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Fantasy Shattered World =-= All slots reserved

"Well, when those big doors opened I tried to make a run for it, but I tripped and was trampled by the other recruits. That might explain my vitals. The reason for my voice is that I have to wear a special mask that helps with my breathing because of a childhood accident, but it was cracked on the fall." Wilson thought for a bit, "Maybe the AI in this helmet can help with circulating the air."
"Good idea, Eve, do as he says... Though you would anyway, I just like AI..." He grins though it isn't visible "Guys, looks like the drop will happen soon. Ready?" As soon as he said this, Eve exclaimed in her distinctively monotone voice "Launch in 2 minutes"
Lelouch sighs "How did you even get into the army... Look, the names Lelouch, don't die because I'll have to incinerate your corpse"
"Well since we are all getting to know each other, my name is Wilson but I prefer to go by my last name which is Stauffer." Wilson smiles as he can feel the air circulating in his mask, "But you all can call me whatever you want."
Asim took her time as she looked around the room. She couldn't believe she still wasn't done with this bagel. She glared at it for a moment, then continued on to collect a weapon and grab her armor. By the time she put all her armor on and told herself for the thousandth time that she wasn't allowed to start fights here, she had finished that delicious bagel and she was looking at a potential dropship to enter. "Helloooo, number seventeen! How're you guys today?" She plopped herself right down next to someone, clapping their back. "You ready to probably almost die for the sake of everyone else? 'Cause I'm sure as hell not."
"Okay private Stauffer, welcome to the ground, well be dropping in abouuuuut... Thirty seconds, the comm channel will be offline until we hit the ground, so will the vitals"

He seemed rather oblivious to the appearance of the new girl, he subconsciously notes the new icon on his HUD, one more
"Hope we all don't get engulfed in flames as the dropship plummets towards the ground." Wilson says thinking of way to many ways that we could get destroyed.
"Ha hah! You guys are quite the team. A real buncha optimists. I love you guys already. Wait. Names. We'll do that later, nevermind."
Lelouch hears Asim's voice "Don't worry, you won't need to save my ass, but I wouldn't mind touching yours by the way"

As he finishes his sentence, the comm link shuts off and the craft begins to plummet
The alarm goes off, signalling that the drop is about to began. Seth leaps up and fastens himself into the niche in the wall, and then lowers the amusement-park-styled metal barns down over his shoulders. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and begins to plummet towards the surface.

Asim points at the guy that hit on her, grabbing onto the bars that are supposed to go over her shoulders. She winks, forgets they can't see her face, then gives him a thumbs up. Then a wait. She rolls her head side to side, contemplating it, shrugs, then pulls the bars over her head, smiling as they fall.
"Oh crap..." Connor leaned back, pulled the bars over his head, then gripped his seat with one hand and gripped the bar with his other.
Eve's robotic voice can be heard faintly "500 feet till impact, 480, 460" this continues
Wilson tries to stay calm as he puts the bars over his chest. "Hey Eve, think you could play some calming music?" Wilson wonders if this would even work, then suddenly in his headset he hears Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra, "That's better" Wilson sighs and leans back into his chair.
"Eve! You are not making this easier!" Seth was a good six inches off the ground, and he felt as if his stomach and lungs had switched places. He forced his eyes open and looked around at the other screaming soldiers - some excited, son scared. The stench of uncertainty would have been in the air if any smell didn't immediately surge upwards once it entered the world.
"When the hell will we land!?" Wilson yells as the music ends, he soon realizes no one heard him.
"240, 220, 200, 180, 160, 140, 120, 100, 80, 60, Brace for impact!" Eve's voice can be heard faintly in the background.

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