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Fantasy Shattered Nairys: Voyages of the Dauntilus - CS



Random Schemer
  • Humans: Still the most populous of the races, humanity is the standard to compare to.
  • Dragons: While once mighty wyrms in the Age of Plenty, dragons actively modified their own genetics to survive and blend in to the magically starved 2nd Age. In the 3rd Age, Dragon’s come in two verities.
    • Shifters; Shifters have two forms. The first like a traditional Dragon, though they are much smaller, appearing to cap out at the median size of a horse. They also have a human form. This is the way the species remained hidden during the 2Nd Age.
    • True Scales; a new subspecies of the 3rd Age, this one combines the two forms of the Shifters into one, making a humanoid dragon. Some even retain useable wings.
    • These two subspecies tend to dislike each other, the Shifters seeing the True Scales as something of a devolution, while the True Scales see the Shifters as cowards. These are not universal, but guidelines.
  • Golems: The synthetic life forms come in many shapes and sizes, from “life-like” androids to non-humanoid robots. New Golems are generally constructed by other Golem parents, but a few are made by members of other races. There are a few purely digital Golems, but they are very hard to create.
  • Fae: The most complicated of the species. The Fae started out as humans mutated by magical energy. At first the mutations were wildly different, therefore a blanket term like “Fae” worked. As the 3rd Age progressed, more of the mutation types have become more uniform. This has led to some of these sub-types banding together, even forming unique cultures.

Position in crew: (example: helmsman, engineer, passenger, etc.)
Weapons (if any):
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Name: Wei Xiang
  • Human (Former)
  • Augmented Human
Age: UNKNOWN (Looks 27)
Gender: Male
Art created by @odori_ozisan on Twitter
Position in crew: Engineer/Mechanic
Weapons (if any): Synthetic Claws

  • Photographic Memory
  • Knowledgeable engineer/mechanic
  • Enhanced strength and speed
  • Quadrupedal travel/climbing
Personality: Reserved, a bit shy, but dedicated and trustworthy. He enjoys the smaller things in life, but cannot find himself unable to do nothing, otherwise he becomes uneasy. He must always have something at hand to do. He has inherited some cat like mannerisms due to the shape of his enhancements. His tail flickers, he tilts his head, and has an odd appreciation for tuna.
Background: Wei Xiang was born as a brilliant and inquisitive individual who would excel in mechanics and engineering, graduating top of his class and having companies fighting for him to join their team. However, there was an accident in his work that got a hold of his whole body. His body was burnt beyond recognition, and missing parts of his body. The fact that he had lived was a miracle at all. it was considered to have him be put out of his misery humanely before a wealthy man (known as 'Father') took interest in him, and would take charge of his recovery. He would be the one who ordered the numerous surgeries to bring him back to a stable state. He was given new limbs, new skin, a new life. His original organs exist, hidden away in the carapace that protects them. It would take years of recovery and transformation as he became a whole new being via synthetic recreation. Once he was stable once more, he would come to owe his life to this man, and would vow himself to him until the end of the rest of his life. He worked under him for many years. However, recently Father has tasked him to join a crew in behalf of him. One belonging to his patron; a man named Dominic Pavrum. He does not know the end goal of this, but he does not seem to mind or care. He has a debt to repay, and he will do it well.


Name: Lenny
Race: Golem
Gender: Male
Position in crew: Guard/Soldier
Weapons (if any):
Earth Magic
Skills: Inhuman strength
Personality: Surprisingly gentle, friendly, playful and stubborn. He likes cute, and fluffy things, but is always afraid he'll hurt them. Has a strong sense of protection to those he considers friends.
Background: Lenny comes from a small village of golem that have been known to exist for generations. His village has been protected by the conservation efforts that stem from his current employer, Dominic Pavrum. Thus, he is there to repay the favor that he has granted his village of generations.
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Name: Marcel Pallium

Race: Fae

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Position in crew: Helmsman

Weapons: A gold Charge Blade, able to morph into a sword and shield mode, as well as into an axe.
He also carries a revolver.

Magic: Light magic

  • Years of experience as helmsman of many vessels.
  • Experienced in hand-to-hand, as well as combat with weapons.

Personality: A very deadpan individual. Often likes to take the helm in quiet, and is definitely not afraid to tell someone off if they overstep their boundaries. Though, despite his short fuse, he can show a bit of respect towards his crew mates, should they keep on his good side.

Background: A fae who had a passion for airships, often riding them as a passenger just for fun. But, as the years go by, Marcel has taken many classes on piloting airships, making him an exceptional helmsman. On the sidelines, he spent 17 years learning the ways of combat, as well as marksmanship. One day, he was approached by a man named Dominic Pavrum, who offered a job aboard the Dauntless.
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Name: Faloan Apateon

Race: Shifter dragon

Age: 145

Gender: Female


Position in crew: Temporary cook

Weapons: Claws and fangs (while transformed). Swords, spears and good at close combat.

Magic: Elemental, Light, Dark and illusion magic, elemental infused dragon breath.

Skills: Acute senses (both in human and dragon form), Impressive strength, Knowledgeable, resistant to magic, great performer.

Personality: Patient, observant, knowledgeable, fantastic liar, bold, fearless and blunt.

Background: One of the many dragons who choose to remain hidden among humans. A scholar in search for answers of the past ages and one of the first scientists who was able to recreate the creation of sentient golems. Born near the end of the second age and being saved by one of the supposed "angelic beings," Faloan was taken to an orphanage after her parents and siblings were lost when the world was torn apart and magic returned to Nairys. Throughout her early years, Faloan kept her dragon descent a secret, the reason being that her parents told her that dragons had to remain hidden to remain safe, this secret would eventually come to light after one night in which she reverted back into her dragon form. At some point she caught the attention of scholars who offered to fund her education, and so her journey to gather knowledge began. She graduated at a young age, and then took a liking to science, she knew that to make a better future they needed to learn from the past. And so, by working on learning about the past and finding new ways to improve technology, Nairys would be a better place for everyone. The discovery of sentient golems made her take interest in the creation and study of the new life forms. She is aboard the Dauntless at the request of Mister Dominic Pavrum, she has requested his help to find rare research materials in the past and so she feels that her debt must be paid. What does Mister Pavrum require of her? She does not know, but she will wait and see.
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Name: Xiaolian (Xi or 11)

Race: Fey (Cait Sith)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Position in crew: Stewardess/ Security

Weapons (if any): Rope Darts

Magic: Locomotion (forced movement and object control) and Discharge (electrical burst and funneling)

Skills: Unnatural Strength, Agility and Finesse

Personality: lacks confidence due to her size but has momentary of outbursts. Otherwise she is hard working and mildly apathetic to the cause of others. Cat puns are normal conversation for her.

Background: A rather short member of the crew standing at 4.8ft tall. She owes herself to the captain Dominic. After he provided her with a shelter. To continue with this job. She does her job to the best of her ability and will defend the ship while providing what services she can to the passengers.

She is small and unassuming allowing her to attack foes who dont expect much of her. She has a keen understanding of Kinetics and Electrities effects on living things.

Xiaolian came from a monastic temple where martial prowess was held above all else. Their gods were cats. And so those who learned at the temple sought to emulate them through improved silent movement and dexterity while still being able to stalk their prey. What happened years later forced Xiaolian to leave and join the captian’s crew. Her rope darts now serving a new master as they sail across the battlefield like tiny warships.

down with Zix i am the superior Xi

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Name: Zix Drask. (Call him Z)

Race: Human.

Age: 24

Gender: Male


All Environment Infiltration Suit. The suit is designed for comfort, protection and lightness. It muffles his footsteps and hides his magical and technological presence innately, the armor is well attuned to Zix's Phase magic as well, allowing him to utilized his abilities without hindrance.

It comes with a visor that allows him to scan, analyze and receive information about the environment, structural weaknesses, people, high priority targets and other items of interest that may serve a purpose. Allows him to see clearly in the dark.

The armor has a medium protective plating that can protect him from most small arms fire and small weapons without too much trouble, as well as onboard medical systems that are designed to keep him alive.


Position in crew: Recon and information gathering, security watch and surveillance. Great cook.

Weapons (if any): S.I.N Mk.1 ( sniper in appearance pic). Named The Bounty Claimer

Medium to long rage engagement sniper rifle with a long range scope with thermal modules, the sniper fires high velocity and impact rounds capable of puncturing through the thickest armors, mostly 0,6 inches thick armors are easily penetrated by the sniper rounds.

Utilizing his Phase tech and magic the sniper bullets leave no trace, the sniper itself is silent from medium range, but makes some noise at close range. It can also be augmented by phase magic in order to increase it's damage by making it magical in nature (Force damage in DnD terms). And allows the bullets to overpenetrate targets.

An assortment of land placed traps, laser mines, and grenades.
for example.

Throwable grenade, 5 second activation time. When ignited it creates a large explosion of lingering flames, decimating any unarmored targets and crippling armored targets as the high intensity fire melts away the armor platings.


Custom fitted handcannon with a shotgun module. It fires medium caliber bullets with good fire rate and stability, it automaticaly attunes to Phase magic and allows it even more firepower, the gun's internal phase battery charges the more bullets are fired, allowing it to discharge the energy into a focused blast that is more akin a sawed off shotgun blast.

For close quarters combat Zix can use phase magic to project a blade over his arm, effectively making an armblade of energy.

He also carries on his person many magical grenades and traps, as well as a handful of throwing knives.

Magic/tech: Phase magic, Physical enhancement magic, Fire magic.
His most notable techniques are.

Phase Shift: Utilizing his magic, Zix can turn himself invisible to the naked and machine eye, all of his readings go dark and he can't be heard while phasing. If someone attempts to detect him with magic, they can see small glimpses of him through vision, but not enough to fully be able to track him.

Planar Jump: A short distance teleport utilizing phase magic, Zix turns invisible while teleporting and unleashes a force damage shockwave on his surroundings, he can choose not to do said shockwave and chain directly into Phase Shift, turning himself invisible.

PyroPhase Blast: Zix uses both phase and fire magic to create a localized explosion of purple ish blue fire, engulfing any caught in the blast with etheric fire, doing high damage and applying a lingering damage effect, this fire is capable of melting armor.

Phase Replication: Utilizing the complexities of Phase magic, Zix can create and replicate objects he has contact with, for example he can copy his pistol and create a copy of it made of pure magical energy, these copies are tangible and function similarly to it's original copy, except that the copy is fully magical, as such it's unable to do physical damage, or other elements except magic damage.
Further testing and practice is needed if Zix can replicate more complex objects, or himself.

Overdrive: Using Magic to enhance his physical abilities, Zix is able to improve his speed, reflexes and strength considerably for a short period of time. This allows him to move faster than the normal human as well as matching the speed of most advanced golems. This ability has a cooldown and is not advised to use twice.

Skills: Expert Sharpshooter, well versed in infiltration and sneaking, a great cook, combat and military experience has given him very high resistance to mind altering effects, combat stress and fear.

Personality: Zix tries to act aloof, sarcastic and uncaring, but he really just comes off as awkward when trying to do so, he cares about people deeply, and helps anyone that needs helping, he is extremely sarcastic and a snarker by nature.

Zix comes from one of the one of the capitals of the known world, which one he never states which, nor does he ever explains if he had any family or any familiar of the sort. But his demeanor in action and the way he conducts his plans are almost militaristic in nature, this hints at a successful military background and possibly, but his impulsive and confrontational demeanor also hints at a not so long career.

He keeps saying it's not a big deal where he comes from. But his tech, his magic and his knowledge of the ins and outs of almost any place or ship he's in prove otherwise.
He carries a keepsake, in the form of a pendant, given to him by an old flame.

He seems to be an avid collector of weird antique items, be them old coins, old knives, pendants and the like.

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Name: Doremi; Milay-Yaloo Garganta
Race: Skinwalker Halfblood (Fae)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position in crew: Passenger (none of those yet, so why not?)
Weapons (if any): Claws, teeth, and a tomahawk
Magic: Limited full shapeshifting, hybridisation
Skills: Private investigator, sleight of hand, some talent of improvisation
Personality: Conniving, desirous, and prone to ennui unless otherwise piqued, Milay likes to be sneaky and learn more about everyone and everything, sometimes against his better judgement but always with grace. He has many loves and few dislikes, but an overt interest in others is his greatest flaw. He has a fondness of eating, but for some reason does not seem to gain weight.
Background: Milay was born afar and was ported over to this region with his parents for reasons they did not quite specify from the young age of five. He moved to various locations with his parents before finally deciding on his own on a quaint island nation, where he seemed to commonly run into others of his own kind: the freak kind. His knack for finding out things worked well with his unique skills of wearing different shapes, and he made a handsome living as a private investigator, getting the scoop on some of the more notorious individuals in the locale without having his face found out. It worked well until recently, and he ducked into hiding, using the funds he had to live elsewhere as a different person. Fate has a way of catching up with him, however, as events will quickly change at the very start of his alias.
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Name: Alpha-Model Praetorian Unit Mk. III, Designation: "Gaius"

Race: Golem

Age: Indeterminable

Gender: Male in design and voice.

Appearance: 8 foot tall, hulking mass of steel, carefully constructed by an unknown human for an as yet unknown purpose, but his design appears to deliberately invoke a presence of authority, intimidation and even a fear factor for those he fights. Gaius possesses a humanoid frame with prominent, broad shoulders that compliment his large, imposing body type well, curved antennae on the sides of his head, several parts of his body contain internal lighting, including his eyes and mouth, all of which can change colour depending on his mood at the time and a human-like face, albeit mechanical in nature, "incomplete" in a manner of speaking only allowing a limited form of emotion to be displayed, though his voice and mannerisms can more than make up the difference.

Position in crew: Chief of Security. Referred to as Security Chief, Chief, Captain, Cap or Boss.

Weapons & Tech: As a purely mechanical Golem, Gaius has no magical powers whatsoever, aside from the spark of magic used in his creation to grant him sentience. Instead, he uses his highly advanced technology be they weapons, defensive in nature or utility focused.

Exothermic/Energy Manipulation: Through his hands and fingertips, Gaius can either channel raw energy as concentrated energy beams, with various levels of intensity (Stun/Knockback, Damage, Kill and Disintegrate), or raising the temperature in his hands in order to slice or cause harm to his enemies.

Anti-Gravity Module: In the backs of his hands, Gaius hides these modules. When the time calls for it, he can deploy these modules to project gravity fields to displace objects, pull/push enemies and invoke abilities similar to gravity magic on a whim. Such functionality includes ripping chunks of earth from the ground to hinder movement or throw this or large objects at enemies.

Projected Shields: Through his palms, Gaius can project protective energy shields over a designated area, a specific individual or around/in front of himself and an area around him like a bubble.

Flight: With jets in his back and feet, Gaius can fly at high speeds or hover over the ground.

High Strength and Durability: A tough, metallic body enables Gaius to be durable and hard hitting. Interestingly, he's been modified to be resistant to Magic and Hardened against EMP. As a machine, Gaius can be further modified/upgraded by those with the sufficient expertise.

Praetorian Vision: Enables Gaius to scan the surrounding area, enemies to find weak-points or someone's vital signs to see if they're healthy or check their emotional state, meaning he can tell when someone is lying or afraid for instance.

Magic: N/A.

Skills: Expert Mediator, meaning he can diffuse tense situations or arguments between differing personalities. Tech expertise, meaning he can learn how specific tech works faster and can hack into systems swiftly. Genius intellect due to his being an Artificial Intelligence.

Personality: Professional, curious, a natural leader (In a manner of speaking), thoughtful and decisive. Gaius wears his role as Chief of Security like a glove and with pride. While the technological marvel's true purpose isn't completely known, Gaius is comfortable with the role he has made for himself, in spite of his own ongoing curiosity regarding his mysterious creator and why he was made in the first place. As part of his mediating abilities, Gaius has an acute sense of humor and dry wit to lighten the mood when needed, but also a great deal of sympathy and care for his fellow crew members, always the first to offer his auditory receptors to listen to one's woes and a large shoulder to cry upon if necessary.

Background: Created at an unknown date by someone only known as a Human, the Alpha-Model Praetorian Unit Mk.III was activated and immediately found himself alone, with his directives locked off, no guides, no creator to teach him, an already established fount of knowledge in his head which included language and the whole world of Nairys at his fingertips. Over a period of several years, the Praetorian Unit, who soon dubbed himself "Gaius" from his internal list of names/aliases, narrowed down his functionalities, carved out a sense of purpose and made a name for himself across the sector.

Some particular acts of heroism, including saving a noble family from an act of Arson, caught the attention of Dominic Pavrun, who offered him a job as Chief of Security of the Dauntilus. Gaius quickly accepted, for multiple reasons. Some where obvious, while others were known only to himself, particularly the internal desire to potentially find his creator along his travels.
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Name: Maria Bisset
Race: Shifter
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Position in crew: Medical/Robotics/Chemist/Mechanics
Weapons (if any): Scalpel, MediPistol (homemade), MediGas, Maligas (Fear Gas)
Dragon form: Fear Breath and Claws.

Magic: With my casual knowledge of several chemical and biological compositions i can enhance materials into a state of sturdiness or purity. I can also open up magical vents to allow for someone to unleash more potent magic although you may feel exaughstion later.

apart of being a doctor is knowing your patients. I like to get to know mine very well. To the point where i make their fears a weapon just like my presence. This aura only gets stronger thr better i know someone.

Lastly i should state that i would be nothing without a little healing magic. Hence why my healing comes from my ability to purify and improve my healing magic with my tools. If i so choose, i can make wounds close with a bullet. Or imbue healing properties into simple aromatic candles. Possibilities are truly endless.

Skills: Intellect and Cunning.

Personality: words describing me are Deranged, Mad, Deviant, Cruel, Brilliant, and Terrifying. But Id consider myself Professional above all else.

Background: a madwoman in the field of psychotherapy, medicine, War studies, and Robotics. Maria has dabbled in other fields with the only enjoyable one being psycho chemistry. Shes been married three times over only to have her Two husbands go missing and her wife discovered in a coma at a local medical institution brought in by Maria herself stating “it just happened” before she disappeared again. She seems neigh impossible to nail down by authority figures, coming out completely on top in ever situation.

she was last discovered aboard Dominic Pavrum’s ship the day he acquired it. Simply stating when asked about her identity, that “I am ze medic.” She then asked him simple medical questions regard health and safety codes while she was part of the crew. Further identifying that she just comes with the ship and as the captain he shouldn’t ask questions.

she has preformed her job with only some questionable acts despite the usual terror she creates, simply insisting that everyone from the crew should come in for weekly checkups during their travels. She insists this amongst ALL crew members. Despite race.

“I didn’t lose my medical license for nothing”
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Name: Amelia Ida Hoffmann

Race: Fae (Elvish Traits, Dark Elf sub-type)

Age: 32 (Looks at least 10 years younger)

Gender: Female

Appearance: 6'3 in height, 140 lbs in weight. Amelia's Fae mutations have made her light in stride and tall in stature, along with a dark grey skin tone, long, pointed ears, slightly sharper facial features and shiny, lightly glowing crimson irises, all features common in Dark Elf mutation sub-types. She has long legs, thin eyebrows, a small scar across the right side of her face from a sword slash, D-Cup breasts, broad shoulders and below-shoulder length, braided (French braid) white hair.

When on board the Dauntilus, Amelia wears a black jacket with pants and shin high boots. Raised silver-coloured striping encircles the shoulders and down the side seam of the jacket and pants. The jacket features a metallic, silver collar bearing the Commander-rank and a grey coloured zipper closure running from the center line of the jacket at the bottom to the center of the collar. She wears black leather gloves and a thick belt for keeping necessary items, including weapons, scanner and communicator. The pants feature front thigh pockets with grey colored zippers, and an apparent front fly. The shoulders, knees, and elbows of the uniform have distinct textured fabric sections. Upon her right breast, Amelia wears a metalic insignia of the Dauntilus.

When off the ship, Amelia switches to a more combat-oriented variation of the same uniform, with additional chestpiece, armoured gloves, shoulder, arm, knee and leg pads, along with a helmet and/or respirator mask, either one is removed by collapsing into segments and packing away into the chestpiece automatically. The helmet is fully head covering with a built-in voice modulator and HUD, while the mask only covers her nose and mouth but both allow her to breathe in toxic atmospheres (Mask) or none at all (Helmet) via the compact air circulation system on her back.

Position in crew: First Officer/Commander/First Mate.

Weapons: All weapons used are summoned via magic, explained below.

Magic: Highly proficient in Conjuration, Illusion Magic and Suggestion, Amelia is an expert is making her foes doubt their very eyes, allowing her to close the distance that much more easily with a sharp dagger to the throat.

Illusion Manipulation: Amelia is capable of conjuring incredibly realistic holographic projections to deceive her foes, sometimes via a single image, other times with multiple copies. These copies however are not to be dismissed if figured out, for they are almost as deadly as Amelia herself, being capable of limited interaction with their environment should she will it, namely attacking enemies when their guard is down. These illusions can only attack a few times before dispersing and are able to be stunned and/or knocked back, as they have some physical presence. At the expense of their aforementioned physical interactions, Amelia can project her Copies across long distances to communicate with or spy on people. As a desperate act to escape death, the copies can be made to fake Amelia's death in an extremely convincing fashion, but only one copy may do this and it requires great concentration on Amelia's part, as well as working in conjunction with one of Amelia's other powers.

Presence Concealment: Amelia can render herself and others unseen and unheard to whomever she wants. However, instead of working like traditional invisibility, where light is allowed to pass through ones body, it is simply a trick of the mind, similar in nature to hypnosis. Even speaking out loud won't be heard by those fooled. Those who are resistant to hypnotic suggestion or psychic powers will be harder to hide from.

Advanced Shapeshifting: Amelia can alter her attire, voice and physical appearance in order to resemble another person or animal/creature. This power allows Amelia to disguise herself, provide herself with any weapon of choice (As long as she has seen it. Weapons with certain powers require knowledge in how they work to mimic these capabilities.) and it is also able to be used on others, provided they are willing, to disguise her allies as other people or even to make them seem wounded as to take the threat off of them. If Amelia can get a read on a specific person's fighting style and abilities via Telepathy (See below), she can mimic their powers at the expense of not being able to use her own until transforming back into her original form. The weapons she creates are absolutely real and physical, they can be dropped, others can use them but if she wills it, Amelia can dismiss them.

Mental Suggestion/Telepathy: Amelia can subtly influence the weak-minded to do her bidding via a mind trick, be it repeat what she tells them, turn on their allies or, for the weakest willed, take their own lives. Through Telepathy, Amelia can read a person's aura to learn some details about them, particularly where they come from, from a distance, but more in-depth reading to learn about their past, their current thoughts or more importantly, how they fight so she can copy them, she must make contact with them in order to link their minds. Amelia can also use this connection to show the person she is touching vivid visions, usually to aid in an explanation or story, or to make them relive a past trauma.

Increased Agility and Dense Bones: Simply put, as a Dark Elf, Amelia is faster than the average human and possesses a dense bone structure, meaning her bones are harder to break. She will also live longer than humans while also retaining her youth.

Skills: Eidetic Memory, allowing Amelia to perfectly recall past forms and weapons she has taken or used, enabling her to use them again on demand. High intellect, a vivid imagination and natural charisma all come in handy in leadership roles, her powers and negotiations/social situations.

Personality: Personable, cunning, a tad devious, capable of out-of-the-box thinking and professional when the need arises, Amelia is rather multi-faceted, which only serves to compliment her abilities as a second-in-command, meaning she is an adaptable First Officer. A skill that comes very much in handy whenever she has the bridge or is seated at the negotiating table. As a result of being an Illusion master, Amelia has developed a few mischievous tendencies that she generally keeps reigned in, but every so often, the urge is too strong, leading her to make a mockery of specific people, prank them or anything else she can think of. Even when she keeps these tendencies in check, she still possesses a sharp wit and a bit of a dramatic flair.

Background: Born and raised in a Dark Elf society in a discreet corner of Nairys, Amelia Ida Hoffmann was the oldest of three siblings, a brother and sister, under a family of her Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Grandfather and Grandmother, in a neighborhood where everyone knew each other and one wouldn't find it too difficult to guess where Amelia got her social skills and generally positive demeanor from. One thing she was always taught and reminded of frequently by her elders was to never hold herself above others, lest her ego lead to the downfall of herself or others around her. But as a young teenager, Amelia was already getting to grips with her Illusion Magics, being able to fool many people her age with ease, feeding her soon to be unfettered ego, believing her parents to be trying to hide this potential from her.

This growing arrogance would soon be stunted and eventually cut away, when during a school trip, Amelia persuaded two of her classmates to venture off the beaten path, seeking adventure. What they met with instead was a ravenous beast, a Manticore, who was furious when they entered his lair and disturbed his rest. The Manticore was a sentient and intelligent beast, suggesting there was more to him, especially when, instead of chasing them off or trying to kill them, the beast captured them alive for a still unknown purpose. Amelia in her arrogance, didn't even attempt to read the creature's mind, dismissing the hints towards the Manticore's intelligence as mere coincidence.

Though her abilities allowed her, via a dagger, to cut their restraints, there wasn't enough time for Amelia and her friends to escape before they heard footsteps. Desperate, yet strangely confident, Amelia told her friends to hide in plain sight, while she used her Presence Concealment to hide herself and her friends, which would surely fool the imbecilic monster. In a terrible twist of fate, the Manticore spoke for the first time, telling Amelia that she was still merely an acolyte of the Conjuration Arts, looking her friends right in the eyes and before she could act, savagely murdered them. The only reason Amelia escaped was because, in her rage, she hurled as many daggers as she could into the beast. The Manticore's thick hide prevented any mortal wounds, but it was enough of a distraction for her to escape with her life.

Though she was too young to be charged with any crimes, along with telling the authorities of the malicious Shapeshifter and his location making her something of a hero, as his capture was successful in preventing further deaths and avenging her classmates, Amelia confided to her parents in why exactly it had happened in the first place. Amelia told the authorities that they were lured by the Manticore in a Human form, but could not lie to her Father and he in turn told their Mother. Their disappointment was the tipping point for Amelia's already shattered ego and the words they spoke that day proved to be the foundation for her future improvement, humility and development of her powers.

Throughout her life, Amelia has dabbled in numerous areas of expertise, including vigilantism, police officer, hired negotiator and eventually, private investigator, uncovering the crimes and deeds of many nefarious criminals, particularly shapeshifers who used their gifts to steal, lie, cheat and otherwise feed their dangerous egos. Her initiative, negotiating and leadership skills all caught the eye of Dominic Pavrun, even the details most wouldn't know about, such as her past and vigilantism, were laid bare, but all of them lead to her appointment as First Officer of the Dauntilus.
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"No matter what I do it gets worse"

Name: Daniel Lancaster

Race: Fae, psychic mutation.

Age: 28

Gender: Male


His mutation is signaled by a purple-ish energy like substance that is **always** on the right side of his face, a line of energy connects from his right eye to the back of his head. It is of no discomfort to him. The energy moves on it's own and crackles with energy at increasing intensity depending on what psychic ability he uses.

The more psychic ability he utilizes, and the further he increases in pshycic profiency and power, the mutation worsens around his body. At the stage he is now, if he concentrates even a little bit, his left hand begings to turn into an etheric, purple energy like appearance, even through his jumpsuit.

This is a constant effect and may get increasingly worse as he improves in psychic power.

Helmet is separate from the suit.

The jumpsuit has a protective layer of hardened materials to better protect him from impact and slash wounds, it offers little protection against firearms and piercing weapons, however.

Position in crew: Gunsmith, though is commonly seen helping out in engineering too.

Weapons (if any): two, one of unconventional design.
No holographic overlay.

Pump action, shell fed shotgun capable of short to medium range engagements, very high impact and damage with little spread.


A custom "weapon" of his own making, utilizing a special chemical mix, the gun shoots a quick hardening glue like foam that sticks to walls, it can be used to subdue others, plug holes in the ship's hull for temporary relief and can even make unorthodox platforms on walls to climb up on.

as such

Magic Psychic abilities:

Connected Minds: Daniel has the ability to connect with other people's minds, be them willing or not, an unwilling target may try to resist the connection, through this Daniel can read the individual's current thought processes as well as speak to them telepathicaly, if it's an ally this is a great communication tool, if it's an enemy Daniel can apply misdirection and attempt to distract them. This ability also allows him an unorthodox way of fighting back against mind reading and mind control attempts, if a target already has psychic abilities, the connection is even easier to establish shout they try to mess with his.

Psychoshock: This is a direct psychic attack directly to the target's mind, it does heavy psychic damage and disables any current concentration effects, as well as making it harder for the target to think and plan for a short duration as the mind needs time to recover from a blast such as that. This ability takes a toll on the user, overuse may lead to blackouts.

Mimic matter: Daniel's mutation goes beyond just turning his body into energy, it allows him to bend the laws of physics and his own body.
With mimic matter Daniel can "morph" into any simple objects that is no bigger than 3 feet, he can move around as the object, though not normaly, by hoping around and rolling if it's circular. Many a times people have seen a chair move on it's own during conferences or a mug hopping away from a crowded area.

Electrostatic Burst: With his mind, Daniel can project a controlled burst of electricity in a small area of three meters that shocks and damages all that are in the area, possibly stunning any humanoid or synthetic targets unless they are resistant or immune to electricity. When using this ability, the normal purple like corruption on his arm and head turn blue and begin crackling with lightning for a short period.

Weak Telekinesis: As the name implies, Daniel can lift small to medium objects with his mind: he can launch, pull, push and normally control any objects he picks up this way, he cannot lift people, synthetic beings, or humanoids.

Overuse of psychic abilities may lead to: physical pain, etheric corruption,shifting into an eldritch phantom made of pure energy, headaches, nausea, blackouts.

Skills: Proficient Engineer and Weapon smith, Unnatural strength, surprisingly agile, very proficient with guns, can handle his drinks.

Personality: Mild mannered, alert and serious person. Daniel seems to be constantly troubled by his mutation and it's increasingly worse effects, but past that he is a fun guy to be around, loyal to a fault too. He has a good sense of humor and is rather respectful to others.
Though it's clear that his psychic abilities trouble him. He tries to use them for good and for the benefit of the crew.


Daniel used to be an engineer in one of the flying cities, one of the best, earning himself a good name and of respectful repute, married to a loving wife at a young age of 20, his wife died of an illness that even magical healers couldn't cure when he was a little over twenty two years old, that tragic occurrence broke him deeply, the original kind and optimistic engineer turned to heavy alcohol and drugs to forget the pain. Losing his name and fame in the process, at one point he tried to go clean and moved cities.

In the new city he began a trade as a gunsmith, tutoring under a famous gunsmith in the city, but the career didn't last long, as his psychic abilities began to corrupt his body in such a way that it made hard to concentrate, his body itself turning into energy at the whim of his mind, causing him severe physical pain and agony, he retired at a young age due to such unnatural phenomenon. A few months later he was contacted by Dominic Pavrum, and hired as a Weapon Smith for The Dauntilus. There he found momentary peace, as the assistance of the medic of the ship and her...weird ways allowed him to find a drug of sorts that eases his mind and it's tension, a dark blue substance that has to be injected into his neck, it nullifies some of the corruption his body faces due to his "magic". The substance works both as a dampener to the effect but also as a stimulant, making him less tired and keeping his body from weakening from the pain of the mutation.

However as of late the mutations have been getting worse again, and he does not quite know if the drug will help him this time.
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Name: Dillon Grant
Race: Human
Age: 52
Gender: Male

Position in crew: Captain
Weapons (if any): Hand Cannon

Magic: Wind & Lightning Magic
Skills: Navigation, piloting, royal navy combat training, diplomacy
Personality: Dillon Grant comes off like a good old boy. He's easy going and easy to talk to. However, years in the Royal Navy gave him the discipline and authority that makes him as a good captain. He's got a thick skin and iron nerves, making him excellent for running some of Pavrum's less savory operations. While generally fair and honest with his crew, he has little hesitation in dealing with people who betray him or his ship, often terminally.
Background: Dillon Grant spent much of his youth in the Royal Navy of San Curson. He served with distinction and was on his way to an early admiral posting when he chose to retire to save his marriage. That didn't seem to go so well when he and his wife separated, his two kids going with her. Not long after, he took an offer to run the Independent Freighter Dauntilus for the Albatross Trading company, one of the fronts for Dominic Pavrum's business.

Name: Dominic Pavrum
Race: Human
Age: 34
Gender: Male

Background: The owner and director of a broad organization stretching all over Nairys, among Pavrum's assets is the Dauntilus and crew. He is not a social figure, preferring his privacy. While he deals with a large organization, he has recruited each member of the Dauntilus' crew.

Name: Jakoby ([JUH] + [KOH] + [BEE])
Race: Fae
Age: ?
Gender: Male

Position in crew: The janitorial staff
Background: Jacoby, in his wiry frame, represents the entire janitorial staff that make sure the Dauntilus remains sanitary. While attempts to hire on more staff has been tried, the usually leave in a hurry, watched by a grinning Jacoby. He keeps very odd ours, so the crew finds him working almost anytime of day or night. Those that look do see he him sleeping in his little bunk from time to time. And while no one can say he's been in two places at once, his sudden appearance in rooms no one saw him enter and seeming ability to move across the ship in the blink of an eye tends to cause comment. Those that have tried conversing with him get incoherent mutterings and glares. No one is really sure why he's here and most are convinced he eats a lot of the garbage he picks up, but he keeps the ship clean by his lonesome, so...win/win?
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"I was built to be an unstoppable killing machine...who am I to argue with programming?"

Name: Silas Grayson, aka "Lich"

Race: Dark Golem (Formerly Human)

Age: Unknown, but his human age before he "died" was 32.

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'8 and tough as nails, Lich is an unnatural force to be reckoned with and it shows with his body's colour scheme of black and red with a touch of white, deep and sinister voice meant to echo through ones soul and dark powers that exist purely to bring terror and anguish before death comes to make it all go away. His mechanical body is bare, save for a blood red bandanna around his head, an equally red, tattered scarf around his neck and behind his head, seemingly connected to his bandanna and two sets of chains, one wrapped around each arm, all of them coursing with the same unnaturally orange energy through various cracks in the steel. He otherwise has broad, angular shoulders, specially designed feet to minimize noise, reinforced red/black upper torso and his face bears an uncanny resemblance to a human skull, white as bone, albeit with a deep red jawline and the mechanical eyes are always alight with an amber glow.

On top of all of this, his body is distressingly skeletal, yet tough, clearly to protect his vital components despite his body's compact and lanky nature, with long arms and equally long legs.

Position in crew: Consultant on the Human Psyche/Physiology, Ship Councilor (Purely because he knows what makes people tick.), Security/Away Team.

Weapons: Aside from his dark magics, Lich has an assortment of deadly weapons at his disposal.

The Hands of Death: Lich can bring his fingers together, stiffen them, making the outermost sides of his index and little fingers razor sharp, along with his already sharp nails and the back of his thumb, allowing him to slash and stab at his enemies in an unexpected fashion and with his longer arms, his reach is surprising.

The Reaper's Reach: A seemingly regular sword, albeit with a gap down the middle, splitting the blade into two. Down the middle at the base however, hidden between the two blades is a directed energy weapon and the blades enchanted to help focus the projectiles or beam, meaning as well as being a surprise while stabbed, it can also effectively snipe far targets after a charge up period.

Magic: Even prior to becoming a Dark Golem, Silas was always a practitioner of the Dark Arts, only becoming stronger as a result of his transformation and only wanting to become even stronger as time goes on, so he can go on killing.

The Dark Arts: Lich's overall power, manifesting as dark orange energy swathed in black clouds of darkness in every ability he uses. As well as generic beams or projectiles, Lich's powers are:

Silence: Lich can throw a small projectile that, upon impact with a solid surface or individual, will expand into a large orange orb of energy, dark clouds swirling around it, acting as an area of effect trap that when triggered, will inflict a temporary Silence that prevents magic usage for a short time, including ritual magics, causing the user to choke on their incantations.

Foul: Lich summons a small obsidian crystal which can be used to channel an unstable beam of dark energy at an opponent. This energy drains some of the hapless victim's life force, while at the same time, it attacks their soul, instilling feelings of dread, hampering their focus and interrupting any spells that require great concentration. The life force drained is stored in the crystal, now a Life-harbouring crystal, which Lich will put away for later use.

If Foul's damage is able to kill someone, their Soul is taken as well, making a stronger crystal, a Soul-harbouring crystal, for later use by Lich.

Penumbral Rage: With a supernatural roar, Lich's entire body is coated in the very same orange energy and darkness, his eyes glowing brilliantly as he enters an enraged state. The roar by itself attacks victims psychologically, while Lich in this state moves faster, hits harder and can take more hits.

Umbral Hate: Should Lich choose to call upon the energy of a Soul-harbouring Crystal while in Penumbral Rage, he will enter a higher state of Berserk, with wilder energy emanating from his body. In this state, while still able to tell friend from foe, Lich cannot speak, only roar and scream. Instead, he has four dark shades of his Reaper's Reach that float around him, attacking whenever he strikes to increase his damage output and reach. Anyone killed by Lich while in Umbral Hate has their soul trapped. Once Umbral Hate and subsequently, Penumbral Rage ends, these souls are twisted and revived as Dark Echoes, forced to do Lich's bidding until they are destroyed and their souls consumed by Lich, denying them rest or he releases them after battle, which is almost never, preferring to directly consume their souls instead.

Shadow Flare: Lich gathers dark energy about himself and releases it in an explosion of amber and darkness, inflicting damage to all around him in a large area of effect.

Umbral Flare: If Lich uses a Life-harbouring crystal while casting Shadow Flare, he instead concentrates the force of the ability underneath several foes, or one powerful one and causes violent dark energy to shoot out of the ground, inflicting heavy damage.

End of Days: Concentrating dark energy into his hand, Lich releases his power in the form of huge, concentrated beam of brilliant flames that erupts from his hand in a wide line ahead of him, inflicting Dark damage despite its appearance.

Apocalypse: If Lich uses a Life-harbouring crystal while casting End of Days, the dark flames instead form a sphere akin to a Star above the battlefield that will then crash down, inflicting heavy Dark damage over a large AoE range.

Other applications of Soul/Life Crystals will be discovered as the RP goes on, as well as furthering Lich's Dark Arts.

Skills: Psychology, Assassination, Fear Tactics and Counseling (Giving advice to the Captain or other Crew Members as he is required to due to his great knowledge of Psychology)

Personality: Grim, merciless, curt, aloof, deadpan in humor and bloodthirsty, Lich once required a reason to kill people as a former Hitman when he was still Silas. Silas would take jobs that had him targeting dangerous and terrible people, cleaning the world up so to speak, even after his transformation he kept hold of this reasoning...at least, until his programming failed. (More on that below.) Now, Lich has little regard for who he kills, just so long as he can do it and they are afraid when the end comes. Such disregard for life and purpose would've unbalanced Lich into insanity, had it not been for his human heart, metaphorically speaking, being preserved. The fact that he still had his soul, no matter how dark it had become or how artificial his body was, let him keep enough of a handle on his life and mind.

As such, even now Lich will not massacre civilians or other innocents, but his definition of scum and villainy has become much more broad over the years. He is dry in wit and incredibly knowledgeable on the human mind, in part due to his past as a Hitman and his current desire to exploit his enemy's fears to maximize their terror prior to death. Begrudgingly, part of his deal with Dominic Pavrum requires him to use his knowledge for something constructive and helpful to others, as an effort to help keep him balanced and perhaps heal the scars on his soul. He loathes this role, but he complies with little verbal complaint.

Background: Memories of his former life as a human have been scrambled, but Lich remembers always being a mercenary at the very least. Back when Silas Grayson was still alive, Lich remembers he had a family to provide for during the early years of the Golden Age, long before Golems came to prominence. He knows that he would've been nearing his twilight years when sentient Golems came around and he knows that many awful people had died at his hands, making him very wealthy and respected in the criminal underworld. Sometime before his presumably natural death, powerful members of the criminal underworld came to the conclusion that they couldn't lose the greatest contract assassin Nairys has seen in years, not to old age, mortal injury or anything fate had in store.

Through some particularly powerful magic, Silas's soul was trapped in an obsidian crystal just prior to his death and was kept around for a few years while the nefarious businessmen toiled night and day to figure out how to substitute the spark of magic all Golem's required, with a living soul like Silas's. It was long, arduous and some almost gave up, but sure enough, they succeeded, with the aid of a powerful Dark Mage. Silas was reborn.

Reprogrammed to believe he was still a middle-aged human being in the prime of his life, Silas resumed his work as a Hitman under their wing, with his memories of dying suppressed, both for his natural death prior and any death he suffered as a result of the very occasional bad job, his benefactors had more than enough money to keep their biggest asset alive forevermore. Until one fateful job against a corrupt politician changed everything. After successfully killing the mark, Silas noticed a large shard of glass in his neck from the window he had thrown the bastard out of. No big deal, it'll buff out, he thought. It was lodged, so he had to yank on it a few times, but when that shard broke free, it tore out a circuit and before anyone knew it, Silas's reflection distorted and changed completely...no more was there a clean shaven, handsome brunette. Just the amber windows to the soul, the bare skull of a face, the sparks flying out of his neck and the crushing realization that it had been nearly a century and everything he once knew was gone...even himself.

Immediately going rogue and off the grid, Silas Grayson died again, this time for good, as he began to refer to himself as Lich, now and forever. The newly christened Lich knew that those who wronged him were either dead or out of reach for now, so he resumed his work as an assassin, albeit with the killing of more people overall. All of them bad of course, but the definition of "bad" was becoming broader by the second, before his actions and subsequent infamy caught the attention of Dominic Pavrum, who would provide him a somewhat more...stable occupation, aboard a new ship called the Dauntilus and its intrepid crew. Skinbags, most of them...but they'll do nicely for now.
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Name: Sinead Dimoux
Race: fae (elvish)
Age: 26
Gender: female

Position in crew: Passenger
Name: Prince Lucas Lightsworn
Race: Human
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Position in crew: Medic/healer, support
Weapons (if any): Knives 1589166879108.png
Magic: Summoning magic, Healing magic
Divine Healing: to heal by using divine energy/power.
Empathic Healing: to heal the emotional pain of others.
Energy Healing: to heal by using energy.
Flawless Healing: to heal to a pristine condition/state.
Flawless Restoration: to heal/mend all kinds of damage, including mental, conceptual, emotional, spiritual, mystical, and physical.
Healing Aura: to heal with one's aura.
Summon Magic: is basically the ability to call on a magical, often mythological entity (lucas has 16 summonings)
medical Knowledge
Battle strategist
Prince Lucas is a kind and caring person. He likes to consider his spirits as his friends and refuses to consider them as his pawns and lackeys. He loves to take care and heal others and makes sure that they are doing better than he is. He is a very determined person and refuses to stop caring for someone till they are fully healed. As a prince he knows he is nothing alone and his friends and family make him strong and the team as well.
Lucas is a Prince, he however wants to keep this hidden. He's afraid that if others find this out about him they will treat him differently. Lucas is very intelligent as he was being raised he was forced to learn battle strategies and with the knowledge of one of his spirits he can even consult their knowledge. Lucas developed his healing powers as he was helping lead a battle team and his team were injured due to his arrogance. This was a learning experience and he has moved forward. His summoning magic has been passed down by his mother. Lucas ran away from his royal life to see if he could make it without being in a royal family. He doesn't know what he is destined for but he will hopefully find it with his new team. He will care and assist them anyway he can.
Name: Fiore Angioletta
Race: Centaur/Fae
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Position in crew: Passenger
Weapons (if any): Grimoire
  • Alchemy Magic
  • Conjuration magic
  • Apothecary
  • Skilled apothecary and alchemist
  • Skilled magician
Personality: Gentle, soft spoken, and a kind soul. She gets alarmed easily, and is genuinely clumsy in tight spaces. She is a curious individual, and while she means no real harm, will always be enthusiastic to ask people to try out her potions...which usually ends up with unexpected side effects around 75% of the time.
Background: A student of magic and alchemy, she has joined the crew and its ship in order to arrive to her following destination as she is expected to take upon an assigned internship under a nursery in the north. She is constantly moving from place to place, taking under multiple apprenticeships in order to learn further and push her career as far as it can go. She hopes to become skill in apothecary and open her own shop one day back in her home town.
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Name: Bailey Elmhurst
Race: Human
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Position in crew: Spokesperson
Weapons (if any): Dagger, bow and arrow
Magic: psychic magic (telekinesis, telepathy, power of suggestion, charming, et cetera)
Skills: Stealthy, persuasive, and speaks with a tongue of silver.
Personality: Quiet, somewhat shy, giggly, and assertive. Bailey is fast to make friends, yet it always seems that there's an unspoken mystery about her.
Background: Not much is known about Bailey. Several years ago she boarded the Dauntilus, doing little on deck and more within the network of Pavrum's communications and trade. She is cunning, and knows her way about the market. She also knows how to strike a deal, when needed, and seems willing to partake on any errand requiring discretion and silence, often without question. It is plain on Bailey's face that she dislikes the work that she does, and yet she claims that the Dauntilus is her home now, and she has nowhere else to go. It is clear that Bailey harbors a dark past, one with secrets and pain, and yet she always wear a smile for her comrades. Despite this, however, she makes it clear never to dock upon a certain continent . . . .
Name: Hektor Maxwell

Race: Shifter

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: 1589915937624.png

Dragon Form:
Though obviously smaller.
"Fret not, little one, no harm shall come your way...you are looking at my wings aren't you?"

Position in crew: Passenger

Weapons (if any): His Cane shown in his appearance picture. Nothing fancy on the cane, no swords, no guns. Just a regular sturdy old cane.

Magic: "Time if a funny thing."

Chronomancy: Hektor's power is immeasurable to many, but it really is quite simple when one things about it. He has the power to influence and control time in limited proportions, he cannot alter nor go back in time to change the fate or outcomes. But he can partialy divine the future within "Good" or "Bad" much like a fortune teller. As well as create distortions in time and space. However actions that are done to him he can more reliably predict, giving him a limited version of foresight, while he cannot peer into the near future, he can sense it.

For example he can make a distortion in time for both offensive and defensive capabilities. A time bubble that slows down any who is caught in it except him, unstable time distortions for damaging spells and in some cases he can age-drain those he really dislikes. Absorbing their "Time" to himself, leaving behind nothing but a pile of bones and ash. As well as healing wounds by simply turning back the time on the individual body part.

This also extends to buffing spells as well, he can haste himself or an ally for increased speed, reaction time, and abilities. As well as use the magic for more direct attacks like a Time Bomb or a damaging AoE.

"But also very dangerous."

Graviturgy: Hektor has developed a rare type of magic in his young years, the ability to control or partially influence gravity around him and others, he can make areas have much more gravitational pull or pressure for area denial, making gravity wells that explode after pulling enemies into it, lowering one's gravity to make it seem like they are able to float as well as increasing it to bind someone or an object to the floor or wall.

Starlight Sonata : Hektor enjoys music and performances, but he adores the stars even more! He can create motes resembling a small star and combine them into a constellation, depending on the constellation in question he can bestow a buff to himself and nearby allies, or even attack enemies with these motes, with two different elements, light and dark.

Skills: A Dragon's strength, Extremely good senses and eyesight, a feeling for the future, resistance to ailments due to his physiology, Extreme Finesse, exceptionally good at making tea and other beverages.

Personality: Living for so long either makes a person grumpy or very eccentric, Hektor is the latter. He acts, thinks and treats others much like how a true 80s gentleman would, top hat and monocle and all. He treats others with respect regardless who they are, he strives to help and assist in any ways he can. Defending the honors of others even going so far as dueling others for it.

He enjoys to "observe" others, sizing them up in power and abilities, that is why he may sometimes appear to be very thoughtful and silent, but in reality he is just observing others, one may notice a unnatural glint in his eyes when he does this. This is even more true in combat as he will often allow the enemy to attack and act first and he will simply counter and react, toying with enemies is a nature that he wishes to hide, as it is unbecoming of a gentleman, but in battle there isn't much gentlemanly actions that could be taken.

He also takes great care not to show himself as arrogant and condescending to others, as he knows very well acting in such an eccentric way may lead to misunderstandings.


Like many other shifters, Hektor's past is a mystery, one he does not divulge to others readily, even during interrogations or in the off chance someone digs up his past he does not give them much in the way of useful information.

But according to him he is a traveling gentleman, wishing only to experience the vast world and cultures of different continents, extremely curious to learn about others, he claims he himself does not remember much of his past, whether true or false, he however has a vast knowledge in many topics, so the consensus is that he is a very studied man with a large background. Albeit he does not state any career or interesting parts of his life to others, at least not those who aren't close.



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