat.

In any case, Sharrum had placed his safety above anything. He was sniping from a distance of one hundred and fifty meters, and he could easily evade the dragon by going back into the apartment from the rooftop through a hatch.

Sharrum got into a prone firing position, aiming his rifle towards the direction of the dragon which did not notice him.

Placing his face to the scope, Sharrum began to take aim. He aimed for the back of the dragon's head. Sharrum would have preferred to shoot the eye, but the dragon was facing away from him. Additionally, some shifters had already engaged the dragon, so Sharrum had to be careful to not hit any of them.

Taking a deep breath, Sharrum pressed the trigger.

The forceful vibration of the rifle quivered through Sharrum's body as it had done countless times before as the bullet sped towards the dragon.

The Dragon roared as the bullet entered its neck, just barely missing his head. He toppled to the ground, overcome by shifters
upon seeing the dragon down and that he was surrounded by shifters, he changed back to his crow form and started to fly away.
"Would you look at that! Those good-for-nothing shifters did it! I could have done it faster though, but someone wanted to watch~" William said and turned to Kaden, as he climbed down from the tree and back on the ground were Kaden was standing.

"We should go back to our little clubhouse before they spot us right?" William asked as he smiled and started to hum a song while walking towards the base.
((I'm sorry I haven't posted. I haven't got any notifications.. I'll try my best to get in...))

Rosaleen was on the outskirts of the city, sitting on a bench with a bored expression on her facials. She didn't know what to do. And she was hungry. She eyed a hotdog stand nearby and her mouth nearly watered at the sight of it. Glancing around for anyone watching, -no one was...she thought- she suddenly shifted into an adorable Maine Coon and faked a limp toward the hotdog stand. She sat down and stared up at the hot-dog man with giant green eyes that begged for food. "Meow" She said, adding a pitiful ending that made the man look down at her and instantly want to give the shifter something eat. He put a hotdog at her paws and watched her pick it up and dart away, not looking hurt at all.

He looked confused a moment then realized he had been tricked. "Stupid cats." He hissed, then turned back to his stand while Rosaleen sprinted into the forest, hotdog still in her jaws. She knew what she did was a little wrong, but hey, he had given it to her.

When she was farther into the woods she sat down in a small clearing and ate the hotdog, just finishing it when she shifted back into a human. "Yum." She purred to herself.
Laika stared out of the coffee shop window at the dying dragon thing. She could see shifters cheering and moving away. The knot of worry in her stomach tightened. What if Fenri was out there? He wasn't even a shifter, but it would be just like him to run in and try and help. She moved quickly away from the window and into the back room, where she took out her phone and dialed his number. Unconsciously, her hands moved to her mouth. Her nails were already chewed down as far as they could go, and it wasn't until they started to hurt that Laika even realised that she biting.


"Fenri, thank god! Are you ok? Where are you?! I swear if you're anywhere near that dragon I will -"

"Laika chill out I'm fine. It's dead now anyway." There was a note of disappointment in his voice. "I'm still at school, we've just finished basketball practice."

"Good, go straight home, okay?"


"No. Straight home. You're staying home tonight, I don't care what parties are on or if that girl's going to them, you are staying home." Her tone was resolute, leaving no room for discussion.

"Ugh, fine. I'll see you at home."

Laika breathed a sigh of relief.

(Gonna time lapse because I can't be bothered writing in between xD )

Night had set in a while ago, and Laika had gone to bed with it. It was only about 1 in the morning but Fenri had found out quite quickly that when Laika was sleeping, she was effectively dead to the world. He only felt mildly guilty as he dropped out of his window, but the thought of the party tonight distracted him. When he got there, it was in full swing - music blaring, people dancing, drinking, eating etc etc. He grinned as he spotted his friend across the room and made his way over to him.

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