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Fantasy Shattered World =-= All slots reserved

She looks around at the other soldiers, and decided this was the best team she could've hopped in with. Hopefully they fight as well as they could cry like babies. At least, that looked like what they were all doing, in her mind. She wished she could brush back her hair, but instead she pressed her head against the headrest and held onto the bars. "Hold onto your butts!" She wished the others could hear how funny she was.
The craft slammed into the ground, everyone's HUD's went dark for a moment, leaving them completely blind, Lelouch was the first up, his vision gone he felt his way to a massive hole in the craft, the impact had completely destroyed the craft. A few soldiers were dead. The HUD's returned and Eve came back online.
Seth's craft had met a similar fate. He was still fastened to the wall, with a pile of luggage, supplies, and rubble plastering him to the...wall? Seth finally got his wits back about him enough to realize the ship was plum on its side. He pushed as hard as he could against the rubble, but it wouldn't budge.
Asim groaned, wishing she had the energy to pull her helmet off and rub the headache she had away. She tugged off the bars with little resistance and stood, standing there for a moment with her helmet in her hands. "What the fuck happened? Eve, show me the vitals of everyone in craft seventeen." She felt around to see if she could help anyone.
Connor got up and looked around. A few soldiers weren't moving, which made him frown, a few were just realizing that they had landed and were getting their bearings, and at least one was already up and moving. His HUD returned, as did his vision, and Eve came back online. "Um, Eve, can you put me through to a comms channel with the soldiers I was talking to earlier?" Connor got up from his seat, grabbed his sword, and hoped Eve had done so. "Anyone there?"
Lelouch replied "Hey there meat shield, good to know you're alive" he said through the comma channel
Connor rubbed his head, hoping the headache would fade soon. "Anyone else? Preferably not someone who would use me as cannon fodder."
Lelouch laughs and hops out of the ship before the others, he quickly scans the area "Uuumm... Guys, I have bad news..."
"I'm alive too, don't worry. Goddamn, how big is one fucking- God." She kicks the wall in frustration. Halfway because more than half of their expedition crew died, half because she couldn't find the stupid exit! She finally found where Lelouch got out, pulling herself out of the wreckage as he talks.
"Yeah, I'm here..." Seth forces out. "Good to know my armor's still working, at least for the most part. Kinda stuck between a rock and a really, really heavy hard place at the moment, so...give me a second."

Seth put both hands under the metal fastenings and pushed as hard as he could again. As he did, he could feel something happen to his skin. It felt different, almost as if it were hardening. It wasn't much, but he could feel himself getting stronger, and the weight was hurting him less as well. With this newfound strength, he gave it one final, power push. The bars finally began to move. He pushed them forward, and then up, and the better part of the debree tumbled off to the side. He pushed the remaining rubble and whatnot off of him and he stood up.

"Okay...I'm good," he said, looking at his covered up arm, wondering what exactly was going on underneath. "How's everyone else doing?"
"Maybe you should try asking the others, oh wait most of them are dead!" His joking persona crumbles for a second "Eve, I want a casualty report for the entire force, ASAP" Eve gave her reply, "33.333% recurring are dead sir, mission success is already minimal"
She sits next to Lelouch, and sighs, looking out over the wreckage. "This is a fucking disaster. Eve. What went wrong? I think the whole force wants to know."
Lelouch answers instead of Eve "That would be the fact that we were sent down here in sh*tty outdated transportation, as well as the fact the we lacked any defence against attack from Avians" Lelouch pointed to one of the ships, corpses were being dragged out and picked at by large winged beasts
Once the HUD came back on Wilson realized he was no longer in the ship. The HUD was flashing and there was a large crack in the mask. "Why does this stuff always happen to me?" He asks himself scratching his helmet. Wilson got up and looked around.He can see smoke in the distance along with screams. "Where the hell am I?" He looks behind him and sees one of the creatures, it looks like another human. "Crap" Wilson ready's his weapon waiting for the creature to attack.
"Wiiiiiilson!" Leo laughs as he jogs over to the corrupt creature. "Isn't it cute look, so cute, so completely and absolutely adora-" he blows it's brains out. He goes back to his commander like demeanor, shouting down the comm line to all living members of the expedition force "Ladies and gentlemen, if you're alive, I request that you get out of your craft and stand outside immediately, to stop our own men from becoming Risen, I will be burning the inside of the crafts!"
Connor emerged from the crash and, once hearing Lelouch's proclamation, approached him. "Wait, what? Who made you commander? Make sure everyone's alright first, a few of us might not be able to walk."
Seth forced his way out of the ship, and walked out with the handful of soldiers that survived the crash.

"10-4...only quick problem. I can't see any other ships. Looks like #19 went pretty of course. I'll burn it myself and then try and find you guys. Sound good?"
"Yes, and the person who made be commander does not exist, I'm telling you what to do before our own men rise and rip us to pieces. Move it in the double and search the ships, drag out any survivors and completely eradicate the corpses, move it, now!"
"I'm going to go check on ships #15-16." Wilson starts running towards the ships but was horrified when he found small cats and dogs feasting on his still living comrades, "Damn 16 and 15 are overran with runners, anybody on comms need help?"
Connor frowned and got back into the shop to search for survivors. "You're not my commanding officer, so instead of ordering me, and everyone else around, let us make our own decisions, as a team."
"For now I'll take charge and organise the clean up teams, we've only got about half an hour before the corruption starts reanimating them, if I don't get to work now, we'll all die. So for now at least, do not question my authority" he goes to search #3
Asim stretched, then glances at Connor. "We may be a team, but this is still the military. Plus, it's nice to not have to make decisions sometimes. I got eight and ten. I don't have a visual on nine." She hopped off their ship and jogged over to the other ships. "Nevermind. Looks like eight crushed nine." Seeing no monsters around, she began going through the wreckage.

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