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Shift (FreeMustang + Flack)

"Im not insulting you I'm sure you could send me to the hospital." He replied calmly and sighed, "Whatever happens you are my opponent nothing more nothing less." Cedric said as he didn't want to hurt her pride, and given the situation he was sure this angry woman could send him to the hospital. "As soon as we start the gloves are coming off." He warmed.
The girl looked at Cedric's hands "What gloves?! You aint wearing any!" she laughed, not too brightly

The referee came over and shook his head "Would you rather fight the drunk?" he laughed "I didn't know the butcher was a little girl" h motioned to the opponent

"Ring the bell! I'm going to knock his breath out of him!" the girl snapped at the ref
Cedric sighed, "It's a figure of speech, it just means I won't go easy on you." He replied. Then he looked at the referee, "I would but it's too late now she's my opponent and we'll the sooner you ring the bell the sooner this will be over with." He replied, turning his attention to the girl. Cedric was going to need a new strategy now, maybe he could just pin her?
The referee shrugged and rung the bell, stepping back so the fight could begin.

The girl kicked him right in the nuts, that being her only strategy for the entire fight.

"Well I told you you would have to fight dirty! Get up!" Grace yelled at Cedric
Well he thought he was ready for just about anything when the bell rang. But boy did she prove him wrong, he dropped, curled up into a ball, fiNing it difficult to breath. Cedric was more than tempted to stay on the ground but there was Grace to think about and his own pride on the line. After the count of two he got up and took a breath, then he lunged at the girl and pinned her arms above her head and kept her legs pinned with his own. "That was a cheep shot but hey at least you know how to fight a guy." He said a bit winded.
"So you've done this before?" the girl teased Cedric, struggling to get free of his grip but failing to make it before the count of 3

"YES!" Grace screamed in delight, going to collect the $100 from multiple people she had placed the bet with, returning to hug Cedric and kiss him passionately "Now you have the next round and I'm putting $500 on you! But you're not fighting a girl this go around so really bring your game this time!" she giggled, kissing him again.
"Maybe." He replied and was relieved that the referee made it to three. He got off the girl and shook her hand. Cedric got out of the ring and was thrilled by the kiss, and eagerly returned it. The news of another round made his heart sink a bit. "Wait I have to fight again?" He asked and kissed her back. "Also I wouldn't put that much money on me, I'm confident but uh I'd hate for you to lose that much money. " He replied wondering how she even had that much money to bet with and if he had to lose to get out this keep fighting thing.
"Well yeah you do" Gracey laughed "It's sort of like a tournament thing but don't worry! You're fighting some sissy named Leslie, I mean with that name no guy can beat a guy like you!" she assured Cedric confidently "But I really suggest you punch first and umm... Head games are really your friend here! really psych them out!" she instructed, kissing him passionately
"Great, and uh just because you think he has a girlie name doesn't mean he didn't use that as fuel to become a bodybuilder." Cedric replied and nodded. "I know trust me I know, this is just not what I was expecting." He replied and kissed her back, on the plus side all the endorphins had really helped with the lingering pain he felt. "Just don't bet to much okay? And let's hope that there are some rounds before my next fight." Cedric sigehd.
"Too late, I already placed the bet when I collected my earning from the 1st round" Grace laughed "They really wanted to earn their money back, ya know?" she started kissing down Cedric's neck "I'll do anything for you if you win for me...." she said seductively
"Of course you did." He sighed. Cedric did enjoy her lips on his skin and looked down at her, "Anything?" He asked with a smirk, "And what may I ask do you mean by win this round or the whole damn tournament?" He said and slid his arms around her waist.
"Oh no, I'm just hoping you last 1 more round" Grace laughed "You can just lay down the next round so you don't get killed if you want.... I could bet on the other guy with a rigged round like that" she said obviously "And yeah.... I mean anything...." she winked at him, hoping he would want it too.
"Ah well thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll last more than one round but after that no more bets okay, and I'm gonna fight dirty but play fair." Cedric replied and looked at her and smiled. "Well I guess we'll see what shape I'm in after the fight and then I'll let you know what anything means for you." He grinned and kissed her lightly. It was all rather tempting but he still liked Anna, then again she was confident that they had already slept together. Damn he was in between a rock and a hard place.
Grace shook her head "You can't fight dirty and play fair..." she laughed "Just don't get killed ok?" she said softly, kissing him once again "Just keep thinking about the prize you'll get in the end" she giggled "What ever the anything is..."

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