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Realistic or Modern Shifters...Divided


All-Powerful Unicorn
View attachment 58957 The Bed-Time Story

For as long as can be remembered, this story has been passed down to the children of Shifters, Humans, and Antishifters alike.

"Long ago, twins were born to the leader of a large civilization. There was a girl, Yin, with pitch black hair and piercing red eyes, and a boy, Yang, with crystal white hair and soft baby blue eyes. It was obvious from birth that these two were special, believed to have been blessed by the gods. The two could shift- into five different forms or creatures, their soul animals. At first, they couldn't control when they changed and their animal instinct would take over. But soon, the two grew and learned to control their powers. They were inseparable. Yang was incredibly popular. Everyone loved him. He changed into five beautiful and cute creatures, while Yin's were dark and mostly scary. Yin was constantly teased and rumors spread that she was cursed, not blessed. Yin loved her brother so much, and had a good heart. She did her best to not become jealous, but part of her was. Yang, on the other hand, also cared about his sister very much. The popularity did get to his head at times, causing him to tease and ditch his sister in front of others, but when alone he always apologized. He just wanted to keep up his image, he would always say. Yin would simply smile and nod, and forgive him. She was too kind, too good, to hold a grudge against her beloved brother. One day, Yin was cornered by a group of kids her age, who teased and hurt her. She didn't fight back, but slowly rage grew inside her. Despite herself, she had always had a horrible temper. They kicked and punched her, but she held back. Until one said she was just a shame to her brother, and that he hated her. This pushed her over the edge, and she turned into a huge, scary dragon. Something was different about her, though...her eyes glowed and all her humanity had been lost. It was her ultimate form. She killed the kids, then started attacking the city. Her brother saw this and knew it was his sister. He didn't feel sad for the deaths of the people-no, his heart was bitter. He was angry with his sister for causing trouble. He changed into a beautiful, angelic dragon and he fought his sister. He defeated her and banished her, along with whomever else was born like her. He called her kind Antishifters, demons of evil. He said that his sister and all the antishifters only would bring death and destruction, for that was all they wanted. "

The funny thing is, the Shifters never told their children the good qualities of Yin, portraying her as Ultimate Evil. The humans also seemed to take to this version of the story better, also.

What is a Shifter/Antishifter?

Both of these appear human, but are able to transform into five animal or animal-like forms. One of these forms is their strongest.

Antishifter: Have a dark moon mark somewhere on their body. Their forms are dark and usually intimidating. If they are in a life-or-death EXTREME situation they will automatically shift into their strongest form and lose their humanity until the threat is gone, or they calm down enough. Doing this greatly drains their energy.

Shifter: Have a light sun mark somewhere on their body. Their forms are usually light and angelic. If in an extreme situation, their strongest form will be extra powerful, but will also quickly drain their energy. They do not lose their humanity when this happens, unless they let themselves because they want to.

What world do they live in, at the moment?

The modern world *le gasp*

...in other words, there is the horrors of high-school, overbearing parents, and...secrets.

Humans: They go about their everyday lives, being the majority of the population. They are aware of the existence of Shifters and Antishifters, but cannot sense them apart from other humans. Some of them choose to be trained to kill Antishifters, and are called Peace Keepers. A select group, well....

The Shifter Assasins: This is an UNDERCOVER group, not known by humans, shifters, or antishifters. Their leader, Kaden, seeks to rid the world of ALL shifters. His assassins kill shifters and antishifters.

Shifters: Some choose to hide their identity, most let it be known. They are treated very well. Some join in with the Peace Keepers to hunt Antishifters. They are all told from birth that Antishifters are evil, and most wouldn't mind killing them. A shifter is the leader of the civilization.

Antishifters: Sort of outlaws in the world they live in. They have to pass off as humans and suppress their shifting, or face certain death. Everyone is out to get them. They are said to be evil, but....actually, only a few are really. Mostly because everyone is trying to kill them. That kind of makes you unfriendly. A lot of them dislike Shifters.

Now, some select Shifters and humans are realizing Antishifters aren't all evil, like they originally thought. Soon, Shifters and Antishifters will have to join together or be killed by the Shifter Assassins...

My Characters

Full Name: Kaden Maxwell Develious

Age(15-25): 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight, possibly bi-curious

Species: Human

Peace Keeper?: No

Shifter Assassin?: Yes, the leader

Appearance(Picture and/or description): View attachment 59032 Scarred left eye.

Sword: View attachment 59034

Brief Personality:
He is a controlling leader whom does not like to be questioned. He is clever and quite the opponent in battle. When with people he likes, or tolerates, he can be almost pleasant from time to time. He is locked away, and has an almost insane hatred of Shifters and Antishifters. He will not rest until they are all dead.

Brief History: He saw his mother and father die in front of him at the hands of an evil Shifter. Ever since then, he has hated both Shifters and Antishifters almost to a point of insanity/obsession. He spent his life training and building a force to take down all Shifters and Antishifters....The Shifter Assassins.

Likes: Revenge, fighting, killing, controlling others, steak, roses

Dislikes: Shifters, Antishifters, incredibly happy/outgoing people, bugs, butterflies

Weaknesses: Irrational anger, brink of insanity

Strengths: Swift, clever, strong


Full Name:
Kanara Rose Aname

Age(15-25): 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species: Antishifter

Peace Keeper?: NOPE

Shifter Assassin?: No

Appearance(Picture and/or description): View attachment 59033

Brief Personality:
She's quiet and sort of anti-social, but under her hard shell is a caring heart. She's stubborn and reckless. It is hard to get her to like you, but once you do she tends to open up. She is very protective of the people she cares about. She wants to be strong. Underneath her exterior is someone very lonely and broken. She tries not to trust easily.

Brief History: As a kid, her mother had died at her birth. Ever since, her father beat her and bullied her. She ran away at 15, living in the forest but still going to school. Her first year on her own, she fell in love with a human named Amy. When she revealed her identity, Amy tried to kill her. Thankfully, another Antishifter Kanara didn't know killed her first. She wishes she hadn't lived sometimes. She does her best to hide being an Antishifter.

Likes: Competition, flowers, cute animals, cute girls, training

Dislikes: Being alone, killing, loosing control, bullies

Weaknesses: Protective of others, sometimes lacks control

Strengths: Strong, will do anything to protect who she loves

Other: Sometimes she accidentally shifts when she doesn't want to

(if you are not a Antishifter or Shifter cut this out)

4 Shifting Forms(Pictures and/or description):

Black lynx with gray eyes

Dark purple bat with a extra set of wings and red eyes

Black Sugar Glider with yellow eyes

Dark blue and gray owl with one purple and one blue eye

Strongest 5th form:

Large dark grey wolf with wings that have black tips, and black eyes

(moved this so that it will be more organized)


  • The City

Movie Theatre, Mall, Stores, etc.

Ying High School


  • The Forest

The Shifter Assassins Camp

  1. Of course, follow the RPN rules\
  2. You can make up to 5 characters!
  3. Try to include everyone! :)
  4. Try your best to make your shifting forms UNIQUE.
  5. DO NOT start big events/battles without my permission/presence
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William returned to the headquarters, playing around with one of his arrows, until he spotted Kaden in the distant. Thinking of how bored he was, he decided to jump ahead and play around a little. He stuck to the shadows, stalking Kaden for a small while, before he shot an arrow with a note straight next to Kaden, almost hitting his face, but it missed perfectly. The note read:

Look behind you....
Kaden stiffened for a moment then rolled his eye and turned around, not surprised to see William. "Haha, very funny." He said sarcastically, but did seem slightly amused despite himself. Not many of his followers had the courage, or idiocy, to approach him.
"Lighten up buddy! You're so gloomy, so booring~" William complained as he walked up and hugged Kaden from behind smiling.

"Plus... I managed to nick this almost too easy~" William teased as he had Kaden's swords in his hands, waving it around playing a bit with it as William kept on laughing.
"You're quite the joker for someone with blood on his hands." Kaden watched William, debating whether or not to attack him in order to retrieve his sword. "That is not a toy." He scolded.
William stopped playing with the sword and looked over at Kaden as he smiled again, and kept playing a bit more with the sword. Throwing it in the air, juggling it around, while walking around Kaden.

"I know. It's more fun than you though. You need to smile! Be like a charming guy, well... Let's be honest, you can't be as charming as me, but you could at least try," William said as he gave Kaden back his sword.

"Plus. I got nothing to do... I'm bored..." William complained as he sat down on the ground near Kaden, crossing his arms and legs, looking like a small angry child.
Kaden sighed at his first remarks then smirked. "How about we hunt down a Shifter? Will that entertain you?"
"Oh... what is that I see? Is that a smile...?!" William stood up and poked Kaden's cheek gently, before he realized that his boredom had been cured.

"We can go hunting now? Really?! Oh! I wanna go now! Can we?" William asked excited as he was almost tripping on his toes, all excited. His mood changed quickly, but he kept gently poking Kaden's smirk, but stopped before Kaden attempted to bite him or something.
"Of course~" Kaden seemed slightly more lighthearted, though he was still annoyed at his face being prodded. "To the city we go?"
"Yay! I take it back Kaden you can be fun! You're not as boring as you... well... You do look a bit boring... Hey, how about we change that? We can do a wardrobe makeover too! Oh! And then we could have a friendly sparing match! We haven't played that in a long time~" William said as he jumped on top of one of bases fences, and walked along there, balancing perfectly just like a cat.

"Hey, how many are we gonna send to the grave? Two, three, four? Oh! What about five? Five's a good number, I just don't know why..." William said all excited as he kept smiling and balancing on the fence.
"You aren't touching my cloths." Kaden walked alongside the fence, listening to the hyperactive chatter. "You know I'm always up for training. Or, as you call it for some reason, playing." He smirked evilly at the question. "Oh, as many as we can find." He chuckled.
"Ah... Hey. We could have had something there, fixing each other's clothes. You know, black is getting very old... Why couldn't shadows be like pink or something? Wouldn't that be fun? Assassins dressing in pink, beware the pink killers!" William laughed at his own joke as he waited for Kaden to lead the way, he was the leader after all, and despite William's behavior, he respected leaders.

"Training is such a boring word... It's so plain... You know, playing is more the correct way as we only slightly kick each other's butts, or... We all know I will sincerely kick yours, but that doesn't need to be explained any further. Oh! I got another idea. How about we look around in the organization for a girlfriend for you? That would surely make you smile more!" William said thinking of Kaden with someone, but then he shrugged a bit at the thought.

"Then again... Seeing you smile too much will creep out anyone. You only smile when you kill someone after all... Or when you are thinking of it. Hey, can we play a bit with the shifters before we off them? It's always fun to hear them beg for mercy and then POW! Off they go~!"
Kaden frowned at the thought of wearing pink. He took the lead, heading towards the outskirts of the city. He looked more annoyed at the mentioning of a girl. "I'm not interested in a relationship anyway." He stopped when they were about to enter the city, glancing at William with a smile. "Of course."
William followed Kaden into the outskirts of the city, looking around at the several people walking peacefully in the street. Still not aware of Kaden's and his own presence. How funny it must be to laugh five minute earlier than when you died... William wondered how that felt.

"Ah, you're the best Kaden. I simply love you~!" William said and hugged Kaden, while childishly laughing and sitting down on a nearby roof.

"I'll let you chose the first one, then I can chose next right?" William said, staring down at the busy street, filled with humans, shapeshifters and anti-shifters. He smiled at the thought of finally getting some play time along with Kaden, since Kaden was the leader, he was usually all serious and busy.
"sure." Kaden scanned the crowd, keeping a keen eye open for any shifting. he listened into conversations, walking through the crowd with William. After a couple moments they heard a Shifter bragging about his abilities, and Kaden smiled slightly. "Him."
"Should we do it out in the open, or you wanna do a sneak attack? Oh! And maybe we should drag him somewhere we can have a little fun with him. Offing them too quickly is never any fun..." William whispered to Kaden, to not attract attention to himself.

William knew very well how to maintain his cool when he was hunting, as he knew that the reward and satisfaction of hunting was always worth the wait, even if he needed to plan it out sometimes, to not draw any attention to himself. Some people were already paranoid about the organization, and others wanted to kill them before they got killed, how funny it was when someone thought they were better than him... It always made William smile.
"Not in the open." Kaden shook his head. "I'm not quite ready for our little....organization to go public yet. We'll get him alone."
"I'll fix that for you LK! (Leader Kaden)" William said cheerfully as he walked over to the bragging shapeshifter and swiftly nicked his wallet, then he waved it a bit around. Throwing it around, before he winked at the guy and reached his tongue out.

"Can't catch this! Na, na na! Can't touch this!" William sang as the guy clearly fell for William's taunt as he began running away from the crowd and into a small dark alleyway.

William knew this town like the backside of his hand, it was not a single problem leading the person far away from society, and somewhere quietly where Kaden and himself could enjoy their fun little play time alone.
Kaden smiled, amused at his ploy. He followed quietly, hanging back to avoid suspicion until they caught the Shifter in a dead end.


Kanara walked throught the edge of the forest.
"Here, have your wallet back," William said as he threw the wallet back to the shapeshifter smiling at Kaden looking behind him.

"In exchange, we'll simply take your life," William said as he let Kaden do the first attack, thinking of how Kaden chose first and all that stuff, he deserved to deliver the first strike.

(I didn't describe anything serious in case we shouldn't describe too much violence, that's the only reason why I haven't yet xD )
(I'll keep it light for now, considering its only the beginning and much can be inferred. I have to get off in an hour xP)

Kaden neared the guy and pulled out his sword, giving him some nonfatal injuries.
William joined kicking the shapeshifter a couple of times, and placed two daggers in the shapeshifters hands once he tried to run away, but was now stuck in place, but very much alive as he was screaming in agony.

"Geez... you're loud! You're disturbing the neighborhood!" William complained as he looekd over to Kaden.

"You can do whatever you want, I'll take a quick peek around in town. Just to see what I might be able to find~ It is so much fun hunting with you Kaden. Let's do it more often~"
Kaden smiled and neared the Shifter as William turned away and left, killing him after a couple minutes.
"Looking for prey.... looking for prey... Oh! This one seems good!" William said to himself as he saw someone showing off their shapeshifting openly in the streets, how amusing to watch indeed.

William giggled to himself as he looked around for Kaden, wanting him to join in on the fun. He knew how it felt to be left out of the fun after all, and they were hunting together. Instead, he quietly stalked the girl around, stealthily waiting for any signs of Kaden being close by.

(We can just time skip all of these hunts, as they will probably take a while to continually describe xD )

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